"Kamiton: Flash Arc!" "Hyoton: Swallow Snow Storm!" In the midst of a battlefield, a flock of frozen swallows flies towards a barrage of lightning. The two attacks nearly collide. The swallows dodge the bolts of death and fly towards the one who cast them out of his fingertips. The lightning, however, stays on target, aiming for the heart of the man who summoned the swallows of ice.
The one whose fingers shot the deadly bolts is named Hitori Ichikami, a member of the Ichikami Clan, a clan full of powerful shinobi wielding the godly bloodline of the Kamiton, the most powerful bloodline aside from the Rinnegan and its predecessor, the Rinne-Sharingan. The man who summoned the ice swallows is named Tsuihito Yuki, an ex-member of the Yuki Clan, a clan who holds the Hyoton bloodline, the power to control ice.
Tsuihito was banished from the Yuki Clan after failing to assassinate the Clan Head and his family. What many don't realize is that Tsuihito is actually a mole for the Uchiha Clan, a great clan full of powerful warriors and the ones who have the Sharingan bloodline, a powerful Dojutsu that grants the Uchiha several special powers, such as casting nigh-unbreakable Genjutsu or being able to copy non-bloodline jutsus, mainly Ninjutsu. The clan is also formidable in Taijutsu with their Uchiha Interceptor Fist style.
The Uchiha could not spare any resources to beat the Yuki Clan into submission, as they were too focused on battling against their long-time rival, the Senju Clan. So, they hired someone from the Yuki to spy on the clan and to kill the Clan Head so that the Uchiha can kill them off while they are weakened. This includes killing off the mole, but Tsuihito did not need to know that.
After failing his mission, Tsuihito was banished and the Uchiha cut off ties with him by having one of their members seal away his memory using the Mangekyou Sharingan, the evolved form of their precious eyes, as they could not afford a fight to preserve their numbers in preparation for a battle against the Senju. However, soon after his memories were sealed, he came into contact with a rogue Uchiha, though no knows who this Uchiha was. This person countered the Mangekyo's influence and told Tsuihito of how the Uchiha betrayed him. Angry, Tsuihito went after any Uchiha he saw, carefully avoiding any groups that were too large for him to take on. Eventually, the Uchiha Clan learned of his exploits and decided to hire someone in order to kill him, as they were too busy fighting off the Senju.
The person they hired was Hitori Ichikami of the Ichikami Clan. The Ichikami were a fearsome clan with a bloodlust that rivaled that of the Kaguya Clan, which are famous, or rather, infamous for their bloodthirsty ways, as well as their Shikotsumyaku, the Dead Bone Pulse, which allows them to have absurd control over their bones, using them as weapons and shields. Fitting for a clan that always seems to want endless war.
While the Kaguya had their bone powers, the Yuki with powers over ice, and the Uchiha and Hyuga with their fancy eyes, no bloodline less than the legendary Rinnegan could rival the power of the Kamiton. It is a bloodline that allows one to not only utilize all other bloodlines, except the dojutsus, it also allows users to easily create new and powerful jutsus. However, most Kamiton techniques are suicide techniques, which those with the bloodline use in order to keep their bloodline within the clan, similar to how the Hyuga have the Caged Bird Seal on their Branch members in order to preserve the Byakugan and how the Uchiha never marry outside the clan to keep the Sharingan to themselves.
This leads us to this unfortunate battle. When Hitori was sent to kill Tsuihito, he succeeded, or so he thought. As an act of revenge, Tsuihito traveled to the Ichikami Clan Compound several months later and silently killed almost all of the clan's members. Almost, because Hitori was one of the few awake that night to guard the compound. Unfortunately, even with the Ichikami's powerful bloodline, the night guards were quickly dispatched, as the majority were fresh out of training, being assigned guard duty as their first official mission. Another unfortunate circumstance was that none of the Ichikami were on missions that month, as the Uchiha and the Senju were currently at a stalemate after both their Clan Heads, Tajima Uchiha and Butsuma Senju, died in battle, and no other clan had enough funds to hire them due to their own feuds.
