Do not own DC or CW characters

A/N The final chapter. I've been working on this series for over three years now. It has not been easy for any of us, me or the readers. I want to thank all of you who have stuck with this story. It is hard to say goodbye to these characters I love.

Halfway through Seeing Red, I answered a review from a woman named Asgardian Blade. It amazed me how she saw my characters and their motivations as if she were in my head. We began corresponding and she agreed to beta the story for me. We began extensive email correspondence about these characters and their path and the pages of emails would fill up a novel. She not only improved my writing but gave me many insights into characters and the story that I would not have realized on my own. For the first time in my life I began writing with a partner who has also become a close friend. Writing a story like this can put you in a dark place and at times I admit I had a hard time continuing on. Her constant support and encouragement kept me going and pulled me through. Thank you Asgardian Blade.

And thank you to the readers I have corresponded with over the course of this series, some who offered encouragement and others who knew of someone or perhaps had similar difficulties as my characters and gave me further insight and knowledge.

As for the future, we have started work on the Life Equation, and plan to post every Friday here and Sunday on AO3. The story is another expansive alternate Universe and is very different in tone than this series has been. I hope you all will join us there.

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, or just gave the stories a chance. It means the world to me.

Here we go. The end.

Chapter 30

Kara walked towards her parent's house, nervously wondering what Seg could want. He had finally figured out how to use a telephone a week ago and called her to come over instead of showing up at her house as he often did.

The man had spent nearly all his time in the Fortress and outside it, learning to use his new powers with J'onn, Lobo and Lar Gand. Bruce had watched, offered tips but not much more than that. Kara suspected he was more concerned with keeping an eye on the Legion members than watching Seg El.

Stepping up to her parent's door, she stopped suddenly, overwhelmed as she was hit with a strong memory.

She had been in the wild for three days, finding shelter wherever she could to keep Kal from the storms. Kara had fought the urge as long as possible, knowing that if she went back to Alex, not only the girl but her parents would be in danger.

Yet despite knowing she was putting her only friend in danger just by her presence, her feet brought her back because her heart couldn't stay away. The pull was too strong.

She stood in front of the house for what seemed like an eternity but was probably ten minutes. Then Eliza and Jeremiah walked onto the porch, their wide eyes meeting hers.

Eliza stepped towards her slowly, as if she were afraid Kara would run at the slightest movement. "Kara?"

"I'm dangerous." she had said in her broken English, one of the few phrases she had learned.

"I don't care." Eliza had told her. "We can protect you. You can trust us."

Then she heard the voice she had longed for. "Kara? Is it really you?"

Though Jeremiah was standing beside her, Kara only saw Alex. She had nodded her head, tears running down her dirty face. "I have to hide. I trust you."

Then almost faster than even Kara could see, Alex had her arms wrapped around her and Kal, crying as well.

"I... we will hide you. Trust me?" Alex had asked.

"I trust you."

"Kara? Are you okay?"

Kara had been so caught up in the memory, she hadn't noticed Seg had stepped out onto the porch. His voice shook her from the memory.

"Hi, Seg." she greeted him. "I'm fine. You wanted me here? Why didn't you just come to our house?"

"I thought we might walk on the beach. Your eyes are watery. Did you have... a bad memory?"

Kara smiled and shook her head. "A good one actually. The best decision I ever made happened right here on this spot. I guess it just came back to me.

"Anyway, how are you? I'm surprised you aren't at the Fortress. You have been putting in some serious hours over the last couple weeks."

Seg smiled but Kara could tell there wasn't joy behind it. "Up for a walk on the beach?"

Kara nodded and the two walked down the well-worn path on the side of the cliff and emerged onto the sand Kara had spent so much time on.

"That's my rock." Kara told him, pointing to a very large stone near the path's end.

"You own a rock?" he asked, confused.

