May 1902

Addison saw a lot less of Eliza once she and Zed were married. They went from spending nearly every moment of the day together to seeing each other at dinner, sometimes longer.

"I've brought you mail," Eliza said as she entered. "You have two letters from Bree, and Zed had three letters from her. Now what's for dinner?"

"I haven't cooked yet," Addison said. "Can I have my mail?"

Eliza handed her the envelopes then moved past her and into the kitchen. "I guess I must do everything around here," she said with mock exhaustion.

Addison followed her, sitting down at the table. She put aside the letters for Zed and went about opening her own. The letters from Bree were actually from her cousin, which surprised her.

August 1, 1901

Dear Addison,

It's been six days since you left. No one currently suspects where you may have gone, but they have falsely accused Zed of kidnapping you. I will be fighting in his defense over the next few weeks to clear his name, for you, but I cannot promise anything.

The king and queen are beside themselves. I have been waiting until they clear their heads are are thinking properly to suggest that they are the reasons you left. If I were to say anything now, I'd be hung for speaking against the crown.

I still have no idea how you managed to disappear so quickly but a Zombie has told me how to contact you. They say it is better that I know as little as possible and I feel they are right.

Please keep yourself safe during your journey. A passage so close to winter is very dangerous and I hope this letter finds you well. Good luck on your future endeavors and all, enjoy your new life and your new future. Do not forget about me, and happy birthday.

Best wishes,

Benedict Arthur Davis III

"Who's it from?" Eliza asked.

"My cousin, but I thought it was from Bree."

Eliza shook her head. "To keep your location from the crown, she'll send mail under her name. She does it for mot people that way."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making dinner! Don't mind me, just open your mail."

November 21, 1901

Dear Addison,

It is very miserable around here without you. We've raided all the neighboring countries in a mass search for you. Lucky for you, it takes months for news on our side of the Atlantic to reach America. But by the time you get this, I fear it will be in the papers that the princess of Seabrook is missing. Uncle Dale has published pictures of you and everything. You must stay hidden, it will be your only chance of survival.

As for Zed. Yesterday, I confessed to helping break him out of the dungeon. I couldn't bear the guilt any longer. I didn't say anything about Bree and where you two were heading. But I said everything else: how you took money from the treasury and ran off with him to the New World.

I've been removed from the royal guard, but I know that they're preparing to launch a full scale attack on the United States. They're gaining allies at the moment. I will try to find my own way to you, for protection.

Wish me luck.


"Oh my god," Addison breathed out. "Oh my god! Eliza!"

"No need to bring the lord into this," she joked. Eliza turned and raised a slightly amused eyebrow. However, her face fell when she saw Addison's panicked expression. "What's the matter?" Eliza asked.

"They're gonna declare war on us!" Addison shouted. "It's my fault! I need to get out of here!"

Before Addison could even stand up, Eliza was pushing her down in her seat. "Woah, slow down Addison. Explain that to me again. From the beginning."

"My cousin Bucky told my parents that I ran away with Zed to America and they removed him from the royal guard and they are building an army to declare war on America!" Addison rushed out. "If they find out I'm here they will kill you and Zed and every Zombie around! They're irrational and hotheaded and hate Zombies! No one is safe as long as I'm around!"

"Okay, calm down," Eliza said. "Let's think this over. Open your next letter, maybe you've missed something. Just, take a few deep breaths. Relax."

"I think I'm going to be sick."


Addison shook her head and stood up, moving past Eliza to the window. She pushed the window open and leaned her head out, in time for her to throw up directly out of it.

"Dear lord," Eliza muttered. She moved to Addison, rubbing her back and bunching up hr loose curls. "Let it all out," Eliza soothed. "Geez, what have you eaten?"

Addison coughed and lifted her head, swiping the back of her hand over her mouth. "Nothing," she wheezed. "I haven't had anything since breakfast."

