They had heard about the schools seven secrets and like the idiots they were they decided to try and find them, that was their first mistake, they should have left well enough alone.

A lot of the mysteries or oddities that people talked about were what remained from the time before the war, so they were either old machines that didn't work properly or something the huntsmen didn't find dangerous, so they just chose to leave them alone.

Ruby looked at Jaunes sleeping form and her fac3 turned red as she remembered that just a moment ago the two had

They had found the vanishing room, it was a room that was said to exist one moment and not be there the next, students had even broken the walls only to find that there was no trace of the room whatsoever. There were several signs written at the entrance of the room, each one looked older than the last, the newest sign looked a few years old, meaning that no one had found the room for a while.

Either way, all the signs had the same things written on it, don't enter if the light is red or pink everything else if good.

Unfortunately, the had found the room had a pink light in it when they opened the door to see what was inside, there was no guarantee that they would ever find the room again so the two of them went in. The moment they did so, they found another door inside and that the door they had used to enter the room vanished without them ever closing it.

There was no turning back so they opened the second door and found a completely empty room with a large bed in it, the light in the room was a soft pink and the smell inside was like rose scented cables, there was soft music and then it started.

Ruby started to take notice of her first friends, strong muscular arms and the fact that his short blond hair and light skin along with his kind smile made her want to be held by him.

June for his part couldn't help but keep staring at her legs and the moment he took her into his arms, he b3gan to trace every curve she had and she had welcomed every moment. Then it happened, Ruby slowly began to realize what was happening but by that point, it was too late.

She no longer cared her short black hair contradicted the white blankets that covered her and Jaunes naked bodies and she felt electricity every time he touched her, then...

Ruby's eyes widened they had, they had gone and done all of that. So now she found herself holding Jaune as he held her in his arms. For a moment she wondered how this would change their relationship and how their teams would take the news.

Ruby's eyes widened when she realized what her sister would do to Jaune when she found out. Ruby laid her head and felt how Jaunes chest went up and down as he slept, she would worry about that later, tonight she would enjoy the moment.

As the two sept, their bodies began to vanish each slowly materializes inside their separate rooms, their teams never realizing what exactly had happened, as for the two teens it would be up to them to figure out weather they had dreamt the act or not