Kara laughed and shook her head. "No, I claimed it. When I was growing up here, before I was Supergirl... we would spend nearly every Sunday here in the summers, all of us. Alex and I practically lived here during the weekdays, but Sunday was reserved for family day. We would lay out a blanket, bring food, just hang out all day. Before I joined them in the fun though, I always sat on this rock. I would draw everything I could see. I must have hundreds of drawings of my family, playing here, Clark learning to build sandcastles, Alex trying to surf on waves that were really too small for surfing, Dad holding Clark in the surf while Mom yelled at him to bring Clark back so she could put more sunscreen on him. I'm sure Dad has all the drawings in his Kara art collection somewhere. Not one of those drawings was ever the same. Each one was different in its own special way."

Seg reached for her hand and she took it, a wistful smile on his face. "It sounds wonderful."

She nodded. "It was. It still will be. I'm bringing the tradition back soon. I want more good memories to add to those I already have. Anyway... how is the training going?"

Seg looked a bit sheepish for a moment. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"I can't help you." Kara told him, shaking her head. She hoped she hadn't upset him. "I'm sorry. I've only been using my heat vision in the visor to get rid of these powers. I just can't... I can't go back there. I thought I could train you, but... you saw what happened. Using our powers... it's like a rush… almost a drug. Something in me snapped when I tried to fight. I went back to a very dark place that scares me, changed me into who I was. I can't go there anymore. I don't want to be her anymore."

Seg shook his head. "And I don't want you to, ever. What I meant is... I'm not an expert like you. I haven't had years to perfect these powers and I'm not sure I ever will. I do know how to use my heat vision and my very cold breath which suddenly came out of nowhere. I've gotten my strength somewhat in control and Lobo has been beating me around daily, so I certainly know how to take a hit."

"When?" Kara asked, already knowing where this was going.

"Tomorrow. Brainy is afraid the longer we are here the harder it will be to get back to the exact time they left. I'd like to call Adam tonight and have him meet us in Metropolis where the time thing is. Brainy has been going over some crazy equations for days now but I trust Adam to get me where we need to be."

Kara said nothing and continued walking, Seg by her side.

To Seg's surprise, Kara chuckled. "It's too bad. I have an ex-boyfriend who would have been great at getting you there. I'd rather not call him though."

"Didn't end well?" Seg guessed.

Kara shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "Most relationships don't, or they wouldn't end at all. Besides, he's part of the past I'm leaving behind. I'm sure your Strange friend and the Coluan can get you where you need to go or at least close enough. If not, maybe Brainy can find Dr. Who in some parallel Universe and use the TARDIS."

Seg was confused and Kara held up her hand. "It was a joke. You don't want to know. You can take any weapons you might need from the Fortress. Kelex can always make more."

"Why would you need more? That part of your life is over, right?" the man asked, slightly concerned.

Kara nodded her head. "Yes, but in the event of an invasion, I would still like the ability to hide my family in the Fortress and fight off anything that comes our way if it should. Many governments and even some everyday citizens have fallout shelters in the event of war. You could say I take it the extreme when it comes to the safety of my family. The Fortress is the safest, most secure facility on this planet and many other planets. It's my safe haven. I won't fight anymore but I will still protect those who are mine."

Seg wasn't surprised by the certainty in her voice. Even though she was stepping away from defending the planet, Kara had seen too much to take anything for granted. In his time at the Fortress, at his request, Kelex had shown him many of the battles Kara and Alex had fought. They were brutal, some enough to make him sick, such as the Doomsday battle. No matter how far she walked away from that life, those experiences would always be a part of her.

"I'm sorry." the man told her. "This probably didn't work out the way you wanted it too. I... I feel like I am abandoning you and I don't want that. It's just… I feel..."

Kara stopped walking and held up a hand. "My fight is over, and Clark's hasn't begun. Your fight is still going on… and you have to finish it. I get it, okay? Yeah, I wanted you in our lives, but I realize now it was never going to happen. I suspect I always knew, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.

"I knew all about you before I pulled you out of the Phantom Zone. You are stubborn like me and you hate the idea of not winning. Besides... this isn't your world. Maybe the future is closer to what Krypton was. Maybe you can find happiness there, once your fight is over. If I can do it, so can you."

Seg nodded. "I admit toilet paper was a bit hard to become used to."

Kara snorted. "You were lucky you didn't find out about toilet paper the same way I did."

"Do I even want to know?" Seg asked, a smile lighting his face.

