Chapter 11
A/N : I hope you all had a merry Christmas/ happy holiday everyone and have a happy new year.
John's POV
The demonic, cyborg centaur charged me, slashing at me with it's chainsaw arm. I dogged out of the way and it slammed into the wall behind me, I took out my gauss cannon and attaching the siege mode mod to the barrel. I went into siege mode and let the cannon charge up before firing a bolt at the monster, it dodged out of the way and aimed its cannon at me.
It charged up with red argent energy before shooting a volley of argent energy orbs at me. I couldn't dodge out of the way in time and it hit me in the shoulder, tearing off my armor plating. Ok, this thing is really fucking strong. I looked at my shoulder, there was a big burn wound that went all the way down to the bone, it hurt like hell . . . HA, get it?
"I advise extreme caution, this demon is much stronger than anything you have faced at the UAC base" VEGA said
" no, really" I thought before readying another shot from my gauss cannon. I fired shot after shot with only a couple hitting, it showed some signs of pain but not much. It let out a deafening roar before raining a storm of missiles down on me. I dogged as many as I could but got blasted more than couple times, as I the last one landed it got ready to charge at me again.
I tried to doge out of the way but it grabbed me by the leg, lifted me into the air and slamming me into the floor. It tried to slam it's double chainsaw hand into me, but I rolled out of the way and shot a rocket into its face. I stumbled back not expecting the blow, giving me time to get up and take out my super shotgun.
I shot the meat hook at it, it sunk deep into it's chest forcing out a pained screech. I flew thought the air towards the creature, landing with both boots on it's chest and both barrels aimed at its head. I fire both shots into it's skull.
I jumped off it, ripping the hook out as I did, and slammed my fist into it's argent reactor. It's thrusters flickered off and it crashed to the ground in a fit of explosions, it roared in frustration before slamming the reactor with its fist. The thrusters flickered to life again and got back up into the air, it spun it two miniguns before unleashing a storm of bullets coming straight for me.
"The reactor was it's weak spot" I thought.
I ran circles around the creature while unloading round after round into it. I kept doing that until suddenly it warped out of sight with a small burst of light. "so it can teleport now . . . just fucking great" I thought before I heard it warp back into existence behind me. Before I could even turn around it slashed my back with its chainsaw arm, making me flip around, and then shot me in the stomach with it's cannon.
I flew back into a wall, denting it on impact. I looked down at my stomach, there was now a big burning hole in the armor. There was a big burn wound in the middle that was bleeding excessively.
"VEGA, what the literal fuck is that fucking thing and why the fucking hell is it so strong!" I asked, pissed off beyond comprehension.
" it is called the S Hunter, or Slayer Hunter. Talon created it by exposing a modified OR16 attack omnic to several Lazarus wave blasts and adding a argent reactor as it's energy source. It is far stronger than any other demon because it is powered by a new form of argent energy I have never seen before."
I slowly got up out of a pool of blood that was starting to form. It warped out of existence again, but I was ready this time. It flashed into existence again right in front of me with its cannon ready to fire. but just before it did I shoved the cannon out of the way and socked it in the face. As it reeled back it pain, I lined up my shotgun with the reactor.
I blasted it with both barrels in the reactor, which caused several mini explosions to erupt from it's body as it fell to the ground. It unleashed a giant wave of yellow argent energy, which sent me flying back, fortunately I landed on my feet.
It stayed there for a couple minutes, the upper half of it's body went limp and hanged just hanged there, twitching. It slowly rose back up with a blue blood pouring from its mouth.
The demon side of it now had glowing yellow veins that were pumping twice as much argent energy. The robotic side of it was now glowing red hot and was steaming a bit. It looked me dead in the eyes, it's one eye began to glow a demonic red. It looked super pissed and twice as strong.
It suddenly roared as a huge beam of argent energy shot out of it's one eye. I got out of the way before it could hit me, but when I looked back to were the beam hit there was a giant hole going through the wall and several rooms after. I am going to have to be especially careful not to be hit by that.
I started running towards the hunter but before I could get any closer it warped out of existence again. It reappeared right next to me with the barrel off the cannon pressed against my helmet. Before I could do anything it shot me at point blank range and I was sent flying across the room.
My visor was just barley functioning, mostly because THE ENTIRE LEFT SIDE OF IT WAS FUCKING GONE. I was bleeding a lot, the blood pouring down into my left eye, so now everything on my left side was tinted red.
"Hey VEGA, could you tell me how close this thing is to dying" I said, super pissed, how the fucking hell was I going to fix my armor.
"By my calculations one more large attack on the argent reactor should disable the S Hunter, I would recommend either the rocket launcher or placing a grenade in the center" VEGA said. Thank fucking god.
I got up off the floor, struggling a bit while doing so. I was loosing strength and the armor was starting to feel more and more heavy. I swapped out my super shotgun for the rocket launcher and got ready to fire, aiming right for the reactor.
I locked onto it and fired a swarm of rockets at the S Hunter. It saw it coming and dogged out of the way, I fired another swarm and again it dodged out of the way. I fired rocket after rocket after rocket but not a single one landed.
I was going to have to get in closer and shove a grenade in there. I ran at it at full speed, well as fast as I can go while losing a quart of blood every minute. It roared as it sent out a barrage of missiles down at me. I ran, dodging missiles or tanking the blasts every now and then.
