Mabel opened the door, taking a picture of the two boys, before leaving and grinning at the rest of her family, "They're pretty happy!"

"I know that... I said that we'd take them to an orphanage, but... What about one that isn't in Gravity Falls?" Ford spoke up.

Dipper bit his lip, "I'm not sure that Bill would like that... Especially since he can't leave Gravity Falls."

"Just because I can't physically leave Gravity Falls, doesn't mean I can't. Hey Ford, remember those windows?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe, holding Luna.

Ford nodded, "Yeah, I remember them. They're still around. What about them?"

"I can see through them. What I mean by that, is... that, if something like that is around somewhere outside Gravity Falls..." He stopped, sighing, "Obviously, that's... not the only other way I could see them."

Ford snickered, "True. I'm not even going to say or ask."

"Good. So... if you really want to, then... fine. I don't mind," He bit his lip, looking down at Luna.

Dipper frowned, "But..."

"Relax, Dipper. You're still in high school, and you shouldn't be worrying about this kind of stuff." He smiled at him, "If it's what we have to do, then... I'm okay with it. I just... have a few requests, Alex."

"What are they?" Alex asked, looking at him.

He sighed, "First, I can watch them, but, you might like this next bit, as long as they don't know anything about me, I can't talk to them. I can be seen by them, but they'll just think it was their imagination. Second, they keep their necklaces with them... ALWAYS. Third, we can still write to them after this. Last, they'll all be adopted together, they shouldn't suffer being apart."

"Alright. As you wish. I'll take them to the nearest orphanage, not in Gravity Falls, tonight. Nobody is to come with me, as that may cause problems or questions," Alex ordered.

They all agreed to it.

They all used the time they had left with the babies usefully. At the end of the day, just before Alex left with the kids to take them to the orphanage, both of the brothers left. The Pines knowing that they had better stuff to do, and places to be. Will would be better now, even though he'd be watching the kids as well, but not bending the requests that his older brother had made.

It was over. Everyone was fine. Ford got to do more of his work finally, Stan continued running his tourist trap above Ford's work area, and the twins... well, they were running to the woods, and having fun with seeing their friends again.

Somewhere... a door opened, and a person gasped at the three babies, hurrying them inside, hoping to keep them safe with the other orphans that were waiting to be adopted.

Something was special about these three...

They just knew it.