Disclaimer: No copyright intended! I just own this fanfic, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Author's note: A Harry/Daphne story, starting two days before Valentine's Day in Harry's second year, where a Valentine's Day Ball will be held. Mostly AU. Some Ron and Ginny bashing. Ginny also won't have any moments of being possessed in this story. Rated T.

She Took My Breath Away!

Fanfic by Brockster550

Chapter One

It was February 12th and twelve year old Harry Potter was outside, sitting at his favourite spot by the Black Lake, trying to pass the time before dinner. Valentine's Day was on Sunday and the incompetent defence teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart publicly announced that there would be a ball for the holiday at breakfast this morning before classes. Then he turned to Harry and claimed that the girls would be 'over the moon' to go with him. This embarrassed Harry to the extreme, but Lockhart acted like it was just a ploy to avoid the ball. Throughout the day in between classes, many girls kept asking him to ask them to the Valentine's Day Ball, leaving Harry overwhelmed and unable to respond. One of the girls in particular, Ginny Weasley kept hounding Harry hoping he would ask her. Harry wouldn't even think of going to the ball with Ginny because she was Ron's little sister, and going with her would be like going with his sister (which was just awkward to Harry and just wrong). Harry dreaded going to lunch, as it turned out that Lockhart even brought up the Valentine's Day Ball again, embarrassing Harry once more.

(Harry's memory)

It was like five to ten minutes into lunch, which 'prompted' the defence teacher to face Harry again.

"So Harry," said Professor Lockhart, not bothering to keep his voice down. "Did you ask any girl to the Valentine's Day Ball yet?"

"NoIdint!" said Harry hastily.

"Oh come on, Harry," Lockhart blurted out once more. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Well, I'm telling the truth," said Harry, trying to keep his temper in check. "I didn't ask anybody to the ball…"

Quite a number of girls (some of them were in Gryffindor, some in Hufflepuff, some in Ravenclaw, and even some in Slytherin) started batting their eyes at Harry, once again hoping he would ask them to the ball. This humiliated Harry even further and some of the teachers glared at Lockhart (who simply ignored them).

"... And I don't plan to go," Harry continued, aimed at the defence teacher. "I don't even know how to dance anyway."

The girls who were batting their eyes at Harry just gave a downhearted, "Awwwwwwww!"

They were clearly disappointed that Harry stated his intentions to avoid the ball. Professor Lockhart, of course assumed that Harry was joking (choosing to be oblivious that Harry wasn't). Harry left the Great Hall in a rush, unaware that one of the Slytherin girls (who had ice-blue eyes and blonde hair stopping a few inches past the shoulders) remained hopeful that he'll change his mind. Harry also didn't know that Ginny felt tears welling up in her eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Ron. Fred and George rolled their eyes, knowing that their little sister had a huge crush on Harry. Neville and Hermione watched Harry's retreating back until he was no longer in sight.

(End of memory)

Harry came out of the memory. He still didn't feel ready to go back inside, not wanting to deal with anymore of Lockhart's insistence on asking Harry about going to the ball. Why did the incompetent defence teacher have to humiliate him in front of the whole school? Harry hated his Boy-Who-Lived fame due to it being a constant reminder that he no longer had his parents anymore. This wasn't the kind of fame Harry wanted, after all what kid would want to celebrate his or her fame that also resulted in his or her parents' deaths? Harry was brought out of his musings when he heard footsteps approaching. He experienced an inner panic, believing it was Ginny who found him. But to his relief, it wasn't Ginny, but a girl with ice-blue eyes and long blonde hair that stopped a few inches past her shoulders. She also had green trimmings on her school robes, identifying her as a Slytherin. Harry sort of recognized her as Daphne Greengrass, also known as the Ice Queen of Slytherin.

"Hello, Potter!" she greeted politely.

"Hi," said Harry neutrally, believing Daphne's presence to be a trap. "If you think I'm gonna go to that ball because Lockhart said so, you're making a big mistake."

"I'm not here to cause you any trouble," assured Daphne. "I just thought you'd want some company."

"Oh yeah, just for my fame as the Boy-Who-Lived," said Harry, still believing Daphne was setting him up. "Ron has already implied that a number of times."

