Hey freaks'n'geeks. It's time for the last chappie of 'Draco Pan'. I've had a blast writing this, and I would love to thank everyone who reviewed. I shall mention your names here:

ToOtHpIcK, Copperstring, Rose-Kaiba, The Totally Sarcastic Sprite, MeadowA Amiastine, Ms K, blackbow, Kelcee-Lynn, Angelic Vampire, Mi, SamiJo, Niggi, Nyah1, ye ye, bearries, Analy, Kitten, Merey, Pink Inspiration, Chibi Tanny, KeaCerasiJade, Paranoid Seat, Lilith24

If I've forgotten your name, and you reviewed I'm sorry. Thank you to all of you. You make me feel special. * hugs * I would also like to mention that I am going to summarize the play, so when the play starts, I'm going to use the character names. Just so you know. Also note that it is also combined with my own ideas, so it won't be exactly word for word. It's just the general idea.

On with the story!

Where we last left off . . .

"Ginny! Wait!" Draco called, but she was long gone.

An empty silence filled the corridor now.

"Guess now I know for sure." He muttered to himself.

But the question was . . . what was he going to do about it?

Chapter 10 - The Curtain Goes Up

Ginny fled into Gryffindor tower, stopping just barely to give the fat lady the password. Once she was safe in her dorm, she collapsed on her bed, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why? Why did I tell him that I loved him? Have I gone completely insane?" she asked herself.

"I don't know. Have you?" a voice answered.

Ginny sat up, and faced the door.

Hermione stood there, looking concerned.

"Thought I heard you crying, and wanted to see what was wrong." She said, coming into the dorm.

"Oh nothing's wrong. Just the fact that I did the most pathetic thing ever." Ginny said bitterly.

"Oh come on now. It can't be all bad." Hermione said, sitting on the bed.

"Hermione, I just told Draco I bloody loved him."

She saw the older girl frown.

"Well why would you do something like that?" she asked sternly.

"I dunno. Maybe because I do love him." Ginny was suddenly very fascinated with the floor. Hermione stood up, and faced Ginny, her hands on her hips.

"Ginny! This can't go on! You do realize that Ron is going to find out, and is going to hex you something fierce. I thought if I gave you some time, you would calm down, and see that I was right. That Malfoy is a good for nothing git, but you obviously haven't heard a word I said to you!"

Ginny stole a glance up at Hermione. She looked furious. Livid. Something inside of Ginny snapped.

"Well why can't you understand how I feel?" she said angrily, standing up, and challenging Hermione. The older girl looked unfazed.

"Like I said before Hermione. You don't know him as well as I do, so don't go off and judge him. Just because he isn't that nice to Ron and Harry at times, does NOT mean you can go condemn me for loving him!" she shouted.

Hermione gaped at the younger girl.

"Ginny, do you realize what you're saying? You are aware that Malfoy has tried to hurt Harry several times, not to mention making his last few years completely miserable. I think that you're blinded by this 'infatuation' and can't see him for who he really is!"

"And just who do you think he is?" she countered. "Maybe he torments Harry so much because he's disturbed. Have you ever really talked to him, and found out why he is the way he is? Well I have, and underneath that cool exterior, Draco is just a lost soul trying to make his way in a sick, sad, messed up world. Just like everyone else."

Hermione sat back on the bed, utterly speechless for once in her life.

"Excuse me." She finally said, and fled from the room, shutting the door behind her.

When she was gone, Ginny flopped back on the bed, emotionally exhausted. ~Tomorrow is the play, and then after that, things will go back to normal. Well, as normal as they can be at any rate.~ Tears formed in her eyes at the thought of only seeing Draco at a distance.

"What am I going to do?" she moaned to herself.

* * * *

After a sleepless night, Draco awoke early. The play wasn't until the evening, but they had so much work to do. The final preparations for the play seemed endless . . . he groaned at the thought of them, and rolled over in his bed, wishing he could go back to sleep and dream of Ginny again.

~I don't know what to do with that girl~ he thought, staring at the ceiling.

Of course Draco had tried to go after her last night after her rather surprising admission. The only reason it surprised him, was because he didn't think she had the guts to do it. ~Well she is in Gryffindor after all . . . so why shouldn't she be brave? Isn't that what Gryffindors are known for? Their courage? ~ But she had told him, and then she'd run off, not knowing that her affections would be returned. ~And they still are~ he thought.

The previous evening was absolute hell, as he wondered if Ginny was crying over him. Oh how he longed to hold her, and tell her it would be alright! But of course he couldn't, not unless she came to him first. He waited all night for some sign that she would come to him.

