And it's time for a surprise!

Yeahp, Decade out of nowhere, because we made a workaround to let us write it even though we haven't revealed every other rider yet.

You'll see what it is once we encounter another Kamen Rider, but for now... let's start the journey.

A young man walked down the streets as he whistled a jaunty tune, a bag of groceries in his hand. His hair was a fiery red color, with blue eyes, and his skin was slightly pale, but only if you really took the time to look at him would you notice. Other than that, he seemed like the average normal guy, wearing a simple beige sweater, perfect for the fall weather, and a pair of dark magenta pants with simple sneakers, and a simple gold band on his ring finger.

Along the way, he felt vibration in his pocket, and quickly drew out a smartphone, smiling when he saw the caller ID. It was his wife. "Hello? Something wrong, dear?"

"Just making sure you didn't forget anything or go and goof off Andrew." his wife said jokingly.

"Since when have I been the kind to goof off Alicia?" Andrew asked with a laugh "Didn't you marry me BECAUSE I was the no nonsense kind of guy?"

"Well, that and you were an adorable dork in high school." Alicia added, the grin audible in her voice.

"And yet you fell for that dork because he was the only other person you knew who was a fan of anime and Kamen Rider like you." Andrew added with a cheeky grin.

"Well, that was one of many reasons, but it DID help me make a decision, I won't lie." Alicia admitted easily.

Andrew chuckled at that. "Well, either way I'm glad you picked me. I'll be back soon, so sit tight," he said with a smile.

"Okay, be careful out there," Alicia said.

"Hey, this is a normal sleepy town which has a crime rate so low it may as well be nonexistent," Andrew laughed. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Ask and ye shall receive as at that moment, a man came running down the street, and bumped into his shoulder, causing him to lose balance a bit, but not drop anything. "Watch it!" he said indignantly.

The man got back up quickly, and Andrew was able to get a good look at his face, and he looked like… "Wait… are you Gackt?"

"I don't know who that is." the Gackt look alike said, his punkish outfit standing out with leather gloves and a sleeveless biker jacket as he suddenly pulled Andrew to his feet "But I'm glad I found you Mr. Verdant."

Andrew's eyes narrowed as he took a step back "How do you know me?"

"That's not important right now. I don't have much time to explain, just know that you have been taken into consideration for something you'd hate. I came here to stop that. Here, take these." the man said, suddenly placing two objects into Andrew's hands. One looked like a bulky, white camera, the other looked like some sort of book, with a VERY familiar magenta symbol on it.

Andrew took a moment to blink, before he realised he was holding onto the Decadriver and Ride Booker, and their weight felt… well, not like plastic for one.

Although, the Decadriver had some more detail on it, featuring even MORE Rider Emblems, a total of 18, with the original 9, and the emblems of the 9 after Decade, from W to Build.

When Andrew looked back up, the man was already walking away at a rather brisk speed.

It took him several moments to process what just happened, as well as cross reference his memories from his favorite TV series "Wait! Shit! Joji Yuki!"

"Honey? Is everything ok?" he heard his wife's voice come from his phone, picking it up and placing it to his ear.

"I think I'll have to call you back, or at least run back home fast, something just came up… make sure to lock the doors and barricade the windows, I have a bad feeling." Andrew told his wife seriously.

"Alright… be careful." she told him in a worried tone before hanging up.

On cue, screaming suddenly started.

"Of course." Andrew sighed, stuffing the groceries into his sweater (it looked stupid, but it worked, so who cares?) before starting to run towards the screaming (in another world, he'd wonder if he lost his sanity) and the sight he came upon… well, definitely not something he was glad to see.

The Frog Orphnoch, Bat Dopant, and Crush Roidmude, attacking civilians. " life turned into Kamen Frikkin Rider Decade," Andrew groaned, but he knew what he had to do. The insane, but only DECENT thing to do for someone in his position. "I'm about to become a Rider...that doesn't sound as awesome as I thought it would…" he sighed, before taking the Decadriver, giving it a long look "The Destroyer of Worlds, Decade… what will his eyes see as he travels the worlds?" he mused, quoting the opening narration, having a good idea what his fate was "Time to find out I guess." he said as he slapped the Decadriver to his waist, not even being surprised as the belt formed as he slipped the Ride Booker onto the side, opening it and drawing out a card, the revving sound actually playing as he drew it. "I don't know if I'll be able to save the world… but I intend to try at least." he said, before opening the driver with one hand and holding the card out, the Kamen Ride Card of Decade. "Henshin!" he called out, and slipped the card into the driver "KAMEN RIDE" and closed it with a quick motion "DECADE!"