"No, I mean I want to get to know you for who you are." Daphne clarified.

"Oh, sorry," said Harry sheepishly, but felt relieved at the same time. "But what can I say? I'm not all that interesting."

"I seriously doubt that," said Daphne. "You've helped Gryffindor win by catching the snitch every game you've played. So why would you say you're not interesting?"

Harry panicked inwardly, the only thing he could talk about was his life before Hogwarts with the Dursleys. No one was supposed to know about that because Uncle Vernon especially 'taught' him that bad things would happen to him if the truth were to leak out. Harry had already suffered enough abuse and he was sick of it. Every time he 'tattled' to somebody about his treatment, the Dursleys always somehow got off easy and 'punished the freak' greatly for it afterward.

"I'm just not!" said Harry, desperately hoping Daphne wouldn't ask him about his Pre-Hogwarts life.

"I see," said Daphne, even though she was getting suspicious of Harry unable to answer her question right away. She decided to avoid badgering Harry about his supposedly being uninteresting. "If I may ask, would you change your mind and go to the Valentine's Day Ball if there was at least one girl who wanted to go with you for the person you are?"

"Maybe," said Harry. "But many of the girls seem to only be interested in going with me for my fame and Ginny Weasley, of course is no exception to that. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so nervous around me."

"What If I told you that I'd wish to be your date for the ball?" said Daphne.

"I don't know," said Harry. "Aren't Gryffindors and Slytherins supposed to hate each other?"

"Only those who want to be part of that pointless rivalry," said Daphne. "There are some decent Slytherins and certainly some of them would like to be your friend."

"Oh," said Harry. "That wasn't what Ron told me. At the sorting ceremony last year, he claimed that all Slytherins are evil and jerks."

"He's just talking rubbish," said Daphne. "It's not one's abilities or which house they get placed in that defines who they are. It's the choices they make that really defines it."

"Oh okay, that makes sense," Harry realized. "But what would Slytherins like Malfoy think if they were to see you as my date?"

"That's not their concern," said Daphne. "I've got my ways of dealing with nosy people."

"Oh I see," said Harry. "Another reason I'm avoiding the ball is because of my lack of good dance skills."

"I can teach you if you want," Daphne offered. "You won't know how if you don't try and practice."

"Well, okay," said Harry, accepting the offer. "But don't blame me if your toes start hurting afterwards."

"I think it'll be worth it, Harry," said Daphne, smiling at him. "We can find an empty classroom to practice in."

"Well, okay," said Harry. "Shall we do that right now?"

"Why not wait until tomorrow?" suggested Daphne. "Since it will be Saturday, that'll give us plenty of time to practice for the Valentine's Day dance."

"That's a better idea," agreed Harry. "Hopefully we won't get bothered too much, by the wrong people especially."

"Shortly after breakfast tomorrow, we'll get started." said Daphne.

"Sounds good." said Harry.

Daphne walked away (presumably back to the dungeons of Slytherin). Maybe it was just him, but Harry was certain that Daphne looked stunningly beautiful. It wasn't just the eyes, but her blonde hair made it even better. This was certainly the first time he'd seen Daphne with a smile on her face.

(The next day, after breakfast)

Once breakfast ended, Harry left the Great Hall in a jiffy to help Daphne look for an empty classroom. She happened to beat him to the punch when she found one first (she was waiting outside the door). Once they were certain the coast was clear, Harry and Daphne entered the classroom, made sure the door was locked and then Daphne cast some kind of other charm on the door.

"That was a privacy ward, Harry," she stated. "Just to be safe that nobody barges in on us while we're practicing."

"I see," said Harry. "If I may ask, was you calling me by my first name another example of proving you wanna be friends with me for who I am?"

"Yes, Harry," assured Daphne. "In private, I can call you Harry. But due to this pointless rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin, I'll have to call you by your surname in public, to avoid retribution from the pure-blood supremacists. My ice princess glare may intimidate one or two, maybe three people. But in bigger numbers, it'll be a bigger problem."

"I don't blame ya," said Harry. "Maybe going to the dance as dates will be a start at ending the rivalry."

"Yeah, hopefully it will," agreed Daphne. "But it won't be easy."

"True," said Harry. "But it would be better than trying to rule the world."

