Necros: So the reason why I decided to have team ATCM fight against the Apathy so soon is mainly that it has to do with memories and past lives and all of that normal shit, it is also based how many of them in their past lives had to face very harsh conditions ranging from Akame being thrown into the forest and separated from her sister, Mine accepting the fact that no one would ever help her because of her blood, and Tatsumi not getting the time to cope with the death of his friends. Chelsea not been so unsure of herself and not being left in the dark or be the last one to know that someone died.

Semblances: Also the Semblances are based on Traumas.

Empathy: Akame doesn't want to be left in the dark anymore and based on my thoughts her Trauma is not only losing her family but also wanting to know the truth, the Empathy Semblance will be more powerful then you think. Back to Trauma as Akame very much regrets that she was part of an Assassination Group that killed innocent people, she doesn't regret having met her family but she doesn't want to be left in the dark about the truth and that their deaths have happened and she discovers it.

Medical Eyes: This Semblance of Tatsumi I based off on him was his Trauma when he saw both of his friends die with Sayo being tortured and her leg sliced off, and Leyasu died from lubora and wasn't able to save them, meaning Tatsumi's Semblance reflects on that he doesn't want anyone to hide their pain or injuries or that he will at least be able to save them from death and knows how to treat the wounds.

Arkos: I hated it how it never got any further, though it is cannon I am still mad part of me understands that Jaune needed to learn from it to mature although I kind of wished that Pyrrha didn't have to die.

Akame and Yang Family relationship: Akame who doesn't see Raven as her mother is merely knowledge on how true parents are as her subconsciousness allows her to easily understand the meaning of bonds, family, and a little bit about life and death. While Yang is nothing but stubborn and insists that Raven must have a reason to leave them behind, not believing that Raven just left them behind for being weak.

Let's just say the relationship between them is Akame tolerates Yang and sees her as her sister, but will not hesitate to be incredibly harsh if Yang talks about Raven being their mother, her answer stands firm that her real mother is Summer Rose.

Chapter 6: Training and Shards.

Training Room.

"Ugh!" groaned Jaune, as he sliced another Hologram Beowulf in half in the training room that was specifically there to increase training, even with Tatsumi giving him a good training for the first few days it made him still beneath the standard and he knew that he had a lot to catch up to. He had never expected that they would be launched into the forest though Tatsumi could see that through the fingers, what he would never see through his fingers was his knowledge about Huntsmen and he knew that he hadn't been properly trained like the rest of his 7 sisters.

Tatsumi merely shot down the excuse and said that he could at least prepare himself and read online what the Huntsmen life is, and what Aura, Dust, and types of Grimm where even if he was from the countryside. Jaune was a real piece of work in Tatsumi's opinion and not any of his parts were impressive in the least, he was too optimistic, ignorant, stubborn, impatient, and a bit too...lacking in the mental growth department and he was certainly right about that he had perhaps been pampered by his mother.

Mentally Jaune changed a little bit as Tatsumi merely slapped the fact that he could've died due to his own optimistic view and that it was merely luck, making him remember how he got launched through the forest and if it wasn't for Pyrrha he would've died with a broken neck or survived with many broken bones and bruises. The harsh Faunus life molded him into that being a bit harsh so the smallest reasons and excuses would be dealt harshly with.

"Ah!" puffed Jaune as he let himself fall on the bench as he has been training non-stop for 4 hours to increase his skill and stamina, the strength factor he was mediocre at so meaning he had also needed to lift weights soon.

"Jaune, you okay?" asked Pyrrha as she just entered the training room with a bottle of water in hand and offered it to Jaune who took it gratefully and drank the water slowly. It truly confused Pyrrha why Jaune was training so hard since he looked like he was desperate to train and get better, he did win against Cardin with ease right? Now that she thought about it she closely remembered how the fight between Jaune and Cardin went and at closer inspection, there were many things that made Pyrrha frown, the movements of Jaune seemed a bit strained like he wasn't used to moving like that at all of moving quickly and changing directions.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking Pyrrha," answered Jaune as he got up and stretches his strained muscles and went over to the weights and began lifting them up, he was back at training while Pyrrha observed him again.

"Is there a reason why you train so hard, because ever since you looked into the direction of Tatsumi you've been looking a bit depressed?" asked Pyrrha worried that Tatsumi might have done something to Jaune that could've made him so depressed, she didn't see the look Tatsumi gave or heard him talk through the clapping because when she did he walked out of the room and Jaune shoulders slumped down a little bit.

