Important: I'm not sure how long this is going to go on for. Im planning a very long story with years 1-7. I am reuploading chapters due to the world length being too short and a pain to read. Also as this was my first time writing anything over 10 pages double spaced, you will see my writing improve as it goes along.

Battle of Hogwarts: Everything up to this point happened as canon did. Neville is just standing up to the Death Eaters.

In the courtyard of Hogwarts, Harry Potter had just woken up after surviving his second killing curse. The-Boy-Who Lived-Twice was watching as his good friend Neville Longbottom mustered up all his courage to speak, until he saw Ron begin to move. Harry barely unconscious, did not comprehend his best friend in life's decisions. He watched as Ron walked towards Voldemort. Embraced Him. Stood by his side. Suddenly Rons choice jolted Neville into action and Harry Watched as Neville began to shout.

"You of all people, Ron. I EXPECTED MORE FROM SOMEONE I ONCE CALLED A BROTHER! YOU COWARD RON!" screamed Neville as he began to raise his wand. "No Wait" released Harry as he rolled out of Hagrid's arms. Both sides gasped as they watched an enraged Boy-Who-Lived raise his wand and fire a reducto so powerful that there was no evidence Ron had been standing where he was. "He is mine" finished Harry.

Suddenly the Death Eaters began sending killing curses across the courtyard, connecting with the people Harry cares about most. He watched as everyone he knew was felled in one quick barrage.

Knowing there was nothing he could do, he decided to go to the only place he knew nobody, except Voldemort could find him. He headed to the Chamber of Secrets, where he would wait to engage Voldemort, knowing that all the Horcruxes had been destroyed as he had watched Neville decapitate Nangini with an odd looking weapon, that Harry had only caught a glimpse of. Poor Neville he thought to himself, he had died a heroes death.

"Open'' Harry hissed in parseltongue, as the large circular ornately decorated door began to slide open. Harry was almost paralysed by what he saw awaiting him. The large rotting body of the basilisk lay in the middle of the chamber. To Harry's eyes this did not even come close to the center of attention. He looked as the only girl he truly loved lay dying on the chamber floor. Harry ran over to her, tears rolling down his face.

"Please! No!"


"Why you Hermione"


He gasped as he realised what felled his love. The fang of a Basilisk was jutting from her beautifully pale neck. It had not clicked to him how it occurred. Ron had stabbed Hermione, knowing that Ron loved her Harry did not understand why it had to be done.

Ron's perspective. 'I just can't see myself living knowing she was tortured to death'' he thought to himself. Ron knew what he believed should be done. "I'll do it he thought to himself. Ill kill her in order to save her suffering. Yes this was the humane thing to do. I might even be able to switch sides now that Harry is dead." He suddenly struck Hermione with the basilisk fang that was in his hand. Knowing her death would not be pleasant to watch, he made to leave the Chamber. Leaving behind his darkest deed committed.

Harry glanced down at her pale face for what felt like weeks. Not moving. Not thinking. Only existing.

He didn't want to live anymore. He was going to plunge the basilisk fang that felled his sweet Hermione into himself, but first he wanted to wait and watch her face lay their peacefully.

The Chamber doors began to open, agonisingly slow, filling the vast chamber with unnatural screeching noises. He watched as Voldemort became visible standing next to Bellatrix, Lucius Malfoy, and his son Draco.

"Harry Potter? Oh what a surprise finding you here with the dead mudblood. Personally I had expected you to already have taken your own life. Oh, a basilisk fang in hand, I must have interrupted it. Good thing, as I have come here to kill you myself."

"AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort screamed. The echoes of the curse rang throughout the Chamber as it glowed green in the shadow of the curse. "Avada Kedavra" he said twice more, this time ensuring himself that the boy who lived was dead. Voldemort and his Death Eaters wordlessly left the Chamber of Secrets.

"Ah yes, so much hurt this one has went through, I believe he deserves another chance." whispered Death to the Fates.

"Our oldest friend, we have already shown you all outcomes, unless you yourself want to interfere with the matters of men once more." said the eldest Fate.

"I owe it to the descendant of the Peverells, the wand I had provided to his ancestor is the reason for his downfall. The greatest light wizard since our friend Merlin. Yes. I do believe I will intervene. Give him the advantages he needs."

"What about his love, the girl, should she also be returned with his memories?"

"Yes I would not want for him to share this burden alone."

"If that is your choice, I believe we can make the playing field even more sided to the descendant " chorused the Fates.

"Do it" said Death "but do not tell me what you do".

The three Fates snickered as they began to unweave the knitting that is life. The last thought before they implemented their idea is that time will now be a lot more interesting.

July 31st. Birds chirping contently along the trees in Privet Drive, unbeknownst to them a miracle of life just happened. Harry Potter, The-boy-who-will-live-thrice, was just propelled back in time. Harry didn't even have a say in the matter, as he and his beloved were thrown back in time to conquer Evil yet again.

Opening his eyes, Harry did not expect or believe what he saw in front of him. He was dead, and woke up in the cupboard under the stairs. This must be hell , he thought. Looking around he noticed that he was wearing the same dirty rags he used to wear when he truly lived there.

