Moonflower, in the time that it has been open, had flourished since Hakkabou's publication exposed the small eatery. With its current success, partly due to the appeal of its apparent-style cuisine, not only was the restaurant constantly full of customers, including a personal request from the royal family's Nuinoin-dono and his wife, Ritsuko-sama, but its business also attracted customers to stay and delight in the Tenjin'ya's quality services and accommodations. Their shared business greatly pleased Ōdanna and, of course, Byakuya.
For days, after long hours of work and responsibilities, Ōdanna watched Moonflower vigilantly from beside the window in his room as the gleaming stars prepared for the moon's arrival. Every time customers would leave, Aoi would escort them to the entrance of the restaruant, whenever she could, to bid them farewell. Whenever she appeared at the door, his eyes would soften and shine and his lips always tilted up into a pleased smile, secretly relishing in her happiness and observing her hard at work. To him, her success was his success.
However, his delight in Moonflower's prosperity began to become overshadowed by his displeasure at the consequences of the eatery's success.
He noticed that Aoi worked long hours, waking up just as the sun began to emerge over the horizon, in order to begin food preparations, and working long after the sun had set, thus getting little rest. Ōdanna's calm demeanor creased with concern as he watches her bid farewell to group after group of customers, and he soon notices the telltale signs of her fatigue: her erect posture begins to slouch and the sighs leaving her rosy lips increases in frequency; even the small bags beneath her eyes appear more pronounce, as of late.
As Aoi disappears back into the restaurant once more, his gaze lingers before he turns to appreciate the night sky.
He ponders about what he can do to rectify her tiredness - he does not approve of it; the mere thought of his bride's weariness causes his brows to crease, the only intimation of his internal seething. While he felt compelled to approach her about the matter, he knew she would not heed his request, especially given her workaholic tendencies.
After long moments, Ōdanna lets out a resigned sigh and glances about the gardens, pinpointing Sasuke and the other Kamaitachis' locations. Assured that each are stationed in well-concealed spots, he relaxes a bit and focuses his gaze back towards Moonflower once more. However, he is stopped short, however, as he spots specks of white irises, illuminated by the moon's soft glow, peaking through the dark-green foliage.
"Ah," Ōdanna murmurs appreciatively, "the irises are still blossoming." Their appearance reminds him of the kimonos he had seen at the kimono shop in Youto that he and Aoi had visited when she first arrived in the Hidden Realm. The thought evokes memories of how stunning she was while wearing the indigo kimono with red camellias he had chosen for her, or in Tenjin'ya's soft lavender yukatas with lilac flower print, or even the vibrant green kimono she wears daily.
The memories cause a glint to illuminate Ōdanna's eyes, and the shadow of his room and his long bangs further enhances just how crimson they are, making him look very much like the Ogre God that he is. He instantly recalls the items he had purchased a few days ago, after a business meeting he had attended in Youto.
He strolls over towards the chigaidana in his room, opens up one of the bigger cabinets and removes a large item. He then opens a smaller cabinet and rummages through them until he procures the items for which he is searching. He removes several things and inspects each item before stashing them within the sleeves of his haori.
After a few moments, he gracefully rises off the ground, carrying the items in his arms. However, an object sitting upon one of the shelves catches his eye. He studies it for a moment before he reaches over to grab it.
"These will do," he remarks as he walks over towards his tsuke-shoin, which is on the other side of the room.