Author's Note: Sorry it took so long, everyone. Anyway, here's the last chapter of the fanfic.
Chapter 5 - Test Results Return
A few days had passed since the duo returned from their time trip. They were in Stewie's bedroom.
"Well, I guess that's it," Stewie sighed and shrugged. "If I do have the ginger gene, a lot of the kids in my preschool class are going to laugh at me and call me freckle face, or carrot top, or any other name that describes my condition."
"We don't actually know if you have it, Stewie," Brian shrugged. "We'll just have to wait for the results to return."
Just then, Brian spoke too soon as his phone rang. He answered it.
"Hello?" Brian responded. "Yes, he's here." A few seconds of silence. Afterwards, he smiled. "Okay, I'll let him know." Brian then hung up. "Good news, Stewie; you're not becoming a ginger."
"I'm not?" Stewie repeated in excitement. "Well, this is fantastic!" His excited face gave way. "But why did I have a strand of red hair the other day?"
Brian noticed some red finger paint on Stewie's hands.
"Wait," he replied. "Have you been finger painting?"
"Oh," Stewie realized. "I guess I forgot to tell you." With that, he chuckled nervously. "I was busy painting the carnage from my dream of killing Lois the other day."
"You still stuck on your vendetta?" Brian asked.
"I may get off it eventually," Stewie shrugged.
"Well, speaking of vendettas," Brian replied, "I have a way of responding to Quagmire for that taunting text message, when he gets back from Korea."
Cutaway: We see Brian beat the nextdoor neighbor real badly, curled up on the floor with black eyes and bruises on his face.
"The next time I see you near my house," Brian shouted, "I'll blow your head off!" He landed a couple more kicks on his face. "Eat a bag of dicks, you piece of crap!" With that, he walked off.
A few seconds later, Quagmire got back up and addressed Brian.
This got his attention.
"Don't try taunting me with the same ******* threat I gave you after you had sex with my dad."
Quagmire then slammed the door.
The End
Author's Note: What the heck was that? Brian giving Quagmire the same threat Quagmire gave him in "Quagmire's Dad"? Boy, turnabout is fair play.
Anyway, that's exactly how I want the fanfic to end. Hope you all enjoyed it. And I have made a last-minute change to the previous chapter.