Jaune looked even more depressed when she mentioned Tatsumi and Pyrrha panicked and wondered if she said something she shouldn't have she didn't know because she had never friends in her life due to her fame except for some fake-friends who pretended to be friends with her but all they did was acting like bodyguards. Jaune looked up and saw a hurt look on Pyrrha's face and quickly responded back. "Y-Yes there is and don't worry you said nothing bad at all!"

"Really?" asked Pyrrha still with worry in her voice.

Jaune immediately stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders and got close to her. "Yes! It is that I have been depressed for some other reason, i-it is that I have been training with him and that there was something else that made me think,"

"J-Jaune!" squeaked Pyrrha out as her face got a bit red like the color of her hair at how close Jaune was and seemingly he became aware of it as well because he noticed how close their faces got when he talked to her, he didn't back down at all as his thoughts had one single thing to say and that was how adorable Pyrrha looked when her face was lightly colored with the color of her bright red hair.

Red really suited her well and not only her hair as it colored her face beautifully.

Pyrrha said nothing as she enjoyed it as no boy has ever looked at her with that kind of look except if they were ones of lust, though they never came close as Pyrrha wasn't called a champion 4 times in a row and defending herself against harassment was easy and then there were those boys of nobility. And here she saw one of the kindest of eyes as they said to her that she is adorable and was only focusing on her face and not her body because his hands didn't lower down, Jaune didn't know why he couldn't move his eyes away from Pyrrha's light green eyes as they reminded him of emeralds.

"U-Uhm, hey Pyrrha do you want to hang out after school?" asked Jaune as he let go of Pyrrha who looked relieved but disappointed at the same time, her heart was probably not ready to handle that all.

Jaune was in an internal debate about Pyrrha and Weiss and wanted to say Weiss, but then the saying of Tatsumi came into his head.

"Jaune, sometimes you are too optimistic and childish at the point that it is so irritating that I want to punch you," ringed through Jaune's head and part of him was confused and part of him wanted to think about it.

"I-I would love to hang out with you," stammered Pyrrha cutely out in such a weak voice that ignited something in Jaune as it ignited his puberty!

Team RWBY room.

"Urgh!" groaned Ruby as she was still writing down the book that Ms. Goodwitch assigned them with and she was just only done with 4 chapters and hated it already, she wanted to go on the side-missions in the weekend and yet here she was writing a book assignment down due to Yang's temper! Another reason why Ruby liked Akame's calm attitude and her deadly glaring that did the work for her when a boy tries to get a move on her. "I hate you so much, Yang!"

"You already told me that...4 times!" groaned Yang as she wished that she had the calm attitude of her twin sister.

"No, it was 2 times Ruby saying it and the other 2 was me and Weiss," said Blake who wasn't bored as she is a bookworm and possessed more books than her 3 teammates combined, and she has read the book already so she was quicker than the others. Even having read the book it was quite a boring one and why did Blake have the feeling that Ms. Goodwitch only read the book to hold up face,

"Well, I am done and don't think of trying to get through me by asking to copy mine," said Blake and left the room not before leaving a small smirk that she enjoyed seeing them struggle a little bit, especially Weiss though that one was without shame and Yang because she simply deserved it.

"D-Did Blake just smirk?" asked Ruby in a slightly shocked tone as she had only seen Blake show small smiles and slight grins but never smirking so openly, what has ever happened to make her smirk like that so openly. Outside Blake was blushing a little bit as she walked towards the library to return the book and give her assignment to Ms. Goodwitch, it was quite embarrassing for her to smirk so openly.

Tatsumi...he was very interesting for her as he read her like an open book and instead of glaring at her or scowling he merely said not to be continuously bound by it, like he wasn't the one that judged like he knew the reason and understood why she left in an instant the second he looked at her. He respected her wish to hide her ears not out of shame but merely as a precaution for something.

Then there was the incident with the Grimm...he smelled for a moment different to her and when she looked at Tatsumi her legs felt weak when she saw those red eyes of him...the same look from a powerful predator.

He is a Lizard-Faunus and for a moment when he looked at the Grimm, he didn't smell like one anymore as the smell of his Lizard-part changed for a moment and made her catch the scent of something...she didn't know what kind of smell he had as it was like no smell she has ever smelled from a Faunus and not even a similar smell to it like Sabertooth.

Sabertooth could be recognized by Faunus as it had Lion heritage and some other heritages of the Giant Cat family as multiple scents of many types of the Giant Cat families were mixed in it, making it recognizable for the Faunus to acknowledge that one of them was a Historical Faunus. Even if it were a few hundred years it was not enough to erase the scent or hard to distinguish it of what kind of Faunus the other was.

