Day 1. Regret (September 24th) Anything Obi-Wan or Satine may have regretted or anything else related to both the feeling of regret and Obitine.

Obi-Wan glances between the young prince and the Duchess, and feels his shoulders sink ever so slowly while the chaotic thoughts click into place. "Satine."

She is slow to glance at him, but when she does, her gray-blue eyes are sad. All she can offer him a gentle raise of her eyebrows.

"Why...why didn't you tell me?"

"You...had responsibilities elsewhere. Your plans for the Jedi...the Council - I didn't wish to be the person to take that away from you."

"That doesn't - Satine." There's anguish in his voice.

Satine sighs, and taking his wrist, gently leads him into a darkened corner of the ballroom, weaving between senators and members of the Jedi Order. Her skirts swish quietly, a sharp contrast to the thoughts clamoring in her mind and the chattering around them. She knew it would be impossible to keep such a secret from him forever…

(Unbeknownst to them, Anakin is watching from the other side of the room, brow creasing in concern. He never does get a chance to say anything about the matter - his wife tugs him to the dancefloor, and he forgets about the interaction between Duchess and General.)

She just had to bring Korkie to Coruscant for a ball, and she just had to begin sharing her bed with Obi-Wan once again.

"Satine." Obi-Wan grasps her forearms gently, a silent plea to look at him. He looks far too old and stiff in his formal robes and bits of gray at his temples.

"What could you have done, Obi? Stayed on Mandalore? Be a Jedi consort to a pacifist Mandalorian Duchess?"

"I could have watched my son...grow up." The word feels strange on his tongue. He gestures to ballroom, where Korkie is joking around with Ahsoka, completely unawares of what's happening. "I should have been there."

"I…" Satine puts a hand to his cheek, feeling the rough whiskers, remembering how strange it felt to kiss him again, to feel the hair scratch at her skin in the bed chambers of the Coronet.

How odd it had been when he escorted her back to Sundari, and had met Korkie for the first time.

To watch for months while he tried to put the pieces together, and came to the inevitable conclusion they are now facing.

"Does...he know? That we're-"

"No." Satine watches him pace away, running a hand over his beard in frustration. She feels...calm. Such an odd feeling, right now.

"I should have stayed."

"Perhaps," Satine agrees, catching his hand and making him stand before her. Sad blue eyes stare back at her, desperate to change the past, to wipe away every regret. "But it was the right decision for the time."

"For the time," Obi-Wan murmurs before kissing her, pulling her as close as he can in the shadows. "There's never enough time."

Authors note: I feel like a horrible fanfic author for not having this up yesterday - but now it's here now - ENJOY!

Enjoy some feels - I'll have today's prompt up by tonight :D

Check out the rest of the stuff my fellow authors/artists are doing over on Tumblr at "Obitine Week"

Enjoy chapter enjoy the cinnamon rolls! Whooo!

ii Digestive Reader ii