What If 7

Requested by gaara king of the sand. What if when Rukia transferred her powers to Ichigo, Ichigo's soul became an exact copy of said soul reaper? Same look, same voice, different spirit energy and zanpakuto. How exactly would the story change for everyone? M for violence, nudity, possible lemons maybe, and language. OOC, AU.

Chapter 1: Transference of power and soul

Ichigo's POV:

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki and for as long as I can remember I've been able to see the souls of the dearly departed. I've tried for a long time to help those in need to pass on over to heaven and have even succeeded a few times. I'm tall with a muscular frame, brown eyes, and noticeably bright and spiky orange hair. I'm a high school student and live with my two sisters and crazy father in our home that's also attached to a clinic. We live in Karakura Town, a fairly large city with many spirits all around, but nothing really special ever happens here.


Well, almost nothing ever happens here.

Normal POV:

"Hey!" A guy wearing a beanie on his head shouted as he saw an orange haired teen take down his friend. "What the hell do you think you're doing punk!?"

Ichigo lazily scratched his head as he continued to step on the guy on the ground.

"You punk!" Another one of the thugs shouted as he rushed towards Ichigo, only to receive a foot to the face.

He fell to the ground and Ichigo stomped on the back of his head as the other two watched on in shock. Once Ichigo was done, he looked to the other two and pointed his thumb behind his back to a fallen glass with flowers next to it. "First question. Who was it that knocked those flowers over? You, the one in the middle, answer!"

The one in the middle flinched at this and quickly answered. "W-well, that's some sort of offering to some kid that died here not too long ago."

"Correct!" Ichigo kicked him in the chin, sending him flying back. "Now then, who was the one that knocked it over?"

"Uh... I guess one of us knocked it over when we were skateboarding." The last guy nervously sputtered out before receiving a kick to the face as well.

"Now then," Ichigo started in a pretty dark tone of voice. "Apologize to her and get the hell out of here!"

The thugs screamed in terror as they apologized vigorously before running away in terror. Ichigo shook his head and walked back towards the fallen flowers. When he picked them up and put them back in the bottle, a little girl wearing a striped shirt with a chain attached to her chest. "Thank you." She shakily said to him.

Ichigo smiled to her. "No problem. Now go on, and get to heaven. Okay?"

"Okay." She smiled to him as he stood up and she disappeared.

Ichigo continued to smile as he walked off to get to his home.

Ichigo's POV:

After I helped that little girl, I went off back home right after the sun set and what is the first thing that happens when I open the door?

"I'm home-"

A kick right to the face by my goat chin of a father. He always does this, and I sometimes fall for it. Unfortunately, tonight seemed to be one of those times.

"You had your guard down!" My father said to me as I was sprawled on the floor. "And you're late for dinner!"

"Oh come on!" I shouted as I got in his face. "Can't you at least greet your only son like a normal father would! Especially when he just helped a spirit find peace!"

"Oh! It's the ghosts fault now that you're late for dinner!" My dad got right in my face at this point.

This is pretty much when me and my dad would start fighting. I know that this is pretty unhealthy, but right now, I don't really care since he can be way too childish sometimes. Speaking of, my two sisters, Yuzu and Karin, are watching the whole thing. Well, Yuzu is since she's trying to get the two of us to stop, while Karin is just steadily eating her bowl of rice. My dad was getting on my nerves, so after he missed a punch to my own face, I kicked him in his stupid chin, sending him flying off to wall.

"Forget this!" I shouted out. "I'm gonna go to bed."

"What about dinner?" Yuzu asked me as I made it towards the stairs.

"I'll eat later!"

I went up to my room and laid down on my bed for a few hours, watching the ceiling and thinking like usual. Today was just another day really. Nothing all too different or anything really. School was the same. Friends were the same. The day was the same. I guess that's okay with me. Normal is fine to an extent, but sometimes I feel as if something more should happen. Like something should happen. Oh well, I guess some things really shouldn't change.

At least until I saw a black butterfly fly into my room. I turned to where it flew over to to see this short girl with raven hair coming out of the wall. She was wearing some sort of weird, black get up and had a sword on her hip. I sat up immediately as she hopped off my desk and to the floor, looking around or something. She grabbed at her swords handle and I flinched hard, thinking that she was an armed robber of some sorts.

"It's here." She said right before I kicked her in the ass.

"Hey dammit!" Once she hit the floor I turned on the lights. "IF YOU'RE A BURGLAR THEN YOU'RE NOT THAT VERY GOOD AT IT!" I yelled out to her.

"You- you can see me?" She said to me with wide eyes though I didn't really pay it that much attention.

We talked for a bit and she explained to me that she was something called a soul reaper and that she helps guide spirits to a world called the 'soul society'. As you would probably guess, my reaction was a little less than expected.