'I've had friends with Lizard-Heritage and yet I don't recognize that scent of Tatsumi, is he some kind of Faunus that has even an older heritage of the time when there were dinosaurs? Or perhaps something...out of a Fairy Tale?' thought Blake who just couldn't get the scent out of her head and with no clue what type of Faunus Tatsumi was and it only left in her mind that he was...simply strong.


"Achoo!" sneezed Tatsumi when he was sharpening his blade when he and his team were getting ready to go to the basement, he merely shrugged it off that it was a simple cold since he is a cold-blooded Faunus meaning he didn't deal well with cold climates. But now wasn't the time as the Apathy needed to be dealt with like right now and unfortunately, Tatsumi and Mine weren't allowed to go down there.

Apathy's presence alone is incredibly dangerous and the screams...and since them being Faunus made their senses sharper meaning the screams had more effect on them than humans.

"Getting a cold?" asked Mine offering him a handkerchief which he gladly took and wiped his nose.

"Yes, although I haven't caught one in my whole life since the Menagerie is rarely cold," replied Tatsumi.

"Heh! Try Vacuo for once, then the Menagerie looks like a tropical beach!" smirked Mine making Tatsumi smile knowing that she was right, Vacuo is a desert and is automatically warm as hell and cold in the night.

"...Do you think they'll be okay?" asked Tatsumi now looking worried at the entrance that was now guarded with fences and lighted up with torches, Tatsumi was incredibly worried about his teammates not that they were girls but Apathy...there wasn't very much a strategy except for long-range attacking against them and rockets and grenades were very much favored in this type of situation.

Regular bullets and all of that would not cut it.

"...I don't know about it," answered Mine who could understand the worry of Tatsumi seeing that it was more about the Apathy then the sex they were.

In the underground system were Chelsea and Akame were was filled with shelves built against the walls holding well-built chests filled with sacks of rations when Grimm would threaten to come over and hide in there, but the reason why the Apathy would come here was a mystery and Akame could see that it wasn't the village elder would do something like bringing 1 over.

"Ugh! Of all things it had to be Apathy, shouldn't we just tell this to the school that the mission's ranking is too high for us?" suggested Chelsea who wasn't in to deal with Grimm that made you discouraged and she hated that of being able to do nothing.

"True, but we did plug our ears and can talk to each other thanks to your Semblance," replied Akame as both girls had their ears plugged in and Chelsea's Semblance of Sound Manipulation allowed them to converse.

"Still, there is still no way to even be able to fight Apathy without risk and even a fighting a Goliath is more," halted Chelsea for a moment as the air felt heavy.

"They are here!" shouted Akame sheathing her sword out and dashed forward seeing the thin humanoid frame of the Apathy and she counted 2 of them and activated her sword and sliced with ease through their bodies.

"Behind you Akame!" shouted Chelsea as more were coming and even if they were far Chelsea saw they opened their mouths to scream and quickly activated her Headphones and screamed.

Soundwaves became so intense they became visible and began hitting the Grimm making them groan in pain and stagger as they took steps back while Akame charged in at the time the waves died down and sliced the heads clean off their bodies. The feeling of wanting to do nothing lessened up but it was still there and it was trying to get back, it made her dizzy and stumble.

"T-There are still some left," groaned Akame who was more affected by the Apathy then Chelsea since her Headphones protected her more from the screams.

"Let me search for them! Sonar!" said Chelsea and released a giant soundwave that went throughout the whole giant basement and the soundwaves traveled very fast and eventually touched some things that weren't cold objects, and once it was done it traveled at the same speed back to Chelsea giving her a whole memory in the form of a blue hologram.

And when it returned she saw a lot more Apathy coming in and they were coming to the place where their comrades screamed and even if they went slow they were with many, and the closer they got the easier it felt how less motivated you become and it definitely worked as Chelsea felt a bit dizzy and Akame seemed to have it worse than her.

"I-I need to call for help!" opening her mouth Chelsea blasted a sonic scream to the path they took.

"Urgh! It seems that there are more then I thought!" groaned Tatsumi who was standing on his knees and could barely hold himself up straight and Mine was the same as she barely could keep herself on her legs, the more Apathy there are the more range they possess to influence someone from further away and it was the same as the village.

People and Faunus fell down on their knees or got knocked out completely and some lied down conscious but had a dead look in their eyes.

"Keh! This is why I hate them so much!" growled Mine who was weakened a lot but something like mere Grimm wouldn't kill her by just being there, she worked too hard to die here and would refuse to die in such a pathetic death. She promised her mom on her deathbed that she would survive no matter what and help any Faunus that suffered by the hands of the Schnee and the racist people!

