Disclaimer: I do not own anything




A/N: Sorry it's been forever, I'm going to try and give this fanfic another go... I hope I can keep it up and you guys enjoy it... here goes nothing!

Saito and Henrietta sat down for lunch together right after their talk. It was much like all the time they spent together, comfortable. Henrietta being able to feel like a woman for more than five minutes, and Saito completely oblivious that he was having lunch with a Princess.

Saito knew Henrietta was Princess, even if he hadn't known her personally, everything about her screamed royalty. Her beauty, her poise, her grace, and her heart. Most of the time though, she was just Henrietta to him.

Saito wasn't sure exactly when that had happened, but he hadn't questioned it in quite some time. Perhaps it was when they spent that night in the inn. Perhaps it was when he called himself her dog to those traitors. If none of those were it, he was sure it was when he became her familiar.

Saito didn't really care when it happened if he was honest. At some point, they had gotten so comfortable with one another that Saito now felt confident enough to wipe her mouth at lunch. Henrietta didn't even say anything, she just blushed.

Saito had been clueless for quite a while, but over the last couple of weeks, he started noticing little things. Most of them concerned Siesta and Ara, but it wasn't just them. It was most of the women around him doing small things it took him forever to notice.

Henrietta's blush right now was just like the one Ara had started having when he helped her down from Dante. The same one Tiffania and Kirche had when he complimented them. For the longest time, he thought it was out of embarrassment.

It wasn't until recently when he saw that same flush on Siesta's cheeks after they had gotten a little too carried away with their kisses that he realized what it was. All of these women were turned on by him.

He truly tried to reign in his, let's say intimate, interactions with those women in the few days since he realized that. However, he found it was harder than he imagined. It felt right to be this close to them, and it made him feel a little guilty.

He had no intention of doing anything about it, he would never do anything like that to Siesta, but he couldn't seem to give up these stolen little moments with each of them. Saito was certain that if he hadn't met Siesta, he would have easily fallen in love with any of them.

Well, he is pretty sure. Kirche was still a mystery to him if he was being honest. There was no denying how incredibly beautiful she was, but she was much different than the type of girls he thought he would end up with.

Saito supposed he didn't have much room to talk thinking like this. He was engaged to Siesta and sharing intimate moments with women who were not her. Even if he never planned on going there, it still felt like it was a betrayal.

But he just couldn't seem to stop himself.

He loved seeing that flush on Henrietta's face when he had just wiped something off her mouth for her. He had spent a lot of time with Henrietta and no one could ever get that kind of reaction from her. Even when she said she was in love with Prince Wales. His name would bring a smile to her face, but not as strong a reaction as she had to Saito.

There was another he felt similar for, but he never spent much time with her. He had never seen her flush like the others, but every time he touched her, it felt like his whole body was on fire. He wasn't sure if Cattleya felt it too, so he didn't dive too deep down that hole.

Saito had no idea how something could feel so wrong and yet so right at the same time. And now, here he was, just after lunch, training with Henrietta again. They had added handling a dagger to their training recently so Henrietta could always defend herself to some extent, no matter the situation.

He was standing right behind Henrietta, hands on her waist, and adjusting her stance. He was showing her the vital spots to attack in case she needed to know. As soon as his hands left her hips, she thrust the dagger at the dummy hitting the spot perfectly.

"Very good, Henrietta."

Saito's words sent a shiver down Henrietta's spine. He was so close she could feel his breath hitting her ear. After their meeting this morning, Henrietta decided to see if Siesta might be right, and now she believed she was.

Henrietta never believed for a moment that Saito would love someone other than Siesta. But everything she has noticed since then makes her feel as if he feels the same she does. It didn't take long for her to realize this either.

Right after they teased each other a bit in the yard with their titles, they had gone to grab lunch before training. Saito had wiped something off her mouth with his thumb right in the middle of the dining hall like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.

Her cheeks heated up like they always did when he touched her, and that warmth inevitably started spreading down her body, but that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was the smile on Saito's face.

She had always avoided his gaze after he did something like that and now she wondered if he always smiled like that when he made her flush. It was then she realized that she had only ever seen him smile at Siesta and Ara like that.

Now she was noticing for the first time he looked at her like that. He was doing it right now, as she hits the spot on the training dummy he told her to. She wanted to see him smile at her like that all the time.

"It's because I have the best teacher possible!"

"Don't let Agnes hear you say that or I might be in trouble."

She shifts a little bit to look at him, and he's doing it again. His smile always brightens her day. He has many reasons not to smile, but he rarely doesn't have one on his face. These kinds of smiles though, are rare and only for some people.

