I don't know if you know but in Poland teachers are on strike and because of that I had two weeks free from school. It's awesome and I'm curious how long it will last. And as history lessons I say that 26 years ago the same situation happened. It lasted 2 weeks and changed nothing. So what could I done with this time of course write something. And by the way no comments mean no shout-outs. So If anybody is reading this then please leave a comment.
Now on with the story!
Noise was growing, through out the tunnels of the mines, clashing of swords and screeching of dragons has been heard. Tuffnut looked on others, Fishlegs and Snotlout were intrigued while other slaves seemed scared. Probably hunters were using dragons to scare them and slaves never even thought of them as other living creature with feelings. Tuff saw some poor, extremly skinny reptiles in upper tunnels. First he heard battle cry, next was Heather and her unusuall, double axe. She jumped into the chamber and knocked the hunter down. At first Tuff was desoriented about what actually happend, but when he saw a big hole in guys chest and blood on Heather's weapon, situation happend to be logic. "Tuff, are you alright? And where is...?" She was interupted by him, "Yes and Fish is there with Snot, it's only you or..." In that moment Spitelout came in with his, "Come on we've got to go." Tuff looked at him, "Nevermind"
"We need help, Snotlout has been whipped and..."
"We know boyo, Stoick is keeping them busy and Dagur is on guard. I'll take Snotlout and you go after Heather." They noded and went after her while Spitelout took his son and as fast as he could also folowed them.
When they reached the surface, they saw a true inferno. Stoick has unleashed his inside fury and let his anger to take control over his actions. Now he wasn't following their plan, he was taking revenge on people who had hurt his son. They looked at him and then and they had to hide 'cuz Skullcrusher fired just above the entrance of the mines which caused avalanche of rocks. Those weren't small, river stones, no these were gigant, marble boulders that could crush them into wet, red stain. They hid behind some barrels that stood near the entrance and watched as hunters retreated. Some thralls came out of the half-colapsed cave and looked in fear on four firebreathing lizards that were soaring on the sky, which was becoming lighter in every second. Sunrise. Hunters were running to their ships and Stoick wanted to follow them but Skullcrusher didn't let him, "Oh, come on! Dragon we nearly got them!!"
"Yes, but you also was close to kill us! You nearly crushed my son with those boulders!" Spitelout was furious, "And Hiccup would never wanted to kill people, you know that's true." Stoick turned his gaze and looked around on scorge that he left. Spitelout was right, Hiccup never would want this, he would forgave even the worst monster. Dagur was the best example of that. Then one thrall came to them, "Are you here to take us?" He looked scared and Heather was sure that he lost the bet, kid seeing that they don't understand him he said, "Are you here to enslave us? Will you be our new master?" Stoick was the largest man in their group so the boy obviously was talking to him. He needed to think, yes they were saved from hunters but he couldn't leave them to starve. He heard a yelp and looked on Snotlout, boy was in agony and his wounds didn't looked good. He made up his mind.
"Spitelout, send a t-mail to Berk and tell Gothi that we need her."
"Ok but what about them?" Asked Heather, pointing at slaves, "We can't just leave them here."
"Excuse me." That guy was incredibly quiet, they didn't heard him until he spoke, "Do you want to enslave us like those guys you scared off or free us?"
"We're not expecting you to serve to us, you're free, all of you are. However there is something on my mind."
"Ok, what is it?"
"Do you have something to get off this island?"
Ruff hated work, especially when it was useless, sisyphean work. She and Astrid ,who managed to earn the nasty blackeye in color of ripe plum, were sewing the clothes of the hunters. You know why sisyphean? Beacuse it didn't matter how many clothes they stiched, hunters were tearing them apart. Some of them were ashed and burned, so maybe dragons were partialy responsible for the demage. These were Ruff thoughts, but on Astrid's liver layed something else. 'How the hell I use that Ren guy to get out of here?' This was troubling her mind, for most of the time. She didn't want to make any kind of friends here, so this "using" wasn't bothering. Ok maybe a little but she knew that the best way to get out was by dragon and they were caged somewhere on the island and this guy could get her keys. But an honorable guy named Hiccup Haddock was sitting in her head, cursing her intentions. She shut him with statement: Life is brutal and full of traps and sometimes kicks in a butt.
"Dinner whores!" Said some ugly, bearded hunter and threw some bread to them. Ren watched him, but said nothing, he couldn't stand openly against older and stronger hunters. That action unnerved him, it really did. "Give your fingers a break. Eat and rest for a while. I'll be back in a few minutes." Astrid noded and watched him as he walked away. 'Where was he going?'
'I need to earn her trust. Question is how?' He was walking through the camp without any specific reason. Thinking wasn't his job usually but now it was necessary skill and not his strong side. He really liked her, she was beautiful, inteligent, brave and skilled shield-maiden. He always admired her in battles, even if she was his enemy. The only things that bothered him were hers OH's and AH's to her leader. Ren had black hair and dark brown eyes, many of girls, who he met in the past, tried to attract his attention in countless ways. But they were all the same, hollow and sure that they are the pretiest girl in the world. Astrid wasn't like them. She was acting like she was unaware of her beauty, like her mind and character was more important for others. That was what made impression on Ren. But it looked like not only on him. Then a barrel full of the leftovers from tables of hunters fell on the ground. Caused this small terrible terror he looked hungry and scared, when he saw Ren, he hissed and flew off. That gave our young hunter some idea, how to gain trust of the girl.
It appeared that slaves of the hunters had all things figured out. Aparently a few years back hunters, under the lead of Ryker Grimborn, attacked village on this island. Island was called "Øya Jern", island of iron. Villagers were mostly miners and that explained why here were mines. That was the most important source of their income. Of course they also had sheeps and other farms but most of the things like mead, fruits or some vegetables were bought from traders. The sun was slowly setting but nobody cared. Fishlegs, Snotlout and Tuffnut were resting while Heather looked after them. They all need to rest, in the meantime Stoick, Spitelout and Dagur were helping in village repairs. All of them were also waiting for Gothi's arrival. Snotlout was badly wounded, whip that hit him was aparently dirty with something. The wounds began to fester and fever appeared causing sweating and hallucinations. That was the worst for Heather, she had to withstand Snot's babling. She was trying to soothe him and reduce the fever but it refused. She was worried even if Snotlout wasn't her best friend he still was a dragon rider. Part of the team and Hiccup's cousin, maybe he softened her heart enough to care for others. For most of her life she was alone and had to be pragmatic but now. She smiled at the memory of Hiccup, he was handsome and inteligent and she was kind of jelous about them. Maybe not about them being a pair, but about their being for each other. No matter what and Fishlegs was cute and smart but also pacifist. He prefered peaceful life in books than battles. Sge sighed and looked around the place. It was very small village and they menaged to rebuild most of the houses till night fallen. About an hour later, Gothi arrived.