A/N: Thank you to my betas Cotzo and Karla!

"I swear to god why is it always the weird fuckers?!"

Kicks flew out as Sanji huffed in frustration at the bizarre group of pirates that had sprung out of nowhere. Powerful feet smashed into the face of one hideous and scantily clad pirate.

"You're one to talk."

A smirking swordsman cut through three more enemies, his long green robes whisking behind him.

"You better watch your ass, moss-head. Wait, that's your mouth." Another flurry of kicks sent a pair of overweight middle-aged pirates in ill-fitting fishnet stockings flying into the surrounding brush. The enemy pirates seemed to be wearing a mix of lingerie and bedroom attire that was all too jarring in contrast with their rough, pirate features.

"Honestly you fit right in with these freaks, I should just cut you down with the rest of them."

Sanji scowled, sending a spinning roundhouse dangerously close to the swordsman's head while taking out the pirate behind him. "Cut me down? I'd like to see you try," he huffed, straightening his button-down shirt as he leaned backwards until his shoulder blades pressed up against Zoro's, heat transferring between their backs before they launched away from each other again, throwing attacks dangerously, teasingly close to the other while easily dodging everything that came their way.

Fighting back to back with each other was a mutually thrilling experience. Zoro loved that they could argue and threaten to kick each other's asses while coordinating their attacks with perfect, unspoken synchronization. Sanji loved that he could talk shit to the swordsman while simultaneously trusting in his every move. When they turned their backs to each other, there was no place safer than that space between them. Nothing unwanted could pass that threshold. As much as their words declared loathing for one another, their actions spoke of unwavering trust, and this paradox made their fights and interactions exhilarating in a fulfilling and sometimes confusing way. They had never spoken of it, but there was an electricity between them, as if both of their bodies were humming at frequencies that had them crashing constantly in a brilliant buzz. But when they came together they could match those frequencies in an instant, operating at the same wavelength so their bodies moved with matching intention, matching intensity, and anything became possible.

Making quick work of the enemy pirates while throwing insults to each other all the while, the chef and swordsman pair soon found themselves standing over a dozen or so unconscious bodies. Having pummelled the crew thoroughly, the pair brushed themselves off, still bickering, and continued walking deeper into the thickly forested island. It was a heavily wooded summer island and they would stay anchored here for the next week until the log pose set. As the island did not appear to be settled, the crew was left to scavenge the forest for food and supplies, and Sanji found himself lucky enough to be partnered with the green neanderthal to keep the man from becoming utterly lost in the wilderness.

The cook abruptly shoved Zoro aside to inspect the ground, "Watch where you're stepping you lump, I think that was an edible mushroom."

"You're an edible mushroom" came Zoro's cheeky and absolutely ineffective retort.

Sanji snorted rather unattractively and looked back up at him from his crouched position over the crushed mushroom then started laughing.

Scowling indignantly, Zoro shouted, "What's so funny?!"

The sound of twigs splintering underfoot caught both men's attention and they looked up just in time to dodge a hazy wave of pink light that shot in their direction. A short, pudgy man with lecherous eyes and a crooked nose stood in their path scowling.

"You're the bastards that took out my crew?"

Sanji scoffed at the wretched looking man, "Don't tell me, that is their captain?"

"It's their fault for being so weak." Zoro chided.

Infuriated by their remarks, the captain raised both hands and aimed his palms towards the two men, shouting "Lust lust beam!"

Once again, the pirates jumped aside, dodging the pink laser beam. Hazy light seemed to shoot out of the man's hands like a sunbeam, illuminating everything in its path with a soft warm glow which faded after a few seconds, leaving no trace or after effects. The foliage and trees that had stood in the path of the beam appeared undamaged.

"Does it… even do anything?" The chef scoffed, noting that there was no burning, wilting, or other physical effect on the landscape from the attack.

"Don't underestimate me!" The pudgy man took aim again, this time pointing both hands at Sanji for his retort.

"Enough of this bullshit," the swordsman muttered, charging the enemy with all three swords drawn to make quick work of him.


There was a clash, the enemy captain was sent flying into the trees behind him. However, the enemy had swung his hands around directly in Zoro's face just as the swordsman had attacked, stunning him with the bright beam and thwarting the full force of the devastating blow. Zoro had halted in his tracks and stood frozen, swords held mid-swing, having not followed through after taking a face-full of the pink light. The half-attack was still enough to send the enemy pirate crashing into the foliage, but the sight of the powerful swordsman frozen in place, face unreadable at this angle, had an uneasiness stirring in Sanji's gut.