The 18 Rider Symbols appeared around him at that moment, before quickly turning into 18 grey silhouettes that slammed into his body, forming a grey scaled armor with a pair of green lens, the most notable detail of the armor being the large X going across his chest and onto his left shoulder pad, before 9 cards slammed into his helmet, finishing off the look as it made his face look like a barcode in a way, a yellow gem on the middle card, while his armor received color, becoming magenta on the sides, black in the middle, and white on the insides of the arms and legs.

"I'm seeing it but I'm still not fully believing it," Decade couldn't help but say as he looked at his arms. "But enough about that. Time to deal with some Kaijin," he said, pulling out the Ride Booker, and turning it into Gun Mode. "Hey ugly!" he called out, drawing the attention of the Kaijin, before opening fire, and quickly moving to get between them and the civilians. "Get out of here! I'll handle them!" he said quickly.

"But where do we run?! These things are everywhere!" one of the civilians shouted, as true enough, more explosions wracked the town.

Decade quickly scanned the area, while shooting any of the monsters back, until his eyes landed on several Silver Veils. He knew this was a long shot, but it was the best they had right now. "There! Get through the veils!" he shouted. The civilians were understandably unsure, but as it was, they didn't have any other options, so with a quick 'thank you', they ran for the veils, Decade keeping the monsters off their tails as they soon ran through.

"Wherever you guys end up… I hope you'll be safe." he muttered, he knew the Veils were random at best, but he hoped they would be sentient enough to guide them on the right path to safety. With that in mind though, he turned to the Kaijin who were still intent on fighting. "But first, I'll deal with you lot," he frowned, before drawing a new card from the Ride Booker. "Henshin!" he called out as he opened the driver and inserted the card. "KAMEN RIDE" he closed the buckle. "FAIZ!" From the belt several red lines formed, the veins of Photon Blood, before a flash of light occured and Decade was now in the armor of Faiz, though the Decadriver and Ride Booker remained. Flicking his wrist quickly in a quick call back to the Rider he was using, he went for the Orphnoch, sending it flying with a strong punch. "I don't intend to prolong this!" he growled, before pulling out a new card, and opened the buckle and inserting the card. "WEAPON RIDE: FAIZ EDGE!" The Ride Booker transformed into the lightsaber-like sword of Faiz, Decade not wasting any time and striking the Orphnoch with it, who tried to counter, but Decade was merciless, cutting at limbs, before running the sword through it, and for good measure, ripping it out with a side slash, the Orphnoch crumbling to dust soon after.

"Not my usual preference, but I have a wife waiting for me back home. Not that you two care," Decade mused as the Bat Dopant and Crush Roidmude went for him. Quickly picking his next target, he drew another card. "Henshin!" he said as he inserted the card. "KAMEN RIDE: DOUBLE!" The tune of Cyclone-Joker rang out as a gust of wind blew and the armor of Double formed over the armor of Faiz, flicking his wrist and pointing at the Dopant silently, before Decade moved, using Double's speed to maneuver around the monsters, sending several punches and kicks their way, knocking them around a bit, and once he'd knocked the Dopant away a bit, he quickly drew another card and inserted it. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: D-D-D-DOUBLE!" The wind gathered around him as he was lifted up, before he was sent down, his body splitting in half as the two halves launched towards the Dopant. "Joker Extreme!" he called out, as the two halves impacted the Dopant, causing it to explode in a blaze of glory, a Gaia Memory flying out of the flames and shattering, though strangely, there wasn't anyone using it it seems as there was nobody left.