She takes a tiny side step toward him and now, she is pressed right up against him. She had to bite her lip to hold back the sigh or moan that almost came out when her back hit his chest. Neither one would have been good to let escape.

She feels Saito's body stiffen for a moment and thinks she has taken it too far. Before she takes that small step back, his body completely relaxes and he can't hold back the small sigh that escapes.

Henrietta feels completely victorious for the moment and smiles. Her victory didn't last long as she felt Saito's left hand rest on her hip. She held back, but when he took his right hand, grab her below the wrist, and trailed his fingers up to grab her hand, a small moan escaped her lips.

She knew he could have just grabbed her hand to guide it, but he made sure to touch more of her than he needed to. He made sure it was within reason for the training yard, but she noticed.

She felt his body reacted to her moan as well. He definitely heard it, but it appears no one else did. She thought she got one over on Saito, only to get one right back. He pulls her hand back and thrust it forward into the side of the dummy.

"That's another one." he breathes into her ear. "It won't kill someone immediately, but the pain will be unbearable. It will give you time to get away."

Saito takes a step back and Henrietta immediately misses the contact. She thrusts forward though and strikes the target right where he instructed her too. She does it a few more times before she hears.

"That's enough, Henrietta. I think we can call it a day."

She'd be lying if she said she wanted this to end, but Saito was right. She still had a lot to do before dinner which was in about ten minutes. She couldn't spend all her time flirting with Saito.

"Thanks again, Saito. It was a good idea to teach me the basics of handling a weapon. I can't always rely on my magic."

"I want to make sure you can always defend yourself, Henrietta. Would you like to grab some dinner? Siesta and Ara were supposed to be back by now but they aren't."

"I'd love to but..." she really would. "I still have to talk with Agnes, some of the musketeers, and some of the commanders. I'll grab something when I'm done but you should go enjoy dinner."

"Shouldn't I stay to guard you?"

'I'd love that, but...'

"I'll have Agnes with me. Go enjoy dinner, and I think there is someone who wishes to speak with you anyway."

Henrietta points behind Saito and he turns to see what she means. He expected to see Ara or Siesta since they should be back any time now, but that isn't who is looking at him.

Kirche is standing there looking like she wants to interrupt his and Henrietta's conversation. Saito and Henrietta bid each other goodbye and Saito makes his way over to Kirche.

"Hey, Kirche! Do you need anything?"

Kirche's appearance is how it always is, stunning. She was the type of girl who knew she looked good and didn't mind showing it off. The only one who felt that way of all the women around him, really.

What is different, is her fidgeting and she's... Saito can't believe it, she's blushing. She hides it better than anyone else. He is sure her skin complexion helps with that, but he can see it.

"No... I mean, yes... or kind of..." Kirche huffs completely unused to being the one doing the chasing but composes herself. "Siesta and Ara told me if they weren' t back by dinner to keep you company for dinner. That is... if... that is... alright."

Kirche had composed herself, but by the end, Saito's gaze had her faltering again. She felt like all the girls she made fun of who fell for the first pretty face to say some flowery words. It was utterly ridiculous she would act like this, but she couldn't deny she loved it.

"Of course that's alright. I wouldn't want to make Siesta or Ara mad at me, and who passes up dinner with a beautiful girl?"

Kirche's cheeks heat up tremendously at his last question. She even sees him extend his elbow like some chivalrous knight in a story to escort her. They walk and talk the whole time.

The one thing Kirche notices more than anything about her walk with Saito is that he always looks her in the eye when he talks to her. Sure, she noticed he looked her over when he saw her, but he was a man and Kirche knew she was beautiful.

It was the reason she dressed as she did. Men would simply stare at her breasts and do anything for her, but not Saito. He appreciated her figure but then gave her all his attention.

She was certain it was the reason she fell in love with him. And now, walking with him, eating dinner, and talking with him. She knew there were more reasons why she loved this man.

The only time she noticed his attention away from her eyes was when she was blatant in her flirting. Leaning toward him to give him a great view, squeezing them together with her arms in an innocent way, or anything like that.

She definitely wanted Saito to understand her more, but she was herself. Flirting was something she was good at, and she never truly enjoyed it until now. Saito looked to be enjoying it as well.

They had both already eaten, talked about a number of things, and didn't realize they were the only two left in the dining hall until they heard someone say.

"Hey, Saito. Hey, Kirche."

They both looked over to see Ara standing there. That is when they looked around and noticed it was only the three of them in the dining hall. Even all the dishes and staff had been cleared out already.