"Marimo?" It had been ages since anything had been able to stop the swordsman mid-swing. The chef was shocked that this pathetic looking pirate captain was able to stun the demonic 'pirate hunter' with such a weak attack. Zoro fell to one knee, which had Sanji's eyes bulging. Since the swordsman had returned from their two years apart with one eye and an unwavering confidence, the cook hadn't seen Zoro even bleed, much less fall to a knee.

"Stand up marimo!" Sanji growled, then turned his attention to the pirate stirring in the bushes. "What did you do to him?" he shouted toward the crumpled form of the defeated pudgy pirate.

A sinister laugh rose from the bushes where the man had landed. "Gotcha."

Zoro had now fallen to both knees, face flushed red, looking down, hiding an agonized scowl. Hands were clenched in a white-knuckled grip and it took all of his strength to suppress the trembling that wracked his body. His heart was pounding and it felt like all of the blood in his body had rushed through his guts to swell the space between his thighs. All thoughts had left his brain and he was left with a fuzzy numbness and an excruciating hunger that sapped the energy out of him. He looked up, with great effort, to meet Sanji's eyes, intending to offer a reassuring look, but instead, upon seeing the chef's bewildered and concerned face and meeting those crystal blue eyes, a jolt of electricity coursed through his body rippling over his skin with shivers. He was suddenly filled with a confusing desire that left his head spinning.

Sanji was floored but maintained a calm and collected disposition, shifting his weight and exhaling a cloud of smoke from the cigarette in his lips. Zoro had looked up at him with a face that read desperation, and it sent a tightness to his chest. Never had he imagined that the strong, hot-headed swordsman would have such a helpless look on his face, never had he imagined Zoro to be so pitifully subdued by such a weak opponent. Something was wrong.

"What did you do?" Sanji hissed, fury mounting within him as he prepared to smash the ugly little man's head through the trees behind him.

"Your friend is going to die of hunger if he doesn't get his fill," the man crooned, coughing between words from the pain of Zoro's previous attack, but managing to climb back to his feet.

The chef froze in place. Hunger? There was no way in hell he'd let any of his crewmates die of hunger. "I'll just kill you and he'll go back to normal," Sanji growled, walking towards the injured pirate.

"Tsk tsk. If you kill the man that stabs you, does the wound go away?" the creepy man laughed shakily, still recovering from his injuries. This gave Sanji pause, and a deep worry coursed through him. The answer, of course, was 'no'. Devil fruit abilities were hit or miss when it came to things like this; Sometimes defeating the opponent cancelled the fruit's effects, while other times the damage lingered even after the user was dead.

"My Lust Lust beam makes you feel like your body is starving from desire. If they aren't brought to ecstasy soon, the hunger will kill them." The man backed away, attempting to sneak off into the woods.

Sanji snarled, stepping forward to stop the man's escape, then glanced back at Zoro's form, now on hands and knees breathing heavily. Shit. Fuck. Zoro looked bad. He needed to get him to Chopper immediately, it was more important to save the marimo right now, he'd deal with the other bastard eventually, but he was not going to let Zoro fucking starve. His pride as a chef would see to that.

The enemy pirate scampered away into the woods and Sanji begrudgingly let him go, rushing to Zoro's side and kneeling next to him.

"Hey, shithead," he uttered awkwardly, "get your ass up so I can take you to Chopp-"

"Don't touch me," Zoro spat through gritted teeth.

The chef's brow furrowed. If Zoro was experiencing hunger akin to starvation Sanji understood, and he wasn't about to let the swordsman throw a fit because his big ego didn't want Sanji's help. "Come on," he growled, grabbing Zoro's arm and lifting, forcing them to come face-to-face. A single, intense eye stared back at him and the look alone could have set the seas ablaze. Sanji's heart stopped in his chest and in an instant firm hands had slid past his jaw and behind his neck, strong fingers weaving into his hair, as he was pulled forward until his lips crashed into Zoro's mouth and he was being kissed hungrily. Shock froze Sanji in place as he processed what was happening. The moss headed fool had put his mouth on his. He was being kissed. Hungrily.



