Chapter 020 Biotope 01

Returning from my training in Heavy hole, I was bombarded with questions from my patronage Roman.

"Kid, are you alright? What happened to you that a secret government group is looking for you? Did you do something shady? Come, explain yourself to me." (Roman)

As I explain myself to him, he finally calms down. He was worried because some shady person is looking and investigating about me. I felt really good because someone is still caring for me. I gave him a few of my spoils during my training as souvenir. He became shocked to see few high level beast mixed. I bid farewell as I said I have something to do.

I went into IGO's building and ask for the President. I was asked if I had an appointment and I said I was referred by a person named Rapp. The employee was gone for about 10 minutes and returned sweating. She then guided me to the office of the President respectfully. After we arrived, she immediately knocked the door and ask permission to enter. Receiving the permission, she opened the door and asked me politely to enter. Entering the office I saw a muscular, tan-skinned older man with blonde hair and a long blonde mustache. Looking at him I could feel strong power hiding in his body. It was the President of IGO Ichiryu. From what I remembered, he was the adoptive father of the Four Heavenly Kings. As I was staring at him he finally spoke.

"Hoo. Your the brat that Rapp invited huh, my name is Ichiryu IGO's President. Although your strong but, I can't just let you join Biotope 0 with your current strength. Prove to me you have the guts and ability that fitted to be a member of Biotope 0." (Ichiryu)

"I haven't introduced myself yet you already know who I was, as expected of IGO. You sure work fast. Well since you want me to prove my ability and guts, where should web start?" (Satou)

"Hmm. With your current strength you should start with joining in Biotope 1, you can train yourself there." (Ichiryu)

'Biotope 1 should be the largest and most productive Biotope. If I remembered correctly nearly 30% of ingredients are produced by this Biotope, and also...' (Satou)

"Biotope 1? Shouldn't it be the home of Regal Mammoth?" (Satou)

"Hoo.. You even know about that... Well whatever, yeah that's the home of Regal Mammoth. Since you know about that, it's faster to explain. Jewel Meat is about to mature, I want you to collect it." (Ichiryu)

"Ok. I'll join Biotope 1 and collect this Jewel Meat to prove to you I'm worthy in joining Biotope 0." (Satou)

"Hahahah.. That's the spirit kid, work hard. I'm expecting great things from you." (Ichiryu)

"Leave it to me. Well, when should I start?" (Satou)