Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are not my own.

Steve McGarrett sat in one of the chairs in the backyard, lost in thought as he looked out at the ocean. Everything was changing, and he didn't know quite what to make of it. He was happy for Chin; he really was. Having his own task force in San Francisco was huge, and he knew Abby was happier there. Sara had adjusted well, Chin had told him. Even if he didn't agree with Kono's method of just disappearing, exactly, he understood her reasoning and what she was trying to do. She was making a difference. Steve hated that she'd left Adam behind just when it seemed like things were finally calming down for them, but he hoped they'd be able to work something out.

He sighed. He knew that just because they were no longer on the island didn't mean they weren't in his life, but sometimes it just felt like all people did was leave and—

His melancholy train of thought was broken by the sound of laughter coming from the house. He turned to see Callie and Danny on the lanai, tossing a tennis ball to Beau and talking. He couldn't help but smile. At least there were two people he could count on to never leave.

"This is going to be good, babe," Danny said when Steve walked into the kitchen. "I think this barbecue is going to be just what everyone needs. It's fusing the new with the old, forming new relationships. Callie will get to meet Tani." He nodded to himself as he chopped the carrots for the veggie tray. "It's going to be good."

"Yeah," Steve replied, snatching a carrot and leaning against the counter. "They're a good fit, don't you think?" Danny knew he was referring to the two new team members.

Danny snorted. "If by good fit, you mean exactly like you, then yes." Steve made a face, and Danny continued. "Nah, Junior's a little more…calm than you are. Tani though? Definitely the female you." He laughed. "All that aside, though, yeah, they fit in well. I'm surprised, really. I thought it would be a lot harder for you to find the right people to fill those spots."

"Yeah. Me too."

"You do know that you chose people with problems, baggage, though, right? Broken toys, babe, broken toys. You just can't help yourself, can you?" He chuckled, then sobered, remembering what he'd told Tani the night he'd tried to convince her to join Five-0. That's the thing about Steve. He has the ability to show up in your life right when you need him. That's how it was for me. For Kono, Chin, Lou, Jerry. I can't explain it.

He shook his head. "You know, I don't tell you enough, but you're a good person. One of the best, actually. And I'm glad you chose me to be your partner. You changed my life, you know?"

Steve bumped Danny's shoulder as he grabbed another carrot. "Aww, Danno. Thanks."

Danny bumped him back. "Shut up, you goof."