"Okay...hope I didn't just kill someone by accident," Decade gulped a little, but quickly focused on the Roidmude...right before the world seemed to slow down, as gravity became heavier. "Cheap trick!" he gasped, before going for the Ride Booker, and the moment he touched it, a card ejected, allowing things to go normal for him. Catching the card, he quickly opened the buckle. "Henshin!" he said as he inserted the card. "KAMEN RIDE: DRIVE!" A holographic tire appeared around him before splitting in half, one moving up and the other down, surrounding his body in an energy field as the Drive armor formed over the Double armor, before a tire suddenly slammed into his torso from out of nowhere, grabbing his left wrist and flicking it, before pausing "I just picked three riders that flick their wrists… talk about weird." he said, before shaking his head and pulling out another card and flicking it into the opened Decadriver and slamming it back closed "ATTACK RIDE: MAX FLARE!" Yet another tire appeared out of nowhere, though this one was orange and blazing with fire as it rammed into the Roidmude a few times, before slamming into Decade's chest, whom flexed his hands and flames licked at his fingers, before he punched the Roidmude right in the face with a flaming fist when it tried to run at him.

"Now, for an awesome but underused Rider Kick," Decade mused as he pulled out another card, and inserted it. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: D-D-D-DRIVE!" the tire changed back to the Type Speed tire, before the sound of a car was heard. Turning to the source… "...where the heck did Tridoron come from?" he asked flatly, before shrugging as the car started circling around, the Roidmude trapped in a set of spinning tires, allowing him to face away, and jump forward, to which he rebounded from the car, and was sent straight at the Roidmude who was in turn, launched at him. "SpeeDrop!" he called out as he soon engaged in a demented game of pinball as he struck the Roidmude, rebounded from Tridoron, rinse and repeat, resulting in a flurry of kicks impacting the Roidmude at high speed till finally it exploded, its core escaping before exploding in mid-air.

"Well… glad that's over." Decade said, before his form faded away, leaving him back in his normal armor, and glancing to where Tridoron had been… the Machine Decader was left behind "Huh… neat. Guess I won't have to go looking for you… and I'm assuming Joji Yuki made you as well." he mused as he went up to the bike, looking it over, before focusing back on the city "I should get to Alicia fast… and I know the perfect rider… if the cards haven't faded yet." he muttered the last part as he opened the Ride Booker and took out a card, sighing in relief when he saw it was still normal "Thank God. Henshin!" and with a quick movement. "KAMEN RIDE: KABUTO!" A hexagonal pattern formed over his body, leaving him in the armor of Kabuto, already Cast Off thankfully. He then pulled out another card, looking it over with a hum "Huh… this one's new." he said, before using it "MACHINE RIDE: KABUTO EXTENDER!" and it was now the Machine Decader's turn to transform, leaving it as the sleek, red Kabuto Extender. "Next," he added, before inserting a new card. "ATTACK RIDE: CLOCK UP!" Time slowed to a crawl as he started moving at literally light speed, and while NORMALLY this would have gotten him home immediately, the journey was greatly delayed as he took the time to stop and take out any Kaijin he happened to see, while cutting off the Clock Up to usher anyone he could find to a nearby veil and telling them to tell anyone else they found to run to the veils for safety. Good thing too, as each time he'd stop, he noticed MORE Kaijin appearing, and wouldn't be far fetched if someone started shouting 'it's the end of the world!', cause may as well have been. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if Narutaki popped up out of nowhere and started shouting he was the Destroyer… despite the fact he was saving people.

Seriously, that man had issues. That and a stick as long as Ichigo Kurosaki's Zangetsu shoved up his ass. Seriously, if anything that guy seemed to care more about destroying Decade than actually helping anyone, seeing as he was willing to let dangerous Kaijin out, blaming Decade all the way. If there was one trope he absolutely HATED, it was 'Never My Fault', something he'd be sure to deck Narutaki in the face for if he tried to pull that.

Whatever the case, he kept on his way, and after probably doing what he could to save a good chunk of the people in town, he finally arrived home. Grabbing his home keys from… somewhere (don't ask him how he did that, because he has no clue) and clicking the button that raised the garage door, stopping the bike right next to his wife's car, both him and the Machine turning back into the base forms. Not really thinking straight, he burst into the house...still in Decade's armor. "Alicia!" he called out, worried about his wife.

