Here's the last chapter!

Thank you all so much for reading my first multichaptered Big Bang Theory story and for reviewing, following and favoriting! It means so much to me to get your feedback! I had lots of fun writing it and I hope you all enjoyed reading it just as much!

As always, here's a shoutout to cosette141, my awesome beta-reader! Without her I wouldn't have had the courage to post ANYTHING! :D

Chapter 10:

One week later, Amy sat on the edge of Sheldon's hospital bed, waiting for him to return from the bathroom. Lisa, the young nurse responsible for them, spent the whole morning helping them to shower and get dressed for their final day in hospital. Leonard and Penny would soon come by to pick them up to return home.

Amy was more than ready.

Bernadette's wonder antibiotic was packed and Amy had to take it for a few more days until the MRSA bacteria were completely destroyed. She also had to return a few times for the doctors to check how Sheldon's kidney adapts to her body, but other than that she was fine.

Thanks to Sheldon, I'm alive.

Amy kept repeating those words over and over in her head since she woke up, but it still didn't really sink in. She just couldn't believe what he had done for her.

Just then, Lisa opened the bathroom door and helped Sheldon to wobble over to his bed. Amy noticed that he was smiling despite the uneasiness the scar must still cause him and she knew that nobody was more eager to return home than Sheldon. He longed to be back in their clean, secure living space with a lock on the door and only the two of them inside.

"Here you go, Dr. Cooper. All set to go." Lisa said as she supported her patient to sit down next to Amy. Sheldon clenched his jaw so he wouldn't wince in pain.

"Thanks, Lisa." Amy smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome. I'm glad that you're finally both feeling much better. Maybe we'll see each other again when you return for your first check-up." Lisa said.

They both thanked her again and as the nurse turned to leave the room, Amy reminded herself once more that she had to write a couple thank-you cards for all the hospital staff who helped to save her. Especially Dr. Moore, for risking his job when he authorized Bernadette's untested medication. She wouldn't be here without it.

Again, Amy glanced over at Sheldon with unabashed admiration. But how in the world can I ever thank him for his sacrifice?

Sheldon noticed her staring and smiled coyly, interlacing his fingers with hers and squeezing them. "Do I guess correctly that you will continue to look at me like that for the foreseeable future?"

Amy grinned. "Oh, you bet, get used to it. You're my invincible hero, Sheldon Lee Cooper." He chuckled shyly, leaning over to press a kiss to her temple.

Amy's stomach fluttered. After all these years of longing for physical contact on his part, it still came as mild shock whenever he did initiate intimacy. Of course, his display of affection came way more natural to him with them engaged and living together, but since he almost lost her more than once over the last several days it definitely packed another powerful boost.

Amy certainly won't complain. She leaned into him, soaking up that wonderful feeling of being so close to him. "I'm still so… overwhelmed by the fact that you, my meticulous, germaphobic fiancé, willingly accepted to give up all control and let the doctors take something out of your perfectly healthy body."

"Amy," Sheldon tutted. "We went over this. I did it because it was the only right thing to do. I love you and I don't want anything happen to you. Plus, I'm your husband-to-be and I made a promise to take care of you for as long as I live. Are you really that surprised?" He sounded a little hurt towards the end.

"N-No, I mean…" Amy leaned back to look at him again with gratitude. "I… I just don't know how I could ever properly thank you for this. What you did for me… it's—"

"Just marry me and we're even." Sheldon interrupted her nonchalantly.

This time it was Amy who chuckled. "I will." she promised, reaching up to cup his cheek and kiss him tenderly. When they parted, Sheldon cracked a joyous smile again.

That's when Amy remembered something while she thought about their special day and a way to thank Sheldon for his bravery. "Sheldon… when you first woke up from surgery, you meant to tell me something, but we got interrupted by Penny's shower of affection. I think it had something to do with our marriage?" Amy guessed.

For a second Sheldon furrowed his brows, but then he remembered. "Oh, yeah, of course." Sheldon said, his eyes lighting up. "I just wanted to tell you… ever since your allergic attack, actually… that it doesn't matter to me anymore if our wedding ceremony is held indoors or outdoors. It's a petty thing to fight about. All I truly want is that you, me and our friends are there." He gripped her hands in both of his. "Amy, I'm going to marry you anytime at any place you wish."

Amy could tell by the big smile on his face how proud Sheldon was of his declaration. She smiled slyly in return, acting cool. "Oh, you know… actually, I think I'll dismiss my outdoor wedding idea."

His face fell comically. "What?" Sheldon exclaimed, staring at Amy in befuddlement. "After we argued about this topic for a whole day, culminating with you ending up in the hospital and almost dying twice? I strongly feel like you deserve to have your wish fulfilled after all of this."

Amy waved her hand, shaking her head almost mockingly. "Yeah, well… I guess you were right. Too many obstacles one cannot control."

"Are you sure?" Sheldon prodded still confused. "I want you to have the wedding of your dreams."

"Exactly." Amy said. "And I want nothing more than what you want. Just you and me and our friends and family. Everything else doesn't matter to me." She grinned. "Besides, could you imagine the disaster if it would rain?!"

Sheldon continued to stare at her, completely lost, but then she winked at him mischievously and he started to laugh. She leaned against his shoulder once he got her joke and giggled with him. "Oh, Amy, you vixen." He chuckled gleefully.

But then, all of a sudden, a sharp wince escaped his lips and Sheldon reached for his side.

Amy quickly moved away from his shoulder, fearing that she could be the cause for his pain. "Sheldon, are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's the scar… it itches." Sheldon said, stroking carefully over his fabric covered right side. He bit his bottom lip, as if he was considering something. "Amy… c-can you… can you look at it with me?" he then asked feebly. "I didn't dare to… really… take a proper look until now."

"Of course." Amy offered willingly and stood up to help Sheldon lifting his shirts.

The scar was long and bent along the curve of his waist. The edges were still angry and red, but a chain of butterfly tapes secured the wound. Amy noticed how the sight made Sheldon rapidly lose a bit of his color and his forehead creased with unease. Quickly, she turned her right side towards him, lifting her own shirt and blouse.

She took his hand so he would look at her. "See…" Amy spoke calmly. "It looks just like my scar."

Sheldon followed the curve of the eternal remembrance on Amy's skin with his eyes. Obviously observing how it bent at the exact same shape at the exact same side as his own scar. It must have occurred to him, as well as it did to her, that from now on they're in more than one way a perfect match.

Sheldon swallowed, squeezing her hand to gain strength to speak. "I hope you'll never get the crazy idea of leaving me at some point in your future."

"What?" Amy asked in puzzlement, but Sheldon already continued.

"I'd be literally incomplete without you, Amy Farrah Fowler."

The End. :)

Again, thanks so much for reading and please, leave a review on your way out!

See you next time... I think I have a couple more Shamy stories up my sleeve. :)