The gears finally clicked and Sanji understood what was going on. The beam. The fucking beam. The fucking Lust Lust beam. It made Zoro hungry with desire. So that's what the asshole had meant. Sanji closed his eyes and a wave of acceptance washed over him with a calmness that surprised himself. Maybe it was his pride as a chef, or maybe it was because Zoro was nakama, or maybe it was something else altogether, but the decision was instantaneous. He would do this for Zoro, because he wasn't about to let a crewmate starve to death, not in any way.

When realization hit Zoro and reality had blasted through his trance-like daze, his first reaction was to stop, stop right now! It took an immense amount of willpower, but he forced himself to pull back and barely managed to push Sanji away, awash with shame over the emotions that were overtaking him. Pressing his hands firmly against Sanji's chest, eyes averted and unable to meet the gaze of the man he'd just assaulted, he growled, "Go." If the chef stayed near him for a second longer he didn't think he'd be able to control himself. Every fiber of Zoro's body was aching to pounce on the man in front of him, feast on his body in the most lecherous way possible. For the first time in his life he was genuinely scared. He was scared of what he would do, what he wanted to do, what he was about to do if the god damn shit cook didn't get the hell away from him immediately. When Sanji didn't move he articulated his speech with a harsh shove, barking "GO."


Typical Zoro move. But Sanji wasn't about to abandon a crewmate in need, and the shitty swordsman wasn't going to get away with pushing away the help of other people for the sake of his own pride or ego. This wasn't something he could get through alone and Sanji would be damned if he let the swordsman die over something so utterly ludicrous. He was prepared, from the moment he had stepped foot on Luffy's ship all those years ago, to take the lives of everyone on board in his hands, to be responsible for their health and wellbeing as their chef. He would never walk away from that responsibility, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of how self-centered and self-destructive and altogether infuriating the swordsman could be. Damn the consequences to hell, he would save this reckless man no matter what he had to do. He took Zoro's face in both hands and forcefully turned his head to face him.

"Like hell I'm letting you die like this," Sanji growled, and without hesitation, he pressed his mouth to Zoro's in a firm, decisive kiss.

Sanji threw himself into the kiss with determination to do it right, to satisfy whatever hunger had awakened in his crewmate. But when Zoro slid his tongue over Sanji's lower lip and sucked it into his mouth, it finally occurred to the chef just what exactly he had gotten himself into. A chill went down his spine while a heated flush climbed up his chest and to his cheeks. The kiss was hot and wet and intense with desire and Sanji suddenly began feeling flustered and extremely nervous. His thoughts flicked back to what the enemy pirate had said.

"If they aren't brought to ecstasy soon, the hunger will kill them."


The sudden realization hit Sanji like a ton of bricks.


He had to take Zoroall the way. He had to finish him off. He had to take him to the peak, make the volcano erupt, fire the torpedoes, boil him over, flood the banks. He had to… Just what exactly did he have to do? And how was he going to do this?

But it seemed like Zoro had a mind to take things into his own hands.

The devil fruit power had awoken something in the swordsman that had been lying dormant, and it was now bursting out of him with a furious hunger that he couldn't contain. Lewd thoughts of the chef that he'd always managed to suppress to the very back of his subconscious had now sprung to the forefront of his mind with a hot and needy intensity. And now here he was, kissing Sanji like his life depended on it - his life did depend on it. The guilt and shame for assaulting the chef like this were buried under waves of desire that flooded over and crashed into him. He felt like a tsunami rearing up to crash into the coastline. Part of his mind was screaming at him to stop, but the physical urgency of his condition was overwhelming. Every part of him wanted Sanji. Every part of him wanted to be as close and intimate as possible. He wanted, needed, to put his mouth on every inch of exposed skin, slide his hands over that perfectly lithe body. He wanted to be on him, in him.

Zoro kissed the chef with an open-mouthed hunger as if he were savoring one of Sanji's dishes, sucking and licking at Sanji's lips and tongue as if he couldn't let a drop or an inch of the man go to waste. Pulling the chef's tongue into his mouth and nipping it with his teeth elicited a barely-suppressed moan from Sanji that had Zoro growling in return, something fierce and primitive awakening at the vibration. He wanted to hear more of those delicious sounds. He bit at Sanji's lips, the sharp line of his jaw bone, trailed a tongue over the sensitive skin of his neck, behind his ear, and pulled an earlobe between his lips sending shivers up the chef's spine.