When I was about six feet away it vanished again, it was getting annoying. It appeared in front of me and before I could react it slashed me with it's chainsaw arm and disappeared again. It reappeared behind me and slashed me again. It did this three more times before I was able to grab it.
My armor was heavily damaged, I was heavily wounded, and I was losing a shit ton of blood. I have no clue how I'm still standing, guess I'm just a certified badass.
It appeared once more to my left with it's chainsaw arm raised, ready to strike at me again. I brought it down towards me butt before it made contact I grabbed the robotic hand with my right hand. Even though it's face remained mostly emotionless, I am almost certain it was shocked at what I did.
I then uppercuted it in the jaw with my left arm, keeping hold of it's demonic chainsaw arm. I then jumped onto the Hunter and grabbed it's throat with my left hand. I punched the reactor on it's chest twice, causing it to fracture enough for me to fit my hand into it. I grabbed a grenade off my suit's belt, pulled the pin and shoved it right into the center of the reactor.
I kicked off the S Hunter and took a good four steps back. It screamed in a mixture of pain and rage, which was music to my ears, before blowing up in a fit of very thick yellow and grey smoke. Finally it's fuck dead, I looked around and spotted a large chromium door adjacent to the one I originally came thought, yes I know big words.
I began walking over to the door with a bit of a limp. I was about four feet from the door before I heard a horrible, ear splitting screech and getting rammed straight through the door and into the argent generator room.
I landed on my stomach, which hurt so much more than it should have. most like due to the large amount of open wounds on my chest and stomach. I looked up from the floor and I saw the generator.
There was a torso sized red argent energy orb which floated between two large medicines with several pipes attached to them. Some of the pipes were covered in a bit of ice, some were red hot, and some were just normal. There was a metal catwalk leading to a terminal that stood right in front of the generator.
I slowly got up onto my feet and turned around to see what dumfuck ran me through a fucking door. I turned and there stood the S Hunter. it was steaming hot, the robotic parts were now white hot and slightly melting, the flesh was bubbling, charred, and slightly liquefied. It was breathing literal fire, with each breath came a ragged wheezing sound mixed with static. It's entire right arm was on fire and dripping white hot, molten metal and the chainsaw was still spinning but getting caught on nothing and gave off a loud screeching noise.
It screamed and charged at me again, it grabbed me by the neck and threw me into the terminal. When I got up it was right in front of me, it grabbed me by the neck again, lifted me up into the air and slammed me repeatedly into the terminal, breaking it beyond repair. The heat was so intense it was burning all of my exposed skin.
"the ge . . . is heavily dam . . . you nee . . . to . . . now bef . . . desp" I heard VEGA said through the damaged headset built into my helmet. I don't know what he said through the static but it didn't sound ggood.
I took out my shotgun and charged by burst shot before firing it into the Hunter's face. It screamed out in pain before smacking me with it's molten right arm. Suddenly emergency light came on, sirens started screaming and I heard a robotic voice began to speak.
"warning critical core failure, evacuate immediately" I heard the voice say.
"wait what" was all I could say before I head a loud explosion and everything went white.
Tracer's POV
We were all running towards the Talon base, I still don't get why 76 and Sombra are so worried. John took down a demon that was bigger than the statue of liberty with nothing more than his bare fists, I'm sure some monster that talon cooked up isn't going to stop him. Every now and then we saw a Talon soldier running in the opposite direction, we would have shot them but 76 told us to save our ammo.
Suddenly the ground shook, and we heard a deafening bang and in the distance I saw a colossal cloud of blood red smoke coming from the Talon base. I started to get scared "what if this thing really is as bad as Sombra and 76 say it is, I need to get over there fast" I thought as I started running faster and faster. I was now far ahead of my team but still in their sight. "Hey slow down we need to stick together" I heard 76 holler at me but I ignored him, I needed to see if John was ok.
I was getting close to the base, as I got closer thing progressively got hotter and hotter. The tree began to looked charred along with the ground. I ran through a burned bush and was now standing in front of what used to be the Talon base. There was a giant crater were the base used to be, and John was nowhere to be found.
I collapsed to the ground on the verge of tears. The rest of the caught up to me but as soon ad they saw the smoking crater the stopped dead in their tracks. " V-VEGA were is John" I asked through the head set.
"I fear the doomslayer may have died in the explosion, however I can't be sure. The tracking bacon in his suit is still active, however I am unable to determine his location" VEGA said. This gave me a bot of relief but not much, were could he be, is he hurt, is he dying. I couldn't stop worrying about him and if he is ok or not.
"oh John, were the hell are you" I asked to nobody in particular.
John's POV unknown location
I was laying on my back with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that my visor was still broken on the left side. The second thing I noticed was the sky was a blackish grey color. I immediately shot up to see were the fuck I was. I was met with the melting face of the S Hunter, my immediate reaction was to kick it in the face and take out my super shotgun.
When I got up I noticed the Hunter wasn't moving, actually it dead. Well I feel like a fucking dumbass. I took a moment to scan my surroundings keeping my shotgun, I was on a cliff side, there was reddish brown dirt everywhere.
I walked over to the cliff to get a better lay of the land. As soon as I looked over that cliff I knew where I was. I was standing above a demonic temple, there were demons running around, fighting with themselves, or feasting on other demons . I was in fucking hell . . . what the hell.
Well, my suit is broken, I am several wounded, and now I'm in hell . . . I think its time to visit an old friend.
A/N: ok, done i hope you all had a merry Christmas or a happy holiday, and are having a happy new year. :)