So here we are at the end once more. The story has taken me through some of the worst times in my life but you guys have been there with me supporting me and keeping me going and you have no idea how grateful I am for that. Having said all that this fic was a labour of love allowing me to bring together my love of Sherlock and my fascination with the Ripper Murders.
Anyway, thank you for all your reviews, love and support. Enjoy the last instalment.
It was seven days later when Molly took her first ever flight in a helicopter. The interviews had all taken place and Anderson had finally been formally charged with the murders of five woman, the abduction of Molly and the attempted murder of Sherlock. It had cast a bit of a pall over their small group of friends and she knew that Lestrade was feeling it more than most. He had confided in her that he felt responsible in part...that he should have seen that Philip wasn't coping and that he'd somehow tipped over into a darkness that none of them could truly understand or comprehend.
She looked over at Sherlock who was tight lipped and serious as he gazed down at the churning, grey sea beneath them and she put her hand over his and gave it a comforting squeeze. His eyes flicked towards her and she gave her a slight smile. These visits to his sister were something she knew he felt he had to do but they weren't easy. She couldn't admit to feeling that good about it herself but she was curious to finally see her. She wouldn't be meeting her though...Sherlock had put his foot down about that.
'No, absolutely not. I don't want you any closer to her than you have to be. Watching her via a video screen is dangerous enough, I don't ever want you in the same room as her.'
The force of his feelings and his obvious emotion were enough to have her assuring him that she never would. In all honesty she was relieved...after everything that Eurus had put him and John and Mycroft through not to mention the threats she'd made against Molly and the emotional wringer that she had put both her and Sherlock through with that phone call she didn't want to meet her.
The island prison was remote and bleak and as grey as the sea that surrounded it. After landing Molly silently followed Sherlock up the steep steps from the beach to the entrance to the prison. Once in they had to go across a bridge from one rock to the main body of the island and Molly felt a little sick as she made her way across seeing nothing but rocks and water tens of feet below her...nothing but a steel mesh between her and a fatal drop.
The interior was a shock though. She'd imagined in her head that it would be a dank, Victorian style prison but it was the complete opposite. It was light and modern, all steel and glass and white walls. The governor was a highly efficient looking woman in her late fifties who greeted Sherlock and Molly formally before leading them through to her office. One wall was a bank of screens with images of various cells and parts of the prison being live streamed. The only one that was switched off had the moniker E.H. written above it. Molly found her eyes glued to that blank screen as though it might suddenly come to life.
Sherlock and the governor spent a good hour going over the arrangements around Eurus's incarceration. He was meticulous in checking who had had access to her, how regularly and for how long until he was satisfied that his and Mycroft's instructions were being followed.
They left the governor shortly after mid-day and Molly ate a quiet lunch by herself whilst Sherlock sat in the corner of the room in his mind palace going over his over the security arrangements to make sure nothing had been missed. Molly had to admit to feeling nervous now and she wasn't able to finish all her food. It was strange because she wasn't really sure what she was feeling so anxious about...Sherlock visiting his sister without her...seeing Eurus for the first time...she couldn't quite put her finger on it but she just knew how she felt.
Finally one of the guards came and informed Sherlock that it was time and he stood doing in acknowledgment. Before he left the room he came over to Molly who had stood to meet him. He gave her a gentle kiss. 'I'll be back soon, I promise, and then we can go home.'
Molly smiled. 'Home...I like the sound of that. Be careful Sherlock.'
He winked as he walked away from her. 'Always!'
As he left the room another guard came for Molly and took her into what was obviously a surveillance room and he sat her in front of a large TV screen. It showed a white cell with a wall of glass between the occupant and the door. Molly finally had her first sighting of Eurus Holmes, Sherlock's younger sister...the last Holmes sibling.
She was surprisingly ordinary. Just a woman, maybe early thirties, dressed in white with long dark hair. It was the same colour hair that Sherlock had and she could see a wave in it that would have indicated curls in a shorter style. She had her back to the camera though so she couldn't see if there were any other similarities.
A noise and movement by the door attracted her attention and she saw Sherlock entering the room carrying his violin casually by his side. She remembered hearing him working on the piece he was composing for Eurus and she was excited to hear it. It was a hauntingly beautiful melody that made her think of all the nights they had spent together recently finally enjoying being able to indulge in their love for each other. She was curious to see what Eurus would make of it; Sherlock had explained how insightful she was when it came to his music.
