Father's Eyes

By: DJ Rodriguez

(Author's Notes: Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I hope each and every one of you is doing well, and are being blessed in any way possible.

Before I say or do anything else, I want to give praise and thanks to God. Lord, thank you once again for everything! Thank you for guarding, guiding and building me up. Thank you for looking after my family, my friends and also the people out there that I have come to know. I hope and pray to you Jesus Christ that you look after everyone here on Earth, and also that all are led back to the straight and narrow path where you walk on. I put all my faith, trust and obedience in you Lord, all the way!

This is a special songfic that is close to my Danny Phantom stories. Not part of it, but close to it at least. You see, many years ago when I was a kid, my older sister Amanda danced to a very special song called My Father's Eyes. It's a song sung by Amy Grant, and she danced to it in front of an audience at Eagle's Nest Christian Fellowship church when she was a little girl. We still have the video of it when my mother recorded it! Or… had the video. I recorded over it on some cartoons I wanted to record and watch. Believe me, to this day I really regret doing that.

But, I have hope and faith that one day… one of my nieces will do a dance to that song just like my sister did. Daughter following mother, so to speak.

In any case, when I heard the song again, it flooded me with memories and it inspired me to write this! I really hope you like this one-shot here, and also see what I really believe when it comes to women.

Here is my view when it comes to women, and how a lady should be treated:

They are living blessings from the Lord, priceless treasures that are without compare. Each one unique, beautiful, different, special and wonderful in so many different ways, from subtle to obvious! That each girl deserves to be treated with love, respect, honor, dignity, a great sense of humor, passion, compassion, faithfulness, strength and patience. They are the other halves that us men need, and vice versa. That they have a special pull on us men that we must not ever ignore, nor take for granted. And finally… that she deserves to held in high regard. Not on a throne or anything like that, but on a pedestal that shows the entire package of her, outside and in. Her physical, mental, social and spiritual beauty that was put in her by Jesus Christ. And for us men to connect with women on all levels; physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Two different beings coming together to become a whole in a beautiful, true, real and wonderful way that is incredible & timeless! Accept no substitutes.

And I hope what I put down here is shown here. On a final note, I am trying to get my creative spark back. I really want to work on my Danny Phantom story, but I have seemed to have lost an important book that is critical to the story series. So if you can all wish me luck, or a blessing to find it, I would really appreciate it.

I do not own Danny Phantom cartoon series. It was created by Butch Hartman, developed by Steve Marmel. Executive producers were Butch Hartman, Steve Marmel, Mark Banker, Marty Isenberg and Kevin Sullivan. Distributors were Viacom International and Nelvana. It was released by Nickelodeon in April 2004.

The song played here is My Father's Eyes, sung by Amy Grant. It first appeared in her studio album My Fathers Eyes, recorded in 1978 and released in April 1979. The label was by Myrrh Records, producer was Brown Bannister.

Also, Summit Christian Center at San Antonio is a real church that is run by Pastor Rick and Cindy Godwin. The church had actually evolved from my family's Eagle's Nest Christian Fellowship and it is still going strong! Believe me, Rick is one incredible pastor and so is his wife Cindy! They are very much worth listening to, and following as well!

Now, on with the special songfic!)

It was Sunday, December 9th 2018, a gentle snowfall was blanketing the town of Amity Park, North Dakota. Many of the citizens right now were doing various things at the moment. Many were putting up decorations for Christmas that was fast approaching, people young & old putting up traditional décor that brought warmth and light to the streets. Multi-colored lights were strung around areas like the park and downtown, and objects that showed classics like Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman were also on display for all to see. To a vast majority of the people, putting up decorations like this was more than just a mere tradition. It was something more deep down inside, something timeless and true.

Many were out shopping, Amity Park mall bursting to the brim was customers and patrons that wanted to get their Christmas shopping done. Parents were getting their children the presents they asked for, husbands and wives were also looking for that special gift to give to their better halves, and children were also doing their part in getting something for either friend or family.

And some of the people were at church, going to hear and absorb more of the Word of God. At this particular moment, a new house of the Lord had opened up in Amity & it was called Summit Extension. It was a branch church that was linked to one that originated in San Antonio, Texas and it was called Summit Christian Center at San Antonio. At this moment, something special was happening at the place of worship & help.