But Ginny never came.

Now it was the day of the play, and Draco had to act alongside her as the lead, and he no idea, absolutely no clue, of how he could manage it.

Unless he talked to her before the play.

Suddenly, Draco sat bolt upright in bed. ~Why didn't I think of that before? I'll talk to her before the play, and all will be well.~ Now that his problem was solved, Draco was in a better mood. He got out of bed, and dressed. ~I wonder if Ginny'll be down at the great hall . . . guess there's only one way to find out.~

Draco took off like a shot out of his dorm, and into the great hall, where Ginny was hopefully waiting for him.

He was going to tell her how much he loved her.

* * * *

Ginny sat in the great hall, methodically eating her toast. She didn't really hear the buzzing conversations around her. She was too busy scanning the hall for Draco. Ginny was hoping to avoid him at all costs. Hermione wasn't talking to her, and Ron and Harry were beginning to notice the strained tension between the two of them.

"Hey guys, what's with you two lately?" Ron asked, sitting down beside Ginny. He had seen Hermione shoot a death glare at Ginny when she sat down.

"Nothing's wrong Ron. Why would you think something is wrong?" Hermione smiled sweetly at him.

"I've known you long enough to know when something is bugging you." Ron said.

"Well you obviously don't, because nothing is wrong." Hermione frowned at him.

"Excuse me for being concerned. I should just stop talking." Ron was growing angry now.

"Ron, stop being like that-"


The yell reverberated all through the great hall, and everyone stared at the entrance, in utter silence. Harry strode through the hall, not adhering to the curious stares of the people, and came to a stop in front of Ron and Hermione, who, like everyone else, had also gone silent. Harry looked more furious than they had ever seen him in the entire 6 years that they had known him.

"I'm so sick of your bickering! Honestly! You sound like two children! Either stop fighting and get along, or end your bloody friendship."

The two stared at Harry transfixed. Just then, Ginny spotted Draco entering the hall. Conversation had resumed to somewhat of a normal level, but they all knew that the crowd was waiting to hear what happened. Luckily for them, there were no professors present in the hall at the moment.

"Excuse me." She mumbled. "I have things to do."

Ginny got up from the table, ignoring Ron's protests, and fled from the hall, before Draco could see her. She ran through the halls, not caring where she was going. She just had to get away from everyone. After a few minutes, her lungs burned from lack of air, and she slowed down, lest she faint with exhaustion.

"I don't know how I'm going to do the play today . . . " she mumbled.

If she couldn't even face Draco, how on earth was she going to do the play? ~I've got to act neutral~ she thought. But it was so hard. How could she act totally unfazed by Draco, when the mere thought of him made her heart race with anticipation, and her stomach quiver?

"I've got to try. It's the only way I can get through this." She said, determination in her voice.

And after the play, Ginny would never have to see Draco again, and wouldn't have to worry anymore. Life would once more become mundane, and Ginny would be forced to forget that he even existed . . . for the good of them all.

"Perhaps Hermione is right . . . as much as I don't want to believe her, maybe I should just forget him. After all, what's to say that he even cares about me? Maybe I'm just a useful tool in some sort of sick game of his."

Ginny shook her head at that. ~I'm reading into this way too much. But I think it's best I go on with my life. ~

A single tear dripped down Ginny's cheek, as she said goodbye to Draco forever.

* * * *

The day wore on, and as more time passed, Draco was becoming increasingly frustrated. Because of all the busy, chaotic, last minute things they had to do, he didn't manage to find a moment alone with Ginny until dinnertime.

Draco was sitting at the table, when he saw Ginny come into the hall. She was alone, and she looked tired. Without even thinking, he got up from the table, and walked over to Ginny.

"Hi." He said, smiling at her. ~She looks so pretty, even when she's tired. ~

"Hello." She said quietly, not looking at him, but appearing to be quite fascinated with something on the ground.

"So . . . " he said, not knowing how to continue. Ginny's indifference to him was quite baffling.

"Yes?" he was surprised to hear the sharp tone of her voice.

"Are you ready for the play?" ~I cannot believe I just said that! ~ He mentally resolved to smack himself in the head later for that one.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Draco nearly winced. ~Maybe she's upset about something~ he thought.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked.

He thought he saw Ginny hesitate for a moment; but her reply came so swift he was sure he imagined it.

"No. Everything is perfectly fine."

The bitterness in her voice was driving Draco insane.