Kara shook her head. "Let's just say I have never been to a porta potty again, no matter how bad I needed a restroom. Have you talked to Clark yet?"

Seg shook his head. "He suspects. I was hoping I could meet everyone tonight and tell them, but I wanted to talk to you first. I wish... I wish I could have told you more about our House. Maybe I could have helped you understand that not all the House of El was bad. Before... my son and grandsons, the House of El had a noble tradition. We weren't tyrants..."

Kara placed a hand on his arm. "I know that, or I would never have pulled you out of the Phantom Zone. It's okay. Just promise me one thing."

Seg nodded quickly, taking in Kara's solemn expression. "Of course."

"Never let the Daxamite or anyone know about the role the House of El played in destroying Krypton. I don't want that associated with Clark. He's going to be a legendary hero and I don't want anything tarnishing that symbol he is going to wear on his chest. No one knows, ever."

"I swear, I will never tell anyone." Seg promised. "Not just for Clark… I don't want it to reflect on what you accomplished either. I'm not exactly keen to tell anyone for myself."

Kara was satisfied at the sincerity in his voice. She would have to be. Once he was gone, there was nothing she could do about it regardless.

"So, dinner tonight?" Kara asked, breaking the momentary silence as they began their walk up the path and back to the house. At his nod, she said, "We will be there."

Kara left the man alone and walked back to her house. Alex was in the living room on her laptop seemingly deep in thought.

"What's got you thinking so hard? Looking at my solar levels or brain waves?" Kara asked, grinning, guessing it was one of those two.

Alex, to her surprise, shook her head. "I sent my resignation into Raleigh today so naturally, the CDC and WHO found out immediately. They called me an hour later asking me to go over data of an outbreak of Lassa fever that is much more aggressive than previously discovered viruses. The death rate is 37% of infected. I think it's coming from a small village in Nigeria. I have Kelex at the Fortress looking for Patient Zero, but it won't be easy if at all possible. Currently, I'm trying to modify a more effective vaccine to combat the mutation."

Kara stiffened, worried. It was no secret how proud she was of Alex's accomplishments as a doctor, of how both health organizations actively sought out her sister whenever they could, knowing Alex could deliver results. But she wasn't above pulling the overprotective sister card to make sure Alex stayed safe.

Kara did her best to sound casual and calm. "You aren't going into the field, are you? They know you are still a consultant, right? I mean, you are still a consultant… aren't you?"

Despite the casual tone of her voice, Alex knew it was anything but a casual question. She met Kara's eyes and smiled. "I'll never go into the field… I promise you that. I've agreed to work strictly as an outside consultant for both organizations on a more fulltime basis which should keep me plenty busy. No more life risking actions will be taken by the Danvers sisters from now on."

Kara smiled and visibly relaxed, extremely relieved until Alex's next comment. "That includes high speed motorcycle activity."

"But... but that's not the same. My baby was built for high speed. I can't just ignore her. I may as well not feed Streaky for a month. It would be the same kind of cruelty." Kara whined.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "You built my bike for speed too. I guess you are okay if I find a runway and hit 170?"

Kara shook her head quickly. "Absolutely not! You are only allowed to do that if I am with you and considering I won't have my powers for much longer to pull you out if you fall... you could die... oh... I guess I see your point. When is the last time you saw a doctor by the way?"

Alex was caught off guard by that question and sudden change of topic.

It didn't matter as Kara rattled on, visibly tensing up again. "You don't have to answer. I already know, remember? Veritas cleared you for light activity and a week later you began training with Nyssa. You haven't been to a doctor since."

Alex shrugged it off. "I feel fine. Anxiety meds and sleeping pills Leslie prescribed are working..."

Kara shook her head. "But other internal injuries could still be a concern. I know you took shots in the third base you raided, cracked ribs. I felt them, remember? I've checked you over with X Ray vision, but it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor. According to my Mother, if you die, I die and I would prefer us not to die before we reach fifty."

Alex reached out and pulled Kara down to sit beside her, instinctively knowing it would calm her sister. "Kelex checks me all the time. I am healthy and I plan to stay that way. Relax, okay? If anything was wrong with any of us, you know Kelex would say something. Now, what did Seg want?"