Tatsumi might have talked his mouth off when he taunted Weiss but she knew he had an experience with them like any other Faunus, and now here he was being a bit more affected by the presence of the Apathy and he could get all mad as he wanted she needed to make sure he survived. The sonic scream then reached them making the 2 look at the entrance and Tatsumi tried to get up but his legs didn't listen to him at all.

"O-Oi! Are you that weak!?" said Mine.

"W-What!?" said Tatsumi offended as his anger spiked up and sees Mine slowly standing up.

"Are you that weak to be able to...cower underneath the presence of a few skeletons! You're a Faunus and you suffered worse than a feeling of wanting to do nothing!" shouted Mine and Tatsumi closed his eyes and opened them up but they were narrowed.

"Yes, you're right I have suffered worse than this, so a few measly skeletons won't be the death of me at all!" shouted Tatsumi and immediately charged with all his strength into the basement and began running into the direction where the sonic scream came, but followed up were screeches of the Apathy and they weakened him a bit but he kept running and arrived at the girls.

"T-Tatsumi! I-I can't move!" groaned Chelsea and then pointed at Akame who was near a small pile of Apathy.

"RAAHHH" running forward shouting very angrily stupified the Apathy that he showed anger as they only ever felt despair and Tatsumi got to work and lifted the nearest Apathy up and threw him into a few other, he tackled one on the left into the wall and snapped the neck and lifted another one up and threw it in the group and sheathed his sword out and began killing them left and right.

'Damn it! Even with full rage added with my instinct to survive...the e-effect is taking me out!' thought Tatsumi as he killed another one and wounded 3 others, though the slash was rather on the shallow side and only made it irritating to the Apathy and one of them grabbed with it's bone claws rather tight despite the lanky appearance. "Grah!"

"K-Keh!" the effects were lowered when Tatsumi killed some of them and Chelsea could lift herself off the ground and be met with the sight of Tatsumi getting slowly overpowered by the sheer number of the Apathy. "L-Leave him alone!"

Mustering all the strength she had in her arms like they were made of lead but it didn't stop her from lifting her arms up and managed to get her twin Mac 10's up and fired and shot down many Apathy from the back, the effect was immediate and her arms felt lighter and gave her a steadier aim and it was just timed well as Tatsumi was on his knees.

Akame got up and dashed forward and slashed down the remaining Apathy and went to check on Tatsumi. "I don't think we will be doing this any time soon,"

"Is he okay?" asked Chelsea worried as she went over to Tatsumi and checked on him as well.

"He is okay, only tired as hell for mustering all his strength as his mental strength took its toll on him," answered Akame referring to the Apathy giving the feeling of someone getting delusional like they haven't slept for a long time, but that was a mental attack that made you think like that and instincts only works on the body and decisions and the mind wasn't designed to resist naturally against mental attacks.

"We need to report this, Apathy never have been able to move this far in the lands of Vale since they are so slow and can be seen from a mile away," said Chelsea as she helped Akame carry Tatsumi outside of the basement and they saw Mine running towards them, though tired she didn't let it see and went to check on her teammates.


Team RWBY and JNPR were waiting in worry for Team ATCM as they had looked at the missions and it was by luck they found the mission they were doing but the thing that worried them was that they were past their time, and they still haven't returned yet so Jaune went to the Headmaster if there was any mail sent to him that the Team was okay.

"They're okay, they are simply resting as something came in," said Jaune when he returned.

"What happened then?!" asked Ruby worried.

"Well, they were fighting a type of Grimm called the Apathy and I didn't know what kind of Grimm those are so I did some work in the library," said Jaune who had carried a scroll with him and placed it down on the table and opened it up and out of it came a hologram that showed a humanoid skeleton but with black flesh and red eyes and with inhuman long arms and bone claws.

"What kind of Grimm is that!?" asked Yang very uncomfortably.

"Apathy, they are Grimm that instead rely on force focus on the mentality of people," answered Pyrrha getting the attention of everyone and nobody said anything as her expression was completely serious. "Like a Champion, I have been asked to slay many Grimm but there were certain Grimm I wasn't even allowed to engage and those were one of the Grimm I wasn't allowed,"

"What's so dangerous about them? Those mentality attacks don't sound like much," commented Yang.

"That's where you are wrong!" said Pyrrha with such authority that it made Yang flinch as she talked to a General of the Atlas army. "Before you even can reach them a single scream can render you powerless, be it a power or speed semblance they wouldn't even stand a chance, they drain literally your instincts to move or even survive or the will the fight back,"

"...That is dangerous, to be able to do that is already amazing to suppress something like that," said Jaune out loud now getting the attention.

"What's so impressive then?" asked Yang.