"Here, let's read the next letter," Eliza suggested. She grabbed it from the table and opened it. "February 11, 1092. Dear Addison, this will be my final letter to you. I'm leaving Seabrook today, and I hope to find you before the naval army does. So much has happened that you should know about. The remaining Zombies attempted to start a revolution against the crown, and Zombietown was…Zombietown was destroyed. I joined the humans who helped some escape, but there's so few of them. If you are out there, you need to stay safe. Keep yourself and Zed hidden, because if anyone in the naval army finds Zed they've been instructed to kill him on sight. See you soon, Bucky."

"I'm gonna be sick again."

Eliza has wrapped Addison's head in a scarf, then walked with her to the rail station where Zed was employed. It didn't take long to find him, hidden behind the counter and selling tickets. He grinned when he saw them, which fell once he saw how upset they both looked.

"What's wrong?" Zed asked.

"You need to come with us," Eliza stated.

"What? Why?" He looked at Addison and his face grew even more concerned. "You look sick, what's wrong?"

"She threw up," Eliza explained quickly. "Because the place you two came from is coming here to find the both of you because they're very upset!"

She leaned forward and whispered harshly, "Her cousin sent you two a letter saying the king had declared war on us over here because Bucky confessed to where you two were! Do you two need to vanish, yesterday!"

Zed nodded and stood up. "Okay, I'll meet you two outside in a few minutes."

In the time it took for Zed to get to them, a cloaked person ran up to them and embraced Addison in a tight hug. Addison shrieked in surprise and tried to squirm out of his grasp. Eliza quickly stepped in, prying the stranger off and stepping between Addison and the stranger. .

The stranger was quick to remove his hood and explain, "It's me, Addison! It's Bucky!"

Addison looked at him with wide eyes. "Bucky! What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you! You need to go, like now! I left several weeks before your dad deployed his fleet but they're the navy they could be here any day!"

"Well maybe if you hadn't told on me we wouldn't be in this problem!"

"Okay look," Bucky sighed. "They asked me if I knew anything and I said no because I promised you and Zed I wouldn't tell. But then your mother knew I was lying so she hired this woman who seduced me and tired me to her bed and threatened to cut off my…my penis, if I didn't tell her everything I knew! So I had no choice because then she was going to torture me in the worst way possible and I-I'm sorry! Then when she told your parents they tortured me in the square then removed me from the guard and then the Zombies had an uprising only the guard is more powerful and they burned down Zombietown so I ran away! I'm sorry I'm so sorry! But you need to get out of here!"

"I know that!" Addison argued. "I'm waiting for—Zed!"

Zed jogged over to the three of them. He furrowed his brows at the sight of Bucky. "What happens when I go to work?" he muttered.

"You two need to get out of here," Bucky said. "You don't have time to pack up you need to go! They will kill you once they find you, Zed!"


"Okay Zed, there's no time for your humor," Eliza said. "And Bucky, you need to calm down. We will go back to their house and eat and then they will be on their way."

Bucky looked her up and down in slight disgust. "Who are you?"

"Not important. Let's go."

Zed found Addison in their room, furiously stuffing their belongings into a bag. He moved to her and wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back a few feet. "Hey," he said softly. "Relax, okay?"

Addison sighed sadly. "I can't," she said miserably. "I-it was so good here. You have a job and we have a house and it was finally so good! I should just turn myself in."

"No," Zed stated.

"They're want me back. Maybe…maybe they'll leave you alone if they get me."

"Addy, I don't want to live without you with me," Zed said. "It's selfish of me, but I never want to be without. If they take you, they're taking me too."

"But they will kill you."

"I'd rather die than be without you."

Addison felt her stomach flutter at his words. She smiled and tilted her head up, kissing him softly.

"Now come on, you need to eat something before we go."

Addison frowned. "I don't want to vomit again," she complained. "I feel sick, Zed."

"I think you should go to a doctor." Addison made a face at that, and Zed explained, "You've been sick all day and I know you didn't want to tell me but you were sick yesterday too."

"If only we had time for a doctor," Addison said wistfully. "I'm afraid now we need to get as far from here as possible."

"It will all work out in the end, okay? We will be together, no matter what."