He didn't have to worry, because she burst out of the kitchen a moment later, holding a frying pan up and ready to swing it, her dark skin shining with some sweat, no doubt from blocking off most of the windows and doors with furniture, her black curly hair a bit more wild from usual, most likely from running around the house so much. As soon as her eyes landed on him, they went wide as she stood in place, her jaw hanging, making him blink on confusion behind his helmet, before he remembered he was still in the armor "Oh right…" he muttered, before opening the buckle and taking the card out, closing it back up, which greyed the armor out and made it fall apart from his body.

If it was possible, her eyes became even wider, as she silently stared at him for a few moments.

"Uh… sorry I'm late, was trying to help people get to safety." he said, the silence getting a bit awkward.

Still silent, until "My husband is a Kamen Rider… and he was saving the townspeople… honey… you're getting some tonight."

Andrew blushed a bit at hearing that despite keeping a straight face "I appreciate the sentiment Alicia, I really do, but…" he trailed off, pushing a closet out of the way and opening the blinds on the window "It's LITERALLY the apocalypse right now! Get your priorities straight babe!" he said as the city was straight up on fire at this point.

"Sorry!" she squeaked out, a blush on her face as she realised this REALLY wasn't the time for a sexy reward for her superhero husband. "But...what DO we do?" she couldn't help but ask.

That...stopped Andrew short. In the rush he had, he really hadn't been thinking beyond 'make sure Alicia is safe'. As if to answer the question, a sparking was heard and the sound of a tv switching on.

"Huh?" the couple blinked, before turning and seeing…

"...what the heck?" Andrew blinked as the vintage TV they owned as a sort of ornament suddenly came on. By itself. When it wasn't even plugged in.

It took the both of them two seconds before they guessed where this was going as the screen was currently showing white noise "Oh… this is our replacement for the backdrop isn't it?" Alicia realised.

Being genre savvy REALLY helped sometimes.

"I guess so." Andrew said, before looking out the window… seeing nothing but a world of shifting silver around them "I guess now… we just wait to see where we end up."

"...or we could see what happens if we change the channel?" Alicia suggested, before twisting the dial on the tv, causing the channel to change, revealing a still image. "...what?" she asked blankly.

The image was… not related to Kamen Rider in any way, shape or form.

No, instead, right smack dab in the middle of the TV screen… was Spider-Man.

"That… that's Spider-Man." Alicia said, completely confused.

"Not just him. I can even see Silk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman, whom I think is Mary Jane judging by the red hair, Miles Morales, I think there's Agent Venom and Black Cat in the background along with some other heroes, and… someone wearing the Spider Armor MK II." he summed up, looking with a raised eyebrow at the black armored webslinger next to Spider-Man, whom was wearing the Advanced Suit from the PS4 game that came out recently.

"So… that means we're in the Marvel Universe… shit." Alicia said after a moment. "Maybe it's a mistake," she added hopefully. She did NOT want to have to deal with the shit of THIS particular universe.

"Maybe… but at least at the moment, we're safe." he said with a sigh, as the adrenaline finally left his body, and he fell back on the couch.

"Good point… and I've never seen someone be able to really force open the door to the Hikari Studio in Decade's run, so I don't think we have to worry about THAT either." Alicia added with a sigh as she sat down next to him and leaned into his side, his arm wrapping around her.

"So… what exactly happened?" she asked after a moment.

Andrew sighed "Joji Yuki literally ran into me and gave me the driver and ride booker. Judging by him saying I basically had some eyes on me for a while and wouldn't like that, I can assume just WHO was looking into me."

Alicia gasped in shocked after a moment "Dai-Shocker."

Andrew nodded "The most likely suspect yeah. They probably wanted me to be Decade, but as a Shocker Rider rather than a Kamen Rider. I don't know why me specifically, but there's probably a good reason somewhere."

"So… Joji decided to desert much like with cannon, and handed you the driver personally… at least that means you weren't secretly the Great Leader of Dai-Shocker but with no memory of it." Alicia sighed out, a bit in relief at the fact her husband wasn't secretly an amnesiac supervillain.

"Considering I remember my childhood with my biological parents before their plane crash? Yeah, safe bet I'm not some secret overlord." Andrew commented, easily being able to talk about his parent's death since it was over 10 years ago now.

Alicia nodded, before humming in thought "So… if he gave you the Decadriver personally… does that mean he gave the Diendriver to someone as well?"

