Chapter 9: She's Back!

Darkness loomed over the land of Mobias, the midnight stars twinkling overhead in the night sky. It was a peaceful night as the news of Sonic's condition swept over the island just hours before. The people, Sonic's friends especially, slept soundly, knowing that the blue hedgehog was getting better, even if it was just by a little bit. However, what no-one knew, was that it was about to get a lot worse.

A storm was coming.

A slim figure dressed in black moved swiftly around the beach, making her way quietly to the shack that sat by the bay, where inside, her beloved slept peacefully. He did not know it, but Diaspheria had been watching him ever since that first night, intent on keeping her promise if he spoke of the event. She found it amusing that his friends could find out so quickly that he was raped, but even more so that they had no idea it was her, and Sonic wasn't going to give them any clues either. That little fact was proven when he refused to say anything to that police officer earlier today. She enjoyed watching him suffer in his broken depression.

However, when the blue hedgehog spoke for the first time in a week, she knew it was time to make herself known again. He was recovering from the attacks rather quickly, which to her meant that he was ready for a third round, and this time, he will have to participate.

Cackling quietly and cruelly, she slithered across the sands and through the open doorway of the hedgehog's shack, making a beeline straight to her target, who rested peacefully in his hammock for the first time. She smiled wickedly, her fangs glistening in the moonlight as she stared at her sleeping victim. She bent down slowly and whispered quietly into his ear.

"Hello, my little hedgehog."

Sonic's ear twitched at her voice and his eyes shot open, fear coursing through his veins as he stared in horror as his worst nightmare came true.

"D-D-Diaspheria…" He whimpered, getting ready to scream and alert his charging bodyguard, but the vampire seemed to sense it as she suddenly covered his mouth.

"Ah-Ah-Ah," She giggled evilly. "I wouldn't scream if I were you. You don't want me to hurt your dear little robot friend, now do you?"

"What do you want?" Sonic whimpered quietly. "Haven't you done enough?"

"No, my dear, I don't think I have." The vampire giggled cruelly. "After all, I still don't have what I want. I'm starting to think you may have the same problem as my last victim, but, like him, I'll give you one last chance to prove yourself worthful to me."

There it was again. The mention of another victim. Just who was that other victim? And what did Diaspheria want that he couldn't give her?

"One last chance to what?" Sonic asked desperately. "What is it that you want?"

"All in good time, my dear." Diaspheria giggled. "That is, if you succeed. If not… well, we'll get to that when we get there."

'She's gonna kill me if she doesn't get what she wants.' Sonic gulped fearfully. 'Sweet Mobias help me!'

"Well, that's enough conversation for now, it's time to get down to business."

Suddenly, without any warning, the vampire grabbed Sonic's hands and twisted them behind his back. Sonic cringed in pain as she held him as if she was a cop and he was the criminal. She lifted him out of the hammock and began dragging him away from his home, deep into the forest once more.

"No, no, no, no, please no!" He begged as tears ran down his face. "Please don't do this, Dia, I don't want this!"

"You might not want it, but I do!" She hissed. "This is your last chance Sonikku, so I suggest you make it count!"

"What am I supposed to do?! I don't know what you want from me besides sex, and you've already taken that more than once! Please, just tell me what you want!"

However, Diaspheria ignored his cries and threw him on the ground. Before Sonic could get back up again, she was on top of him, pushing their lips together in a forceful kiss. After a few seconds, she broke the kiss and stared at him.

"I want you to fuck me." She said huskily. "It's your turn to do the work now, Sonikku."

Sonic was more fearful than ever now. He was shaking in terror, and his body couldn't properly control itself. He blushed a deep shade of crimson in embarrassment as he felt a wetness seeping from between his legs. Diaspheria, feeling the wetness hit her knees, looked down to Sonic's nether region and purred in amusement as she saw the yellow puddle of urine escape from her lover's bladder.

"Frightened, Sonikku?" She purred in his ear.

Sonic nodded his head, indicating that he was very frightened.

Diaspheria purred and kissed his ear, earning an involuntary twitch. "Don't be." She whispered. "This won't hurt a bit. Here, I'll even help you get ready."

Suddenly, Diaspheria lowered her head down to Sonic's dripping wet member. A gasp forced its way out of Sonic's mouth when he felt her wrap her mouth around his shaft for the third time since they've met. She didn't seem to mind the taste of his own bodily fluids.

Unbeknownst to the hedgehog and vampire duo, a certain little robot was watching them from the shadows.

Bokkun had heard the cries of his charge while he was charging his batteries and quickly decided to investigate. He followed the screams all the way into the middle of the forest until he finally stumbled across the duo. He was not expecting to find Sonic about to be raped for a third time, but was slightly glad that he did. Now, he could make this vampire, whoever she was, pay for what she has done.


Startled, both Diaspheria and Sonic looked towards the voice. The vampire growled angrily, while Sonic stared in horror as the little robot came shooting out of the shadows, his fist pulled back to punch the vampire.

"Bokkun! No!" But the hedgehog's cries were too late.

Bokkun was able to get only a single punch in to Diaspheria's face, which did little damage to a creature as strong as her, before she suddenly grabbed him by the throat, crushing his windpipe in her strong hand.

"Hello little robot." She greeted in a voice as cold as ice, staring directly into his yellow eyes with her ruby ones.

Bokkun forced a gulp. "H-H-Hello."

Diaspheria grinned evilly. "Now then, I understand that you're just a child, but you must understand that there are times when adults need to play… and children need to sleep!" As she said this, she threw the little robot as hard as she could to a tree. The throw was so quick it may as well had not even happened. With a single crash against the tree, the little robot was shattered on impact, parts of him flying a few feet or meters away from each other.

"No!" Sonic cried out, horrified by how Diaspheria had reduced his bodyguard to scrap metal in under a second. He stared up at her as she leaned back over him, her pearly whites glistening in the moonlight with her smile, her full red eyes shining in playfulness. She honestly looked attractive this way.

"Now then… where were we?"