Addison grinned and turned in his arms. "Do you think we have time to make love?"

Zed chuckled softly. He pulled away from her, stretching back to push the door closed. "Quietly, considering your cousin is downstairs."

"I'm so happy that you two made time to fuck," Eliza said sarcastically. "While Bucky and I are busting our butts to get you out of here."

Addison just smiled innocently. "You will take the train out west to Oregon. From there you will go up into Canada, and no one will find you there."

"What if they do?"

Eliza produced two guns then. "For your protection."

"And what will you do when we leave?" Zed questioned.

Eliza looked at Bucky with a pointed look. "I will have plenty to do fixing all the damage he caused."

"Don't worry about us though," Bucky said. "You must hurry. I have a bad feeling that the navy is closing in."

Addison stepped forward and hugged her cousin, then Eliza. "Thank you both for everything," she said when she pulled back.

"Stay safe."

They had been waiting for the next trains or four hours before the troops landed in New York Harbor. It was another few hours of waiting before either of them knew, when the troops made it into Zombietown and just outside the train station. Once the gunfire started, Zed and Addison ran for cover inside. They hid under the desk, with two small children who had been separated from their parents tucked inside them.

It last long and drew out for days, where Addison realized that her and Zed hiding was costing lives of innocent people. She couldn't see the people dying from where she was hiding, but the kids with her were crying and holding each other and shaking.

Addison knew she couldn't keep it up any longer. There was no happy ending or anything. She'd been selfish for putting herself before people—both her own and those outside of her kingdom.

When Addison heard the rail station being raided, she priced herself from Zed's arms and moved to the edge of the desk. "Addy what are you doing?" Zed asked her.

"Hold your fire!" Addison shouted in her most commanding and authoritative voice.

By the grace of god, the soldiers recognized her voice and stopped shooting. Addison stood up completely, much to the displeasure of Zed. "It's Princess Addison," she heard one of the whisper.

"Silence," Addison commanded. "I am Princess Addison. And you are now under my command."

"Y-Yes, your highness."

"Stand down," she instructed them. They all relaxed their hold on their guns, putting them down at their sides. "You will cease this 'war' at once. I will return with you to Seabrook."

"Yes, your highness."

"And…" Addison glanced down at Zed, who was watching her with complete fear. "And Zed Necrodopolus will accompany us, completely unharmed."


"You do not have permission to speak," Addison stated. "If any harm comes to him—if you lay even a finger on him—then you will be returning to Seabrook with a dead princess. And you will explain to your king and queen why I am dead."

"Yes, your highness."

Addison nodded affirmatively. "To make sure there are no games," she pulled out the gun Eliza had given her and lifted it to her head. "I will shoot myself if you attempt to cross my words."

She glanced down at Zed and motioned for him to stand. He got to his feet nervously and Addison's looped her arm in his. "Take us to your command station. Zed does not leave my sight. Not for one second."

"Addy, What are you doing?" Zed whispered.

"What I have to."

General Ericks was skeptical of the new war commander. "Are you sure she is the princess?" he asked.

Addison gave him a hard look and said, "Aš esu princesė Addison iš Seabrook, ir aš įsisavinau tavo kariuomenę. Nuo šio momento jūs paklusite mano užsakymams arba būsite susidūrę su būsimos karalienės pasekmėmis."

Her parents had always told her to address the army and soldiers in Lithuanian if they ever gave her trouble. It was the language of the royalty in Seabrook. The two countries were on two separate sides of the continent and it was rare for anyone around Seabrook to even understand it. Zed definitely didn't.

General Ericks nodded affirmatively. He shifted his attention to Zed, who had been standing quietly beside Addison during the encounter. "We were given orders from the king and queen to execute the Zombie on sight."

"Oh? Are the king and queen here? In New York? Because I would love to see them."

"Your lady—"

"You will request permission to speak from here on out," Addison stated. "I am your superior and I will assume the responsibilities of general. You will call off all your troops and return to Seabrook at once, with Zed and myself. I have a fun loaded with ten bullets. If any harm comes to Zed, I will shoot myself and you will have to explain to your king and queen why the princess is dead. Am I making myself clear?"

