Note: Hi everyone! Welcome to my new story Perfect to Me! This is based off of an RP I am doing with R4v3n Wy7ch! So I'm giving them credit for helping me with this story. It still has Marie as the main character and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Thanks and enjoy!

It was Monday in the middle of summer, and the heat of the day lingered as 11:30pm rolls around. The street lamps glow in the night. They failed, however, to reach a lone building standing near a car park. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria had long since closed, but it was by no means empty. A girl, around 15 years old with light brown hair and hazel eyes bit her lip as she walked down the quiet road. She breathed slowly, making her way towards the abandoned building and shivered. Shouldering the worn out backpack, she neared the door and peered into the window. The girl didn't see anyone inside and she smiled before picking the lock on the door and entered.

Upon the stage, three animatronics stood. Silent and still, they remained in standby mode. Or most of them were. Blood red eyes, their glow set to minimum, followed the passage of the young human as she tracked her way across the shop floor. "Finally," a voice, laced with static murmured. "A brand new plaything." The teen's brown hair stood on end as she froze in her tracks, her damaged ears hearing the static-like voice with the help of hearing aids. She turned to look around towards the source of the voice. Her hazel eyes darted around.

Those red eyes vanished for a moment as they blinked, watching her. She heard him? Hmmmm…Twisting his head so he was looking at her fully, he took her in. She was smaller than what he thought she would be. Curious, he strummed a single chord on his guitar. The girl blinked, her eyes squinting in the dark. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it instead. She was even more surprised to hear a guitar playing. She looked confused as she felt her way towards the strumming.

A grin formed on the animatronic's face. Watching her approach, he kept playing slow soft chords. While the others were intent on stuffing their night guards, he was more into playing with them. Heck, where was the fun in killing them? Once gone, that was it. Why not keep them around for a while? He started to sing, his voice soft and deep. "Hello, my friend…" The girl froze again and frowned, shaking her head. Friend? She didn't have any. She gripped her bag and looked around, noticing she was nearby Pirate Cove. That made her face pale slightly and she looked back to where she had heard the singing. "'o….'o…" She slurred.

Hearing her, Bonnie paused. He realized what the problem was and wasn't concerned. That mangy pirate wouldn't wake up until tomorrow. Still, it was rude to leave a lady in distress, and while he wasn't as chivalrous as Freddy, Bonnie was a gentle rabbit. Testing his limbs, Bonnie stepped off the stage. Marie heard movement by the stage and she slowly backed up towards the hall. Her heart beginning to pound against her chest, the girl staring at the tall figure that was beginning to walk towards her. Her eyes widened.

Sensing her state of mind, Bonnie moved. Faster than most humans could perceive, he crossed the ship floor to stand before her. Not giving her a chance to run, he scooped her up into his arms. Bonnie looked back towards the stage, before heading for the office, ignoring the struggling girl trapped in his arms. Marie let out a garbled shriek in fear and thrashed around, kicking and hitting Bonnie. Why was he doing this? Where was he taking her? The girl continued to squirm.

The hits were like being smacked with a pillow to Bonnie. He ignored them, traversing the halls with his long strides. Reaching the office, he ducked inside. It was small, forcing him to duck slightly. He hit the door buttons, bring the massive doors crashing down. Next he reached into the panel behind the guard's station, flipping it open and fiddling with it. He could fill her strain to see, but he blocked it with the panel door. Finished, and satisfied they wouldn't be disturbed until he reset the system, Bonnie set the girl in the guard chair before settling back against the desk. It groaned under his weight, but held. "Sorry about that. Didn't want you waking the gang just yet."

Marie glared at him in reply, holding her bag close before scooting far away from him as possible. She took in his appearance. It was Bonnie, the bunny guitarist. She frowned before looking around at the office they were in. Why here? "W'at 'o you wan' wit' mee?" She managed to slur out, not daring to move or let her guard down.

Aww. Her terrified speech was adorable. Bonnie smiled, his ears curling down in front of his face. Her eyes brightened as he focused on her face.

"Did you want to face Foxy or Freddy on your own? What about Chica if she cornered you outside the kitchen?" He questioned, watching her reaction. At the mention of Foxy, Marie's face visibly paled and she shook her head no frantically. "Why hel' mee?" She asked with an uneasy look, her hands trembling a little. All she wanted was a place to sleep for the night! At this point, she didn't want to stay anymore. Bonnie blinked, picking up something in her tone. He looked her over, taking in her dirty, rundown appearance. Homeless.

"Why wouldn't I?" He questioned right back. "I've never hurt a female since I was activated."

That made Marie stare at him in confusion. She gripped her bag. Her hands brushed her hair back, a scar just above where her hearing aids were could barely be seen before her hair fell back into place. Marie shook her head, not entirely trusting him. Bonnie sighed. "Look, kiddo. You were looking for a place to stay, right?" He questioned, then kept going as if she had answered. "Management hasn't hired anyone for the night guard role for now, so you can stay here. You won't run out of power, so you won't be disturbed." "He gestured to the control panel in her left. "You want to hit the door button for me? I'll be out of your hair for the rest of the night"

Marie still looked confused as to why he was helping her since he was acting creepy before. She frowned and reached into her backpack, getting a worn out notebook and wrote 'I was actually probably going to leave. I didn't realize I was here...' and thrusted the book up at him.