"That's… possible. I just hope whoever they are, they aren't like Daiki, he was likeable at first, but then it kind of just got annoying." Andrew sighed.

"Yeah, Decade was really a clusterfuck season sometimes, with lots of missing explanations." Alicia agreed.

"Yeah… you know… I kind of forgot I still had the groceries on me." Andrew said suddenly, pulling them out of his sweater, and they looked just fine.

Alicia blinked a few times "Those were under your armor… which looked pretty tight… and there are eggs in there."

Andrew shrugged "Rider logic, it's best not to question it."

"Good point." Alicia conceded with a nod "So… think you're under the same problem Tsukasa was with the cards?"

Andrew blinked, before drawing the Ride Booker from his sweater and placing it in his lap and opening it, pulling at the tab where all the cards were stored and lifting it up… there were a LOT more cards than there originally appeared to be "Wow… that's a big deck." he summed up after a moment before laying everything on the table in front of them.

All the Kamen Ride Cards of the Heisei Riders had indeed gone blank, same for the Final Form Ride and Final Attack Ride cards, but there were also a stack of completely empty cards with not even a faded image on it, which he assumed must be for Form Ride cards and any weapon and rider machine as well.

There WAS a bonus in the Ride Booker though… Showa Rider cards.

He had access to all of them, gear included, and Ichigo was set in his iconic version.

He liked the newer one well enough, but you just can't beat the classics.

At the very least, he had access to some alternate means of battle should his main equipment not be enough.

Speaking of his main equipment, he had the standard Blast, Slash, Illusion and Invisible cards, but he also had some new ones, such as Float, which he assumed was for a slower decent or maybe for a super jump, he'd have to test it out to figure that out, and Defense, which was a rather welcome card that apparently made his armor tougher if the image of Decade weathering blasts on it was any indication.

He also had Weapon Ride Cards for his Ride Booker in both forms… for some reason, and a Machine Ride Card of the Machine Decader, along with the obvious Final Attack Ride card.

"Well… I guess I have a lot of work ahead of me." Andrew eventually said with a sigh.

"I guess you do." Alicia said with a nod, before smiling and kissing her husband's cheek "Though… I think you deserve a reward for saving so many people earlier." she whispered into his ear, making him shiver a bit.

After the two had... a bit of fun to get the stress off of literally going through the apocalypse...they exited their house, finding that it was between two much larger buildings, right in front of Central Park from the look of things.

"So we really are in New York." Andrew muttered as he looked at the busy streets of the afternoon, no one seeming to pay any attention to the house that no doubt appeared out of nowhere.

"Yeah, and I can see the obvious sign we're in the Marvel Universe." Alicia said in deadpan as she pointed, Andrew following her finger before sighing.

"Goddammit Stark." he muttered, looking at Avengers Tower, if the giant A was any indication, that was taller than the Empire State Building by a good few miles. "Well...guess we just look around first," he sighed as they ventured into town. However, as they walked, neither of them noticed a figure that had been watching.

Sticking to a wall, in the shadows cast by the sun, was a black armored figure, their armor being rather featureless, till light flickered on for a brief moment, flashing in yellow, with narrowed eyes on the helmet, and a spider shaped emblem on the chest.

The figure hummed in thought "That house they came out from… it doesn't match any known addresses… and I'm also pretty sure it wasn't there this morning." they said in a young man's voice "Time to investigate." they said, before casting a hand out with a certain gesture and a line of web shot out, zipping them up to another building.

"Looks like we came on a slow day," Andrew mused, though he wasn't the least bit disappointed by that. As it was they'd gone the last few hours without any signs of trouble. No supervillains running amuck, and not even a random bank robbery, which was all good in their books.

"Lucky us," Alicia agreed. Currently they were in a shopping mall, able to look outside through the windows, and the inside was pretty peaceful, the two having ordered some burgers since after what happened, neither were in the mood to cook for themselves. " ever get the feeling you're being watched?"

"We're in a mall. It's probably just a security camera," Andrew shrugged. Sure it COULD have been more, but well...he'd like to enjoy his meal without the feeling of paranoia gripping him.

True enough, from a ventilation shaft, the same figure from before was watching them, having snuck in via the ventilation…. And was currently munching on some fries, which they BOUGHT, not stole.