"Hey, Ara. When did you and Siesta get back?"

Neither Saito or Kirche could believe they talked for so long. It seemed like barely any time at all had gone by.

"Just a few minutes ago. I needed to talk to Kirche, and Siesta said you two had something to discuss."

'Yes, we sure do...'

It was the reason he spent so much time training Henrietta, talking to Kirche, and everything else he did to keep himself busy throughout the day. If he wasn't doing something, it was all he could think about.

He hadn't been thinking about what to do. He had made up his mind the moment he walked out of that room this morning. The anticipation for the conversation had him wound up though so that is why he spent so much energy to distract himself with other things.

"Alright, I'll let you two talk." Saito surprises both of them by grabbing Kirche's hand and planting a kiss on the back of it before kissing Ara's cheek. "See you two tomorrow."

Both are too stunned to say anything and simply wave goodbye. Saito makes his way to his and Siesta's room and doesn't hesitate to enter. He knew what he needed to say, but he didn't see Siesta.


Saito asks the empty room, Ara said she was here. He heard a voice come from behind the bathroom door and say.

"In here Saito! I'm glad Ara found you!"

"She did. How was your trip?"

"It was pretty good. I'm hoping it gets better soon."

'That was a weird way to answer that.'

Saito was curious at her wording but would file it away for later. They needed to talk and maybe her being behind a door would allow him to get through all he had to say.

"Siesta I..." he takes a deep breath. "I feel horrible for what I've done. I've made you think you couldn't be yourself around me simply because of what my dad believed. I see now what you were telling me before. You were so embarrassed at what I would think of you after you..."

He'd let that one trail off, not because he didn't want to remember what she said or did, but because it would distract him way too much to get through all of this.

"Anyway, I don't want you to feel that way. I want you to be you, and if part of being you is wanting to get more intimate with me even before we marry, I will gladly accept that part of you."

Saito was hoping to get a reaction from Siesta but he can't hear her saying or doing anything. Perhaps he worded that wrong and made it sound like he was just giving her something she wanted and he didn't as well.

"And please don't think you are alone in that, Siesta. I have been attracted to you since the moment I laid eyes on you. If I wasn't trying to do what I thought was right in the past, I would have kissed you during that first bath we took together like I wanted to."

Saito can finally hear her shuffling toward the door, but she still doesn't say anything.

"I fight my desire to be with you every time we lay down together. No matter if it is on a bed, in a cot, or on the ground. You are perfect in every way and I dream of kissing every inch of your skin. I want to touch every part of you so I know all of you. I want to hear you say my name in pure bliss and know that I'm the one who makes you feel that way. I..."

Saito planned on continuing with his rant about exactly how much he dreamed of being with Siesta, but the bathroom door opened and Saito lost his voice.

Siesta was standing there, but she was not wearing her normal outfit. Saito couldn't speak at how downright sexy she looked right now, but he did manage a single thought.

'They have lingerie in this world?!'


Siesta stood there in a see-through red slip. The only part that wasn't completely see-through was where her chest was. She had on long red stockings that connected to a red garter belt, and she had on the tiniest, sexiest, red lace panties Saito had ever seen.

It wasn't just her outfit either. Everything about Siesta at the moment screamed sexy. From her outfit to her pose to the look in her eye. And when she speaks... he can hear the want in her voice.

"Do you like my trade?~"


All the blood in Saito's brain has relocated and it is hard for him to think at the moment.

"Yes~ I used to do the laundry here so I made a trade with Kirche~ She told me where to buy this~" Siesta slowly runs her hands up and down her new outfit to drive Saito crazy. "And she got to have dinner with you~"

Saito almost gained his composure enough to speak, but then, Siesta started stalking her way toward him and he forgot what he was going to say.

"And it was a win-win for you, my love~ Dinner with a beautiful redhead~ Seeing your fiance in her first-ever lingerie~ Quite the accomplishment for not knowi-"

Siesta planned on continuing until she was done being sexy for Saito, but he changed that plan. He moved so fast, she didn't see him until he was inches from her face. His gaze took her breath away and stole the words from her.

Siesta could feel herself heating up and getting wet. It worked even better than she could imagine. His gaze was so intense, she could feel herself wanting to moan. He put both his hands on her stomach and she finally exhaled.

His gaze never left hers as his fingers spread out against her flesh and slowly explored ever inch of her toned abs, sides, and finally her back. When he finally had his arms around her, he pulled her into a passionate kiss that had Siesta moaning into his mouth.

Saito snaked his left hand up her spine and his right hand down it. His left hand finally stopped to grab the back of her neck and deepen their kiss. He wanted her to know there was no doubt what he meant to do.