"Well excuse me for wanting to know how you are, Weasley." He said her name with such contempt, that he felt guilty. He hadn't been this mean to her since before the play. He saw Ginny's face redden, and it made him feel all the more worse.

"Excuse me, Malfoy." She said coldly, brushing by him none too gently to sit at the table. Draco cast her one last confused look, before heading to his own seat.

* * * *

Dinner that night was very tense. Everyone was excited about the play, and those who were in the play were very nervous. When the last scrap of food had been cleaned off the plates, and everyone had been dismissed to go change, the final preparations for the play began.

Professor McGonagall gave them all a brief pep talk amidst the chaos. She noticed that Draco and Ginny were standing as far apart form each other as they could be, and it worried her.

"Ok everyone, you know what's happening, and your costumes are backstage, along with your make-up artist, and if you happen to forget your lines, I've charmed the props to whisper them to you. Other than that . . . good luck everyone!"

As everyone dispersed backstage, Professor McGongall cornered Ginny and Draco.

"Is everything alright? I noticed that you two seemed different this evening." She smiled reassuringly at Ginny, who smiled back.

"Everything is fine Professor. There is no need to worry."

The Professor looked at them uncertainly.

"Are you sure? The leading roles have the biggest job tonight, and we need you to be at your top form."

"Well I am." Ginny said brightly.

"And you, Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall's eyebrows rose, as she looked at him more critically than she had Ginny.

"I'm good." He said.

"Well then, I'll be on my way. You two had best get backstage."

She left, in a flurry of robes, and Ginny set out for backstage, but Draco seized her arm, and Ginny could feel the heat seeping through her robes onto her skin, where his hand lay.

"What?" Ginny nearly hissed at him.

"You're such a liar." He retorted.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't give me that. You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about."

Ginny tried to struggle out of his grasp, but he held fast.

"Let go of me!" she said loudly, but there was no one around to hear her.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." he said.

"I don't have to tell you a thing." She said, turning away from him.

"Oh yes you do." With his free hand, he cupped her chin and turned her face to meet his. She looked livid. ~Ah yes. Smoldering temptress~ he thought.

"Tell me, Ginny" he said, purposely making his voice husky. "Why you're avoiding me. Are you afraid of me?"

She tries again to free herself, but to no avail.

"There's nothing to fear Ginny." He said, lowering his mouth to hers. "Except fear itself."

Draco was seconds away from kissing her, when a loud noise made him look up startled, and in doing so, he released her from his grasp. She had disappeared backstage by the time he had figured out the noise was just the sound of Peeves breaking something on the floor above them. As he glanced at his watch, he saw that it was 20 minutes until curtain call.

"Damn!" he swore, and rushed backstage to get ready.

15 minutes later, the cast was ready, and they were waiting to take their stage cues. Professor Dumbledore came backstage, and gave them a small pep talk. After wishing them all luck, he went through the curtain to announce the play's beginning.

The audience was full, as it was not only students and teachers, but some parents as well. Professor Dumbloredore's eyes twinkled as he caught sight of Mr and Mrs Weasley. ~This shall be very interesting indeed . . . ~ he thought to himself.

"I'd like to bid you all welcome to the first annual Hogwarts play. It is a well-known favorite among the muggles, and those who haven't seen it will vastly enjoy it. It is a timeless classic of not wanting to grow up and staying kid."

He smiled at the audience, and raised his arms

"Let the Play commence."

The curtain slowly rose, as the Professor disappeared from sight.

The play began.

* * * *

John and Michael were jumping up and down on their beds, and were fighting with the weapons that they'd made from cardboard.

"I'm going to kill you this time Hook!" Michael shouted, brandishing his 'sword.'

"Oh no you won't Peter Pan!" John shouted. They continued their antics, oblivious to the world, until they heard a shout of worry.

"John! Michael! Get down off those beds before mother sees you!" Wendy said, coming into the room. She was dressed in her nightgown.

"Aw come on Wendy. We were only having fun." John said.

"Yeah. Playing Peter Pan and captain hook." Michael said.

"There is a time and place for that. Just not here." She replied. "Now come on, into bed."

They protested, but she insisted, and soon, all three children were tucked into their beds. Their mother came in shortly after to bid them goodnight.

"We'll be home late, but nanna will protect you, as will the nightlight. There is nothing to fear. Goodnight my little dears."

She carefully glided across the room in her floor length dress, and closed the door softly, and the children obediently fell asleep.

