A/N: I Know, I know. Why am I starting a new story when I have so many ones to finish and update yet? Well, because I want to I guess. That said, dear readers, this story is going to be added to my update queue with all of my other stories meaning that updates may be slower. I hope that you enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I merley play with the wonderful universe and characters the lovely JK Rowling created.

Hermione left the Headmaster's office dazed and wrapped up in her thoughts. She was in a state of shock and utter disbelief at what she was asked to do, what she had all but agreed to. She glanced at the leather bound diary she held in her hands, sleek black with the initials TMR engraved on the cover. She would have the rest of the school year to prepare and research and plan before she would go on a journey she wouldn't ever come back from. A large part of her was angry and resentful at being sacrificed so easily, at being used as a pawn in Dumbledore's quest for the greater good. Yet, at the same time, she had to admit this plan had merit. As she walked slowly back towards the Gryffindor Common Room, she ran through the conversation that occurred.

"I'm sorry Professor, but you want me to do what exactly?"

"I understand your reservations, Miss. Granger, but you must understand that with your knowledge of time travel you are the only fitting candidate for this mission."

"A mission that sends me back over fifty years in the past with no hope or chance of my return!"

"It is a great sacrifice to ask you to make, however, I fear that without this step that we will inevitably lose this war, or only emerge victorious with great losses. You understand that losing one life to save hundreds more is a chance that I have to take."

Tears were emerging in her eyes as she realized what the headmaster was inadvertently saying. That she was disposable for the sake of his greater good. "What about Harry? Who will be there for him and Ron to keep them out of trouble?"

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley will find support from other friends and order members once you have departed. Of course, as you progress on your mission you will shift the timeline and given your inevitable success they will have no need for you. In fact, the more successful you are the less they will remember you at all. They will be fine."

Hermione closed her eyes to hide the fury that surely shone in her gaze. She would have to go on remembering her friends, her timeline, missing those dearest to her while she would eventually cease to exist to them. The knowledge was the most painful. Despite her desire to refuse the assignment, Hermione knew that the risk of losing the war was high. If this asinine plot was a way to ensure their success Hermione knew she couldn't deny her mission.

"What exactly would I need to do?"

"Ah, I'm glad to see you coming to terms with this. It's simple really, you infiltrate into Tom's life and convince him to choose a different plan than the ones that led us here."

"How am I supposed to accomplish that? Sending me back to a point where he has already created his horcruxes doesn't bode well for my success."

"Which is why you are going back to before he created his first horcrux. A simple de-aging potion will take care of your age difference and you will begin your fifth year with Tom at Hogwarts. I've written a letter to my past self with instructions to assist you. The rest is up to you. This journal came into my possession a while back when it was found somewhere in the castle after I became headmaster. I believe it will give you insight into the innermost thoughts of Tom during that time."

Not knowing what else to do, Hermione reached out and accepted the journal. "I hope you're right about all this Professor." He also handed to her a bag with an undetectable extension charm containing the letter to himself he mentioned, the time turner she would use to go back and the potion she should take before leaving. It also held items she would find useful to her such as clothing in the 1940's styles and galleons to get her through until she could be given a suitable cover and means to support herself.

"As do I, as do I. One parting piece of advice Miss. Granger, remember that Tom was a boy who never experienced love." Hermione nodded once before she turned and left the office.

A boy who never experienced love. What exactly was she supposed to do, make him fall in love with her? Impossible. She wasn't a girl who knew how to make boys even like her, much less one as charming and deceitful as Tom Riddle. Though the words rang a little too close to home. She knew of another boy close to her who never experienced love until he got to Hogwarts. The only differences for Harry were that when he got here he was already famous, he had a person, however unworthy of the honor, to look up to and friends. It was entirely possible that the absence of these factors that Harry would have gone down the same path as his enemy. The thought seemed ridiculous, but Hermione couldn't shake the shiver that crept down her spine as it occurred to her. When Tom riddle arrived as an orphan at Hogwarts, he had nothing and nobody was sorted into a house where in his early years he was considered a muggle-born and was bullied until he used fear, knowledge, and power to his advantage to demand respect. He never had friends. Hermione did wonder what it would have been like for Harry where the roles reversed.

It was on that thought that she made it up to Gryffindor Tower and was standing in front of the portrait of the fat lady. There was one week left of term and Hermione debated telling Harry and Ron about her upcoming mission but immediately decided against it. Neither of them would take the news well and saying goodbye when the time came was only going to be too hard. Dumbledore was certain she would know when the time was right, she would rather spend her time making the most of her time with her friends. She opened the journal she was holding and began to read.

It was time. The order was in a disarray and Hogwarts scared and Afraid. Dumbledore was dead. Snape had killed him Harry had witnessed the death, Draco Malfoy had let death eaters into the castle and everything had gone to hell in a handbasket Hermione now knew that this is what the headmaster had meant when he told her she would know when the time was right Nobody knew what to do without the influence of the great wizard. Hermione herself didn't see how the war could be won without him. Despite his many, many faults Dumbledore was a powerful and influential wizard who many looked up to Without him the order was in shambles. She now saw that changing the timeline was the only hope for them now.

She attended the funeral standing somberly with her friends and peers before they school walked quietly back to the Great Hall. The students were departing for home the next day, but Hermione would never board that train. She sat through dinner studying teh faces of Harry and Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, even Malfoy, and his cronies and other peers she wasn't particularly close with. She memorized their features, their expressions. That night when all were asleep she slipped down to the common room. She desperately wanted to leave a note to explain her disappearance, but couldn't risk it. She drank the vial of de-aging potion and waited a moment for the changes to take affect. Once she was as she looked in her fifth year she held on to the bag, glimpsed one last time at the common room and turned the time turner six times. A golden light surrounded her and soon was ripped off the ground into the vortex of time, vanishing from view. She collapsed on the hard ground with a loud thunk before her world went dark.