Kara was thoughtful for a moment, internalizing her sister's words, relaxing for the second time in as many minutes knowing Alex really was being careful. Shifting mental gears, she replied, "They are all leaving tomorrow. His friend is going to meet him in Metropolis at the Legion's time ship in the morning. He wanted us all to have dinner at Mom and Dad's tonight."

Alex suspected it was something of that nature and while she had come to like Seg, enjoying his company and watching him learn truths about Earth like toilet paper and the excessive need for it after Eliza's enchiladas, she couldn't help but be glad he was leaving. Alex wanted some sense of normalcy. While she had no problem with J'onn, Lobo and Bruce, any other superheroes would not be great for Kara... or her either for that matter.

At least until Clark decided what he wanted to do, which was hopefully far off in the future.

That night, the Danvers family sat around the table with Seg, eating steak that Jeremiah had grilled along with baked potatoes.

The conversation was casual, Seg asking questions about Earth and vacations the Danvers had taken, food on the planet, things such as those. The questions and conversations were lighthearted, and it was obvious Seg was doing his best to make sure no conversation was about Supergirl or her exploits.

Though the man had seen some of her more vicious fights and saw what she did to Lar Gand, he had also scoured over the good she had done, the lives she had saved, billions considering she stopped Myriad and hundreds of thousands when Doomsday was taken in account. Kelex had shown him Kara catching planes, rescuing people from floods and tornadoes, every video Kelex had of her doing some great deed that should have been impossible, he had shown Seg.

Seg, despite what he learned about his son and grandsons, could not have been prouder. Though Kara was always the one on video, it became clear to him over the past few weeks that Supergirl was a team effort.

"Just say it." Clark finally spoke up in a lull of conversation. "You are going soon, right? When?"

Seg glanced at Kara who slightly nodded her head. "In the morning."

Clark nodded his head. "No need to be nervous about saying it. I know why you have to go. I've always known. Alex and Kara's fight is over and mine hasn't begun if it ever will. Your fight is still going on." the boy said, and it struck Seg how much he sounded like Kara.

"I'm glad you understand. I wish it was over, but it will never be as long as that monster lives. I have to end him. I have a feeling I am the only one who can." Seg admitted, not bragging but more reserved, as if a burden had been placed on him that he did not want.

Clark recognized the grief in Seg's voice. "Would you change anything? Knowing what you know now, would you change anything if you could go back?"

Seg nodded his head. "I would have taught Adam how to fly the damn skimmer and sent him into Brainiac's damn ship with that damn projector."

The family laughed, even Clark. The boy was quick enough to realize what that would mean though. "Then I wouldn't have my family. I couldn't let you do that." he told Seg in all seriousness.

Seg nodded, understanding. "I wouldn't. Playing with the past is dangerous. The Legion took a big chance coming here. They should have known better, but they were... they are desperate. I will figure out a way to win. Adam and I did it once, using his Zeta Beam as a translator. We can do it again, do it right this time."

Kara looked up at the man. "Why do you need this guy? You told us he sucks at time traveling. You have a better chance of getting where you need to go with Brainy."

Seg shrugged his shoulders and took a bite of steak, nearly moaning at the taste. "This is incredible, Jeremiah… as to your question, Kara, Brainiac 13 is a creature of reason and logic. To beat him you have to be unreasonable and completely illogical. No one is better at coming up with stupid ideas than Adam Strange. The two us together make no sense at all. What about all of you? Would any of you change something in your past, hoping for a different outcome?"

None of the Danvers said a word, not looking at each other but obviously deep in thought.

"I wouldn't have gone back to work after Kara had the red crystal implanted." Alex admitted. "When Doomsday showed up, I would have knocked her out and kept her locked in the Fortress. We would have stayed there and let the Lanterns and whoever else wanted to join the party take care of Doomsday. Our parents and Clark would have come to the Fortress. I don't care how unstoppable he was, that monster wasn't swimming the ocean and then breaking into the Fortress.

"Another thing I would change is I would have talked Dick Grayson into making that jump onto Flower so I could have been with Kara."

Kara wondered if anything would have changed though. What if Alex had been with her and Reign tore her apart. Every little decision, no matter how wrong it seemed now, could have effected so much, kept them apart forever.