She heard Sherlock greeting her, asking her how she was and whether she was comfortable and being well treated but there was no movement or was as though the inmate hadn't even noticed him coming in. Her heart ached for him, knowing that he wanted to reach her and connect with her somehow.
She saw him pause for a moment and then he brought the violin up to his chin and started to play. It was as beautiful here as it had been in their flat. As always she was captivated both by the music and by the man. She still had to pinch herself at times to prove that she wasn't dreaming...that they were actually together.
So caught up in the moment was she that she hadn't noticed Eurus moving until her face appeared in front of the camera. It was so sudden that it made Molly jump and she heard Sherlock breaking off from playing and saying his sister's name.
'Hello Molly Hooper.' Eurus spoke to the camera...spoke to Molly...and she tilted her head and smiled but it didn't seem to be a friendly smile. Instead it felt as though ice water had been tipped down Molly's spine.
She found herself staring into deep blue eyes which held a hint of Sherlock in them. There was definitely a family resemblance was almost uncanny.
She turned her head away from the camera and Molly saw her slowly making her way over to Sherlock. 'I see you've finally accepted emotional context's good for you. Let's hope nothing disrupts wouldn't want anything to happen to that sweet, ripe, little pathologist of yours would you? Would it make you cry? Would you smash up her coffin like you did last time?'
' wouldn't want me to be hurt like that now would you. I wouldn't come here anymore if that happened, just like you lost me when you hurt Victor.'
Molly found she was barely breathing as she listened to the interaction between the two siblings. Sherlock hadn't moved an the rest of the world he would have looked relaxed even but Molly could feel the tension radiating off him.
The silence stretched out between them but then Eurus broke it. 'I like seeing you in love Sherlock, it's different...I find different interesting. You were boring before when you were all closed off...I had to open you up and I don't think you liked it when I had to open you up.'
She walked over to where her own violin was resting on the side and she let her hand slide over it almost sensuously. 'They only let me have this when you visit. They worry that I'm going to kill them with it.'
She picked up the bow and looked at it. 'They think I'll skewer them with this.'
She shrugged and turned back to look at the Molly. 'Maybe they're right. Maybe someday I'll push it through all that soft, ripe flesh...maybe.'
She turned back and picked up the instrument and then she turned to Sherlock as she tucked it under her chin. Then she started to play and Molly was stunned to hear her playing the tune that Sherlock had just played to her. She was note perfect and after a few moments Sherlock joined her and between them they played developing the melody as they went, matching each other perfectly and Molly found herself crying...crying at how beautiful the music was and how broken Sherlock's sister was.
She was glad that she'd seen her, that she had a better understanding of her but she'd be quite happy to never, ever have to meet her face to face.
Twelve months later the gossip pages of the newspapers had another story.
Hat Detective Catches a Wife
Eligible batchelor Sherlock Holmes is eligible no longer after he wed his fiancée Dr Molly Hooper (aged 35) in a small wedding ceremony in St Mary's church less than ten minutes from their home on Baker Street in central London.
As you know we were the first to report the relationship when Mr Holmes was investigating the infamous Anderson Ripper murders last year. Philip Anderson was sentenced last month to life in prison and sources tell us that he may we'll be transferred to Broadmoor, well known for housing prisoners with mental illnesses.
It isn't known yet where the newly wed Mr and Mrs Holmes will spend their honeymoon but you can be assured that as soon as we know you'll know.
A final couple of comments from me, I actually visited Sherrinford just a few months before the last Sherlock series aired. For those who don't know it's near Tenby in Wales (where I was holidaying) and rather than being in the middle of the sea it's a two minute walk across the beach to get to it, though you do have to wade through ankle deep rock pools. Just like Molly I didn't like the walk across the steel gantry from one side to the other, you really can see the drop and it was a bit vertigo inducing.
And now for the result of the vote on my next fic. (Drumroll). Overwhelmingly you voted for the Fake Boyfriend fic and so that's the one I'm working on. But to those who wanted the drug addict fic don't worry you will still get it after.
Anyway I'll be gone for a couple of weeks as I have a holiday planned so be good whilst I'm away and if you can't be good be careful ;) xxx