Sanji couldn't believe the acute lewdness of the swordsman. When did he learn to kiss like this?! He found himself more affected than he had expected, and Zoro's strong, trained hands roaming over him had his skin alight with sensitivity. He was loathe to admit that he was enjoying this, but he'd be a liar if he said this wasn't the most erotic experience of his life, despite his partner being an absolute barbarian… And Sanji just wanted that barbarian to tear him asunder.

A strong hand cupped one side of Sanji's neck and the chef leaned into it, exposing the other side to Zoro's teeth. The swordsman buried his face in the long, pale neck, Sanji's soft locks brushing over his face and smelling distinctly of the chef - sweet, spicy, smoky, sweaty. He opened his mouth to rake his teeth down the length of skin, teeth smooth and sharp and powerful. Every bite to Sanji's neck seemed connected to the nerves in Sanji's stomach, which drew heat further south into dangerous territory that had him becoming very aroused, very fast. He was shuddering involuntarily under the whispered breaths and bladelike teeth, playing at his sensitive skin. Brain muddled, he worried if perhaps he had been affected by the beam too, though he knew he had not. This feeling was not the product of some foreign power. It was purely Zoro. Zoro was doing this to him. Zoro was making him weak in the knees and trembling for more. And as much as he might hate the swordsman, he trusted him. He trusted the way their bodies had, from the very beginning, responded perfectly to each other, whether they were fighting each other or fighting together. And now their bodies were once again perfectly in tune but in an altogether different way and it was exhilarating and so, so wrong, but felt so right. He would give in to the feeling under the pretense of saving Zoro. He might never be able to face the swordsman again, he might never live it down, but fuck it all to hell because he was on a roller coaster off the rails and if he was going to crash and burn, he was going to enjoy it to the last second.

Roving hands slid around Sanji's waist, pulling up the shirt from the back and slipped underneath, instantly relieved by the feel of warm skin. Drops of sweat were gathering at the small of Sanji's back and rough fingers slid over the cool, slick moisture as they explored the dramatic angles of powerful back muscles. The calloused hands on Sanji's back were rough and demanding, kneading into the tense muscles of the chef's back in a way that had him rocking into them wanting more. He hadn't realized how starved for physical affection he had been, nor how badly his aching body wanted the tension worked out of his sinews. Somehow Zoro seemed to know exactly what to do, exactly where to touch, exactly where to kiss, to put Sanji in a daze. The chef had at some point been pulled into Zoro's lap, and with a blooming flush he realized with embarrassment that he was hard under his pants and was pressed up directly against the swordsman's own hardness. As Zoro massaged into his lower back the chef found himself rolling into the pressure, grinding their hips together sinfully. Distantly he knew that he was supposed to be the one pleasuring Zoro, the one who had been affected by the beam, but he honestly didn't know what to do besides sit there and succumb to Zoro's hunger, rocking in his lap while the life was kissed out of him.

With great restraint, Zoro willed himself to be slow and gentle despite everything inside of him screaming to tear into the chef with reckless abandon. His kisses were desperate and fierce and starved, his hands dug into Sanji's back with a craving, and every roll of Sanji's hips sent waves of pleasure crashing into his brain threatening him to lose control. Lifting Sanji by the hips, Zoro found himself lowering Sanji back to lay in the grass, climbing on top and caging Sanji under him with his sturdy forearms resting on either side of his head, barely breaking his connection to the chef's lips. A momentary panic flickered through Sanji from being pushed onto his back and pinned down, a part of him saying to kick the bastard off of him. But another part of him was acutely aroused by the exchange of power. He could lose control, pinned down by Zoro, because at the end of every fight, every argument, every disagreement, he trusted the man with his life. And there was something powerfully liberating about being able to bodily succumb to this man that he wholly trusted. It was terrible and terribly exciting.