Though addressing the room, she was looking at Alex, speaking to her alone. "If I hadn't have fought Doomsday, I would have never taken the red ring. The red ring was why the Worldkillers came to Earth. Still... I don't know if I would change a thing. Who knows what small decision could have changed everything. We are here. Yeah, we are hurt and maybe a little crazy, but we are here… together with our family. I... as much as I have done wrong, I'm not sure I would change anything."

Jeremiah agreed. "There have been a lot of 'what ifs' and 'could have beens' in our lives. Being without Kara for a year has shown me one very important fact... that our family isn't complete unless we are all together. We literally fell apart and couldn't function without her. I have thought about what I would change if given the chance so many times over the past thirteen years and I have a lot of regrets. But like Kara said, despite everything, we are all here now… together. That's what matters."

"I wish Kara had never tasted alcohol." Clark added. The table looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders. "What? I thought we were... okay, forget I said anything."

Kara shook her head. "Clark, do you ever plan to drink alcohol?"

The boy turned red from embarrassment. "Never. When you were at the Block and I saw you the first time... I swore to myself that I would never touch it."

Kara smiled, patting him on the back. "Then maybe I had to go through it so you never would."

Despite her assurances, Clark was still clearly upset. "You and Alex have been saying that my whole life. You go through things, so I don't have to. You lived with secrets so I wouldn't have to. It isn't fair. It was never fair to either of you."

Alex chuckled. "Clark, the most important lesson you can ever learn is life isn't fair. You are going to make mistakes, you are going to take losses. Kara and I have had our share. We have given into rage, depression, isolation, even been a bit crazy at times. But you won't. You have seen our best and seen our worst. You are going to be the best of us."

Clark motioned towards Seg. "What about him?"

"He's probably going to get his ass kicked... I said that out loud, didn't I? I am so sorry." Kara said with wide eyes, horrified, realizing she was picking up Alex's habit of saying whatever was on her mind.

Instead of being irritated or disheartened, Seg laughed.

"She's not wrong. That's what we do. We go into situations that look unwinnable and figure out a way, no matter the pain. You will too someday." Seg told the boy.

Clark shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not even sure that's what I want to do."

Seg looked sadly at the boy. "If there is one thing I have learned being here and learning about you all, is that you can't fight destiny. It will never be in you to see something wrong, something where only you are capable of helping, and not try to fix it. Your family has taught you that. I wish I could say you learned it from the House of El, but it is obvious you didn't. You learned it from the Danvers."

No one said a word, focusing on their food. The discussion turned light once again. After dinner, Seg used Alex's cell phone to contact Kelex who patched him through an untraceable call to Adam Strange.

The next morning, after saying goodbye to the Danvers, Clark, Kara and Alex climbed into the sisters' 1970 Fastback and drove Seg to the location of the cloaked time ship the Legion had arrived in. It was now visible, and Kara couldn't help but laugh at how much the thing resembled a soap bubble. The Legionnaires were waiting for them, along with Lobo and J'onn, having slipped off to fly to Metropolis in the early morning darkness.

It appeared Brainy already had the omegahedron hooked up given he was standing with the others. They all shook hands, Brainy asking Kara for a moment alone from the others.

"Thank you. You probably saved our time." the man told her.

"Don't forget to hold up your end of the promise." Kara replied, then looking at Seg as he was speaking to the others, she continued, "And... take care of him. Don't let him go off on some suicide mission again, okay?"

Brainy nodded. "I promise… and I will never reveal your secrets, none of us will. History knows what they should know about you. Supergirl died in the sun. Without you, your sister, your friends, there wouldn't be an Earth in the future."

"One more thing." Kara told him before he walked off.

"Anything." the Coluan assured her.

"I don't care what problem you are facing. Swear to me you will never come back to this time again, understand? No matter what, if this world is threatened or any world is threatened, stay away. I never want to see any of you again."

Brainy was saddened but understood. "I swear, Kara Danvers. It has been an honor to meet you. Enjoy your life with your family."

Kara nodded and returned to her sister. While they waited, Clark went to the trunk of the car and brought Seg's jacket to him.