"That's for sure," said Daphne. "But we'd better start practicing, so we can be ready for tomorrow."

So that's what they did. They began practicing for the dance, with Daphne turning on some classical music to help. A couple of times, Harry did accidentally step on some of Daphne's toes. He apologized for it several times, but Daphne assured him it wasn't a big deal. After a couple hours of practicing, they decided to take a break.

"Tomorrow is bound to be interesting." said Daphne.

"Yeah," agreed Harry. "Nobody will expect this."

"Malfoy especially." said Daphne.

"What, how so?" said Harry.

"Well," Daphne began revealing. "His father drew up a marriage contract a couple weeks into the summer holidays and blackmailed my dad into agreeing with it. The marriage contract is for me to marry Draco on his eighteenth birthday. He had this grin behind his father's back and that told me that my dad was blackmailed into agreeing with it."

"Dang," said Harry, shuddering at the thought. "So you're partially using me because of it?"

"Yes, but I still wish to be your date for the person you are," assured Daphne. "I'm hoping that if you and I go to the Valentine's Day dance as dates, Draco will be so disgusted that he won't want the marriage contract anymore."

"Okay, I'll help you out with that," said Harry. "But I don't have anything to wear to the dance."

"I'll write a letter to my dad and explain," said Daphne. "Maybe he has a spare set of dress robes he'll let you to borrow."

"I just hope they'll fit." said Harry.

"Harry, you're forgetting about something," said Daphne. "Dad can use a spell to make them your size."

"I hope he'll be supportive of you going with me." said Harry.

"He will be, Harry," assured Daphne. "If Malfoy decides he doesn't want the contract anymore, dad will be so happy."

"Okay," said Harry. "I just hate to get on anyone's bad side."

"I don't blame ya, Harry," said Daphne. "But it'll be alright."

So she and Harry continued practicing for the dance. They stopped at around an hour before lunch, so Daphne headed back to the dungeons of Slytherin to write to her father. She finished writing her letter to her father, which read:

Hi dad,

How are you doing? There will be a Valentine's Day dance and I will get to be going with Harry Potter. Maybe this will make Malfoy decide that he won't want the marriage contract anymore. Harry doesn't have any dress robes and I was wondering if you have a spare set of dress robes he can borrow. If you don't, then maybe finding a set emerald-green dress robes would be a good idea since Harry has emerald-green eyes. Hope to hear from you soon.



Daphne folded the letter up, pocketed it into her school robes and started heading to the owlery to get her letter mailed. She couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of Draco witnessing Harry as her date. Once Daphne tied the letter to her family owl's leg, it took off towards Greengrass Manor. All too soon, it was lunchtime and the students headed to the Great Hall. Harry tried entering without detection (so he wouldn't get spotted by the defence teacher), but as usual, luck just wasn't with him.

"So tell me, Harry," Professor Lockhart blurted out, in his direction. "How excited are you to make it to the dance tomorrow?"

Harry ignored it because he was already tired of the incompetent defence professor badgering him. It also wasn't any of Lockhart's business to know who Harry would be going with. Alot of the girls started batting their eyes at Harry once more (Ginny especially). Lockhart refused to relent and kept pestering Harry, who finally got fed up and left the Great Hall. Harry just returned to Gryffindor Tower and up to the second year boys' dormitory to avoid the majority of the school and saw an owl with a package for him.

'Now that's strange.' thought Harry.

So he went to relieve the owl of it's burden, then it took off once that had been taken care of. Harry opened the box and saw some fine emerald-green dress robes. There was also a letter, so he unfolded it and realized who it turned out to be from. The letter read:


I heard about you agreeing to go to the Valentine's Day dance with my daughter, Daphne. I purchased some dress robes that were emerald-green for you after Daphne told me about your eyes being that exact colour. Good luck at the dance and good luck once more in trying to make Malfoy not want the marriage contract anymore.

Yours Sincerely,

Lord Greengrass

Harry was lost in thought, to the point where he didn't hear the door open.

"So you are going to the dance after all?" asked a familiar voice.

Harry jumped in surprise and saw Neville standing in the doorway (which relieved him).

"Yes Neville, I am." Harry admitted.

