Hey guys! This is my first Destiny fic, loosely based off the members of my own clan, whose names have obviously been changed to better reflect the names that are in Destiny. This is going to be styled as a series of grimoire/lore entries of the clan, so expect the length and style of each update to vary. If you like what you read, then let me know by following/favoriting! If you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions then PM or leave a review!

The first ones came when the city was nothing but a collection of huts and a dream beneath the dead thing that was once their protector. They were three, and when they limped into the perimeter, half dead and wearing the burnt metal of decrepit jumpships as armor, scavenged weapons on their hips and across their shoulders, the people had half a mind to turn them away.

But they were risen, and weren't shackled by greed and fear like so many others, so they stayed. Light burned within them, and with it they safeguarded the first people of the last safe haven on Earth. As the city grew in the traveler's shadow the names of the three became known by all, whispered with awe and respect by the people.

John-2. A relic of the golden age of humanity, reborn in the light, John-2 was an ancient war machine, and one of the first of the hunters. He was the first of the three to enter the meager encampment, and others have followed him ever since. The iron on his hip was his vow to the lightless people he protected, every bullet was a word, and that word was death.

Sardun. A bastion of strength, Sardun was the unbreakable shield that safeguarded the feeble sparks of humanity. The shrieking husks that came in the night and the four armed scavengers crashed and broke against Sardun like waves against a mountain, and the people were safe. The strength of the new city was equal to that of Sardun. And he was mighty.

Coval. An explorer and an adventurer, Coval led the people into the secret caches of weapons and supplies left over by humanity from before the collapse, and it was he who worked with the first engineers to flew the new generation of jumpships into the territories claimed by the scavengers. His eyes were always on the horizon, and there he saw the humanity's future.

Years filled with blood and death and destruction crawled by, the people and the risen of the settlement struggling for survival against the onslaught. But the three prevailed. As the settlement grew, fueled by rumors of the protection of the traveler and the insane hope for safety, the risen ranks swelled and the onslaught turned to a trickle. More years trickled by, and soon walls were constructed, order was established, some semblance of security was found.

The settlement became a city - the last city - and more and more survivors and outsiders made their way to humanity's new and final home. And still the risen, guardians now, increased in number.

With the flow of time came more guardians, carried along by the current to the doorstep of the three, and three they were no longer.

Laodan, Ezai, Makal, Jaul, Dom, Adol, Nic: these names and more fell in with the original three, and soon their names too would become legend.

Laodan, who carried lightning in his fist, but hope in his heart.

Ezai, the laughing death, who mocked fate and the monstrous agents it sent to raize what humanity had built.

Makal, who looked into the void of his light in search for the answers no one had thought to ask.

Jaul, whose knives carved a path for the new generation to follow.

Dom, the finest shot in the city - maybe even in history - the music of his rifle was a hymn of doom for those in his scope.

Adol, the brooding. A manifestation of the old moniker, "actions speak louder than words…".

Nic, whose lightning lit the black of the sky and lit the way for humanity's future.

These guardians, united by the light, fought under the same banner to secure the people's survival. Their history is long, their deeds are many, and so long as they walk the crowded streets of the city, the halls of the tower, and the untamed wildlands on this planet and beyond...we will be safe.

This is their saga.