Disclaimer, I do not own RWBY

AN/ Holy hell, being an essential worker is annoying as fuck. Between my workdays being exhausting and my ability to write in peace now out the window, writing has become a chore during the outbreak. Not to say I don't enjoy it, but my updates are going to be more spread out. I'm not dead, I promise. Anyways, on to the chapter!

Ruby had to admit, Emerald made a good argument. That didn't mean she was happy about it though. Mercury, for as flippant as he was towards Cinder's plans, could easily become a thorn in their side if she didn't get him out of the way. As she worked her way across Vale, Ruby considered how she would get Mercury out of the way. Surely trying to twist his emotions wouldn't work, he simply wouldn't care.

"Maybe he would want some comics, but also knowing him, he would probably just steal them. Wouldn't even be subtle about it." Ruby grumbled to herself. Two assassins', meeting on the terms of one party, could go in any number of directions, and Ruby wondered if she was willing to follow through with this dance. Shaking her head, she cleared those thoughts from her mind. Looking up at the building, she sighed in annoyance.

"Of course, he's at a comic book shop. Frankly, I'm considering just killing the guy." Ruby groused. Stepping into the shop, her nose was assaulted by the scent of body odor and sweat. Looking around frantically, she relaxed when she saw no one other than Mercury. As stealthily as she could, she approached the assassin.

"You know, I can't say I expected you of all people to enjoy comics. But what do I know?" Mercury spoke, startling Ruby.

"Who's to say I'm here for the comics? Maybe I have business to take care of." Ruby responded sharply.

"Now that would be more your style. And I assume it has something to do with me?" Mercury said flippantly.

"Maybe the shop owner owes me money." Ruby shot back.

"Not likely. So, what do you need? Keep in mind, I get bored easily." Mercury said as he returned to his comic.

"I need you out of the picture. Whatever is going on, I need you gone." Ruby demanded.

"Judging by the knife I can see in your boot, I can expect a fight if I say no." Mercury spoke.

"I would hope that we can come to a more peaceful agreement, though a fight could be exciting." Ruby offered.

"Emerald wanted me out of the way, didn't she? Rope her into something?" Mercury asked.

"I can give you more than Cinder can if that's what you're asking. When was your last hit?" Ruby asked.

"It's been a short while, admittedly. But what makes you think I'm looking for work?" Mercury countered.

"How much does she pay you?" Ruby asked.

"You're assuming I can be bought."

"Everybody wants something. Surely there must be something I can do for your compliance." Ruby suggested, her tone sultry.

"Nice try, but no dice. You want me out of the way, you gotta work for it. I'll stand aside, but it'll cost ya. I'll get back to you on what I want, but you can start by buying this stack of comics for me." Mercury said as he walked off. Looking to where he gestured to, Ruby could feel her annoyance rising at the large stack of comic books he had left.

"If what he wants isn't worth it, I'm just going to kill him." Ruby decided. Gathering the stack into her arms, Ruby begrudgingly paid for them. With the comics bought, she stepped out of the shop and swung the bag at the assassin.

"Thanks Red, I really didn't feel like paying for those. I'll be seeing you around." Mercury dismissed as he left her there. Pulling her scroll from her pocket, Ruby dialed her newest number.

"The asshole is out of the way, meet me back at the club in three days, ask for my room. We've got some planning to do." Ruby spoke before immediately hanging up. Deciding to see what the others were up to, she sent a quick message to Blake. Walking towards the docks, something caught her eye in an alley. An abnormally large spider web was spun across the alley.

"There you are." A voice called out from the shadows.

"I'm assuming Sienna sent you?" Ruby asked.

"Of course. Mind filling me in here, Red?" The faunus asked.

"Well, we have a rogue cell being led by a terroristic bitch trying to burn Vale to the ground for some unknown reason, Roman and I are now working directly with headmaster Ozpin to stop them, and we need insider info on the Fang. Think you're up for that miss?" Ruby asked.

"Trifa. So that's why she sent me out here. Can't say I'm delighted to be near that bullheaded idiot, but if they're that much of a threat, then nothing can be done. I'll report what I can, but don't expect frequent updates." Trifa spoke.

"That's perfectly fine. Let me know if you need out, I'll be there as fast as I can. Here, my number." Ruby offered.

"Thanks Red, I'll keep in touch." Trifa thanked before scaling the walls.

"Cute." Was all Ruby could say in response as she brought a hand up to her own ears.

"Y'know, you act so much like your mother sometimes it's scary." A gruff voice called out from behind her. Spinning on her heel, Ruby could feel her anger rise.

"Branwen. What are you doing here?" Ruby asked.

"I want to talk, person to person. No weapons, no fighting. Just words." Qrow offered.

"You have three minutes before I leave you here" Ruby responded.

"Look, intentional or not, you've been opening old wounds. Can you at least explain a few things for me?" Qrow asked.

"That depends, what are you asking?"

"You knew just who we were, didn't you?" Qrow asked.

"Of course, I did. Teammates or not, it still belonged to me first." Ruby countered.

"Your mother meant a lot to us. Only she could deal with the three of us and not come out insane. If you were given the chance, would you put this life behind you?" Qrow suddenly asked.

"You have a better chance of my mother coming back to life than that happening." Ruby shot.

"Has Roman at least been good to you?" Qrow asked.

"The absolute best, I owe him everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to crash." Ruby dismissed before disappearing in a cloud of petals.

"That's all I can hope for at this point." Qrow spoke to himself as he reached for his flask.

AN/ Holy. Shit. Work sucks absolute shit. Like seriously, no joke. For the past 3 or so months, it has been black Friday every single day, with a skeleton crew, and everyone has been absolute fuckheads. Sorry for how late this update is, but dear god I needed the time to rest and relax. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July, I promise I ain't dead, and this story will not die, until next time, have a great day!