A/N: Welp, this is it. The story has meandered to a close and I feel like there is no more to say on the subject. Thank you to those who have followed along with me. I appreciate it, more than you know. Also, drop me a line, why don't ya? I can't improve without help.

"If you would just hold still, woman, we'd be done by now!" Ginny shrilled as her long fingers went to work on the riotous mass of curls that needed to be tended to within the next half hour. "You act as if you've never been married before!"

"Shut up, GIn. You've done it. Harry's done it, with YOU no less! Hell, even Ron's done it with Pansy friggin' Parkinson! I have not and am terrified! What kind of best girlfriend are..." Hermione's words faded into silence though her mouth continued to move. Wide golden brown eyes flicked toward the mirror, there to glare at the redheaded beauty who was in the midst of turning her rat's nest into something fit to be viewed by someone other than Draco.

Ginny didn't look the least bit contrite. In fact, she did nothing more than smirk at the now forcibly silenced bride to be before she resumed her self-appointed task. Since there was nothing to be done about any of it, for the nonce, Hermione allowed herself to glance outside and down to West Rose garden which held a hundred guests gathered for her wedding.

Her wedding!

A small smile graced her features as one warm palm rested lightly against the almost non-existent swell of her belly, a belly holding two separate magical signatures which signified twins. She was excited, that much was true, but the road which had led to this had been filled with mistakes, arguments, worries and sometimes, she found herself terrified that she'd awaken from a dream to find that none of this had happened.

Gods, that would suck.

A tingle of magic announced her ability to speak, once more, but she found words were not to be had, not once Ginny settled the old-fashioned lace veil upon her head. Two pairs of brown eyes swept the vision in the mirror~~ taking in everything from the demure bun and loose curls framed by falling lace to the sleeveless ivory wedding gown with an empire waist and small satin and lace train.

"Oh, Hermione, you look beautiful," Ginny whispered, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes. "I hope wolf boy is ready for you, love."

Hermione giggled. "Thanks, Gin."

Someone knocked on the door and then pushed it open. "Mione, you ready?" Two voices in tandem, her boys, her best friends, the men who would give her away.

Ron stopped just inside the door, his bright blue eyes crinkled and glassy with unshed tears. "Oh 'Mione, you look beautiful. Are you sure you don't want to run away with Blaise or Adrian? You've got time, you know?" His words were teasing but the hitch she heard meant that his feelings were as close to the surface as her own. "I can sneak you outside, he won't even know you've gone."

"Oh, Ronald!" The admonition came from both herself and Ginny, even as Harry stepped closer and tugged her into a tight hug.

"Hermione, you look gorgeous. I know that Malfoy understands just how lucky he is but if he forgets, send him to me. I'm your brother. I'll remind him." The words were whispered against her temple, low enough so that only the two of them would know they'd been said.

"Thanks, Harry. I feel better knowing you will be here with me." She turned her head so that she could look at Ron too, including him in their small circle, expanding the duo to a trio with but one glance. "I am so glad you are both here and that I don't have to take this last walk as Granger, alone. I love you guys."

Ron moved from his position by the door and wrapped his arms around his friends, his taller frame momentarily blocking the sunlight streaming through the window from view. "You know we wouldn't leave you by yourself, 'Mione."

Ginny ended the impromptu hug with a word, "Time."

The hug was broken, the fellowship expanded and within minutes, the large double doors leading outside (to the guests, the Ministry official and HIM) were opened so that Hermione could step outside (with Harry at her left and Ron at her right) to meet her future.

And where was her future?

Draco stood at the small stone altar, his body held under strict control, his eyes trained on her as she came closer and closer. His mobile mouth was almost stern, a straight line imposed by his need to control his own burgeoning emotions. Yet, once she drew near, she saw the commingling of silver and gold, the glassy gleam of unshed tears.

And she smiled.

"Who gives this witch to the binding," the Ministry official asked.

"We do," her boys had responded, in perfect harmony, before hands were squeezed and released.

However, she'd soon forgotten about them because he had smiled and taken her small hand into his own and all further thought had fled beyond the need to affirm, to unite, to underline the bond they had built over the past eighteen months. With quiet responses, she had given herself wholly to the lean young wizard at her side and it was worth it.

It was everything.

And so was he.

The Sappiest Ending...ever.