'I was honestly expecting some new supervillains or something, or maybe people looking for the Avengers or Doctor Strange, or even the Fantastic Four… so far they've just been doing normal married couple stuff and walking around like tourists… they even snagged a picture of Miles while he was swinging earlier.' the figure thought to themselves as their mask was lifted up slightly, showing that while it was a hard material, it was flexible, as they continued to eat their fries.

The normal looking day continued...until the entire building was suddenly wracked by a massive explosion. "Okay, so much for a normal day…" the figure said...and frowned a bit at the ground. "And I paid for those too," he muttered at the remainder of his fries that had fallen to the ground in the explosion. Quickly pulling down his mask, he went through the ventilation towards the source of the explosion. What he found…

"Again? Don't you guys get tired of breaking out of prison only for us to send you back?" he said when he got to the scene of the explosion and dropped out of the ventilation, the lights on his suit fully turning on, as he stood in front of one of the banks in the mall. At the scene were 6 familiar faces to him, all in various suits. A man wearing a labcoat over some light armor and a welding suit, 4 robotic arms coming out of his back and keeping his body in the air. A rather tall and heavily muscled man with a rhinoceros themed armor. A man with a green and metallic blue armor on his body with a large scorpion like tail coming out the back. A man with a green armored suit that featured wings attached to his arms and an aviator helmet. A man wearing a green suit with yellow thunderbolts on it, a strange star shaped mask made of thunderbolts over their face. And a man with a yellow and maroon suit with large silver gauntlets on his forearms. In order, Doctor Octopus, Rhino, Scorpion, Vulture, Electro and Shocker, AKA, the Sinister Six.

"Beat it kid. You're not the one we're after." Shocker waved the young man off, waving one of his gauntlets forward.

"We're not after Night Spider, we're after Spider-Man!" Electro added as lightning danced between his fingers, waiting for a chance to be unleashed.

"Hold on men, this CAN be helpful." Doctor Octopus started, gaining a smirk "Hasn't the Spider said many times that the boy is his son?"

"I see where you're going with this." Scorpion grinned and whipped his tail forward, pointing it towards Night Spider "Beat up the precious son until daddy comes running."

"My kind of plan." Rhino added, cracking his knuckles.

"I think we're ALL in agreement." Vulture finished with a grin of his own.

"Ok, you guys are disturbing sometimes you know that? Attack the kid till the dad comes running in to kick your sorry butts? You guys must love horror movie night at the Raft, although I hear it's gonna be superhero movie night this friday, maybe you should watch it this time." Night Spider quipped as he crouched down slightly, ready to move at a moment's notice. "Besides, can't have dad hog the glory all the time can I? Especially when you're all in for destruction of property, terrorism, and wasting some perfectly good fries," he added with a smirk.

"Well, he certainly inherited the mouth. Get him!" Doctor Octopus ordered as the six charged forward.

"Oh wow, villains that all gang up. That's actually smart for once." Night Spider said, before webbing Rhino's face and zipping over him, followed by jumping over Vulture's face, planting a good kick at the same time, and not even glancing as he webbed up Shocker's gauntlets.

"Oh come on! Every damn time!" Shocker said with a loud groan before Scorpion ripped it off for him.

"Huh… guess you guys actually worked on teamwork… well, I guess Doc Ock should be good for SOMETHING besides being the shouter." Night Spider added before jumping and weaving through said man's robotic arms and webbing them to the ground before landing a solid hit on his face and then webbing said face up, deciding to stand on the genius's head "Huh, I think I loosened some of your teeth with that one, you might want to look for some dentures."

"Stand still!" Electro growled, wanting to shock the annoying hero...but stopped when he realized he'd hurt his teammate if he did.

"Huh, and here I thought you'd go for the shot. Oh well, my turn!" Night Spider said as he shot some webs at Electro's chest.

"Seriously? Even your dad was never THAT dumb!" Electro laughed and electrocuted the web, the current traveling through the web but… "Why aren't you in pain?!"

"Remember that suit dad made to fight you all those years ago? Yeah, we kinda decided to add insulation to ALL the suits… and they are also REALLY good at moving a current." Night Spider said while holding up his free finger, which had a few electrical sparks coming from it, and touching it to the scientist he was still standing on… the result was rather comical as the robotic arms tried to flail free while the main body was having various spasms, Doc Ock even doing a little tap dance as a result of the surge going through him.