Hitori was the only survivor of the massacre, and that leads us to this battle…
"Tsuihito!", Hitori yells at his enemy, the killer of his clan. It was supposed to be a peaceful day- well, as peaceful as times can get during the Warring States Era- with no worries about anyone being foolish enough to cause too much trouble. Unfortunately, Life decided that it was going to be, as the Nara Clan would say, 'troublesome' today. First, the entire clan gets massacred. Next, the guards, including himself, were quickly dispatched after coming into contact with the enemy. And now, here he was, fighting against Tsuihito Yuki of all people, someone who he presumed was dead, killed by his own hands.
'It seems that I must finish what I started half a year ago', Hitori thought. After shooting out Flash Arcs that failed to counter Tsuihito's Swallow Snow Storm, he prepared to use his final techniques.
On the other hand, Tsuihito was struck by several bolts of lightning. One of the weaker bolts struck his heart, weakening it and himself.
'It seems that no matter who wins this battle, both of us will perish'. Tsuihito thought. However, he did not care whether or not he died, for his wishes were already fulfilled. The Ichikami Clan is all but extinct with only a single member left and he had faith that the Senju would defeat those blasted Uchiha.
Suddenly, after flashing through several hand seals, Hitori cried out, "Kamiton: White Tiger's Breath!" White mist spills out from Hitori's lips.
'This jutsu…', Tsuihito thought gravely, 'This was the jutsu he used to defeat me before. However, even with this mist blocking my vision, I can tell that his chakra levels are low, perhaps even lower than mine. If he stays awake long enough, however, he can steal my chakra to replenish his own reserves.'
Unbeknownst to him, Hitori was not, in fact, using this jutsu to just kill him. No, after exhaling the mist, Hitori used genjutsu to hide his activation of the Eight Blessings. Whereas the Eight Gates were used for attack, the Eight Blessings were used for healing.
'Where is he now?', Tsuihito thought, narrowing his eyes. Then he heard it.
"Kamiton: Eschaton"
'NO! Surely he wouldn't dare kill himself just to take me out!', Tsuihito thought. Before he could panic, the White Tiger's Breath mist dispersed, revealing the scorching beam of light flying towards him.
'It seems I was wrong', Tsuihito thought, dying with no regrets as the laser hit him full force. The resulting explosion was so large and powerful, that even the Kaguya wouldn't dare go near that battleground, especially seeing that the explosion probably killed anyone worthy of fighting anyways.
As the mountain-sized explosion died down, the badly burned and crippled body of Hitori Ichikami could be seen, creating a Dragon hand seal to activate the Eighth Stage of the Eight Blessings.
"Even if I were to die, the Ichikami would live on", he rasped out, using his Blessings to heal his body enough to perform the Final Blessing. Using his chakra and will alone, he used the Eighth Blessing to perform one last act. He created life.
The creation blinked the yellow orbs it had for eyes and looked down at its creator. It raised a black appendage to caress its creator's burned cheek and seemed to smile a sad smile at him, showing off a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The creation knows that his creator gave up his life in order to create him and to preserve the Kamiton. It doesn't mind though, as, with its creation, it has gained the memories of its creator and experience of its creator.
"Rest now, Father. Rest, knowing that I will fulfill the purpose that you've created me for: to find a worthy successor for the Kamiton. I swear, that I will fulfill my duty, even if takes ten years or even a hundred", the creation rasped out.
"I know you will, I have faith in you," Hitori rasped out, "Go now, and complete the task you have been given. Go, and recreate the Ichikami Clan. I wish you the best of luck, my Son. I wish you all the good luck in the world...Zetsu." With those words, Zetsu left as his Father breathed his last. In death, Hitori could care less about how all of this was essentially caused by the Uchiha. After all, he believed that the Senju would take care of them. Oh, if only he know of what was to come…
"What should we call this village, Madara?" "I believe that our village should be called...Konohagakure, The Village Hidden by the Tree Leaves."