"So let me get this straight. You're a soul reaper." She nodded. "And you come from this place called the soul society?" Again, she nodded. "And your job is to lead souls to this place?" Once more, she nodded. "Okay. That makes a lot of sense. YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO REALLY BELIEVE THAT LOAD OF CRAP!"

"You shouldn't even be able to see me." She started. "Yet you can. That should be proof enough."

Yeah, right." I stood up and stood in front of her. "Listen midget, I think your stories a load of crap." I said that right after putting my hand on top of her head.

"Oh?" She said in a pretty low tone that kinda freaked me out a bit. "'Midget' eh. That's it. Bakudo number 1: Sai." Suddenly, my freaking hands were tied behind my back and I couldn't move.

I fell to the floor and she started to explain what hollows and wholes were. I tried to understand her, but it was really difficult to do so when her drawings suck so badly. I mean seriously, freakin rabbits? Whatever I suppose. I didn't really have the chance to think of everything she was saying to me when we heard a loud crash and Yuzu came crawling to my door.

"I-Ichigo. Save K-Karin." She said weakly to me. I panicked as she passed out.

"Yuzu! Untie me, dammit!" I demanded the soul reaper.

"Shut up and stay here!" She told me as she went out of my room and most likely down the stairs too.

I couldn't just lay there and hope a total stranger saved my sister. I had to get up and move. I struggled at first, but stood up nonetheless and made my way towards the hallway. After checking on Yuzu really quick and seeing that she was okay, I went down the stairs and tripped on the way. I fell right at the bottom just as the soul reaper was about to draw her sword. I didn't care about that as I looked to the gaping hole in the side of the house and saw a giant monster holding Karin in its hands. She screamed as it held her tightly and I lost it. There was no way that I was gonna let this thing hurt my sister. I stood up and began to force my arms to separate from whatever that soul reaper did to me. She tried telling me something but I didn't listen as I broke whatever was holding me and proceeded to run outside with a chair. Didn't get too far as the thing, I'm assuming what the girl was telling me earlier, punched me out of its way. I skidded on the ground a bit but stood up nonetheless and looked at it in its masked face. It looked at me and started to snicker a bit.

"Finally found you." It said to me.

What happened next was so fast. I remember seeing the soul reaper cut the hollows arm that Karin was in. I caught her, then the hollow attack the soul reaper while I carried Karin away to safety. The hollow said something about my soul smelling very delicious and I threw myself into danger. The soul reaper too the bite instead of me and managed to hurt it. As the hollow retreated for a now, the soul reaper fell to her knees and leaned onto a wall.

"Where did it go?" I looked around frantically for it.

"It'll be back in a bit." She struggled out. "Right now, you need to take care of it."

"Me? How?" I was at a loss for words, especially when that hollow came back through some portal thing.

"By taking some of my spirit energy." She struggled as she sat up.


"Take my blade and pierce your chest with it." She held her sword out and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Wouldn't that just kill me?" Of course I asked her that question first.

"No. It'll give you part of my own energy and allow you to protect your sister." She said as the hollow was getting closer.

I didn't really see much of a choice as I wanted to protect my sisters and make this thing pay. I smirked at her. "Then give me that sword, soul reaper."

"My names Rukia Kuchiki."

I grabbed at her blade. "And mines, Ichigo Kurosaki."

I thrust the blade into me and there was a bright flash. I don't remember much about how it happened, bu I know that I had power now. The power to protect my sisters as i cut clean through the hollows arm and made it fall to the ground. The hollow screamed in pain as I lifted the large blade up and placed it on my shoulder, adrenaline going through my body and helping me ignore the surprisingly heavy weapon. I looked up at the hollow that was now taller than me and saw red. I didn't care how big it got, it hurt my sisters, now I'm gonna destroy it.

"You put your hands on my Karin," why did my voice sound higher? "And for that, you die."

The hollow went on the attack and I cut its leg off this time. After that, I sliced through it down the middle in one quick and clean cut, still not caring that the sword was so heavy. When the adrenaline finally wore off, I sighed in relief and looked down only to notice something was very wrong. Why was I shorter? And not only that, but why did I have such a petite frame?

"Impossible?" Rukia said from behind me. I turned and saw her in a white yukata and staring at me with wide eyes. "Why do you look like that?"

"What are yo talking about?" I asked and noticed that my voice sounded a lot like hers.

"YOU LOOK JUST LIKE ME!" She yelled out at me.

I held the sword close to my face, noticing how large it was and how I struggled with holding it. I looked at my reflection and saw that I looked exactly like Rukia did. I didn't know what just happened or what was going on, but something told me that that moment I said about wanting something different to happen to me, just happened.

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. And I'm a soul reaper now, unfortunately.

The next chapter will have some explanations to it. Hope ya'll enjoyed this opening chapter and will continue to as it continues on. I really do enjoy this idea and feel as if no one else has written it. Big shout out to gaara king of the sand for this What If request. I'll be sure to eventually get to the others soon enough.

Till then, stay awesome out there, and as always,