(Please read The Queen and Maverick if you haven't yet, before you read this series.)

Welcome back folks!

Don't worry, a sequel is on the way.

But in my spare time i will every now and then put in a one shot short story in this series of Aiden's life with the frozen family. Most of them will take place after the first story.

But sometimes i may occasionally make one about before Aiden met Elsa or during the first week they met.

And i may make other times as well, like before the ending wedding of Anna and Kristoff.

But this first one is about when the family went through the space bridge in the Maverick's chamber (Yes instead of Chamber of Renewal, Aiden renamed it his chamber). And the first time they had met Master Yen Sid the Sorcerer.

And the one who guided Aiden out of despair in Radiant Garden.

A Whole New World: Part 1.

The Mysterious tower…

After they all went through the space bridge from inside the Chamber. In a large bubble of light, Maverick, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Groot appear outside the yard of Yen Sid's tower. They looked around to see that the whole area was on a hill floating amongst the clouds in the endless sunset of Twilight Town itself.

"Aiden? Where are we?" Anna asked curiously.

"This would be the wizard's tower." Maverick pointed at the tower in front of them.

"You mean This is Yen Sid's tower?" Elsa asked. He told them about the mighty wizard yesterday at the dinner table.

"No it's Dr Strange's tower." Maverick said with mild but humorous sarcasm, making his mother chuckle a little. "Of course it is. Come on, he should be inside."

They followed Maverick up to the front door, He went up the steps and knocked four times. The only answer he got was the door opening slowly on its own.

"I am Groot." Groot said. Translate 'Creepy.'

"I don't know about this Aiden." Elsa said feeling nervous about walking inside, she wondered if this was the right place.

"It's fine Mom, I've been here before." Maverick reassured the queen.

Anna couldn't help but smirk. Hearing her big sister being called 'Mom' caused her insides to flush. She always saw Elsa as a mother figure to her and to others. But actually seeing her do the real deal means a lot.

So on that note they all walked inside and went up the stairs. Passing a few doors that lead to more stairs, which happened to be floating in the air of the towers interior with doors that were attached to portals.

"Weird…." Kristoff muttered at the looks of those door/portals.

By the time they reach the top of the stair, they made it to the study room, were they saw Yen Sid himself was sitting on his desk as usual.

"Wow….you have a really long beard." Olaf gasped.

Maverick slapped his own forehead at the snowman's awkward statement.

" It would seem that your wondering journey has come to a close Maverick. And welcome to you all." The sorcerer said to them. "Queen Elsa, Princess Anna, Sir Kristoff, Olaf the snowman and Groot, the loyal flora colossus."

"Wait you know about us?" Kristoff asked.

"Indeed. I have watched and observed the Maverick's work on Arendelle and when he purge your world of Lash's darkness." Yen Sid answered then looked at Elsa. "And because of your light Elsa, your power is now his."

Maverick changed back into Aiden. "That's putting it mildly. When i used that crystal, you never told me that i would also steal her 'Ghost of Christmas Night' looks." Aiden said showing his new looks.

Elsa and Anna laughed under their breaths for that.

"I did say you would still be white, did i not?" Yen Sid remarked.

"Yes, but you didn't tell me i would look like Michael Jackson playing Jack Frost." Aiden said back. "Not that i'm upset. But it's gonna be difficult to convince people that hotter Snow White here, didn't give birth to me."

The two sisters laughed a little louder on that note.

"What are you laughing at, i'm making a point here." Aiden said acting oblivious.

"Well it would also seemed that the family gained a lot from you as well." Yen Sid said with a smile. "But i can see your here to see the city for the first time. But before you go, you will need some appropriate attire that matches the people of this era."

"Not a problem for me." Aiden said snapping his fingers.

Causing the boy's clothes to turn at the rush of ice and snow on his body like how Elsa's ice dress formed.

Only some blue jeans formed with white sneakers and a dark blue shirt, with words in green letters on it that reads 'I was water before it got cool'. And a pair of royal blue colored glasses shades to hide whenever his eyes would glow at will. Aiden's eyes would only glow when ever he would use his power, whether it was ice or neon.

Yen Sid chuckled. "Well that takes care of you, but as for the rest of you. There are three good fairies in the next room that will give you the appropriate garments." he said.

