Well we've finally made it to the end of this story. I hope you all enjoy my tie up ending, and have a Merry Christmas!


Tony walked into the family room of his and Peppers mansion, carrying a young infant in his arms. Pepper looked up at him when she heard him enter the room. She was currently curled up on the couch, under a warm blanket and a steaming mug in her hands. "How'd it go?" she asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I'll tell you Pep… it doesn't matter how many dirty diapers I change; I will never get used to it," the billionaire sat down on the couch next to his wife, and shifted the small child in her arms ever so slightly. The infant boy looked content in the arms of his dad, hazel eyes stared up at him with, full of love and affection.

Pepper giggled slightly as she leaned over and planted a kiss on the child's forehead. "And hear I thought, all that stuff with Peter would have broken you of that. How many times did you have to change his diarrhea filled diapers?"

"Too many times, and it still wasn't enough." Tony joined in on the laughter, and added his own kiss to the child's forehead. The infant's lips parted into a smile. "Though I will say this…" Tony began as if he were talking to himself. "If it wasn't for Peter, I don't think this little miracle would have ever been born. The kid showed me how great it was to be a father. We owe that little shit a lot of thanks."

"That we do…" Pepper agreed before scooping the infant out of Tony's arms and into her own. There was a moment of silence before she changed the subject. "Are you sure your happy with the name we gave him?"

"Of course I am!" Tony replied pretending to sound hurt but then added in teasing tone. "Now I'll always think of your eccentric uncle when we call his name."

"Shut up!" Pepper laughed and lightly giving the man a smack. Tony joined in on the laughter and gave his wife a kiss. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy, it might not have been since Peter was a deaged toddler.

"Hey Tony?" Pepper asked.

"What is it?"

Tony was suddenly awaken from his dream. At least he thought it was a dream. The man glanced over at the clock on his bedside table to read the time. It was almost five in the morning. Not really time to get up yet, but he should probably get up to check on his son for a moment. Tony glanced around their bedroom, and with a sudden jolt he realized that the child's crib wasn't there. There were a few panicked seconds before the billionaire suddenly realized that he had Pepper didn't have a kid yet, and that was all dream. It was so real though… The man laid back down on the bed with a soft sigh. It's been a few months since all that happened with Peter, and to be honest his mind had been somewhat consumed with the idea of having his own child ever since. But Pepper and him weren't even technically married yet so why would they have a kid… unless?

The man's hand reached across the bed towards his fiancé and gently rubbed it over her belly. He had been dropping subtle hints about wanting children ever since all that went down with Peter. Though she was open to the idea, he never quite convinced her to stop using protection. Her normal reason was that she wanted to at least wait until after they were married. But accidents still happened…

Later on that morning, the couple was taking a walk through the park. Tony had pretty much spent the entire morning trying to figure out how to approach this subject with Pepper. He couldn't just flat out ask if she was pregnant, that would be odd. He needed to explain the whole mind set, and he couldn't leave out the dream. When he finally got the nerve to bring up the subject… it didn't go as well as he had hoped it would. He probably didn't start it off very well; attempting to explain how maybe a dream could actually be a vision of the future, and all it did was confuse her. "Slow down, slow down," Tony quickened his pace so it met up with the woman's. "I'll spell it out for you."

"Your totally rambling," Pepper told him.

"No I'm not." She really wasn't letting him get any words. If she would just stop interrupting him he'd probably already be finished with this.

"You lost me."

"Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee.?"

"Yeah," Pepper responded finally listening to him again.

"Ok, and then you're like, 'oh, my God. There's no bathrooms. What am I going to do? Oh someone's watching.'"

Pepper nodded in understanding and mumbled, "Right," while Tony was still talking.

The man continued as if she hadn't said anything walking a bit quicker so that he could get in front of the woman and face her while he continued his imagery, "'Oh, I'm gonna go in my pants.'"

"And then you wake up and in real life, you actually have to pee," Pepper interrupted again finishing up his sentence.

"Yes!" Tony was thrilled that she was catching on, that made it all the much easier to ask the question that all this was all leading up to.

Even though Pepper seemed to be finally following the billionaires ramblings, she still have him a look that told him she still wasn't getting what that had to do with anything, "Yeah… everybody has that."

"Okay, right, that's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night I dreampt we had a kid." The two had stopped walking by this point, and where facing each other. Tony's heart began to pound as he got closer to asking the question. "It was so real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?," he lifted his hand up to his face trying to remember the name. It wasn't actually mentioned in the dream but it was certainly hinted at.

Pepper seemed to be catching on to the point as she gave him patronizing look before giving a slow nod of her head, "Right."

"Morgan!" the name finally came to the billionaire's mind. He wasn't particularly found of the name, and made a mental note to talk Pepper out of naming their kid that if she really was pregnant. "Morgan." he repeated the name one more time.

Pepper continued to give him that patronizing look, "So you woke up … and thought that we were…"

"Expecting?" the billionaires throat was practically in this throat now. It was all out on the table now.

"Yeah…" Pepper replied slowly.

The suspense was almost killing him and Tony could stop himself from saying, "Yes?" hopefully.

Pepper shook her head with a patronizing smile, "No."

The heartbeat in his throat suddenly dropped into his stomach at that one little word. Disappointment washed over him. He tried not feel the disappointment, as it really was silly to be wanting a child when you're not even married yet. But he could not help but remember the feeling he got when toddler Peter had hugged him, and called him daddy, and snuggled into his chest when he slept. He managed to hide his disappointment well enough, "I had a dream about it. It was so real."

"If you want to have a kid," Pepper undid the sweatshirt that he had wrapped around his shoulders and pointed at the arch reactor on the center of his chest and referred to the surgery he had years before. "You wouldn't have done that."

Or maybe she was referring to the fact that he now wears arch reactor suit with him all the time now. "I'm glad you brought this up, cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nanoparticles-"

"Your not helping your case, okay?"

So apparently she was referring to the Ironman suit. He had tried explaining it to her before, about what it felt like when Peter had gotten taken and not having his suit their to go after him. He could not stop himself from thinking that if he had not wasted the time to go back and get his suit that day, Peter might not have changed back. And he would still be snuggling with a toddler now. Yes it was a bit of selfish thinking, but God he missed the feeling of little arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. Pepper would never understand this thinking though, so he stopped trying to and worked on getting her to agree to have their own. He still needed to defend his reasoning for always having his suit with him. "No, this is detachable. It's not a-"

"You don't need that." she interrupted him again.

"I know, I had the surgery- I'm just trying to protect us… and the future usses, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of you know…"


Why did she always have to make all of his reasons sound so silly. She was right though… like always. Tony stared into the eyes of his fiancé, and placed both hands on her shoulders. God he loved this woman, she was currently the main reason he always had his iron suit with him. Since Peter was back to being a teenager again, with all his powers intact he wasn't quite as helpless anymore. Pepper though, needed protecting and he would never forgive himself if something happened to her. "You know me so well…

Pepper rolled her eyes with a sigh mumbling, "God," under her breath. She obviously thought that Tony was trying to change the subject.

Which was what he was trying to do in a way. "You finish all my sentences-"

"You should have shirts in your closet," Pepper once again interrupted him and Tony figured that it really was time to completely change the subject.

"Yeah… you know what there should be? No more surprises. We're going to have a nice dinner tonight- show off this Harry Winston," this caused the woman to let out a laugh, "Right? And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you…"


"I will…" the two of them shared a soft kiss and Tony managed to mumble a, "Thank you."

"Tony Stark?" A new voice suddenly interrupted their intimate moment. Both broke the kiss looked around in the direction of the voice to see a man walk out of some type of fiery portal. "I'm doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me."

...Cue Infinity War…

Well there you have it guys. That's the end. I hope you enjoyed the wrap up. Infinity War has a deleted scene that is another version of the park scene between Tony and Pepper. I'm sure all of you have seen it by now. In the scene it's much more prominent that Tony wants to have a child with Pepper. So I started thinking of why Tony suddenly wanted to have children so badly. It's obvious that Peter had something to do with it, and as I thought of what the reason was, this idea came to life...

I first want to thank everyone that has left encouraging reviews to this story, even if it was for just one chapter, you are all the reason I made it to the end. This is the first story I've ever finished on this site that lasted more then 2 chapters.

For those of you who were disappointed in the ending, I will most likely write up a non Infinity Wars compliant alternate end to this story where Peter stays a child because I know that is what so many of you wanted. That way you can choose the ending you want. It may not happen for a while though because I really need to catch up on things I slacked on. I also have a few other story ideas I might start writing.

I hope you all enjoyed!