The general stood up and nodded. "Yes, your highness."

Addison nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like a moment alone with Zed. And find us something to eat, it's been a while since we were hiding from your gunfire."

Everyone in the tent rushed out, zipping the flap behind them. Addison sighed and sat down in the chair, putting her head on the table. "I feel so sick," she whined. "Zed, my stomach hurts and I wanna cry and vomit and also yell and scream." She lifted her head to look at him miserably. "Do you think I just made a horrible decision?"

Zed got down on his knees beside her and held her hand. "You look pale," he said, focusing on the first of what she said. "But…maybe you're pregnant."

Addison frowned. "No. That's wrong."


"I don't have time to be pregnant, Zed," she stated. "That's final."

Zed couldn't help but smile a little. "You're so cute when you become bossy and assertive."

Addison grinned too. "Aw, you're so sweet."

"I think you've dug yourself a grave," he said honestly. Addison raised an eyebrow at him. "You've put your life on the line for me. Is it even worth it?"

"Yes, it is," Addison stated. She sat up took his other hand. "You are my husband. I love you. Till death do we part."

"Till death do we part."

Zed was right, of course. In the three months it took to get from New York Harbor to Seabrook, she gained weight and had a fluctuating appetite. She was pregnant and about to face her parents for the first time in nearly a year.

"Do you have your gun?" Addison whispered to Zed as they were escorted to the castle.


"Just in case."

Zed nodded and squeezed her hand. The general and his right hand man went into the throne room first, telling the guard inside to stand down and announcing "Zed and Princess Addison Necrodopolus."

Addison couldn't help but relax at the sound of being addressed by 'Princess Addison Necrodopolus'. She smiled softly and led Zed into the room, stalking across and seeing her parents shocked expressions.

Her father was the first to recover, giving them a hard expression and commanding, "Kill the Zombie."

Three guards moved forward and Addison raised her gun up toward the ceiling. "Move any close and I will shoot myself," she warned, causing them all to freeze.

"She's a child! The gun isn't even loaded!" Her father said dismissively. "She's been brainwashed by the Zombie."

Addison raised an eyebrow and fired her gun in the air, feeling Zed flinch as rubble from the ceiling rained down over them.

"Don't attempt to disarm me either, because I have another gun hidden," Addison pointed out.


"I only returned so you two would stop your war against the United States," Addison pointed out. "And I have several conditions if you want me to stay."

"This isn't a democracy where you can make decisions! I am your father—your king!"

Addison turned her gun toward her temple. "I am the princess. I am the sole heir to the throne. I think it'd be smart if you listened to me. I will be reasonable with my requests, of course. Unlike the two of you, I am a fair person."

Her parents turned to each other and talked silently. Not even five minutes later, they faced her and her mother said, "We're listening."

They were married again. The ceremony was more grand and spectacular than the first, but both of them preferred the first time they were married. The end of the ceremony was Zed's coronation into the royal family.

Throughout the ceremony, Zed looked so…at peace. He could have be in America with his friends who were like his family, free from all the heartache and pain Seabrook brought to him. And he chose to leave it behind to be with the love of his life.

They were married and they would be happy. They'd get to grow together and build their lives. They were going to have a child, maybe another. Only time would tell.

"Eins og hann hélt í heilögum eignum og krýndur á þessum heilaga stað, kynnti ég þér…Prince Zedekiah of Seabrook."

A/N: Yes! This is the end! Of course, there could be more but I feel like this is it. So some plot details about what happens after:

Bree finds her way to America and she gets to live happily ever after with Bonzo.

Eliza forces Bucky to help her get every new Zombie settled and somehow someway they fall in love and they live their happily ever after.

Zed and Addison'S first child is a girl who they name Angelina Zohava (the middle name was Zoey's). And maybe they have more kids, not really very relevant.

So yes, maybe some day I'll come back and put all of that into an epilogue. I hope you enjoyed this!