A few hours later, in the night sky, a light could be seen approaching the Darling House. It was small, no bigger than a firefly, but it's light was far brighter. Alongside the light, was a boy with wild hair wearing leaves and little else. His elf ears twitched slightly, almost as if he were listening to the light talk. Then he laughed softly into the night.

"I think it's a good idea Tink. This house looks fun!" he said eagerly, flying into the open nursery window. His feet made no noise, as he landed, and began looking around the room. The light had dimmed somewhat, and it revealed a tiny fairy with beautiful gossamer wings, wearing a green dress.

Tinkerbell flew around the room, sniffing her disdain at everything in sight . . . until she saw something really shiny, and flew over to examine it. She was so fascinated with the object; she didn't see Peter's shadow flying across the room. It had separated from Peter, and was now running across the walls.

"Come back shadow!" he said indignantly. The shadow on the wall only mocked him, and he charged at it, nearly hitting his head in the process. The noise awoke Wendy.

"Huh? What's going on?" she said sleepily.

As she opened her eyes, and sat up in bed, she saw Peter trying to catch his renegade shadow.

"I don't believe it! It's Peter Pan!" she said.

At the mention of his name, Peter turned around. The shadow took its opportunity and hid behind the shadow of a chair.

"Who said my name?" he asked.

"I did." Wendy replied, fully awake now.

Peter locked gazes with Wendy.

"Who are you?" he asked suspiciously.

"Why I'm Wendy Moira Angela Darling." She replied.

He didn't reply, instead he turned around, looking everywhere around the room.

"What are you looking for?" Wendy asked, getting out of bed.

"My shadow. It's gone again."

"Your shadow?" Wendy asked, surprised "Doesn't it stay attached to you?"

"No. Who ever heard of a shadow staying attached to you?"

"Well I'll help you look for it."

The two of them set out to look for his shadow, and soon they had found it. Peter held it firmly in his hand to keep it from escaping.

"I can sew it back on for you." Wendy offered.

"Sure." Peter said, sitting on floor.

Wendy got her sewing kit. Once the shadow had been sewed back on, she sat back down on the floor and heaved a tired sigh. Suddenly a flash of light came barreling towards them. Wendy had to cover her face with her arm. She saw Peter cock his head, as if listening to something.

"Oh Tink. That's not very nice." Peter said, but he was laughing.

"What? Who is Tink?" Wendy asked.

"Tinkerbell is a fairy." Peter explained.

"You mean the light that's making me go blind?" Wendy asked.

She heard Peter laugh again.

"Tinkerbell is pretty upset right now. It's actually quite amusing." He said.

They heard a loud crash, and saw that the chair had fallen over. It had also awoken John and Michael.

"What's going on?" John asked. He put on his glasses. The light had dimmed somewhat, and he saw Wendy standing by her bed, and next to her was,

"Peter Pan!" Michael shouted, getting out of bed, and running over to him.

"I had no idea I was so well known" Peter said.

"Is there really a Never Never Land?" John asked, coming to join them.

"Why of course!" he said delightedly.

"Can we go there?" Michael asked, positively bursting with excitement.

"Why not? We can make an adventure out of it!" Peter grinned at them.

"Now come on boys. What would mother think?" Wendy asked.

"She wouldn't have to know! We'll be back before you know it!" Peter said.

"Come on Wendy! It'll be fun!" Michael said.

"Yeah. Seeing Indians, battling captain hook . . . "

"Come on Wendy! The boys want to go, so why not?"

Wendy looked at their anxious faces.

"Oh all right" she said at last. "But we'd better be back before mother comes home and finds us gone!"

"You will be. Don't worry so much." He motioned with his arms, and in less than a second, the light had blinded them again. It looked very reluctant.

"I just have to give you some pixie dust." He said.

"Why?" Wendy asked.

"So we can get to Never Land. We have to fly. How else are we going to get there?"

"Hurray! We get to fly!" Michael shouted.

Wendy felt something glittery rain over her, and when it disappeared, she didn't feel any different.

"I don't feel any different." She said.

"Well that's cause I haven't told you the secret yet." Peter replied. "In order to fly, you need to think of a happy thought."

"Any happy thought?" the children asked.


"I'll think of a mermaid lagoon." Wendy said, smiling.

"I'll think of a pirate scare." John said

"I'll think of an Indian Brave." Michael grinned.

Soon, to their utter amazement, they were up in the air.

"It's off to Never land we go!" Peter cried, flying out of the open window and into the night. The children followed suit.

The adventure had only just begun.