Many citizens were in their seats, all ready and waiting for a special show that was about to take place at 10:00 a.m., and considering it was now 9:45 a.m., they were very much set on seeing what was about to be shown. Among those in the seats, in the front row section… was 30-year old Danny Fenton, and beside him was his wife Valerie Gray-Fenton!


Danny had dated his best friend Samantha Manson for some time after the events involving an asteroid that was composed of entirely 'ecto-ranium' that would destroy both the mortal realm and the Ghost realm, and it seemed to be doing good for the past six months. However… the duo soon started to drift apart when they discovered that even though they liked each other very much, they had hobbies and tastes of life that were very much different. They did try to adjust to one another and compromise, but it often lead to some disastrous dates that sometimes made the headline news. Ultimately, they did part ways but at least it was on honest & good terms. It was a break-up to be sure, but not all dramatic and flaring as one would expect.

The young lad had been wandering around the world after that, the people well aware of his identity as a half mortal/half-spirit. He was often mobbed by fans who wanted his attention, autograph, etc., so he used his powers to get away from them. Danny did not go to the Ghost Zone, for he knew the citizens there would also try to mob him. But… more than half would like to challenge him to a fighter rather than get a souvenir of him. So he searched the mortal globe for himself, digging deep into his soul and heart to find the answer he was looking for… more specifically, to find a woman that was his better half in many ways.

After four months going to Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America, Danny returned to North America- back to the United States. He still felt lost and empty, despite seeing so many cultures and people in the places had been. He stopped in Texas to rest, going to San Antonio to be precise. The halfa hero was flying over the city and was looking for a hotel to rest up in for the day & night… when something tugged on his spirit. It was not like his Ghost Sense, but it was deeper… more profound than anything he had felt before. He gazed down at a building that had a sign reading Eagle's Nest Christian Fellowship, realizing that it was a church of some kind. Danny saw many people going into it, the number of cars evident in the parking lot & lots of people going into three buildings that were there.

He wondered on what a church did; even though there was an establishment like that at Amity Park, he didn't go to it on account his family did not believe in that sort of thing. He felt the tug coming stronger from the church, and the young man was wondering on what was up with it. After some mental deliberation, Danny made up his mind and decided to check it out. He was invisible, so no one saw him when he touched down and hid behind one of the buildings to turn both visible and back to his mortal form. The lad followed the crowd in what appeared to be the main building of the church, and walked in to it.

That would be the first step in a new chapter in Fenton's life.

Danny had been amazed on what was spoken by the pastor that led Eagles Nest, his name being Rick Godwin who was passionate, had a good sense of humor mixed in with bluntness, very outspoken and also very firm in his belief in Jesus Christ. Fenton saw that the Christians inside the facility, Rick and his wife Cindy Godwin, and the staff who helped to maintain the building and people were very much different than the Christian-types he had read about in books back at school. And it was all in a good way! The people were friendly to him, and also helpful when it came to learning more about God and his Son Jesus Christ. After the service, he had gone to the small store that was inside the main building to see so many merchandise that inspired and encouraged the faith. Danny even found a comic series called Archangels: The Saga, and he actually bought some of the books after reading them briefly.

After the service was done, and finding out that Eagle's Nest also had a Children's Building and Youth Building to where young ones of certain ages went to while the main services started, Danny thanked Rick and the other staff members for a good time before flying off to find a hotel. He had a sizeable amount of money in his account, thanks in part to the government rewarding him for saving the planet from being demolished. Also add in that Vlad Master's entire fortune was given to the Fenton family after the asteroid debacle, the Fenton's were set for life.

Once he found a hotel that was near some restaurants and entertainment establishments that had decent prices per night, Danny settled in and thought on what he had just experienced. And after some internal debate, both within his mind and soul, he made the decision to stay a bit longer in San Antonio… to stay longer to learn more about Jesus Christ. He called his folks back home, telling them of his plans and informing them that he would be staying in San Antonio for a little while longer. They were concerned about him and tried to dissuade him from staying, but he was firm and promised that he would be careful and safe.

The days turned into weeks, the young lad participating more & more into Eagle's Nest. He had made friends with the children and young adults there, as well as the other adults of the church. Danny had purchased his first Bible called Max Lucado General Edition: The Devotional Bible- Experience the Heart of Jesus- New Century Version near Eagle's Nest, and it was here that he started to learn more about the history of Christ. He also bought a book called I Am The Christian The Devil Warned You About by Mario Murillo, which was like a guide to battling the spiritual forces of Satan and his minions on all levels. He also bought some music CD's that featured a Christian rap/preacher artist by the name of Carmen Domenic Licciardello, but went by the simple name of Carman.