"May I ask who you're going with?" said Neville.

"Daphne Greengrass," said Harry. "Her father sent me some emerald-green dress robes."

"Nice," said Neville. "Alot of girls will be jealous, they'll wish it was them in Daphne's place."

"Yeah," said Harry. "Do you plan to go with anybody or just by yourself?"

"Yeah, I plan to go with Hannah." said Neville.

"That's wonderful, Neville," said Harry. "I can't risk letting anybody find out I'm going with Daphne, at least not yet. Ron and Ginny especially."

"Yeah, Ron will believe that she corrupted you," said Neville. "I saw that look on Ginny's face, the one that says that you're the only one for her."

"I can't go with Ginny, it'd be like going on a date with my own sister," said Harry. "And that's just awkward."

"Yeah, I understand that." said Neville.

So he left the dormitory, then Harry got out some parchment, some ink and a quill. He needed to thank Lord Greengrass for the robes. As soon as he finished writing the thank you letter, Hedwig flew up to the still-open window (as if she found out what Harry was doing) and tapped it with her beak to let Harry know she was there. Then Harry tied the letter to Hedwig's leg and she took off to deliver it.

(The next day, around noon)

It was finally Valentine's Day and Harry was getting ready for the dance. Neville was helping Harry and Harry helping Neville with getting ready in return. Once they were ready, the two boys left Gryffindor Tower at noon (half an hour until the ball was due to begin) to meet up with their respective dates. Daphne and Hannah were waiting by an abandoned classroom that was halfway between the way from Gryffindor Tower to the Great Hall. Daphne had her hair in a bun while Hannah had her pigtails braided. Daphne was wearing forest-green dress robes and Hannah was wearing pink dress robes. Harry held an arm out at Daphne and she linked one of her arms in Harry's, Neville did the same with Hannah. Then Harry and Neville started escorting their respective dates to the Great Hall. Upon arriving, alot of girls were not only surprised that Harry came after all, but that his date was the Ice Queen of Slytherin. Whispers were heard as Harry and Daphne were passing by student after student. Harry saw that Hermione was standing by Oliver Wood (indicating that he asked her to be his date). Hermione and Oliver were surprised (and impressed) that Harry's date was Daphne and they gave thumbs-up (with Harry and Daphne returning them). Fred, George and Lee were also impressed that Harry and Daphne were putting the house rivalry aside, for the sake of having fun. Inevitably, Ginny happened to see that and she looked as though she wanted to throw up (at the same time, trying to fight the tears). Ron, too spotted Harry with Daphne and he was in utter disbelief.

"That snake corrupted Harry," said Ron to himself. "What in the hell was he thinking?"

'That bitch stole my Harry from me,' thought Ginny angrily. 'I can't believe she would manipulate him into claiming he wouldn't go, just so I wouldn't get to dance with him!'

So Ginny started stomping over to Harry and Daphne to confront the Ice Queen, only to be held back by her twin brothers.

"Not so fast, Ginevra," said Fred and George in unison. "Harry would never even think of dating you."

The twins had little choice but to drag their sister out of the Great Hall (as she started threatening to curse Daphne to kingdom come). It seemed like no matter how many times she was told, Ginny would never accept that Harry would never date her and nothing would ever seem to persuade her otherwise. Ron also tried to confront Harry over his choice as a date being Daphne, only for Lee to cast the leg-locker curse on him (resulting in Ron hopping around on his feet).

"Alright," Professor McGonagall announced, once it was 12:30 PM. "It's time for the dance to start!"

So everybody who had dates walked toward the middle of the Great Hall. Harry felt his heart beat as he placed his hands on Daphne's waist. Daphne placed her arms around the back of Harry's neck. The music started to signal the start of the dance and everybody began dancing away. Harry and Daphne were enjoying it, which didn't go unnoticed by Draco. He was so outraged that he left the Great Hall, looking as though he was going to blow chunks (hardly believing that Daphne went with his arch nemesis). Harry and Daphne felt that they were in their own private world as they continued dancing away.

'Bloody hell!' thought Harry as he looked into Daphne's eyes. 'She's really taking my breath away! Those eyes, her hair, and more importantly, her personality. This is just making Daphne more and more beautiful!'

To be continued!