"Instinct to survive, it is literally in everyone as you have the instincts to survive and automatically dive out of danger and to even suppress that is amazing," explained Jaune what was so important was about the survival instincts and since Faunus have animal traits they have a stronger sense of survival, that instinct was supposed to react to everything that is life-threatening.

"Imagine by the likes of Nora for example by a single scream she is totally dead-silent lying on the ground and not responding to anyone, not even to the likes of pancakes or Ren getting tied up to a bed completely at her mercy!" said Pyrrha and everyone honestly couldn't imagine it but it was probably because of slight fear of seeing the strongest and hyperactive friend totally dead-silent lying on the ground, though Ren managed to snap out first when he recalled what Pyrrha said and gave Pyrrha a weird stare for that.

"Wait, why was I specifically detailed explained in your example?" asked Ren blushing slightly.

"Oh? Oh! I-I didn't mean to since you and Nora are so close!" and besides the fact that Yang made a slight joke about that she would like the tied up on his bed and moles him, that didn't end up well and Ren didn't know about it since he was out in the city with Jaune. The girls agreed to never talk about it and Yang was that day way more careful with what she said because of the strength difference and how...savage and crazy Nora looked.

'Understatement of the century,' ringed through all the girl's thoughts.


'This was something I truly didn't expect,' lying down was Tatsumi resting his head on Akame's lap and he had no idea with how he got this or when it happened since he was asleep for a few hours and then woke up to the smell of roses and it wasn't the red roses but for some reason he thought of a white and black rose, he wasn't complaining as he had heard about a legendary lap pillow and he had to admit it was very nice to lie on.

"Are you doing better Tatsumi?" asked Akame as she gently strokes his head.

"Better, I should get off now-!" as soon as he attempted to get off he was pulled back by Akame who gave him a look that he shouldn't. "I-Isn't this uncomfortable for you?"

"Nope~! And besides that you might be a Faunus but even they need rest so keep your head down," said Akame and the boy could merely nod as he going into discussion with a woman was a battle he would never win, it was odd as he now recalled Jaune in his head and that he once told him that he had 7 sisters and that must have been a hell but it was odd that Jaune was never taught by his sisters how to treat girls or teach him several things.

Forged transcript was one of the worst things you could do if you never had the schooling to become a Huntsmen in training you are pretty much searching for a deathwish, Jaune was naive, optimistic, dense, impatient, stubborn, insistent, nosy, and those qualities aren't something that anyone would like but there was one thing remarkable about him. He was humble and he might have shown that he was proudful but it was confidence, but his kindness was his weakness and him still being kind and trying to flirt with Weiss who hardly rejected him over and over was going to always bug him down.

'Why am I thinking about the idiot, he can lead but he lacks too much knowledge and if he isn't aware of Pyrrha's affection then I will straight up say it. Idiots can be damned for waiting to figure it out on their own,' though the Faunus as he didn't understand why they had to figure it out on their own as the densest will take too long and will end up regretting it. 'But perhaps an idiot like him needs to learn it in this way...and then there was that flash of Akame so pale,'

He never liked the cold and that wasn't because of the Faunus heritage but mainly because he simply didn't like it at all as his father suffered from it in the mines, naturally he held great hatred towards the Schnee Dust Company and he only hated Jacques Schnee since his father did teach him that children couldn't be blamed for their parents actions. But Weiss acted like she owned the school and showed the arrogance he hated so much, not giving Ruby the chance to even apologize made him hate her more.

But whenever he thinks of the basement that image of Akame lying on the ground so pale and the area around him got only colder and made him want to put on 3 thick leather coats.

"Simply enjoy it Tatsumi! I thought you boys considered this the legendary lap pillow~?" teased Chelsea making the skin of the boy turn a bit pink and he was lucky he wasn't an iguana otherwise it would've been way more obvious.

"M-Most do but I am not one of them!" bit the boy back.

"And yet you are still lying on Akame's lap~!" teased Mine making Tatsumi shout that she was the one that insisted that he stayed on her lap but the laughter made his shouting die down, this was going to be hell for him and since they now got used to him making breakfast and that they would thank him with sultry smiles. His mom was beautiful and may have taught him all about women and how to treat and understand them which he strangely did, but he never knew how to get along with them that well even back in the Menagerie he was too shy around girls.

'This is going to be my death if it keeps up like this,' thought the boy in dismay as he had a feeling that it would get worse from now on, but he wouldn't mind as they are his team and friends.

Necros: I'll cut it off here and it is kind of boring and I have to admit that it is getting boring but I assure you that I will write more stories and hopefully keep my promises, and the next person or character that I will introduce to my next story is...Greninja!