
((((o—(^ 0 ^)—o))))


I know. I no longer have a life. ^_^*



The next few weeks were hard.

So hard.

Every single day, Adam felt for Shiro.

He was like a lost soul, looking for somewhere to call home.

Sam visited often.

Adam spent every chance he could with Shiro.

But he still had to go back to make up his classes. Adam was thankful for the short winter break, though, because it meant that he had time to pause and comfort Shiro.

A couple of days after it had happened, Admiral Sanda called Adam in to talk about all of his finals that he and Shiro had missed. She asked him to make up his own finals in math and history and Shiro would make up his own later, but that they would be allowed to complete their combat and flight simulation tests together.

When Adam had walked back inside of their room to tell Shiro the good news, he had noticed the little robotic contraption that he had made for his final. Actually, his was sitting right next to Shiro's, both waiting for the finishing touches and both waiting to be tested.

Multiple times, Shiro had caught Adam crying when he thought Shiro was asleep. Shiro would always ask him why he was crying and Adam would never reply honestly.

Because... how could he say that he was crying for Shiro. He missed Sofu through Shiro missing Sofu. He felt Shiro's pain. His emptiness. His loss.

And all Adam could do was try to be there for him and comfort him as he wished him to. Adam had to be whole so that Shiro wouldn't break and shatter.

So that Adam could catch him and put him back together every time he broke down.

Adam was also so thankful to Sam for being so understanding and helpful. He was the one who helped keep both Adam and Shiro in the Garrison when Admiral Sanda might have kicked them out.

Matt and Lilli both stopped by a few times to talk to Adam and shiro and offer their condolences.

At one point, Adam sat down with the next Percy Jackson book and read to Shiro late into the night until his throat was sore and he could barely talk. But it was all worth it to see the smile on Shiro's face.

Adam supposed it was nice that they were on a sort of winter break after the Finals before they started anything new. They were supposed to be confirmed whether or not they were admitted into their area of choice around this time. But that was based on test scores that neither Adam nor Shiro had.

But, despite everything... Adam found the hardest part to be not seeing his own family.

Shiro was at ZERO fault for feeling awful and ghostly.

But he wasn't himself.

And Adam had planned to visit his family over winter break again.

But he wasn't even fully welcomed home. His sisters had texted him wondering how he was doing and how he was with Shiro before recommending that he just stay with Shiro as things were pretty rough with the divorce.

That was the other reason Adam was caught crying.

His family was breaking apart and he was left in the dust.

His best friend- only friend (except for Matt... and maybe Lilli)- was breaking to pieces. And he felt helpless. He wasn't even sure that he was wanted anywhere.

And to top everything off, Adam had lost his glasses.

It was five days into break, he had made up some of his tests and Shiro was feeling barely better. Christmas was three days away.

And Adam had lost his glasses.

And it's hard to find something when you can't see very well.

Shiro walked into the room (he left to go talk to Sam about testing) to find Adam with his butt in the air as he tried his best to crawl under his bed in search of his glasses.

"Adam?" Shiro said curiously. "Why are you on the floor?"

Adam was so startled, he tried to stand up immediately, banging his head into the bed frame above him. "OW!" He cried, wincing as he came out from under the bed. "I'm trying to find my stupid glasses," Adam sighed while he rubbed the back of his head.

Adam watched as Shiro smiled ever so slightly, dropped his school bag on his bed, and got down on his hands and knees to look with Adam.

"Shiro?" Adam said, too surprised to respond properly.

"I figure you can't find your glasses when you can't very well see," Shiro said softly before he ducked under the bed, leaving Adam sitting on his knees dumbfounded.

While Shiro was under the bed, he started talking slowly. "Adam... I appreciate... you are so much more amazing than words can describe."

Adam didn't know what to say. He was at a loss for words. He wanted to tell Shiro how strong he was and how proud Adam was of him for getting through all of these emotions but he couldn't seem to find the words.

"You... you've been here for me. Through every painful minute. You've been here to help me and give me... give me the home I needed."

Adam could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Each word was such a gratifying and appreciated sentiment.

"You... You've helped me so much. And I don't think that words can ever describe the gratitude I feel for you because I don't think that there's any way that someone like you can exist. You took me in. You gave me... you gave me a new life. A reason to keep going."

Adam could hear Shiro gulp as he paused. Slowly, he retreated from under the bed, Adam's glasses in his hands. Shiro gently took the glasses and cleaned them with the edge of his shirt before he leaned forward and gently placed the glasses on Adam's face, his fingers lingering at the edge of the frames. As soon as the lenses were on his face, Adam saw the world more clearly. And he could see that Shiro was crying. A steady stream of tears were slipping down his face.

Slowly, Shiro's hands pulled back from Adam's face and settled in his lap.

"So... what I'm trying to say," Shiro continued softly, "Is that I... I really appreciate everything that you've done for me. You... you've changed my world." As he finished, he looked up at Adam and gave him a soft smile.

Adam blinked and felt a splatter on his hand. He looked down to find a drop of water running off of his skin and then slowly reached up towards his face, feeling the stream of tears. He hadn't even known he was crying.

And he didn't know what to say. Shiro had said some of the sweetest things to him and Adam couldn't think of his own words to say. "Shiro... you... you mean the world to me as your friend. I could... I can't fathom losing you. It would be the worst pain in the ... all of the pain that you are going through, I want to go through it with you. I want to... I want to be there for you. Always."

Shiro smiled at him. He smiled the most genuine smile he had smiled in weeks. Slowly, he stood up, wiping at the tears on his face before offering a hand to help Adam stand up.

Adam took his hand and Shiro led him back to his bed where they sat down together. Adam didn't want Shiro to let go of his hand, but he wasn't surprised when Shiro did. Slowly, Shiro reached for his computer from his school bag."Unless you have anything you need to be doing, I was thinking we could watch one of my favorite Christmas movies?"

"And what movie might that be?" Adam asked, settling himself back against the wall.

"You'll see." Shiro placed loaded up the movies he had saved on his computer ad Adam waited until he saw the logo for Elf pop up.

"I love this movie!" Adam cheered.

"Good! We're watching it." Shiro pressed play on the movie and settled back against the wall.

Adam glance at Shiro at the exact moment that Shiro glanced at him. Shiro tilted his head slightly and then moved a bit closer so his shoulder was brushing against Adam's.

"Thank... thank you again, Adam for... for being there for me to lean on. Both emotionally and physically."

Adam smiled and leaned into Shiro, resting his head on Shiro's shoulder slightly, "I'm happy to... because I know that when I need it, you'll be right there to lean back."