"This belongs to you." the boy told him.

Seg smiled. "I think it belongs to you now."

Clark shook his head. "Nah, I plan to have my own someday. I'm thinking something in red that zips up. Take this. Every superhero needs a costume. This jacket is probably as close as you should get to having one."

Seg smiled and gripped his shoulder in gratitude. "Thank you."

"Also, remember Brainiac may have some type of telekinesis, but he can't stop heat vision. If you are paralyzed, take him out. Blind him the first chance you get. Don't forget what Kara told you about the spine. If he walks, he needs some support to do it. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to make tight turns in the air. You suck at those. Remember to keep your mouth closed in space if you have to fly there. Also..."

"Clark..." Seg stopped him. "I think I got this. At least I will try my best. Don't worry about me. Just be you. From what I have seen, you are already pretty great, and you will be even better. Just remember to do it your way. Protect the innocent and bring those who wish harm on others to justice. Just don't be that justice unless you have no other choice. Promise me?"

Clark smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I get it."

Any further talk was cut off by the sound of a car squealing to a stop just outside.

A man no one had seen before jumped out of the car and rushed to Seg, stopping just short of him. "It's really you."

"It's really me." Seg agreed and picked the man up in a hug. Adam's face turned purple for a moment.

"Strong." the man wheezed.

Seg put him down quickly.

"So, where did you find a translator? You sound better." Adam asked.

"And you don't sound like a robotic idiot!" Seg told him with a huge smile. "I learned English in the Phantom Zone."

"Why do you sound British? Did a butler teach you? Do you know any other languages? Are we really going a thousand years into the future to end that son of a bitch? Who are all these people?" He asked, finally looking around.

"These people are... friends." Seg said.

"Whoa... Lobo... what are you doing here? I don't owe you anything, do I? I let you borrow the Zeta Beam last year. I thought we were cool?" Adam asked nervously.

"Just here to see my friend off." the large man assured him.

"You're the Martian Manhunter." Adam realized, finally taking in the room. "And you three?" he gestured towards the girls and Clark. "You girls seem... familiar."

Seg slapped him lightly on the back, causing the man to stumble forward. "I'll explain when we get to the future. These gentlemen are going to take us to Brainiac."

Adam took the men in by the time machine. "Uh, Seg," Adam whispered, "you know that's a Coluan right?"

"It will be fine, okay? Trust me." Seg assured the man. Adam walked towards the Legionnaires while Seg hugged his two girls and Clark.

"Good luck." Alex said to him.

When it was her turn, Kara whispered in his ear, hugging the man tightly. "Take comfort from the knowledge that there is an afterlife. Alex and I have seen it."

Seg pulled back. "You really aren't good at pep talks, are you?"

Kara shrugged her shoulders. "Just want you to know, win or lose, we will see each other again one day. Take care of yourself, Seg."

"I will." he assured her, then looked at Clark. "Wear that symbol with pride someday. Take care of yourself, Superman."

"Truth and Justice, right?" Clark agreed, remembering one of his talks with Seg that had gone late into the night.

"Justice, not vengeance." Kara stressed.

Clark nodded and smiled slightly.

"Exactly." Seg agreed. "Clark, take care of that girlfriend of yours and your family. Make sure they stay happy and safe. Goodbye everyone."

Seg walked towards the Legionnaires, placed an arm around Adam and the two entered the craft.

A bright light filled the warehouse and then the bubble was gone.

Kara hugged Clark. She wanted to say some words of comfort, knowing the boy who, despite his understanding, wished Seg could stay.

Before she could speak, another, different light burst from the ceiling to the floor, a purple beam of energy.

Once it was gone, Adam Strange knelt on the floor, then slowly rose. "Did we just leave? Like five seconds ago? I'm good with the Zeta Beam but I've never traveled that far into the past before. So... did we just leave?"

Kara walked towards the man. "Yeah, you just left. What are you doing back?"