Siesta felt his right hand go down her spine and the arousal she felt made her body quiver. She felt him go right underneath her garter and panties not wanting to miss an inch of her flesh.

He slid his hand straight down her ass and cupped it to squeeze. She could feel his fingers spreading her juices up her leg as he started to grab her ass. It made her moan even louder knowing how wet he was already making her.

Saito wished he didn't have to breathe but he did. The moment he did, his other hand found her ass and lifted her up. Siesta wrapped her legs around his waist and he turned toward the bed. Neither one could look away from the other.

Siesta began to pant as if Saito was already inside of her. His gaze and feeling his hard member pressed up against where it belonged was driving her mad. There was only his pants and her tiny little panties between them now.

Saito set her down like she was the most delicate flower in the world and Siesta took in every moment of his gaze she could. She moved to kiss him again but he bypassed her lips and went straight for her neck.

She splayed her arms out wide and tilted her head to give him access to anywhere he wanted. Saito kissed, licked, and bit her shoulder and neck everywhere he could until he was right against her ear.

"Time for my sexy fiance's reward~"

Saito wasn't sure trying to be sexy would work, but Siesta's reaction made him think it did. She moaned right into his ear and he heard her clench the sheets so tight they might rip. Before she could say anything, Saito grabbed her wrists, pinned them above her head, and claimed her lips.

Saito held both her wrists with his left hand and slowly snaked his right hand down Siesta. It started with the soft caress of her arm down to her ear then down to her neck. Goosebumps were rising all over Siesta's flesh and she was grinding her hips up and down his crotch.

Siesta could feel his member as she rubbed it up and down between her lips and his delicate touch was making her even wetter. She was sure the front of his pants were soaked but she couldn't find it in her to care.

She wanted nothing more than to rip those pants off and finally have him, but he was holding her down using his mouth everywhere he could now. When he latched onto one of her nipples and lightly bit down, she moaned so loud she thought she may have cum for the first time.

Saito finally stopped the slow torture and sat up above her. He was reaching to finally take her soaked panties off and she immediately went for his pants. He grabbed her wrists again and stopped her.

He put her arms above her head again and loomed over her. He lowered himself down to her ear and whispered.

"Patience, love~ You'll be mine in every way~"

He sounded so sincere, so sexy, that Siesta only nodded and didn't move a muscle. He went back and slowly grabbed her panties. He pulled them slowly off her until her legs were straight up in the air in front of him. He put a hand on the inside of her thighs and slowly spread her open to him.

Saito started to descend, but not to her lips as she thought. He kissed and licked the inside of her thighs until he had her legs spread wide and knees almost touching the bed. Siesta barely had time to register what he was doing when his tongue hit her wet, eager lips.

Siesta could no longer hold her arms above her head, and she fisted every inch of hair she could grasp on Saito's head.

"OH... MY... GOD... SAITO!"

Siesta wouldn't be surprised if every person on the school grounds just heard her. Saito worked his tongue up and down her wet lips delving deeper and deeper with each pass. He would stop and circle her bundle of nerves every pass as he tasted Siesta.

Siesta couldn't stop squirming at Saito's attention. Her legs were shaking, her moans were deafening, and she was getting completely lost in pleasure she didn't know was possible. Saito had his tongue on her for only a minute and she felt like she was going to explode.

Once Saito spread her juices all over every inch of her, he focused his tongue on her bundle of nerves and slowly slid his middle finger inside of Siesta. Siesta gripped his hair even harder and tried to put his tongue deeper inside of her as she felt his finger stretch her out.

Saito slowly drew his finger in and out of Siesta's incredibly tight walls. Even just his one finger was a tight fit inside of her. He started going faster and faster as Siesta moaned his name and tried to get him deeper inside of her.

"YES! YES! OH... MY... SAITO!"

Saito could feel her walls starting to constrict on his finger and curled his finger up to rub her spongy g-spot. She clutched his hair so hard he thought she would rip it out. Instead, he heard the most erotic moan leave her mouth as her walls clamped down on his finger and her juices flowed down onto his tongue.

But this was just the beginning for her.

While she came over and over on his tongue, he slipped a second finger inside of her. He screams stopped, her entire body arched, and she stopped breathing for a moment. Then, she let out an ear-piercing scream as her whole body collapsed on the bed.

Her walls and her legs convulsed faster and faster trying to devour his fingers. A river of her sweet nectar ran down Saito's tongue and throat and Siesta started babbling like she was possessed.