* * * *

The play continued on. Ginny was finding it increasingly difficult to act like Wendy. When the play had started, and Draco had emerged for the first time, she was so flustered, that she had completely forgot her lines. Luckily for her, the bed had whispered 'It's Peter Pan!" and then she had remembered.

It was driving Ginny crazy to be this close to Draco, and not being able to talk to him out of character . . . not that it would make much of a difference.

Enough was said earlier before the play. It had almost killed Ginny to act so indifferently towards him, but she no choice. She had embarrassed herself beyond belief. ~ It's funny though, he didn't seem all that perturbed after I made a complete fool of myself . . . ~ Ginny thought.

"Oh Peter do be careful!" her dress whispered, and she mentally cursed herself for being so inattentive.

"Oh Peter, do be careful!" she cried.

Little did she know that someone else was also being 'less than attentive.'

* * * *

Draco groaned inwardly. This was driving him insane! He couldn't talk to Ginny unless he was in character. He couldn't get his mind off how close he had come to kissing her. Again. It was that, and the fact that she looked so beautiful in her costume . . . Draco could barely concentrate on his lines, and several times, his clothes had come to his rescue, whispering his cues.

~Well perhaps Professor McGonagall isn't such an old crone as I thought~

"Of course I will, Wendy. I'm Peter Pan. I will not lose!" his pants said.

Draco gave his head a little shake, to try and forget his problems.

"Of course I will Wendy. I'm Peter Pan! I will not lose!" he cried.

Draco brandished his sword, readying himself for the final battle with 'Captain Hook'. He smiled to himself, as he walked offstage. He remembered how pathetic Harry looked. When Harry had first emerged, Draco had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.

Draco also noted that Ginny had an amused look on her face when she first saw Harry, and that was one of the first times he concentration started to deviate.

"Are you sure you want to do this Captain?" Ron asked.

That was another thing that kept Draco from losing his sanity. Seeing Ron in a costume that hardly looked any different from his own clothes.

"What a perfect role for you Weasley. It's so obvious that your characters is poor." He hissed during one of the scene changes. Ron glared daggers at him, and would have gone after him, had the curtain not gone up, and Draco entered the scene.

"I'm Captain Hook! I've been waiting 30 years to kill that annoyance! Avast me harties!" Harry cried, brandishing his hook.

Draco tried not to laugh. Just then, Hermione entered the scene. ~Her dress is WAY too short . . . ~ he thought, disgusted. It made him even more disgusted, when he saw the look that Weasley gave him. It was enough to make him sick.

A sudden image of Ginny in Hermione's dress made his eyes go wide, as he tried to conceal it. ~There will be plenty of time for that later ~ he admonished. With great effort, he managed to put that thought in the back of his mind, as he entered the stage for the climatic finale of the play.

~Here goes nothing~ he thought.

* * * *

Peter came sneaking back onto the stage. He held a ticking clock in his hand. He was headed towards the ship that flanked the stage. Smee and Captain Hook were gloating over their good fortune.

"Captain! D-do you hear that?" Smee asked.

"Hear what?" he asked. Just then, a soft ticking noise reached his ears.

"It's the croc!" Captain Hook cried! He ran this way and that, panicking, as Smee tried to calm him down.

"Now now Captain, maybe he'll avoid the ship." Smee said consolingly.

As if on cue, they heard the sound of something climbing the ship.

"The ship's bewitched!" the pirates called in frightened voices, for they, too, were scared of the croc.

The men scattered, and dived off the boat.

"Cowards." Captain Hook called out. "You're all codfish!" he had somewhat regained his composure, though they all knew that he, too, would have loved to join those men. The only thing keeping him there was pride.

"Hah! Knew it would've fooled them!" Peter cried, stepping onto the dock.

"You!" Captain Hook cried, standing up from his chair. He looked more furious than Peter had every seen him. He was smiling with glee.

"Me." Peter said, tossing the clock aside, it shattered as it hit the wooden planks.

"So you've made this easy for me. Now I won't have to waste time looking for you." Captain Hook said, fingering his scabbard carefully.

"Well shall we dance?" Peter asked, pulling his golden sword out.

"Let's" Captain Hook replied. He took off his jacket, tossed it over to Smee, and removed his own sword. Without warning, he suddenly launched at Peter, who dodged his attack, though he was now no longer smiling.

"So you want to make it rough huh?" he asked. "Say Goodbye Captain Hook."

Peter lunged at the Captain, who barely managed to deflect the blow. The two went blow-for-blow for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Peter discovered his weak spot. With lightning speed, he grabbed the hook, and stuck it into the wooden poles, dropping his sword into the ocean. Trapped and helpless, Captain Hook stood there, crying.