As he took the note, the clock struck midnight. Bonnie's body shuddered, a mechanical whine going through his system. "Probably not the best idea right now, kiddo. The others will kill you if you leave the office before 6am. Best let me out; I can at least distract them for a while. And just so you know; I'm helping you cause...well, you remind me of a friend I had a long time ago." He stood, moving over to the door. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, he waited. Marie frowned, not knowing what he meant as she watched him go to the door. She bit her lip uneasily before pressing the button for the door to close. She sighed silently and sat back in the chair. She reminded him of a friend? Who? Freddy and Chica remained on stage when the bell struck midnight. Bonnie paused as the door slammed shut behind him. A simulated breath escaped him, his form slumping slightly as he headed back down towards the shop floor.

"Bon? Lad, is that you?" The bunny paused, looking to his left to Pirate's Cove. A golden optic stared back at him.

"What's up, Foxy?" he asked. The pirate stepped slightly out of his curtain. "We have a new guard?" he asked, his pirate accent vanishing with the end of the day. Bonnie shook his head.

"Just a young teen looking for a safe place for the night," he explained. "Can I trust you to help keep the other two away?" Foxy nodded. "On my honor, mate." he said, stepping back behind the curtain. Bonnie headed for the backstage area. Marie shifted in her seat as she opened her backpack and took out a small plush, a golden teddy bear to be precise. Her mother had given it to her when she was a baby. Freddy's eyes were on along with Chica's as they stood on stage awake now. Freddy looked around, frowning when he saw Bonnie come over to him. Where had he been?

Bonnie glanced towards the stage, spotting the other two. Freddy specifically was watching him. He shifted his head, indicating the backstage room. He needed to talk. Chica ignored the two of them, heading for the kitchen. The bunny waited until his friend had joined him before closing the door. Chica wasn't a problem; Foxy would keep any eye on her.

"Where were you, Bonnie?" Freddy questioned. Bonnie nodded in the direction of the office.

"Young homeless girl needed a place to stay. I've set her up in the office for the night." Freddy frowned.

"How young?"

"Early teens, looking at her. She could be a couple years in either direction." The bear sighed.

"Why?" Bonnie paused, trying to get his emotions and memories in order.

"She reminds me of Skylar."

In the office, Marie held the plush close and sighed softly as she sat there in the office quietly. It was rather lonely, something she was still trying to get used to. The girl brought her knees to her chest and stared at the door. She didn't know what else to do. Freddy patted Bonnie on the shoulder, well aware of his friend's feelings for their lost human. Bonnie curled his hand around Freddy's, squeezing in acknowledgement. "Bonnie! Freddy" Foxy banging on the door hand the other two males opening it. "Chica's heading for the office?" Looking at each other, Freddy went after her, while Foxy and Bonnie took off down their corridor.

Marie frowned, getting bored of sitting in silence before standing and opening the door to the office. She stepped out into the hall while peering around the corner before letting out a garbled shriek in fright at the sight of Chica the chicken standing there a few feet away. The girl booked it the other way and ran like the wind.

Hearing the shriek, Bonnie surged forward. Spotting the young woman, he grabbed her and lifted her into his arms. Holding her struggling form against his, he ran a soothig hand up and down her spine, muttering soothing nonsense. Foxy stopped beside him, growling at the form of Chica through the office. Freddy stood on the other side, holding the chicken back from moving forward. "Get her out of here." Bonnie nodded, motioning to Foxy to follow. At seeing Foxy, Marie only freaked out more. Her face visibly paled and she squirmed in Bonnie's hold, wanting to be as far away from the fox as possible. There was fear in her eyes and she dropped her plush, her body shaking. Marie shook her head frantically.

Bonnie tightened his grip, but remained gentle. "Shh, kiddo. The mutt isn't going to hurt you." Foxy grumbled at the mutt title, but nodded. He stooped, scooping up the plush of the golden bear.

"The bunny's right, lass. I mean no harm." He said.

Tears pricked the girl's eyes before anger flashed through them and she started signing 'But you already did!' She didn't expect them to understand her as she snatched the plush from Foxy.

Foxy blinked. "H-how?" he questioned, allowing space to form between his friend and himself.

She lifted her hair up, revealing a large and faint scar on her head that looked the size of a bite mark. A pair of hearing aids rested on the girl's ears and Marie gave Foxy a hurt and angry look. "Yo' don' remem'er mee..." She slurred slowly. Images flashed through both animatronic's hard drives. They both flashed to a certain day. Bonnie's grip tightened, pulling her a little closer to his body. How did he not recognize her? Foxy stared at her, the image of a younger girl wavering over her form.

"M-ma-marie?" the fox stuttered. Marie gripped her backpack tighter and nodded ever so slightly before shaking a little. The girl had definitely changed. She was a bit taller, her clothes were dirty and worn out as well as her shoes. She even looked skinnier. But her hair and eyes were the same.

It was Marie Halloway, Skylar's little girl.