Siesta was practically begging at the end as he lapped up the last of her juices. She tasted so sweet like peaches and honey. He kissed the inside of her thighs as he snaked his hands under her slip.

He slowly exposed her abs, chest, and shoulders as he pulled it over her head. He spent extra time licking, sucking, and biting her nipples as it brought whimpers and moans from her every time he did.

Finally, he was staring into those beautiful eyes of hers, the tip of his cock running through her lips to slide inside of her, and finally, she nodded her head.

He slowly slid inside of Siesta. He could feel every inch of her stretching to make room for him and it was almost overwhelming. It was as if his foreplay did nothing to prepare her for this. The only reason he didn't think that to be true was the sounds of pure ecstasy Siesta was moaning along with him.



He was only halfway in when he hit her barrier. He went to stop and make sure she was ready, but Siesta wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him all the way into her. He broke through her barrier so suddenly and was hilt deep, that he couldn't stop himself from coming undone at that moment.


He was stuck between pure bliss, worry, and embarrassment at what just happened. There was no denying that Saito felt complete, fully sheathed inside Siesta. Then it turned to worry he already got her pregnant to the embarrassment he lasted barely five seconds.

The only thing that saved him from complete embarrassment was Siesta's walls clenching around his hard member as she screamed out his name. Knowing that she also came so suddenly and quickly after having just done it a moment ago made him feel better.


Siesta wrapped her legs tighter around him to get him in as deep as possible as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. The feeling of him coating her womb with his seed made her cum again instantly. She wished he could stay right there forever.

When it finally passed for both of them, neither looked anything but in love as they stared into each other's eyes. Saito was still hard as a rock so finishing that fast wasn't embarrassing anymore. It felt to him like that would happen no matter what they had done.

Siesta relaxed her legs around his waist and Saito slowly pulled out. Siesta was going to whimper at the loss of him but he slowly slid back inside of her before she could. Saito slowly picked up his pace as his cock stretched Siesta out over and over again.

Siesta was digging her nails in his back, thrusting her hips up at every entrance, and moaning sexier than Saito ever thought possible. When he bent down to take one of her perfect nipples attached to those huge tits in his mouth, Siesta thought she might cum again.

"YES... YES... YES... SAITO! MAKE... ME... YOURS!"

Saito moved to the other breast as he went faster and faster inside of Siesta. All he could hear was skin slapping against skin, his and Siesta's moans, and her unattended tit bouncing up and down as he fucked her harder and harder.

Saito released her breast and sat up a bit. He put both of his hands on a thigh, spread her wide, and pushed her knees to the bed. He pushed all the way inside her when she was spread for him, and Siesta started to see stars as his tip hit her womb over and over again.

The louder she moaned and screamed, the farther he pushed her legs down to the bed to open her up for him. He finally had both her feet above her head and held them there with his left hand.

He ran his right hand down the front of his beautiful, sexy, toned fiance feeling every inch of flesh from her forehead to her dripping lips. He circled his thumb over the top of her lips to find that bundle of nerves, and when he found it, he circled it and made her cry out her walls started to clench on his member.



Siesta was still so tight, it felt like she was using her womb, mouth, and hand to try and milk him for everything he had. When her dam finally broke and she started gushing and clamping down on his member, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Saito slammed himself into her womb over and over again as he painted her velvety walls with his hot seed once again. All sense of worry if he would get her pregnant was out the window as it felt like the only place he ever wanted to place his seed.

Saito finally collapsed on top of Siesta, still inside of her, and breathed her in deeply. She smelled as wonderful as she always did, but adding the thin layer of sweat and musky scent of their lovemaking made her even more desirable.

He realized he was probably crushing Siesta so he started to get up only for Siesta to say.

"Don't leave me."

Saito leaned up and looked her in her beautiful eyes before giving her a loving kiss and saying.

"I'm not going anywhere love. Just moving to your side so I don't crush you."

Before he could move, Siesta said.

"That's not what I meant..."

Finally, Saito understood. Instead of getting off of her, he rolled over and brought Siesta with him so she was on top of him now. He was still inside of her as she wanted and now, he could run his hands all over her silky smooth skin.

"I'm sorry I didn't pull out. I know we never talked about kids before."

Siesta looks at him and can't help but smile. She never did get the chance to tell him, she was too lost in his gaze and attention to even remember about it.

"I'd love to give you as many children as you want, my love. However, you don't have to worry about that. Ara cast a spell on me before you came up that prevents pregnancy and disease. I'll be ready for children whenever you are, my love."