"Tell the world you're a bloody codfish before I finish you off." Peter said.

"Never!" Captain Hook cried. With quick and skilled movements, Peter brought the sword within an inch of his throat, and pressed into it. Blood began dripping off his neck.

"Fine!" he called hoarsely. Peter withdrew the sword, and waited expectantly in mid-air.

"I'm a . . . " he paused. "Codfish!"

Peter barely had time to react to this, because a gunshot was fired, and Peter fell to the ground, his shoulder in searing pain.

"Hah! You'll never beat Captain Hook when he has Smee around!"

With great effort, Peter looked up, and saw Smee holding the gun.

"Shall I kill you now, or let you die slowly?" he asked gleefully.

"You forget. I have secrets of my own." Peter said, grinning despite the overwhelming pain in his shoulder. He took a deep breath and whistled.

Within seconds, the lost boys surrounded the ship, and the gun was no longer in Smee's hand.

"What? How?" Smee cried, backing into the corner of the ship.

"Get em boys!" Peter cried.

He saw the fearful face of Captain Hook, and the doomed face of Smee, and grinned to himself, before falling into darkness.

* * * *

When Peter awoke, he was back in the tree, and on his bed. It was quiet, as he was the only one in the room. The searing pain in his shoulder was gone, and was now replaced by a dull ache he felt his shoulder, and realized that it had been covered by some sort of bandage. As he struggled to sit up, Wendy came into the room.

"Don't try to sit up!" she cried, rushing towards his side. She pushed him back down onto the bed.

"What happened?" he asked, bewildered.

"You fainted, due to loss of blood. Luckily the boys brought you back after finishing off Captain Hook, and Smee. That was two days ago. I've been taking care of you."

She called out "Ok you can come in now!" and soon the lost boys surrounded the room.

"We thought you were a goner!" one of them said.

"Yeah! But it was so much fun! We sure kicked butt!" another said.

Peter grinned at them. To Wendy he said "Thanks." She grinned at him, and he grinned back.

* * * *

A week later, Peter's shoulder had healed completely, and it was time for Wendy, John, and Michael to go.

"But you can't go!" the lost boys cried, launching themselves at Wendy.

"I'm sorry boys, but I have to go. Mother has long since begun to worry about us."

She hugged them each in turn. Michael and John stood by the tree, waiting patiently for her.

"Where's Peter?" she asked. Ever since she'd told him the she was leaving, he'd disappeared every time she'd tried to say goodbye, but she couldn't put it off any longer.

Wendy saw Tinkerbell zoom towards her all of the sudden, and the tiny fairy started motioning for her to come. She still felt a little leery around the fairy, ever since she's almost tried to kill her, but it seemed important, as Tinkerbell looked like she was going to explode if she didn't come.

"Alright I'll come, but it better not be a trick." She said. To the others, "I'll be right back."

They watched her follow the fairy onto the very outskirts of Neverland. Wendy hadn't been this far before, and hoped she remembered her way back.

"Where are you taking me Tinkerbell?" she asked impatiently. "I have to find Peter."

But she soon saw that was where Tinkerbell was leading her to. Wendy spotted Peter sitting on the beach, throwing rocks into the ocean.

"Thanks Tinkerbell." Wendy said. Tinkerbell shrugged and flew off. Wendy knew it was the nicest she'd ever be to the girl, and shrugged back.

"Hi." She said, approaching Peter. "Is this spot taken?"

Peter whirled around, and his eyes fixed on Wendy's.

"Oh. It's you." He said frowning.

"Yes it's me." Wendy looked hurt and confused.

"What do you want?" his rude tone surprised her.

"To say goodbye."

"So go on then! Say goodbye! Leave me!" he shouted.

Wendy stared at him incredulously.

"Is that what you think I'm doing? Leaving you?" she asked.

"Well it sure looks that way." Peter said darkly.

"Peter, I'm not leaving you. I'm going home, but I can always come back."

"You say that now, but you won't be back."

"I give you my word." Wendy told him firmly. "That I'll be back."

Peter said nothing, and stared at the sea with a pensive look on his face. A few moments passed, and Wendy turned to go.

"I guess this means goodbye then." She said.

"No it doesn't!" Peter cried, stopping her in her tracks. She turned around to face him.

"Peter I told you. I can't live in NeverLand. I want to eventually grow up and become a mother."

She saw him blanch at the prospect of 'growing up'.