"You're dead now!" Rhino roared as he charged forward, aiming to knock the hero off of Doctor Octopus...and probably break a few bones while he was at it. Night Spider quickly let go and jumped over the swing, to which Scorpion lashed out with his tail, but Night Spider was faster and used his webs to not only evade, but stick the tail to the ground.

Unfortunately, while that DID prove to disorent the ones he'd been fighting, he didn't notice Shocker finally getting his gauntlets fully operational again and firing a blast, catching him in the chest, sending him flying, before Vulture went and grabbed him, before throwing him to the ground.

"We were planning to just beat you up a bit, but now, we're gonna break you in HALF!" Doctor Octopus growled as the six started to stalk towards them...until a trash can flew through the air and landed right on his head.

"Huh, well what do you know, I just gave a whole new meaning to taking out the trash." came a voice that Night Spider vaguely remembered through his daze as he tried to catch his bearings.

"Is that the web head?" Rhino growled as he looked around towards the ceiling.

"No, it's not you idiot." Shocker said with a roll of his eyes as he looked at the source of the voice.

Andrew was calmly walking up to the group, juggling the Decadriver in his hand.

"Looks like a civie with a death wish," Electro snickered. "Since you came all this way, mind if we ask what to write on the gravestone?" he sneered.

Andrew chuckled, before placing the Decadriver on his waist. "Just a passing through Kamen Rider," he said pulling out the Decade card. "Remember that! Henshin!" he called out as he inserted the card.


(Play 'Journey Through The Decade' by Gackt)

The 18 silhouettes formed before converging on him as the armor formed, the cards ejecting before embedding into his face, forming the barcode-like part of his helmet. "To protect or to destroy. Now then...I think I'll destroy your reputations," he said calmly as he looked at the gathered villains.

"We'll be destroying you!" Rhino shot back angrily as he ran towards Decade.

In response, the rider merely sighed, before holding his hand up… and grabbed Rhino's horn when he got close, followed by throwing him over his shoulder.

"If that's the best you can muster, I can see why you need to team up to beat one guy," Decade said simply. "Which honestly makes it even more sad that its not working," he added, before grabbing his Ride Booker and switching it to sword mode. "So, who's next?"

"Don't screw with us!" Shocker growled, charging up his gauntlets and firing, a blast that could bring a building down. However, Decade stood his ground, his sword at the ready, before he swung it upward, and CUT the blast in half, sending the energy hitting separate walls, causing a tremor but much weaker than it had originally been. "N-no way!" Shocker gasped at the sight.

"My turn," Decade chuckled as he ran an armored hand along the blade's edge, before dashing forward, Shocker firing more shots, but Decade deflected every last one, and just as he got close, he pulled out a card from the Ride Booker, still in sword mode, and slotted it in.

"ATTACK RIDE: SLASH!" The Decadriver called out, before slashing at Shocker, who wasn't sure WHAT to block as the blade blurred into several copies, the attack striking his gauntlets.

He was just about to start to grin beneath his mask, thinking nothing happened, before his eyes widened as his gauntlets fell into pieces.

And then he felt a kick strike him in the gut, sending him flying into a wall, where he remained embedded.

Decade lowered his leg, and quickly rolled to the side as an arc of electricity hit the spot he had been, Electro taking the opening to attack, while Vulture followed up on the offensive, but as he went for Decade, the Ride Booker shifted, going into gun mode, as Decade aimed and fired, hitting Vulture with a spray of shots, one shot blasting through one of his wings, causing him to spiral out of control, and crashing into a wall.

"You'll pay for that!" Electro growled, charging up.

"Sorry, I forgot my wallet today," Decade said simply, inserting another card.

"ATTACK RIDE: BLAST!" The Decadriver called out again as Decade leveled the Ride Booker at Electro who launched more arcs of electricity, only for them all to be met with multiple shots from the gun which had seemingly split into multiples, all firing simultaneously, before eventually the shots won out and he took several blasts to the chest, crashing into a nearby fountain and painfully short circuiting.

"And then there were two," Decade chuckled as he looked at Doctor Octopus and Scorpion.