That made Saito completely relax. He really did want children with Siesta, a lot of them, but it wasn't the right time for that. There were too many dangers and at least one more war still to fight. He wonders if she would run away if he told her he wanted a dozen kids. He'd save that for later just in case it was too many.

The thought of having kids with Siesta was already making him hard again. It probably had a lot more to do with her lying naked on top of him, lightly tracing his chest muscles with her fingers, and moaning when he lightly grazed certain parts of her skin.

Siesta felt him hardening inside of her once again as they laid there, and she couldn't help but smile into his chest. It felt even better having him grow hard inside of her. Feeling his big member fill and stretch her out to fit him perfectly.

It wasn't long before he was completely hard again, kissing her neck, and playing with her breasts. She knew he was ready again already, but he still asked.

"So how long does that spell last?"

Siesta wanted to giggle, but he slowly pushed his cock deeper inside of her and she moaned in his ear instead of giggled. It wasn't until he was fully sheathed again that she managed to get out.

"Si... Six... Ho... Hours!"

Saito rolled her over again, never leaving her already wet pussy, and stared right down at this wonderful woman who was his. He slowly drew himself out of her and back in as he watched her expression turn from aroused to bliss. The more he touched her, the louder she moaned and begged for it harder and faster. Saito only had one thing to say to her pleas.

"We better not waste a second then."


Kirche had just gotten her breakfast and was looking around for Saito, Siesta, and Ara. They were always the first ones down here for breakfast, but she didn't see them. That was strange.

Perhaps it was because of their time spent traveling, but they were always the first ones here. She decided to just take a seat at an empty table and begin her breakfast.

Before she could even take a bite, Ara plopped down in the seat across from her. Kirche was a little startled, but not much. She really got an eye full when she looked at Ara.

The poor girl looked exhausted. She had bags under her eyes and it didn't look like she got a single second of sleep last night. That was unusual as well.

"Have trouble sleeping last night, Ara?"

The girl finally snapped out of her exhausted stupor and surprised Kirche again. For some reason, she blushed before she said.

"I did..."

"Oh? Why couldn't you sleep?"

'For many reasons I'm definitely not telling you about!'

Ara knew to tell her that would only lead to her badgering her all day about it so instead she said.

"No reason..."

Kirche laughed at her obviously not believing what she was saying.

"Judging by that flush on your cheeks I'm guessing you spent too much time thinking about Saito."

Ara's head snapped around seeing if anyone else heard Kirche say that. Luckily, no one else was close enough to hear their conversation.

'If you only knew what I did last night when I heard them! Even I can't believe I did that!'

"No... not... at all."

Even Ara didn't believe what she just said. She wasn't really lying, there was no need to think about Saito like that when you could easily hear him and Siesta.

"Sure you didn't. You know... I could show you some 'techniques' to relieve some of your Saito tension."

Ara's eyes widened immediately at Kirche but not for the reason Kirche thought. Ara only had one horrifying thought.

'Does she know what I did last night?!'

Before Kirche can say anything else, Henrietta and Tiffania take a seat next to them along with Agnes who is standing guard behind the Princess. Ara is thankful that conversation is over, but gets worried when Kirche notices that it didn't look like Henrietta or Tiffania got much sleep either.

"Wow, it looks like no one in the Royal Wing got any sleep last night. What were you all doing last night that kept you up?"

Everyone except Agnes blushes at Kirche's question. They are honestly surprised that Kirche didn't hear Saito and Siesta last night on the other side of the Magic Academy. It is obvious from their silence and red faces that none of them want to talk about what happened last night. Kirche would get to the bottom of this, it was a mystery to make her day interesting.

Kirche decided to pursue this mystery the moment breakfast was over. She followed everyone to the Royal Wing and stopped at Siesta and Saito's door as everyone kept going to their rooms.

When they noticed what she was about to do, Henrietta, Ara, and Tiffania all yelled.

"What are you doing?!"

It was too late and Kirche had already slipped into the sitting room and knocked on the bedroom door. She turned toward the three women and wondered why they were acting this way. It was strange again. Something definitely happened last night they don't want to talk about.

"I didn't see Saito or Siesta at breakfast. I don't want them to miss out so I thought I'd wake them up. Why?"

Before any of them could answer, they heard an exhausted voice from the other side say.

"Who... is... it?"

Kirche got a sly smirk before saying.

"Kirche, Ara, Henrietta, and Tiffania."

The door opened a bit, but they didn't see anyone poke their head out. They only heard the still exhausted voice of Siesta say.

"Come in."

Kirche wasted no time entering and the others hurried in to try and stop her from going in, but they weren't fast enough. When they finally did enter, they all stop dead in their tracks as they collided with one another.