Adam's eyes were a little wild, but he replied easily to her question, rambling from topic to topic as he did so. "Seg said to tell you all that we won! Brainiac is dead. He said he knew too much about the past to come back but... I really don't know why he sent me back. I learned so much and I can't wait to tell you! It's going to be awesome... you are Supergirl, right? You're really freaking alive! Brainy wanted me to tell you he got the new statue of your sister set up right next to you and... you..." he stopped speaking, looking at Clark with wide eyes. "Dude, you are going to be so awesome. I'm not supposed to say anything. Seg told me I had to see the Martian Manhunter before I could say anything. He said he talked to you about this, right MM, is it okay if I call you MM or J'onn..."

J'onn walked up to the man and placed a hand on his head. Adam froze and his eyes glazed over.

"He won't remember any of this." J'onn said. "He will forget Seg ever calling him or anything that went on in the future. Lobo?"

Lobo walked up to the dazed man and took the Zeta Beam from his hand then patted him on the cheek. "Thanks for the Beam, dumbass."

J'onn smiled and looked at the four remaining people. "I'll keep him here for a few minutes. You four should go."

Alex snorted and walked out, Lobo splitting off from them and heading towards his ship after a hug from his girls. To his surprise, even Clark hugged him, which was a first and took him off guard.

As Kara and Clark got into the car, Alex stopped and pulled out a note that was stuck between the windshield wiper and the windshield.

She opened it up carefully, looking around. This area was too abandoned for some random sales kid to drop off an advertisement on the car.

"Did you hear anyone approach the car?" Alex asked Kara, knowing she would hear. Kara shook her head, getting back out. "I wasn't paying attention though. My levels have come down enough that I can focus my hearing better. What is it?"

Alex saw it was a handwritten letter.

Hey kid,

Kelex almost had me fooled. He has your speech mannerisms down. He screwed up though. He asked me to find Dante. He said it wasn't right that he had left out of some sense of guilt. That's the moment I knew I wasn't talking to you. You haven't given a damn about anything except getting Kara back for the last year. Only reason I could think of why Kelex would ask is if Kara returned and he didn't want her chasing after Dante out of guilt. I decided to do what the robot asked and find some answers of my own. Started back where I last saw Dante and found a huge crater that reached for miles. Hard to believe something like that didn't make it on the news. Tell J'onn and Bruce the meteor rocks were clever. Could have fooled me if I didn't know their tricks.

I found Dante. He's back in civilization again. If Kara ever asks, let her know.

I don't want you to feel bad, I get it. I understand why we can't have contact anymore. Only me, Jess and Dante know about Kara, and we swear never to say a word. This is the last you will hear from us. I wish I could talk to you again but I'm not sure where I would start. I'm not proud of what we did to you and your sister. Maybe we never had a choice, but I am proud to have known you… J'onn was always your friend but with us? We were more. We shaped you and turned you into something you both never need to be again.

I just want you to know I love you. Knowing you, working with you, fighting beside you, is one of the greatest experiences in my life. Now it's time to find your peace. Both of you deserve it. I want to say to the both of you, thanks for saving the world and thanks for letting us be a part of it, no matter how painful it was. I'm glad you finally got what you deserve, Alex. Give Kara a hug for me.

Your Sith Master,


Alex had tears streaming down her face and handed the letter to a concerned Kara. The older sister scanned the rooftops surrounding the warehouse until she saw him, waiting and watching them, on a nearby roof. He had a familiar grin and gave her a salute then disappeared.

She turned back to Kara who was also silently crying.

"It's over." Kara finally said. "No looking back."

"No looking back." Alex agreed. The two got into the car with Clark and made the long journey back to Midvale.

When they arrived at their home, they found Jeremiah carrying two suitcases that belonged to Leslie. The woman in question walked out behind him.

"Leslie? Going somewhere?" Kara asked carefully.

The doctor nodded. "Going to stay at your parents for the next month, three sessions a week for you two now. Two individuals and one you both attend. After a month, if I'm happy, I'll go back to my very nice beach house and we can have video sessions."

Kara and Alex were pleasantly surprised. Clark was crestfallen.

"You can stay here." Clark told the woman. "They don't mind, right Alex?"

Leslie gave the boy a wicked grin. "They don't need me every second anymore. I won't be here for the rest of their lives."

Looking to the surprised sisters, she said, "I'm not abandoning you two… just giving you some space. Besides, I think Clark needs more sessions now than you two do."