"But you don't understand!" he said. He closed the gap between them, and was only inches from her face.

"Wendy Angela, Moira Darling, I love you!"

Wendy gasped at his admission, as did the audience. His lips closed the distance between their mouths for a brief second. When he pulled apart, Wendy could hardly look him in the eye.

"I love you too Peter Pan." She said quietly. He looked happier than she'd ever seen him.

"I will always be here." She said, touching his chest where his heart was racing with anticipation. "And here." She said, tapping his forehead." Peter nodded.

"Goodbye my love." She said softly.

He watched her slip through the forest, and a few minutes later, saw her silhouette against the sky. He watched her and John and Michael until they faded from sight. Then, he grinned to himself.

"That was a great game."

* * * *

The curtain closed, and the audience immediately started clapping. The cast took their curtain calls, and when Draco and Ginny went up, they received a standing ovation. When the curtain closed for the last time, the cast let out shrieks of joy. "We did it!" and began hugging each other.

Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore came backstage, each carrying a bundle of roses.

"That was amazing! Superb!" Professor Mcgonagall said, beaming at everyone.

"Indeed. It was the best rendition on Peter Pan I've seen if I do say so myself." Professor Dumbledore replied.

They approached Ginny, and handed her one bundle of flowers. She stared at them, speechless. They handed the other to Draco, who looked flabbergasted.

"Let's give another round of applause to our stars Ms Weasley, and Mr Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall cried. The entire cast erupted into applause, and Ginny could feel her face burning.

"Now I'm sure you'd all like to celebrate, so that is why I'm having a cast party, and everyone is invited." Dumbledore said.

With a flick of his wand, the entire Great Hall had been transformed, and the backstage gone. Ginny saw her parents run up to her.

"You were so good!" Molly said, embracing her daughter tightly.

"Thanks Mum." Ginny smiled at her, but more than anything, she wanted to somewhere private and cry her eyes out.

"I had no idea my daughter was such a little actress." Arthur said.

"Well I had no idea either."

The beamed at their daughter proudly.

~I've got to get out of here! ~ She thought. Half an hour later, she seized her chance and fled, unable to hide her tears any longer.

* * * *

The party waged on, and soon even Draco found himself in the swing of things. After the play ended, he'd wanted so bad to get out of there, but he couldn't. What with everyone congratulating him and Ginny. ~Ginny~ he thought. He hadn't spoken one word to her since the play ended.

"Where is she?" he mumbled.

"Where is who?" a voice asked.

He whirled around and saw Hermione standing there, regarding him with a frown on her face.

"None of your business." He growled.

"Looking for Ginny?" she asked.

Draco couldn't stop himself from flinching. Hermione looked smug.

"What's it to you?" he asked with as much malice as he could muster.

"I know things." She said.

"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow, daring her to go on. She took the bait.

"Yeah. Like how much that girl is in love with a git like you." She said scathingly.

Her face grew even more smug when she saw Draco's eyes widen.

"Where is she?" he growled.

"And why would I want to tell you something like that?" she asked.

"Because if you don't I'll find make you life miserable until you graduate, mudblood."

He saw Hermione blanch, and looked smug himself.

"If you want me to help you, then don't EVER call me that again." She had gone white with fury.

"Fine. I won't call you a mudblood anymore. Now where is Ginny?"

Hermione tried not to smile. He was so desperate to find Ginny; he was almost being civil with her. She couldn't resist.

"Say please."

"Excuse me?" Draco stared at her.

"You heard me. Say please, and then I'll tell you."

She heard Draco sigh, and wondered if she'd gone too far.

"Can you" he took a deep breath. "Please tell me where Ginny is?"

Hermione didn't quite expect him to actually be polite, so it caught her off guard.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm not repeating myself again." He growled.

Herminoe gave in, and told him what she'd seen.

"I saw her head out earlier, when no one was around. She looked really upset. Are you happy now?" she asked sweetly.

For once, Draco ignored the insult.

"Which way did she go?" he asked, anxious to see her.

"In the direction of the transfiguration classrooms." Hermione said.

"Transfiguration classrooms . . . " suddenly it clicked, and Draco knew exactly where she'd gone. Just before he took off, he looked at Hermione.

"Thanks." He said quietly, before fleeing the Great Hall, leaving a speechless Hermione staring at the spot he'd occupied only seconds before.

* * * *

Ginny ran through the empty corridors. Most of the people were still in the Great Hall, celebrating, and those who lingered outside the hall were congratulating Ginny as she ran past them. She didn't realize where she'd ended up, until she saw the transfiguration classroom loom into sight.