Kirche was solidly planted in the ground completely unable to move, and all three easily figured out why. Siesta was sitting on the end of the bed stretching trying to wake herself up. However, the only thing she was wearing was a pair of red stockings.

Everything else was on full display. Henrietta and Tiffania tried to look away but they'd be lying if they didn't look for a moment. Kirche and Ara were staring at her. Kirche was doing it completely unabashedly, but Ara was trying to look away and simply couldn't. Of course, Kirche would say.

"Damn Siesta. I always knew you were pretty, but I had no idea you had a body like that!"

All three agreed with Kirche even if they said nothing. Not only did Siesta possess considerable 'assets', but her stomach was tight and slim and her legs were muscled and toned. It looked like the life of an adventurer agreed with Siesta.

Siesta finally woke up enough to realize what was going on and froze for a moment. She was really sitting here naked in front of four women. She'd be lying if she wasn't flattered by Kirche's statement when it finally settled in her brain, but she still panicked a bit.

She quickly grabbed the sheet from the bed and covered herself up to the best of her ability. It wasn't until she heard a whistle from Kirche, an intake a breath from everyone else, and Henrietta's comment that she realized what she did.

"No wonder you were so loud last night."

Siesta looked up and saw everyone staring past her. She turned her gaze to see what they meant and blushed completely red. Saito was still sleeping, but she pulled the sheet off him and he was naked as well.

She already knew from sleeping in the same bed with Saito that men had a 'condition' in the morning and all four of them were seeing him in such a state. She should have covered him up, but she had to admire it as well. She still had no idea how he got it not to hurt her last night. She was terrified she would be in pain for days after seeing it for the first time.

She realized she let herself and the others stare way too long at naked Saito and either forgot or didn't care she was naked as well and threw the sheet back over him. She had no idea how he would react to seeing five women staring at his naked body in the morning.

Even naked herself, Siesta stood up quickly and obviously confident in her body now since she made no move to cover up and wrestled all the girls out of the room. She didn't blush until Kirche got out.

"Oh, you're telling me all the details later, Siesta!"

She shut the door in their faces and giggled to herself a bit. Not only at the situation she was just in, but how confident and comfortable she felt naked in front of those four. She felt so confident in fact, she decided it was time to wake Saito up in a way he certainly deserved after last night.

Kirche had no intention of letting Siesta avoid telling her the details of what happened last night so she stayed behind while the others left. Judging from the bags under the eyes of Ara, Henrietta, Tiffania, and Siesta, Saito kept all of them up last night.

She knew they weren't all in there, even if they wish they were, but if he kept all them up making love to Siesta, she needed to hear every detail. If Siesta hadn't pushed her out of the room with the rest, she is sure she'd still be staring at Saito's naked body. Well, one part of it in particular.

'It made my mouth water just looking at it!'

Kirche had only been standing there for a couple of minutes when she heard something behind the door. At first, she thought it would be Siesta and Saito moving around getting ready. She knew that wasn't the case when she heard muffled moans coming from behind the door.

'Are they really?...'

Kirche looks around to make sure no one is still in the room or outside in the hall. She doesn't see or hear anyone so she slowly turns the handle on the door as to not make a sound. Just about everyone would never do this, but Kirche isn't everyone.

Not only is she comfortable in her sexuality, but she is also from Germania. Polygamy is a very common thing where she is from. It is also common in those relationships that a husband would sleep with more than one wife at once.

Kirche was not scared off at the thought of laying with another woman. She had no interest in doing it if there wasn't a man present but had no issue helping any woman she was sharing her husband with to gain her pleasure as well.

She wasn't lying when she said Siesta's body was stunning a little bit ago either. Siesta was attractive when she worked at the Magic Academy. Now, with her learning the sword and traveling with Saito, Kirche was comfortable saying it was the best body she had ever seen.

The door was finally open enough to slip her head in and she did. She did not see what she thought she would when she finally laid her eyes on the bed.


Honestly, she expected to find Siesta on her back, Saito over top of her, and both their backs to her. It was why she was alright peeking in the door. That is not what she saw.

Siesta was on top of Saito and she was facing the door. Saito was the one on his back. Siesta's legs were spread out at his shoulders, and she was taking every inch of Saito into her mouth.

Kirche now understood why the moans were muffled. It had nothing to do with the door and everything to do with their mouths being occupied. It was the hottest thing Kirche has ever seen.

First, she had absolutely no idea how Siesta could take all of that down her throat. She may have only seen a few and felt plenty in her life, but none like that. She was hot, she knew she was, and anytime she would dance with a boy or even have to hug them on occasion they usually couldn't control themselves.