"I really don't." Clark said quickly.

"Tough. I got three more bags to move. Get going, Superman."

So for the next few weeks, Kara and Alex did have their space. They still slept in the same room, woke each other up at times during bad dreams but they were becoming less frequent. Kara continued working on lowering her power levels with the visor while wearing a red sun bracelet on both arms and spending most of the day in the Fortress with Kelex and Alex.

It was a beautiful morning that found Alex walking downstairs, grabbing her coffee and moving to the living room where Kara was seated with a laptop resting on her legs. Alex froze, seeing the tears running down Kara's cheeks.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, no small amount of worry in her voice.

Kara shook her head and smiled.

"Nothing at all." she assured her sister, wiping her eyes. "I just completed my last course so I'm ready to begin my observation hours in the fall. Marie already has me booked for those and then I take the certification test on December 1st."

She looked up at Alex, her expression reflecting the wonder of her accomplishment. "I did it, Alex. I never thought I would get here, and I did."

Kara placed the laptop on the couch and hugged her big sister with all her strength.

Alex was smiling with her and hugging her as tightly as she could with one arm while trying not to splash coffee everywhere when she realized something incredible. "Kara? You aren't holding back are you?"

"I stubbed my toe in the kitchen this morning." Kara giggled into her sister's shoulder. "For once, pain made me happy."

Alex dropped her coffee to the floor and wrapped both arms around Kara, hugging her even tighter, tears in her eyes as well.

"I am so proud of you." Alex whispered.

"I wouldn't have gotten here without you." Kara told her.

"That is so true." Alex admitted cheekily and the two laughed, still holding each other.

Finally breaking apart, Alex asked the question. "When?"

"I'm about to call Dad. I want it done today. I want it over." Kara admitted, her face radiating her happiness.

Alex let out a breath of relief, still smiling. "Yeah, me too."

Later that night, Kara opened her eyes in the Fortress. She was lying on her back, a bit dazed from the non-addictive pain killer her Dad had given her while he performed surgery. Alex had assisted him while her mother and Kelex watched the monitors.

Her family was gathered around her, the people who had taken her and Clark in when they had nothing, when they were scared, when they were hungry. The ones who had loved her through her worst and never lost faith in her even when she lost faith in herself.

And her sister who had gone to war by her side and protected her even when she didn't want to protect herself.

"It's over. This time, it's really over." Kara whispered. "I forgot how itchy stitches were."

Alex brushed a strand of hair off her face. "It's your left shoulder. You may not be able to swim this Sunday, but you can draw us on the beach. Just make sure to include yourself in the drawing, okay?"

Kara snorted. "Maybe I'll draw a picture of a little girl about to drink saltwater while her big sister stands in front of her so she can see her face when she realizes how bad it tastes."

"Don't forget to include the little naked boy knocking sandcastles over." Alex remarked, winking at Kara.

"You can forget that actually." Clark whined.

Alex shook her head. "Not a chance, Stinky."

Eliza wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulder. "We all need rest. Then tomorrow, I have a special treat for my family."

Kara, Clark and Alex tried to hide their cringes with fake smiles.

Eliza confirmed what the three hoped they were wrong about. "That's right. I think I have the enchilada recipe just right this time. It will be delicious, I promise."

Jeremiah shook his head, muttering, "I'll make sure the plumbing supplies are ready in the bathrooms along with extra toilet paper."

"I'm so glad I don't have a digestive system." Kelex commented.

The family laughed at Eliza's disgruntled expression as she headed out with Clark to catch up with the daily chores.

Alex helped Kara sit up gently, rubbing her back while Jeremiah wrapped a sling around her to support her left arm. When he finished, he and Kelex began to clean up, leaving the sisters alone.

"Think I can help you walk to our room or do you want to stay here?" Alex asked, attentively.

Kara smiled and moved gently off the hard slab.

"You can help me. I trust you." Kara told her big sister. Seeing the delighted look her words caused, she put her right arm over Alex's shoulder, and leaned into her, accepting the support. "Love you, Alex."

"Love you, too." Alex winked at her. "Never forget that."

"I never will."