Summary: The Teen Titans transfer to Bayville High School on a mission, they quickly befriend the X-Men as normal high school students. But what happens when they find out about each other's powers and abilities? Rated T for language, sexual references and some violence though this rating could change anytime soon.

Author's Notes: Soooo this is my first ever crossover fanfic, so go easy on me. I know it might seem like a silly story but what else would you expect? I hope you enjoy it and laugh along the way, don't forget to write a review! I don't really know where I'm going with this story but I'm having a good time writing it. Love you all ❤️

Chapter One: We Think Too Much

Date: September 24

Location: Titans Tower

Raven was awoken by a fit of hysterical laughter coming from the living room down the hall.

Getting out of bed, grunting, she decided to see what all the laughter was being caused by.

"What are all of you laughing at? What's so hilarious today?" She asked, eyeing Beast Boy and Cyborg who were laughing up a storm and Robin, who despite a couple of chuckles, was acting more seriously and analytical.

"Dude, check out this video! It's the latest fight at Bayville High!" Beast Boy said excitedly.

Raven looked up at the television screen to see a gross, toad-like boy in a hasty fight with a blonde jock, then a muscular guy with brown hair and sunglasses rushing to his defense.

"Dude, this high school is wild!" Beast Boy exclaimed, high-fiving Cyborg.

"And I thought we were freaks!" Cyborg added, laughing.

Robin continued to sit at the couch, analyzing the video.

"Tell me why you all find a couple of high school kids acting like idiots so hilarious again?" Raven asked sarcastically.

"Come on, Rae. How could you not find this shit hysterical?" Beast Boy replied.

Raven ignored his comment and decided to start cooking some breakfast for herself instead. A big plate of eggs and bacon was a sure way to keep him away from her, for now.

"Ignore Miss Mopey, Beast Boy. Some people just don't have as good of a sense of humor as us." Cyborg said.

As much as Raven wanted to fire back, she decided to just ignore the goofy pair and enjoy her breakfast.

"Yeah including Robin." Beast Boy said, pointing at him. He noticed he hadn't really been laughing that much at the video and was actually studying it.

"Do you have to be so analytical about everything, Robin?" Cyborg asked. "Can't you just laugh at something every once and a while?" He added.

"I don't know, Cy. The way those kids fought each other, the way they moved, there was just something...weird about it." Robin replied, still appearing to be studying in his mind.

"Oh will you stop overreacting? Everyone knows Bayville High kids are kinda freaks but it's nothing to worry about. Lighten up a little!" Beast Boy said.

"You know what? Maybe we might need a second opinion." Cyborg suggested.

He began to trot down the hallway where Starfire's room was, he opened the door to find her watering her new house plants, with her pet larva, Silkie assisting her.

"Yo, Star, can we get your opinion on something?" He asked.

"What is it?" She asked, he took her hand and brought her into the living room.

Beast Boy quickly turned the video of the three way fight back on, Starfire just stood there and watched, she was flabbergasted.

"Now, does anything about this hiiiiilarious high school fight seem out of the ordinary to you?" He asked.

"Is that how teenagers who are not superheroes behave in the high school? That is most definitely not normal!" Starfire exclaimed.

"See? Starfire sees it. This is definitely a cause for a mission." Robin said.

Raven, still sitting at the table in the kitchen, had finished her breakfast and was ready to argue again. She rolled her eyes and entered back into the living room.

"Will all you, just shut the fuck up about this already? A couple of kids got into a fight in high school, what is the big deal exactly? Robin and Starfire, you're both overreacting. And Cyborg and Beast Boy, you two always think things are way funnier than they actually are!" She shouted, the other four teens were left speechless.

"Now if you excuse me, I have another novel I'd like to finish by the end of the day and don't want to be put off track by all this shit. If you need me, I'll be in my room." She added, walking towards her bedroom and locking the door.

Soon afterwards, the other Titans began to continue their argument further.

"Even if it's nothing, what's the worst that can happen?" Robin asked.

"Umm dude, we would be going to school! Isn't that bad enough?" Beast Boy replied.

"Hey, when I was in high school, I managed to have a good time. Were superheroes, it's not like we would have to do all the work. Our futures don't really depend on it." Cyborg said. He realized that he missed out on a lot of high school memories due to the accident and kind of wished that he could go back. Maybe Robin's idea wasn't so bad after all.

"Oh I would love to experience the high school!" Starfire added. She had never actually been to a school before, even back in Tameran. But she was a huge fan of high school dramas on TV and wanted to experience it for herself.

"Well, looks like you're outnumbered 3 to 1, Beast Boy." Robin said, smirking.

"I am so excited to attend the high school! It will be just like on the Gossip Girl!" Starfire said, jumping for joy.

Beast Boy gulped. "D-didn't you guys forget to ask Raven?" He asked nervously.

"It doesn't look like she really cares either way, BB. But I guess we should let her know anyway." Cyborg replied.

"Hey, Raven, we're going to high school!" He shouted, hoping for her to hear it.