Rough hands slid up the front of Sanji's shirt, hiking the fabric up to his collarbone. Zoro kissed down the smooth neck to the chef's sternum, letting his thumbs flick over Sanji's nipples in a way that could only be described as sinful. Such a thing shouldn't be allowed to feel so erotic. As Zoro's head moved lower, trailing open-mouthed kisses down Sanji's abs, the chef became aware of where the swordsman was going. Heat rushed up his neck and to his cheeks as Zoro's mouth went dangerously close to the growing bulge in his pants. His heart raced so fast with apprehension he thought he might pass out, and he began squirming under Zoro's weight to move the man aside, only to be met with a firm grip planting his hips in place on the ground. The swordsman looked up at him with his one half-lidded eye, the other eye hidden behind a scarred lid that was both dreadful and dreadfully sexy. The heated, hungry look pinned Sanji down as much as the hands, and he felt a lump form in his throat. That look didn't so much ask for permission, it completely shredded Sanji's composure and took permission. A trembling breath escaped the chef's lips and he fell back to succumb to the beast above him.

The wet, hungry mouth kissed and sucked at the skin of Sanji's hips and sternly cut obliques. The muscles tensed under Zoro's lips in anticipation as each lean, rippling muscle was worshipped. The firm grip on Sanji's hips loosened and those hands slid to his belt, sliding it out of the buckle and unclasping it with a tug that pulled at the tight fabric constricting his arousal. A slight groan escaped Sanji's lips and his hands unconsciously moved to Zoro's corded shoulders, squeezing at the tense muscles to which the swordsman hummed in pleasure. Sanji leaned up on one elbow to watch Zoro as he slid the length of the belt out from under the chef's hips. The swordsman lowered his head, taking the front of Sanji's pant's in his teeth to pull it free from the buttons.


Did that guy have any idea how sexy he was? This was not something Sanji had ever wanted to realize but god damn, he was realizing it now. Zoro was a sexy bastard.

When the front of Sanji's pants were open Zoro gripped the sides of the fabric with both hands and tugged sharply, exposing the chef completely in an instant which had him kicking in protest. Zoro looked back up at him, face hovering precariously over Sanji's exposed shaft, asking for permission with a lusty gaze while his tongue lazily slid across his lips.


Sanji fell back in resignation, heart racing at the thought of what was about to happen, dizzy with arousal and confusion over his own emotions, but all thoughts were instantly stifled as a hot, demanding tongue was dragged from the base of his dick to the tip.

Sanji let out a sharp gasp, hand flying to his mouth to stifle the sound as his body was wracked with pleasure. Two hands slid down the front of his hips, massaging the knots of muscles where his hips hinged while Zoro licked at the throbbing organ, one hand sliding to it while he mouthed along the side of the length, teeth grazing the smooth surface, tongue playing across the skin as he moved his kisses from base to tip in teasing appraisal. Finally he pulled the head into his mouth with a strong suction making Sanji stifle a groan, then lowered his mouth completely over the shaft until his nose nuzzled the soft golden curls at the base. He gently shook his head side to side and swallowed around the stiff length in his mouth, eliciting a long, keening moan from the chef who arched beneath him. Zoro began dragging his head up and down in impossibly deep, steady strokes and Sanji found himself rocking into the movements, his hands instinctively moving down and tangling in the messy green hair, sliding over the thick muscles of Zoro's powerful neck and digging his fingers into the caramel skin.

The swordsman hummed in appreciation, vibrating Sanji's dick, sending a rippling buzz up his spine making him clench his fingernails deeper into Zoro's shoulders. Vaguely his brain questioned why Zoro was focusing so intently on pleasuring him instead of receiving pleasure. Zoro was the one who would actually die if he didn't reach "ecstasy" after all. Sanji mustered up the strength to rise back onto one elbow and look down at the swordsman. The sight nearly made him come on the spot.

Zoro's impossibly powerful sword-wielding mouth was intently rising and falling perfectly over the entire length of Sanji's cock, while the swordsman knelt over him, robes splayed open, with one hand tucked into his pants where he was pleasuring himself.

Holy fucking shit.

