Not A Chapter

Hey guys. Sorry, but this isn't a chapter. I am going on hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time. I am struggling to find a job and pay my bills and writing is one of my only outlets to make myself feel better. I am having a lot of trouble writing new chapters because I feel as if there is no on actually reading my stories so there is no reason for me to put in the effort. My newest story hasn't even gotten one review. I write because it makes me happy. I know it sounds like I am being petty, but for those of you who read fanfiction, but don't write it, you don't realize that every review an author gets is like air to them. They need them to have the will and the courage to keep writing for their readers. And for those of you who did review, I thank you. It's what made me keep going when I thought I wouldn't be able to get the next chapter out. I love writing, it is the one thing in my life I feel I am the best at. But when your efforts don't seem appreciated by those who view them, it makes you feel as if it isn't even worth it any more. I am not giving up writing, I just need to take some time for myself as I continue to struggle to find a job and a way to support my family. I'll be back, I just don't know when. I am sorry that I can't give you anymore chapters right now, I just don't have anything left in me to write at the moment.

Slytherin's Silver Princess