"Fairies!?" Anna squealed.

"Oh boy." Aiden muttered while rolling his eyes at his new Aunt's enthusiasm.

Ten minutes later in the wardrobe room…..

The three good fairies from the Enchanted Dominion spent the last half hour preparing the frozen family for their tour around Twilight Town.

Elsa now wore a blue white shirt with a black shirt and black stock leggings with white heels. And her signature braid hung on her shoulder.

Anna now wore blue jeans with red sandals, an orange shirt with a chocolate bar drawn on it and a red checkered flannel vest. Her hair still had her ponytails style.

Kristoff now wore something similar to his usual summer formal wear, a blue sweater with dark brown long pants. Black shoes and a dark leather vest jacket to go with his style.

"Now remember my dears. It is imperative that we must all keep the world order. So when you step out there amongst the stars, no one in that world must know you're from another world. In fact don't speak to anyone about it, unless you find it that these individuals must know for their sake of safety. Or you see someone that might be from another world as well." Flora the red fairy stated to Aiden's family.

"But how will we know?" Elsa asked curiously.

"Oh you will know dearie, from the odd things they say and even their looks will let the secret out. So keep your eyes open." Fauna the green fairy said.

"That's great and all, but what about these two?" Kristoff pointed his thumb back at Olaf and Groot who were standing behind everyone.

"Oh your right, we've seemed to forgot!" Merryweather the blue fairy responded.

"Allow us." Flora said as they waved their wands toward Olaf and Groot, then a symbol of a white snowflake with a question mark appear on both of their chests.

"Now if anyone sees you both with those symbols on, anyone who is not from your world will see someone else." Fauna explained.

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged. Translate 'I hope so.'

After that…..

Maverick was still in the study talking with Yen Sid while that was going on.

"And that was the last time i had ever allow Mickey to where my hat." Yen Sid told him a short tale.

"And your telling me, this mouse is also a king?" Maverick asked.

"One of the best, despite his size and childish impression." Yen Sid started. "No offense."

"None taken." Maverick shrugged.

"Mickey Mouse is truly one of the best keyblade warriors across the whole multiverse." Yen Sid Stated.

" But aren't there other keyblade warriors out there?" Maverick asked.

"There will be others. That for much is certain." Yen Sid emphasized.

'Sheesh, i'm starting to wonder who's the master Yoda in my life.' Maverick thought.

The door to the wardrobe room opened and Elsa, Anna and Kristoff stepped out in their new modern outfits.

"Look at you. You all look like you lived in JCPenney's." Maverick complimented them.

Then Olaf and Groot came out, still in their magic disguise spell. "And-" Maverick stopped and looked at those two with a confused look. "Who are those two? Are they lost?"

Indeed because Aiden wasn't born in Arendelle, the disguise effect worked on him.

The tree and Snowman looked at each other with a confused look until Merrywheater peeked her head out of the door and said. "Oops! Almost forgot, let me remedy that for you."

Then she waved her wand toward Maverick's eyes and then he could finally see Groot and Olaf through the disguise spell.

"Oh…..never mind." Maverick muttered.

"Thank you for everything Master Yen Sid, and especially what you did for Aiden." Elsa thanked the wizard.

"Anytime your majesty." Yen Sid nodded and smiled. "Now that your all ready to see the town, simply step onto the train that is stationed outside."

"Uh...What's a train?" Kristoff asked.

"Let's head out, i'll explain on the way down stairs." Maverick said as they left and bid the wizard goodbye, ready to see what kind of wonders of the modern world Aiden lived in. And what he missed out on those few years he had been gone.

That's all for now folks!

Sorry if the first chapter for this series seems kind of short, i wasn't feeling well when i wrote this and i need to rest. I'll get better soon.

But if you can. I may need a little help for the next one.

Please help me describe what the royal family's first experience in Twilight Town, i whole new experience in a world more modern than their own would be like. Remember Olaf and Groot are in a magic disguise so no one will see a talking snowman or a talking tree.

But if you have any ideas for future chapters in this one shot series or ideas for the sequel. Let me know in the comment section. If you like what you see, please Fav and Follow this one.

And as always, until next time Disney and Square Enix fans!