There was nothing more arousing in the world than seeing Zoro bent over him sucking him off while stroking himself. Sanji hadn't realized that he'd let out an audible gasp at the sight, and the swordsman looked back up at him, mouth stuffed and face flushed, eye dilated and dazed with desire. The breath caught in Sanji's throat as he unconsciously pulled his lower lip into his mouth, biting and worrying at it. Zoro's hungry eye followed the movement intently, Sanji's tongue wetting his lips as he continued biting at his lower lip, sweating and cheeks flushed a heated pink, golden locks messily framing his face, the blue of his eyes just a faint glimmer of sapphire around the swollen pupils dilated with arousal. Zoro's brain wasn't working, he was simply moving on instinct and desire, mouth plunging up and down over Sanji's deliciously perfect dick with his eyes trained on the chef's face, drunk on euphoria. He slid his mouth up the length, dragging his rough tongue up the sensitive underside and sucking all the way until he plucked his mouth off the tip with an audible 'pop,' exposing the wet flesh to the cool air for just a second before plunging back down on it, lips pursed together perfectly tight, diving down the entire length and maintaining eye contact all the while until Sanji rolled his head back in pleasure, unable to suppress the moans that escaped his mouth with every breath. Zoro revelled in how the chef attempted to stifle his moaning by biting his lip, making the sound come out in an aching groan and leaving his smooth lips red and puffy. Those lips were so perfectly suckable.

Without thinking, Zoro slurped his mouth off of Sanji's dick again, this time replacing it with the hand that had been stroking himself as he climbed back over Sanji, supporting himself with an elbow by the blonde's head and combing fingers through the smooth locks. The chef looked up at him in a daze as Zoro lowered himself to his lips. Sanji's gut reaction should have been to recoil but instead he pressed into Zoro's mouth meeting his hunger, bashfully noting his own salty, musky taste. The warm weight of something fell against his abdomen and Sanji absently moved a hand to the object, realizing with a hot flush that he was holding Zoro's heavy length in his hand. He was unsure of what to do but he knew that his mission was to get Zoro to climax, so he pumped at it in much the same way he would work his own arousal. Gripping it firmly he delivered each stroke with intention making Zoro groan into the kiss hungrily. Sanji found his grip clashing with the swordsman's working hand, and he lifted his hips, pressing up against Zoro so that their arousals pressed together, and the two men adjusted their grasp around both shafts while Zoro lowered his hips down to press into Sanji. They found themselves thrusting in time into their fists, kissing each other feverishly. Sanji's lips were nectar and Zoro was addicted, he just wanted to dissolve into him, and with each thrust towards Sanji he felt closer, but it wasn't close enough to satisfy him. The impediment of their clothes separating him made him feel uncomfortably distant, until the boundary between them was too irritating and he forced himself to sit up abruptly, separating their mouths with a 'plop' that left Sanji leaning upwards into the air longingly. He looked up at Zoro kneeling over him to get a full view of the swordsman shouldering off the kimono to expose his bare chest in all it's tanned, scarred glory. Zoro unwrapping the sash that bound the fabric together with seductively precise movements, gazing down greedily at Sanji's mouth, once again biting at the lower lip.

God, he had no idea how sexy he was with that oral fixation.

The dark green fabric fell away from the tanned, muscular body and Zoro slid his black pants down to his knees until they reached Sanji's legs, then pulled Sanji's pants down further until both of their trousers were a tangle at their knees. The chef's button down had managed to slide back into place over Sanji's chest and Zoro tugged at it.

"Off," he commanded gruffly, sending a shiver through Sanji who immediately scowled indignantly.

"I'm- I'm only doing this so you don't die, marimo," the chef protested, but obliged, unbuttoning his shirt. Zoro growled at him, tempted to rip the buttons off and devour the man for the irritating reply that he knew would weigh heavily on him later.

Zoro didn't bother waiting until the shirt was fully off, sliding calloused palms up Sanji's torso the moment the buttons had come loose. He lowered himself until their naked bodies were pressed together, revelling in the feeling of Sanjis flushed skin on his. Tucking his face into the crook of Sanji's neck, Zoro wrapped his arms tightly around the chef's shoulders, holding them close together, and ground his hips into the other man so that their erections slid against each other. Groaning into Sanji's shoulder he began thrusting slowly, opening his lips to mouth at Sanji's neck. Their movements were so lewd yet endearingly innocent, rubbing against each other desperately but not going any further than frotting.