Harry ran his hands along the pockets and was surprised to touch what felt like an extremely full pocket. He emptied the contents of his pockets onto the bed, astounded by what was in front of him. He gazed at the items that lay on his bed. A wand, cloak, stone, and note with oddly shaped cursive letters.

First Harry grabbed the note and silently held the piece of parchment in front of him. He read the note

Hello Mr. Potter, descendant of my long time friends,

I am leaving this note to give a brief explanation of why you are here. Today is your 10th birthday, you are currently in times passed. I have given you another chance at life, in order to fulfill the debts I owe your ancestors, you have another chance at righting the wrongs you have endured.

I have returned the 4 most important aspects to your survival. Three are in your possession; The Elder Wand, The True Cloak of Invisibility, and The Resurrection Stone. The 4th is the most important, and she has just woken up with a note like yours. I expect you to be able to find your good friend Hermione.

I also believe it is important for you to activate your lordship, this will emancipate you from that pig of a family, allow you to receive your inheritance and ancestral possessions. As you will retain your magic, you will not be identified as a minor by the ministry. Allowing you to perform magic and apparate without worry. I would also suggest you spend every waking minute learning occlumency before attending Hogwarts or looking people in their eyes.

I wish you well,

Your friend.

Before another second passed Harry Potter dropped the note, gathered his possessions and apparated into the street, called for the night bus with his new wand.

The triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT skidded to a halt in front of Harry. He could've sworn a century passed as the doors to the bus began to open. He practically hurled himself through the doors, quickly shouting to Stan The Conductor

"Hermione Granger's residence,


" You got the sickles?"

Harry frantically patting himself down, coincidentally found 11 sickles in the pocket of his trousers that he seemed to have missed earlier.

" Yes sir I do, can you please hurry. Its extremely urgent"

"Calm yourself down yeah. We are already on the way, in case you haven' noticed" grumbled Stan as he drove down the footpath of a busy street.

Harry quickly paid the 11 sickle fare and bustled into the street of what seemed like an idyllic street. Large red brick houses, with large trimmed front gardens lining his view.

He quickly found the house with the patch of white lilies in the front. Remembering the time Hermione alluded to her helping to plant them with her mom. Harry quickly went to the front door of the house and began to knock. He wasn't ready for the sight of his most trusted and loyal companion. He was nearly blown off his feet by the fuzzy brown haired girl who jumped into his embrace.

Tears, Hermione and Harry did not know they had, ran down their faces as both tried to say how much they cared about the other, because of this there were inaudible blubbering words coming from the mouth of both.

After both had calmed down, Hermione began to address the literal mountain in the room.

"Harry, we are back. Together." Hermione blushed as realisation of the reason she was brought back hit her. "Harry we have to fix things this time".

"Yes love we do, any ideas" Harry smiled

"You saw the note as well. We need to activate your lordship, get supplies, new custom wands and holders, while also becoming masters in occlumency. Nothing big of course."

About a month after the reunion. Plans are beginning to form but there are some topics that still need debating. Harry and Hermione are in a muggle park discussing how best to approach their situation.

"So, I've been thinking. I took a glance at your Gringotts bank statement and I noticed you had large stakes in many wizarding businesses. Most notably you have a huge galleon balance, approximately 2 million. Not to mention a 51% share in The Daily Prophet, that's majority! You should be able to force them to not take those abominable bribes from Malfoy. That would really help turn the tables in our favour."

"Are you kidding me!This whole time I've basically owned them and they came out falsely criticising me! They let so many people get hurt from their money backed propaganda. They are just as bad as Voldemort from what they've done " Harry gasped, slowly getting angrier as his rage took hold of his body, all the years of rage built up within him suddenly shooting out like the lava from an erupting volcano.

"Please Harry calm down

Everyone is staring at us" Hermione pleaded as she tried to wrap her hands around Harry's.

"I'm done with them, all of them" Harry whispered. "The hurt The Daily Prophet caused was immeasurable."

"I'm so sorry Harry, but we can change that this time"

Hermione stared into his eyes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. A wave of calming flowed through Harry as she did this, and in his opinion, these effects were much better than those of the calming draught.

"Now that we are all calmed down, I made a list of the order we need to do things in. First and foremost, we need to learn Occlumency. I know you got a head start, but I think you should still practice. I've learned the basics this month, but I am nowhere near perfect. Secondly it is important to write an anonymous letter to Amelia Bones and The Daily Prophet regarding the lack of justice in Sirius' case. I should be able to do that one myself, do you think Amelia is trustworthy?"

"Yes I think so, she seems like a fair person who would try to let justice to be done. We agreed to leave Pettigrew alone until we head to Hogwarts"

"Okay that sounds good."

"Lastly we need to go to Diagon Alley and get some much needed supplies and wands. I made a list on paper. Have a look and see what you think"

Harry took the paper from Hermione and read the list

Wands from Ollivanders

Custom/Secret wands

Hidden wand holders

Expandable briefcase like that of Newt Scamander

Protective and specially crafted Robes

Enchanted muggle watches

A card for Harry's Gringotts account

"Okay Hermione that seems good. Let's just work on Occlumency for the rest of our time today."