You may have noticed that there weren't any notes on the final chapter. That's because I ultimately decided to make them their own "chapter." Mostly due to the fact that I have a few things to cover.

First of all, Story 4 is ready to go, but because of the structure, I want to upload it and Story 5 fairly close together. There will be a bit of a break before stories 4 and 5 start coming out as I have a couple of art pieces that need to be finished first. However, there will be less time in between chapters.

On the shipping front. You may have noticed that none of my stories have ships in them. This is in large part due to the fact that I'm asexual-aromantic. You will never see any sex scenes in my stories. On the romance side of things, I promise that the Jade/Harley dynamic will be resolved. I find writing romance difficult, but I'm willing to give it my best shot.

Thirdly, I'd like to make it clear that I have absolutely no problem with other people using my characters. In fact, I encourage you to use them if you want to and I'd definitely be down to add them to the Chasing Fate community. If you want to write your own shippy stuff, go for it! The only thing I ask is that you let me know, both so I can add it to the community and because I'd be super excited if someone wrote a story about my characters ;D

If you'd like more consistent updates involving story progress, a good place to go would be my Twitter ( ArcaneGlitch). I also have a tumblr under the same name and my DMs are always open on any platform.

Finally, I run a discord server called Creation Station. If you're a creator, there are plenty of places for sharing ideas and works. If you're not a creator, the server is a great place to hang out with a bunch of friendly people. If you're interested in joining, simply enter the invite code (BFyxyzD)

Keep your eyes up, Guardians!

- TheWolfParadox