A/N Hi guys, this is my first fanfic. Please be patient with me as I start this.

Chapter 1

It was done. Gaea was destroyed, now we, the Seven of the Prophecy, were standing in the Throne Room everyone else who helped in the war were there. All of us awaited the gods, for our rewards. All the gods flashed in one by one, but Zeus was the last to show up coming in a strike of lightning. Apparently he wanted to have another dramatic entrance. The king of of the gods boomed, "Welcome all to Olympus! Let us begin the ceremonies!"

One by one, the gods called out our names, granting us our wishes. Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Nico were granted minor godhood as the minor gods of architecture, thunderstorms, fame, and shadows respectfully. Leo was given permission to take Calypso from her banishment. And Frank and Reyna were awarded with Roman Consulship for life. Hazel was granted the gift of shadow travel, (in my opinion, she deserved more, given that Hazel had done so much, and being a daughter of Hades...Pluto, she could ask for it anytime, and she would be spending her time with Frank anyway).

Many other were called and reaped some benefits, more or less... Finally, I was called, "Perseus Jackson." I walked up bowing. Zeus continued, "We have come to an agreement to make you a god, again... What do you say?"

All this time I had a different idea of what I wanted, so I replied, "With all due respect Lord Zeus, I wish to turn down this request, in place of a personal wish of mine."

Zeus shook his head, "I expected you to say that. But your request better be a good one. The last time, you had us build cabins for the minor gods and put me in dept to Hephaestus for a couple months."

At that, everyone laughed. The god of the sky, slammed his master bolt on the ground, "Enough! It's not funny. In all seriousness, what do you wish Perseus Jackson?"

"Don't worry Lord Zeus," I assured, "all I request is that I be given my freedom to live as I please in the mortal world - without the interruption of the gods I have been very tired."

The atmosphere in the room seemed queer in a way, I could hear whispers and gasps from the people behind, but it did not bother me.

Zeus raised his hand for silence, a slight look of concern in his face. "That's all?" my the lord of Olympus asked, "Are you positive, if we grant you this, we can no longer protect you from the dangers of both our world, the mortal world, among other things. I adjure you to reconsider. And to tell you the truth, I have grown quite fond of you. So please think about it, give it a few days..."

I nodded my head to gesture I understood, but I had already made up my mind, "Lord Zeus, I thank you for your faith in me. I know, my fatal flaw is loyalty, and yes, I have great devotion to the gods. But ever since I fell into Tartarus, I can feel a great toll on my body, and it won't go away. I have pondered of this very carefully, it doesn't mean I won't come back. I just feel I need a break."

Zeus sighed, "Very well, Perseus, I am saddened by your decision, but it is granted. You will be missed. Nevertheless, let the celebration begin."

Everyone seemed so happy with the dancing, karaoke, and...food. I, on the other hand, cherished my last days on Olympus, sitting alone, contemplating on my future, visiting the world, and learning of new cultures. Just then, I felt a slap come across my face. I was snapped out of my trance, I cussed, "What in Tartarus is wrong with…" I stopped when I saw who it was...Annabeth.

Annabeth looked into my eyes with hers puffy. She started sobbing, "Percy...why?"

I knew that look and it pained me, "Wise Girl, you have to understand. I'm tiring, quest after quest, battle after battle, war after war. I can't keep going on like this, my body will break under all this pressure."

Annabeth shook her head and slapped me again (I started thinking if this was how it felt like being Jack Sparrow), "Don't Wise Girl me. If you had any brains, then why did you turn down godhood? It would have taken your pain away."

Of course, I thought of that, but I had my reasons, "Annabeth, listen to me, I can't live up it, being a god I mean. Being alive for millenia? I can't take it. Memories of good friends who will never be gods, to think about never see them again? I'd rather live a normal demigod life, living and dying with those I care about. But in my condition, I can't."

Annabeth looked at me shocked, "So you don't care about me more?"

I replied, "I never said that, I love you and all, but at the same time, I feel the urge to help people. Picturing me sitting around watching the world from the heavens, being powerless to help people directly, that will just never happen. I believe in doing things for the greater good, as a famous person said, 'The welfare of a community is better than that of an individual' I'm sorry, but that's how it is."

This remark snapped Annabeth, "I can't take this." She ran off and I did not see her for the rest of the the idiot that I am, I stood there realizing I had bangled my relationship, having just broken up with her unintentionally, leaving me in confusion.

After the party, my father walked up to me, "Percy. I've come to see you off."

"Thanks, dad." It was all I could say.

The lord of the sea, put his hand on my shoulder, "Son, I just want to take this moment to tell you I am very proud of you. You have done so much for us. I feel I need to give you my blessing." Suddenly a bright sea green orb appeared and engulfed me. I heard my father's voice, "Son, my blessing begins with an increase in your powers over water and earthquakes, you can also walk on water, if you will to. Lastly, know that I will always be with you, though not physically, but in spirit." I felt my body flash away, and when the light receded, I saw I was in Central Park.

"Thanks for everything dad." I realized I was wearing a navy t-shirt, with a sea-green trident, replacing my orange 'Camp Half-Blood', and jeans and normal Adidas sambas. I guess my dad had given these for a farewell present. Not knowing what to do, I took a cab to my mom's apartment.

I knocked on the door, and my mom opened it. "Percy! Your father came over an hour ago, are you alright?" my mother asked worried.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was the one who requested my new life. Where's Paul?" I blurted out.

""Oh, he's out of town, at some teachers' convention, in Washington D.C. and his wages are good. How about we eat dinner out and you can tell me about your escapades? my mother asked.

"Mom, they're not exactly escapades, but why not?" I replied.

We went and found at a falafel and shawarma diner, and talked about my adventures, how we defeated Gaea, and how I fared in New Rome, and my eventual break up with Annabeth. We went on to talk about the mortal world in New York. Apparently, it had been a strange couple years. The rich playboy, billionaire, named Tony Stark had announced himself to be the "Iron Man" defeating the world in two instances from his old partner Obadiah Stane who sold Stark Technology to terrorists, and some Russian named Ivan Vanko. What really got me was that there was a report of two huge green hulking monsters, seen fighting in the Harlem neighbourhood, not being concealed by the Mist. These strange occurrences stuck to my head, wondering.

When we arrived home, we had the biggest surprise of the day. There sitting on my mom's armchair was a tall, well built man with his arms crossed. Standing beside him, was my "stepdad" Paul Blofis.

I immediately went into the aggressive, "Paul, who the Hades is this?"

The man stood up, and raised one hand in the air. I kept eye contact with him, keeping composure. He answered, "Relax, my name is Brock Marlow, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. We know enough about you Perseus Jackson. I'm here under the instruction of Director Fury to give this to you."

Agent Marlow pulled out a filing envelope and handed it to me. He gave me a nod and said, "Agent Blofis will fill you in with more details." At that he patted my shoulder, and opened the door.

He turned to me and said, "For the record, Jackson, you and your kind are not the only beings with abilities." With that, he left.

My mom and I just stood there our mouths open, looking at Paul stunned. He simply, sat down and asked a simple question, "So Percy, you and I have a lot to talk about. Before we get into that, how was dinner?

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed it. Hopefully, I'll be able to get this done. Please leave a review to help me improve my writing.