It was inevitable growing up in Germania you would see a few before ever laying with someone as well. All the people were fairly open with sexuality in Germania. However, she had never seen anything as impressive as Saito.

Second, she could tell Saito was very good at whatever he was doing to Siesta. Even with his member full down her throat, she couldn't stop moaning. Luckily, since Siesta was so focused on her task, she wasn't looking anywhere near the door.

Kirche watched Siesta taking Saito down over and over again. Her ample chest bouncing up and down, her hand working his shaft as she did, and she knew she was in trouble.

She took a little step into the room, but a very little one. Only half her body was through the door but she needed better balance as she watched this. She knew if she kept leaning in, how turned on she was getting would send her off balance and falling into the room.

When she did finally get halfway into the room, she couldn't help to keep watching and start touching herself. She was never one to do this often, but this she wanted to do.

She had been ignoring every man in existence that wasn't Saito for months, and she needed this more than she realized. Her left hand caressed and squeezed her breasts while her right hand slowly traveled down her middle.

She had to bite her bottom lip to keep the moan from escaping as she found her wet lips with her fingers. She teased herself enough for her fingers to get slick before inserting one inside her while she watched Siesta swallow Saito down.

It took everything Kirche had not to moan as she slid her finger in and out watching those two go at it. Saito must have hit a particularly amazing spot as Siesta's head shot up and her back arched before she screamed.


Kirche had gone completely still when that happened because after screaming, Siesta had opened her eyes and saw Kirche. There was no hiding what Kirche was doing either. Her left hand was under her shirt pinching her nipple while the middle finger of her right hand was inside of her wet lips.

Kirche didn't know what to do. She was afraid if she let go of her nipple or removed her finger that she would moan. All she could do was squeeze her legs together and bite her lower lip.

That got a reaction from Siesta she was not expecting. Siesta never looked away from Kirche and started stroking Saito up and down smearing her saliva all over his member. She never stopped with her moaning.

Finally, she slowly lowered her head and took him in her mouth, never breaking eye contact with Kirche. A small moan escaped Kirche's lips as she slid a second finger in herself. She started panting and had to lean back into the door as she watched Siesta swirl her tongue around his tip and take him back down again.

Kirche couldn't believe how turned on she was at Siesta watching her like this. She let small, quiet moans escape her mouth as she brought herself closer and closer to climax with her fingers. She knew they would never be heard over Saito and Siesta's.

Kirche could hear Saito getting louder at Siesta's treatment of his member and it brought her closer as well. She watched as Siesta took all of him and stopped, gagging a few times on his large member. Then she took him out of her mouth and said.

"Cum for me..."

Siesta took him back down hilt deeper then faster and faster. It made Kirche cum immediately because Siesta was looking right at her when she said that.

Kirche had to take her hand that wasn't delving in and out of her and cover her mouth to muffle her screams. She felt her wetness coating her fingers and running down her thighs as her body quivered.

She had to bite her hand to stop herself from being heard as she heard Saito cum and watched as Siesta drank down every drop. She could hear Siesta's juices being lapped up by Saito as she moaned his name and it prolonged every nerve in her body feeling intense pleasure the likes of which she has never felt.

Kirche had finally gotten her feet back under her when she watched Siesta take Saito out of her mouth, lick around his tip, uses her finger to clean the corners of her mouth, and suck her finger dry.

The sight made Kirche wet again instantly and she had to hurry to step out of the room before she did something that would set her relationship goals with Saito back to the beginning. She closed the door as silently as she could and had to lean her forehead against the door to compose herself.

Even if she thought about it before, she never believed a woman could have that effect on her. She tried with all her might to focus on Saito's member and picture it inside of her, but she couldn't look away from Siesta's eyes.


After Kirche composed herself and headed back to her room, Siesta and Saito emerged from their room. Saito was still oblivious to what had happened, but Siesta was pleasantly surprised at what just happened.

She would have to sit down and talk to Kirche, but surprisingly, she was not dreading that conversation at all. Not only was she looking forward to it, but she was also going to thank her for something.

Siesta leaned into Saito's shoulder as they walked down the hall hand and hand. She let a content sigh escape from her lips and a smile form.

Her life was turning out even better than the fantasy stories she read.

So finally Chapter 15 is here... As you can see, I'm trying to get over writer's block with smut lol... Honestly, it might continue in the next chapter to help me out, I'm not sure yet... Hopefully soon, I'll be able to continue writing chapters without it... it will be in the story moving forward though in different parts even if I overcome my writer's block for this story