Final stretch, and for the one(s) leaving the long code reviews please stop. It's annoying and those will be deleted before they are posted to the story. Other than that, let's get this show on the road.
Darkness and Light, Into the Chaos!
It had been almost a month since Johnny had come for Sissy and... handled her mom's boyfriend. Sissy wasn't going to lie, it felt good to have someone who was always looking out for her. Plus things in the Test house were always exciting. Just yesterday they had done battle with a talking cat that was carrying around a bazooka. The week before that Wako had gotten out of prison and she had enjoyed a day of fighting the crazy toy-company owner.
But the best part was that each time she insisted on helping Johnny out, he never tried to stop her. Despite seeing what her home life was like he didn't treat her like some porcelain doll that could break at any moment. And between the villain attacks they had their usual competitions, most of which she won like always. She also noticed Johnny was still annoyed when she won, and Sissy felt things were back to normal.
"Hey Sissy! You coming?" Johnny called in annoyance.
Sissy smirked as she grabbed her helmet and skateboard before meeting Johnny and Dukey at the front door. "Race you to the skate park!" she declared, hopping onto her board and skating down the street, both the boys hot on her heels as they weaved around each other. All three were laughing.
He's got a head of fiery hair and a turbo-charged backpack.
"Turbo boosters go!" Johnny declared, his board growing rockets and pushing past Sissy and Dukey. The blonde only smirked as she stepped on a button near the front of her own board. Johnny watched the blonde blur wiz past him. "No fair, my sisters tricked out your board too?" the flame-head complained.
His genius sisters use him like a lab rat. (Johnny test)
Back at the Test house, Hugh looked around the house. "Where are Johnny and Sissy?" he asked.
"They went to the skate park. They said they'd be home in a couple hours." Lila replied, kissing her husband as she went to work.
A neat freak dad at home, a super busy mom. (Johnny Test)
Dukey rolled his eyes at the two human's antics as he turned to take a shortcut to the skate park. "See you guys there!" he called, not knowing or really caring if they heard him. Let the kids have their fun.
The boy's best friend is a talking dog. (Talking Dog!)
Johnny amped up the power on his boosters, pulling ahead of Sissy as he took the next corner. "You think that's enough to beat me, Test?" Sissy taunted, catching the corner and catching up to her friend.
"Wouldn't be any fun if it was." Johnny replied over his shoulder.
Extreme Teen Team and an Air breathing shark
Sissy pulled ahead again as the two began weaving around each other once more, trying to get ahead of the other as they arrived at the part almost at the same time, which prompted an argument of who actually won. Dukey, who had arrived about a minute before the others, was being no help.
Mega action game control and skating in the park,
Both preteens decided to make it a tie-breaker to do the best flip, intent on finding a judge and seeing a familiar white and gold clad bowling ball of a boy.
phero booster, bling bling, what do you make of this? (What do you make of this?)
"Hey Eugene! We need a judge!" Johnny called over to the heavy-set boy.
"Oh, sure." he agreed easily, coming to join the other two.
Johnny Test, Johnny Test, this is the life of a boy named Johnny Test.
Both did various tricks to earn the victory, and really just to assure themselves that things were back to normal.
Johnny Test, Johnny Test, this is the life of a boy named Johnny Test!
"I declare Johnathan the winner of this competition!" Bling Bling declared. Johnny cheered, and instantly noticed something wrong when Sissy didn't start making angry excuses. The flame-head turned to the blonde to see her smiling coyly.
"What's that look about?" he asked suspiciously
"Well since you won, I guess you deserve a prize." She said, getting very close to the boy. Johnny was about to protest before Sissy pressed her lips to his. To both their surprises, Johnny found he didn't mind as he wrapped his arms around Sissy, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
Dukey turned Bling Bling away. His best buddy and his crush deserved a little privacy.
And done! Not much else to say but thanks for reading, tell me what you thought in the reviews, and I'll see you all around.