"Oh great" she groaned to herself. Heaving a sigh, she pushed open the door, and let it fall closed behind her. She stood by the window, and let her pent up tears stream down her cheeks.

Ginny couldn't believe what a fool she'd been! Thinking that Draco actually liked her. The kiss at the end of the play had been her undoing. It was bad enough having to act alongside him, and he was still as desirable as ever.

"Damn him!" she clenched her fists to keep from hitting them against the stonewall.

She tried so hard to forget about him, but she couldn't. It was impossible. Draco Malfoy had wormed his way into her heart, and he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Ginny leaned against the wall, thinking about Draco, unaware of how much time was passing, but at that point, she no longer cared.

"Curse you Draco Malfoy!" she yelled aloud. The sound echoed throughout the room, as she buried her face in her hands, and sobbed.

* * * *

Draco approached the classroom, and as he suspected, the door was slightly ajar. He crept up to the door, and peered inside. He thought he could hear muffled sobs coming from the other side of the door, though he couldn't see Ginny. Draco took a deep breath, and, swallowing his pride, he opened the door.

"Ginny?" he asked hesitantly.

She looked up, and instantly Draco could see that she'd been crying. It broke his heart to see her like that.

"What do you want?" she spat. "Go away."

"I will not," he said, approaching her. "Go away thank you very much."

"Listen, I don't want to talk to you right now, so just leave me the hell alone ok?"

Draco nearly recoiled, seeing the angry look that darkened her tear- strained face.

"Now why would I want to leave you alone?" he asked.

"Oh it's so bloody obvious!" Ginny shouted.

"Not to me it isn't" Draco said, crossing his arms.

"Stop tormenting me!" Ginny was now pacing around the classroom.

"How am I tormenting you?" he asked.

"If you don't know, then I'm not going to tell you."

"Come on Ginny. Please tell me. I really don't know what I did, and I want to know, so I can fix it."

"Stop calling me that!" Ginny shouted at him. She had stopped pacing, and now looked him in the eye with a defiant glare that could have rivaled his own.

"Stop calling you what? Ginny?" it was slowly dawning on Draco why she was so angry with him.

"I said stop it!" she looked beyond furious at him.

"But why would I want to stop calling you Ginny?" his voice was low and husky. "It is your name isn't it?"

Ginny seemed to have lost her spunk, and was silent. She stared at the ceiling, the floor, anywhere but him.

"Ginny." He whispered. He could see fresh tears pooling in her eyes.

"Please don't do this Draco." She whispered back. "Not when you know what I feel for you. Don't play games with me."

"Who says this is a game?" he asked. He saw Ginny's eyes widen in shock.

"What're you saying?" she asked, her voice quivering. He closed the distance between them, and tenderly cupped her chin in his hand.

"I'm saying that I love you, Ginny Weasley." He whispered.

Ginny gasped in shock, but it was cut off, as Draco captured her lips with his own.

It was the most amazing experience Ginny had ever felt. She felt heat searing through her body, igniting the blood in her veins. It was like a taste of heaven and all things sweet. Her arms wrapped around his neck on their own accord, and she felt his strong hands wrap around her waist, as the kiss deepened.

When they finally broke apart, Draco rested her forehead against hers. His breathing was harsh and ragged.

"Wow." Was all he said.

"Draco?" Ginny asked, staring up into his beautiful silver eyes.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"What are we going to do about the people?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, pulling away from her.

"Well if Ron finds out about us, he'll skin me alive, not to mention he'll murder you."

"Well no one has to know." Draco said. He saw her eyes widen for a brief moment.

"So we'll keep it a secret?" she asked.

"Until we figure out a way to convince everyone that we love each other."

Ginny shivered with pleasure at the mention of them loving each other. Draco pulled her into his embrace again, and she rested her head against his chest.

"But how'll we manage?" she asked.

Draco kissed her forehead.

"We'll find a way. Ginny."

"We'll find a way."

A/N: IT'S FINALLY DONE! Three cheers for me! YAY! YAY! YAY! Anyways, I am planning on writing a sequel; so don't worry if this is a cliffie, it's supposed to be. I hope you all enjoyed the story, and I want to thank you all once final time for being such awesome readers, and for putting up with my bouts of laziness when I didn't update for a long period of time. I can assure you I'm getting better at it, and I will try my hardest to update once a week for my sequel. Well I leave you all now, but I will see you for the sequel 'Sleeping Ginny' Ja ne! Bandana Gurl.