"Hey Doc… you got any anti newbie protocols up your sleeve?" Scorpion asked hesitantly.

"Only if they have spider powers." Doctor Octopus replied tersely.

"I suppose now is a good a time as any to suggest that you surrender," Decade said...right before a roar was heard and Rhino tackled him from behind, sending him into a wall which collapsed on him.

"Not so tough now are you?" Rhino said with a grin.

"You'd think that." Decade's voice could be heard from the ruble as he rose out of it unharmed "But this armor is a lot tougher than your own."

"Then how about a little poison!" Scorpion growled, lashing out with his tail, only for Decade to grab it and move it aside, the poison spraying into the rubble behind him, followed by a palm thrust into the tail, breaking it.

"I think it's about time I finished this," Decade sighed.

"I dunno who you think you are, but if you think we're gonna lose THAT easily, you got ANOTHER thing coming!" Rhino snarled. "Let's get him, Gargan!"

"With pleasure!" Scorpion agreed as the two armored villains charged forward.

"Muscle heads," Decade sighed, before drawing another card and inserting it. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: D-D-D-DECADE!"

Decade readied his sword as the card took effect. A path of cards appeared between him and his adversaries, before he ran into the cards… and disappeared… before then reappearing randomly along the path, Rhino and Scorpion slowing down at the sight, before suddenly another card appeared close to them, with Decade running out of it and slashing at the both of them. "Dimension Slash!" Decade called out as the attack hit. They felt the force of the attack as Decade passed them, going into a card...which exited from another one and slashed them again, and then repeated it one more time, Decade stopping in front of them, his back to them, before their bodies were covered in sparks and their armor exploded.

The result once the smoke cleared? Both of their armors broken beyond repair, with Scorpion's tail having been outright cut off.

"Care to try your lucks further?" Decade said, turning to Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus grit his teeth. This was supposed to be their revenge against Spider-Man...and they didn't even GET to fight the wall crawler, all because of some newbie that showed up out of nowhere. Anger getting the better of him, he roared as he started grabbing objects and throwing them at Decade, who jumped back to evade.

"Guess not. In that case…" Decade said as he reslotted the card. "FINAL ATTACK RIDE: D-D-D-DECADE!"

Once again a line of cards appeared between Decade and his foe, only this time, Decade jumped upward.

When Doctor Octopus saw him fly straight towards him, he tried to use his extra arms to grab the Rider out of the air… only for him to grab nothing, as he noticed too late the card appearing behind his back, Decade flying out of it and crashing into him foot first. Doctor Octopus let out a choked gasp as he flew forward, and when he landed, he too promptly exploded, revealing him with his arms now completely destroyed, lying in a heap on the ground. "Dimension Kick," Decade said simply and one could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

(Song end)

With the threat taken care of, Decade got up, dusting his hands off.

"Ok… thanks for the hand." he heard, making him turn to see Night Spider getting up slowly "Man, I think they gave me a concussion. Dad's gonna want to web em up just to add insult to injury." he said as he shook his head a bit.

"No problem. You okay?" Decade asked.

"Yeah, like I said, just a concussion, Spider sense warned me but it's not as good as dad's, being second generation and all that." Night Spider said, stretching himself once he was fully up.

"Alright, guess I'd better…" Decade started, but before he could go anywhere, the sound of cameras going off could be heard, and suddenly several reporters were on the scene. "Wait what?" he blinked.

"And that would be my cue. Later man, you're on your own with them, sorry for following you earlier." Night Spider said quickly as he web zipped away.

"Wait what was that last part?!" Decade asked… too late though, Night Spider was already far away. That left him to have to deal with the reporters. "Oh boy…"

And there, our new Destroyer of Worlds!

Or is he a Savior?

You'll see with time.

Also, one of the cases where the rider starts in his story already married, and to another OC, so no one can say I made an unrealistic pairing here since both Andrew and Aclicia belong to me.

It did take a while to decided on that though.

For a while, in the early production stage I guess you could call it, he would have gotten with Lalatina, AKA Darkness, from Konosuba... then I realised that was a shit idea, and went 'Hmm... She-Hulk could be nice.' but then I changed plans again and made his wife an OC like him, less weird hassle that way.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed!