A/N Hello lovely readers and welcome to my story. Okay so first of all I'd like to mention I first started writing this fic quite some time ago. I unfortunately abandoned it due to writers block and personal stuff I was dealing with at the time.
This was one of my favorite stories so I was determined to continue it at some point. Unfortunately after going back and reading myself I decided there were a few things I wasn't 100% happy with so I have decided to re-write from scratch. I will still include some of my original material but some dialogue and situations will be altered.
Okay, so just to remind readers this will be a HELSA fic. And although there will be some Kristanna it will be for the most part, Hans/Elsa centric. So if you are uncomfortable with this pairing then I urge you not to read.
I'm hoping to create a lot of sexual tension during their love/hate relationship.
Although this will be rated T some later chapters may contain bad language and violence (Nothing extremely graphic) I will post warnings at the start of each chapter.
Happy reading.
Chapter One.
Elsa moaned in frustration as the morning sun greeted her, waking her from a somewhat peaceful slumber. Is it really that time already? Can't I just have five more minutes? Perhaps Anna can be queen for the day.
She shuddered inwardly at the thought. As much as she loved her sister dearly, Anna regrettably was no where near responsible enough to take care of the kingdom by herself.
The young queen had come to this conclusion a day or two after the great thaw. Whilst she had been working ceaselessly to repair the damage she had caused, the princess was her usual happy-go-lucky, carefree self. Getting up to all sorts of her crazy antics whilst gallavanting around Arendelle with Kristoff and Sven.
Not that she could ever blame her. Since her reclaimation of the throne, Elsa was discovering for herself that ruling over an entire kingdom was hard work and rather exhausting at times. Appointing Kai as her new personal advisor had helped tremendously, but as queen she was fully aware that it was her duty and hers alone.
Thankfully, she had managed to handle most, if not all of the important tasks herself. First and foremost she had addressed her loyal subjects, expressing deep remorse and regret at the incident. Surprisingly, most were understanding and forgiving, however there were still the odd few who were sceptical and well...let's say a little fearful of their monarch's newly revealed powers.
Next she had formally apologized to the nobles and dignitaries to whom had attended her coronation. Re-negotiated trade agreements with their neighboring countries, signed countless treaties and lastly she had written a strong worded letter to King Frederick of the Southern Isles, informing him of his son's reprehensible and heinous acts of treason.
For a brief moment her mind fleeted to the disgraced prince residing in the dungeon. He could easily be mistaken for a monster after what he had put them both through. His traitorous behavior and attempt at regicide in order to overthrow the kingdom was truly an act of pure evil, and as of yet one she still couldn't fully comprehend.
There were just so many questions. Perhaps one day she would get the answers she was looking for.
Suddenly realizing just how long she had been caught in this reverie, Elsa clambered out of bed. After washing, dressing and ensuring she looked somewhat presentable, she set off in search of Anna. Usually her sister would still be snoozing at this hour, but it was her turn to make breakfast, although she wasn't holding her breath. Her younger sibling was well know for her tardiness.
Strolling leisurely along the numerous hallways, Elsa noted the near silence. The castle was always relatively quiet at this time of the morning due to the limited number of servants employed, but today there was a strange sort of eeriness about it. The stillness however only continued until she approached the kitchen, as it was then that she was met with a cacophony of ear-splitting sounds.
The loud clanking and clattering amongst Anna's cheerful singing forced Elsa to cover her ears in an attempt to block out the noise.
The Princess, started at her older sister's presence almost dropped a handful of large cooking pots. "Oh hey, Elsa. How are you feeling this morning?"
"Rather well actually, although I do now sense a slight headache coming on with all of this racket."
The redhead quickly offered up an apology. "I'm so sorry, Elsa. Is it my singing? Was it too loud? I knew I was out of tune again!"
Elsa instantly put her at ease. "No, no, no, Anna, your singing is as always extremely wonderful. I'm actually more interested as to what are you doing with all of these pots."
Still bustling about, Anna started to explain. "Well I'm trying to find mama's old cooking pot. It was her favorite and she always used it to make the most delicious fruity chocolate porridge. Gerda gave me the recipe and and I really wanted to surprise you."
Seeing her sister looking so crestfallen, Elsa offered to help. "In that case let us look for it together."
"That was absolutely delicious," Elsa said, as she wiped her mouth clean with a napkin. "I do now recall mama making this for me on occasion, but you make it soooo much better."
Anna was beaming. Even with that small compliment, the redhead felt proud of her achievement. "I do, don't I?"
"So, may I ask what you have planned for today?" Elsa inquired. "If you're free, I have an immense pile of paperwork just sitting on my desk. I would really appreciate your assistance." Even with that subtle hint, she was almost positive Anna would say no, but there was no harm in trying.
Anna mused over Elsa's request. "Paperwork you say? Such an exciting thing to do, especially on a beautiful day like today. I would really like to help, but I promised I would go with Kristoff to visit his family, you know the rock trolls. You don't mind, do you?"
She'd be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed, hell she'd even go as far as saying she felt a twinge of jealousy, but Elsa could never begrudge Anna the freedom and fun she so obviously desired. "Of course I don't mind, just be home before dark, you know how I worry."
"It's okay, I have Kristoff and Sven to protect me."
"That's what I'm worried about," Elsa muttered pensively.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Anna was about to playfully slap Elsa when the two sisters were interrupted by Kai.
The stocky built man addressed the girls with a respectful bow. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, sorry to disturb you both, but this has just arrived for you." He turned specifically to the queen, handing her a sealed envelope.
"Thank you, Kai," Elsa said, taking the letter from her advisor, before politely dismissing him.
"Ooohhh, who's it from?" Anna asked excitedly. "I bet it's from the Duke of Weaseltown. That little nitwit is probably still after compensation for his neck pain. Or perhaps it's from that man who was at your coronation, the one who bumped me with his rather overly large butt. I'm not sure I've ever received an apology from him. Well which is it? Tell me! Tell me!"
Elsa, unable to hold her mirth in any longer, began to laugh as Anna mercilessly assaulted her with an unceasing flood of questions.
"Perhaps it's from some dreamy, handsome prince. I bet you have a long list of suitors just queuing up to meet you."
"Anna! Will you stop babbling for a second and let me concentrate."
The redhead stopped talking, folded her arms and glared at Elsa in frustration.
If she was being honest, Elsa already had her suspicions, although she hadn't been expecting any correspondence quite so soon. Now however, as she stared down at the envelope emblazoned with the Southern Isles royal seal she felt a hint of panic. Immediately she rose from her chair, ice prickling at her skin as her calm demeanor rapidly faltered.
"I have to go."
Anna's brow furrowed in confusion as she hurried after her sister. "Elsa wait! What is it, what's wrong?"
"Not now, Anna!" Elsa barked, finally pushing open the door leading to her private study.
Anna followed her sister fully inside before closing the door. Elsa took a seat at her desk whilst the princess preferred to keep her distance.
After breaking the seal and unfolding the parchment, Elsa began to read. By the time she had finished her hands were visibly shaking. She found herself clutching the letter so hard it was crumpling before her very eyes. Her heart began to thump loudly, her breaths coming out in short gasps. It was like her throat was permanently constricted because of confusion, fear, panic. She was losing control, frost was beginning to slowly creep around the edges of the parchment. Tears threatened to fall, but she immediately wiped them away. She had to keep reminding herself that she was the queen, therefore she wouldn't show weakness. She couldn't show weakness.
The princess waited with baited breath for her sister to divulge to her the content of the letter, yet it never came. Even when prodded, the queen stayed silent. "This is getting ridiculous! Just tell me who it's from."
Elsa sighed heavily. "If you really must know, it's from King Frederick."
Anna threw are arms up in exasperation. "Well why didn't you just say so in the first place! It's not like it's some big secret or anything."
"I know that!" Elsa said firmly, keeping her eyes downcast in an attempt to hide the tears.
"Well how soon does King Frederick want his prodigal son back? Because I don't know about you, but we're wasting good food on that vile pig. Did he mention anything about a punishment? I so hope they hang, draw and quarter him. It's no less then he deserves."
Elsa's face turned completely white. "ANNA STOP!" She commanded, clearly distressed.
The redhead froze, Elsa's change in mood was certainly disconcerting. "Wait, what? Did I say something wrong?"
"No of course you didn't," the queen replied, her voice now taking on a calmer tone. "Look, why don't you go and enjoy your day with Kristoff, I have a few things I need to take care of."
"But Elsa, I think it would be more helpful..."
Elsa slammed her fist down on the table, cutting her sister off mid-sentence and ready to bring this discussion to a close. "Just do as I say...please!"
"Okay, okay! I'll go if that's what you really want!" Anna hated getting into an argument, so before leaving she leaned in and gave her sister a massive reassuring hug.
Elsa smiled warmly in response to the affectionate touch of her sister. Simply being near Anna was enough to wash away the stresses of the day and the content of that damn letter. "We'll talk later, I promise."
Anna nodded and then made her way towards the door. She paused in the doorway and turned to face Elsa who she noticed was studying that letter yet again.
"I love you, Elsa," she called out.
Elsa tilted her head towards her sister. "Love you too, Anna."
It was almost noon before Elsa finally plucked up the courage to visit the dungeons. As she slowly and steadily made her way down several flights of winding steps and past a row of empty cells a painful expression crossed her face. The memory of being imprisoned in this very place just one week ago was still fresh in her mind. For a split second she wondered what she was even doing here. Prince Hans' plight was no concern of hers. Anna's right. He deserves everything he gets. Then why, after everything he had done did she still feel a pang of guilt?
Upon her arrival, the guard stationed outside Hans' cell dipped into a bow, before he questioned the young monarch. "What may I do you for, Your Majesty?"
Keeping herself somewhat semi-composed, Elsa stated her business. "I'm here to see the prisoner."
He gave a curt nod, before unlocking the heavy iron door with his set of keys. "Would you like for me to accompany you inside?"
Elsa motioned for him to stay outside. "That won't be necessary."
Reluctantly, the guard stepped away from the door. "Of course, Your Majesty. But if you are in need of me, then I'll be right outside."
Elsa nodded, then slipped quietly inside. Ignoring the foul stench emanating from the cramped cell, she took a sharp inward breath and then cautiously made her way over to the sleeping form huddled in the corner. She watched momentarily as he slept. In slumber he didn't look dangerous. Actually quite the opposite, but Elsa knew what he was truly capable of. He was a lying, arrogant, conceited, manipulative pig. What did Anna ever see in him?
Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hans' eyelids fluttered open. His mind was foggy, yet he trained his emerald green eyes to the bluish hue of the woman standing in front of him. She was breathtaking, and exquisite in every way imaginable. The perfect embodiment of beauty and intellect. Incredibly powerful and yet full of nobility and grace.
"You're fashionably late, Elsa," he snapped. "Honestly, I would have expected better punctuality from Arendelle's newly crowned sovereign."
She already hated how he lacked basic respect. "That is Queen Elsa to you!" She reminded him harshly.
"Yes of course. How terribly rude of me," he answered in an almost mocking tone. "Well, Queen Elsa, now that you've obviously decided to time out of your very busy schedule to come visit me, I have a few minor complaints. You see, I've not been too fond of the hospitality. This drab place has been rather unfitting for someone of my status. And don't get me started on the food."
"Prince Hans, I didn't come down here in order to offer you luxury accommodation or the finest meals. You are a criminal and therefore will be treated as such."
"So then why are you here?"
A hundred thoughts were racing through her mind. There were so many things she wanted to say, but in that moment she was rendered utterly speechless. Then she remembered how she had spent the past thirteen years as a social recluse. She'd had limited interaction with just about everyone. Her father and Kai were the only men she had ever held a conversation with. What am I supposed to say?
Hans continued to smirk at her, his smugness never wavering. "You know I was kind of busy sleeping here, so if you're not here to offer me comfortable lodgings more befitting of a highly regarded prince such as myself, then I'd appreciate it if you could leave me in peace."
Her brows furrowed in frustration. "I'm here to talk about Anna."
The mention of the princess certainly caught his attention. "Ah, Anna? And how is that fiery little redhead?" He asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. "I do hope she is recovering well from her little ordeal. You know, Elsa, I actually admire your sister, she really showed courage, determination and spunk. I think I'm missing her already."
Clenching her fists, the queen stepped closer. "I want to know why?"
Sneering, Hans moved towards her as far as the chains would allow. "Why what?"
Panic consuming her, Elsa found herself involunatarily stepping further away from him. "Why did you propose to my sister? Why did you pretend you loved her?"
"Because it was so simple," he drawled in response. "She was such an easy target. From the moment we first met, I knew how easy it was going to be to manipulate her, to deceive her. She was just so desperate. That's why I couldn't believe she was a Princess. I actually assumed she was just some wench whoring herself out. As a matter of fact, rumor has it the little harlot already has a new love interest, with a filthy commoner no less! She really doesn't waste any time, does she?"
Elsa flinched at his derogatory comments regarding Anna. How dare he! Swinging her hand back she slapped him hard across the face. "That's enough!"
Hans hadn't been expecting such an act of violence from this rather delicate snowflake. "Whoa! I guess the truth hurts."
The temperature in the room suddenly plummeted. She could already feel her hands tingling with the cold. "You locked my sister in a room, and left her to die. Without regret, without remorse."
"Actually, I believe I was only finishing what you started, Your Majesty. I mean you were the one who struck her with your powers in the first place, were you not? I was just lucky enough to have been presented with the perfect opportunity. She was simply just a means to an end. When she came to me half-dying, I knew that was my chance. All I had to do was act a little heartbroken, tell everyone she was dead, and blame it all on you. I mean, you had already been branded a witch, a sorcerer. It wasn't hard to convince everyone that you needed to be executed. Once you were dead, I would have been seen as the hero, and finally I would have become the king I always deserved to be."
Elsa glared at him with all the hatred she could muster. "You could never be king. You're nothing but a monster."
Looming over her, he snickered loudly. "No, Your Majesty. I believe it is you who is the monster."
Elsa momentarily paused to control her breathing, fighting to keep her fury in check, when all she wanted to do was to freeze him into a solid ice statue. "How dare you!"
His eyes darkened as they roamed over every inch of her slender body. "Although you are quite a beautiful monster.
Elsa failed to suppress an involuntary shudder of disgust at his words. "Ugh!"
"Something wrong, Your Majesty?" Hans purred, moving in even closer with a twisted smirk on his face. "Surely you don't blame me for admiring you. I mean a strong, gorgeous goddess like yourself, prancing around in that very revealing dress, you'd surely be the object of desire in every red-blooded man's fantasy world."
"Stop!" The queen ordered, layers of thick ice now coating the stone walls of the cell.
Seeing the snow queen all riled up like this was quite amusing, so Hans continued to press his advantage. "You know my biggest regret is never having the chance to experience all that god-given sexiness for myself."
Having heard enough, Elsa stalked towards the door. Another moment in his company and she was afraid she might do something she'd regret. "I think I'll be going now. Goodbye, Prince Hans."
"Leaving so soon, Your Majesty. I had truly hoped we could have spent more time together."
"You truly are a poor excuse for a human being, and right now I despise you! Also nothing, but nothing will give me greater pleasure then to personally deliver you back to your father."
Within moments the heavy door was slammed shut, followed by the clanking of the lock.
Hans slumped down to the floor, his lips curling up slightly at the corners. "I think she likes me."
More to come...