Sliding a hand down Sanji's side, Zoro squeezed at the firm hip muscles, ass, thighs. He slid his fingers under Sanji's right leg and pulled it up around his waist, bringing their hips closer together so that their arousals were squeezed together between their abs. Zoro slipped a hand between them, grasping both of their lengths in a firm grip and stroking in time with his needy thrusting, occasionally dipping down to squeeze Sanji's sack and rub the soft patch of skin behind it, sending waves of pleasure rippling through the chef. Sanji's head tilted to the side as he breathed heavily, body rocking with pleasure, eyes half lidded and regarding Zoro through a curtain of sweat-slicked locks. Zoro claimed the lower lip that Sanji had been unconsciously biting and kissed him messily through each erratic thrust, the pleasure building, the pressure mounting within the both of them.

Groaning through the kiss Sanji bit back at Zoro's tongue which only spurred him on. Fingernails were biting into Zoro's back while imagery of being inside Sanji flashed through his mind. The thought of it alone made their actions seem chaste in comparison, the impossible obscenity of thrusting inside the chef so unbearably erotic that it brought Zoro closer and closer to the edge. He wanted that, the closeness, the oneness, the completeness of being inside another person, enveloped in the tight heat and delivering them unspeakable pleasure. He imagined burying his shaft deep inside Sanji, stroking the places no one had ever touched, bringing him the pleasure he never dared dream of, crashing into him like waves lapping at the shore, growing stronger until they reared back into a tidal wave bearing down and smashing through Sanji's walls to fill him completely with ecstasy.


He was close. Sanji's brain couldn't comprehend that just hours earlier the two of them were nothing more than shipmates constantly at each other's throats, because now he felt like his body would be physically deprived without Zoro this close to him. He was fucking into that powerful hand with a desperately urgent heat that built up like a volcano about to burst, feeling their dicks pressed together and sliding against each other rhythmically was so deliciously obscene and he was secretly reveling in the profanity.

Fuck. He wanted more.

When this encounter was over and the effects of that weird beam wore off would they be cast back into the throes of normalcy? Sanji didn't think he could return to that. He hadn't realized how badly he needed this. It was suddenly so simple and clear how this was the next logical step after their constant bickering and fighting and kicking each other's asses. This, this was right. Wasn't it? And what would come after this? He didn't want to go back to normal. A bewildering ache ripped through Sanji's chest at the thought of what would happen when this was over, and he pushed himself to last just a little bit longer to prolong the pleasure of their compromising position. Finally his thoughts went hazy and he felt the pressure mounting to a peak, just as Zoro's thrusting and stroking became erratic, his breathing rough and labored over Sanji's lips.

"Don't stop," Sanji muttered breathlessly, revelling in the mind-numbing pleasure.

The encouraging words lit a fire in Zoro that had him biting down into Sanji's neck with bruising force to suppress his moans as he thrust through their orgasms, bodies racked with pleasure. Zoro's mind was numb to everything but Sanji and the sensations of the body under him. Sanji arched into Zoro's body, head rolling back with a long groan of ecstasy as his fingers dug deep into Zoro's back, grasping him tightly for as long as he could, until the waves of euphoria washed over them and away, where they would be left to return to their former lives as if nothing had happened between them…

They remained breathing heavily until Zoro pushed himself up off of Sanji, not wanting to give the chef the chance to push him away first. Cum was spread between them and dripping from their stomachs obscenely. Sanji managed to find a handkerchief amongst his clothes to clean himself off, and tossed it towards Zoro when he was done, pulling his pants up and lying back down in the grass to close his eyes and light a cigarette. Neither of them spoke, neither knowing what to say or what any of this had meant. Sanji had simply done this to save Zoro's life, right? He was a chef and he would not let his crewmates starve, in any way, shape, or form. Zoro knew not to overthink it.

As soon as Zoro's orgasm had passed, the pang of hunger and desire had lifted off of him and he could feel himself being freed of the spell. Yet for some reason, looking over at Sanji lying in the grass, shirt splayed open and smoking a cigarette, he couldn't help but feel that bit of longing still lingering deep within him. It made him feel an uncharacteristic sort of melancholy, as if he had lost something he'd never had, or gotten a taste of something forbidden and unobtainable.

A/N: Next chapter will be Sanji's turn to suffer hehehe

By the way, did you know that you can make your phone read you pages out loud? I have been listening to SO much fanfiction in Siri's robotic voice lmao. When I'm in the car, when I'm chilling at home, when I'm working out (haha jk I don't work out). People think I've got my headphones on listening to music but little do they know I'm listening to literotica/pornographic fanfiction haaaahahahaha