He also learned more about San Antonio's history and people, finding out that one took great pride in being a Texan. He also participated in events that were held by Rick & Cindy Godwin that aimed at helping the people of the city & delivering the word of the Lord. The young lad helped feed the homeless, give out clothes and other items to the needy, and also taking part in the Youth events that were alive, vibrant and very much full of energy! After a month or so had passed, he decided to take the big step…

He was baptized at Eagle's Nest, the Godwins and many others witnessing the event when he turned his life over to Christ.

Once he rose from the water, he really felt that something had changed within him. The empty feeling that had within him was now gone, full of something that was strong, true, right and real! He was filled with the Holy Spirit! He was now a full-fledged child of Jesus Christ, a choice that he believed with all his might was the right decision to make for a lifetime!

Shortly after the event, he thanked the Godwins and all of the family members of Eagle's Nest for everything and told them he was going back home. Cindy offered her advice to him; to stay strong and sure on the straight and narrow path, to move with the Lord every day and to never quit. The young lad smiled and promised the beautiful wife of Rick that he would do his best. He knew he would never be perfect, but he would do his best he could. The group saw him take off into the sky, the halfa waving back to his spiritual family before taking off back to Amity Park!

Once he arrived back at his hometown, Danny saw that the city was under another ghost attack! The citizens were being besieged by various ghosts such as Fright Knight, Skulker, Johnny 13 and his Shadow, Nicolai Technus, Youngblood… all led by Vlad Plasmius! The halfa that tried to blackmail the planet had come back from his exile in space, and had managed to muster an army in the Ghost Zone so he could get his revenge on the ones he blamed for abandoning him to the cold, unforgiving emptiness of space. His parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, were holding their own against the minor spirits that were swarming the area. His sister Jasmine was in the Fenton Ecto-Skeleton, which Maddie rebuilt, and defending herself with Samantha and Tucker by her side.

Danny was about to rush in and help, when he remembered some of the words from the Bible and his personal book. That rushing into things, like he had always done, was not always the answer. So he decided to take the subtle route, which was to quickly sneak into his hometown and pick off the more powerful ghosts one at a time before heading towards Vlad.

Along the way, he had run into Valerie Gray in her battle suit. The young woman had grown more lovely after the events of the asteroid, and it showed very much as the young Phantom lad took in her curves and face for a little while before getting back down to business. She had demanded on where he had been all this time, and he answered her that he had been in San Antonio. Needless to say, Valerie was a bit surprised to hear that Danny had been in Texas, and would have pried more but they had a situation to deal with first. The duo worked together to take down the major spirit players on the field, leaving the others to clean up the major nuisances that were the minor ghosts. Once the six big guns had been caught and detained, Danny went to fight Vlad. Of course, the more experienced and now cold-hearted halfa had proclaimed his victory even before the battle began. He demonstrated this by showing his ecto powers, which had increased due to his hate and vengeful emotions that were now overflowing from his being. He wasn't joking, as his ecto-sphere of red energy the size of a baseball was hurled at Phantom, who dodged it… and struck a building, literally vaporizing it down to the very base!

However, Danny showed that he had changed too… reaching deep down within him as his newfound sense of himself and the one he was now a part of coming forth! The citizens, his family, his friends, and also his enemies witnessed him being covered in a blue light that surged from his very being! When it gradually died down… the people and spirits were treated to the sight of seeing Danny in what appeared to be Roman armor from the ancient times, and also that he was in his mortal form instead of his spirit form! He had just called forth the Armor of God, and from his back came forth wings like that of a prime eagle!

Danny Phantom had evolved into Archangel Fenton! He had gotten the idea inside his head after reading the comics back in Texas.

Vlad was only mildly impressed, and hurled another ecto-ball at the transformed teen. Danny stood his ground, and deflected the attack with his Shield of Faith, the crimson sphere exploding in the sky in a fiery display of power! Similar to that of an exploding volcano, but the shield didn't even have a singe mark on it! The disgraced halfa growled and hurled more energy-based projectiles at Danny, but he deflected each and every attack with his shield and Sword of the Spirit! He always deflected the spheres of destruction upwards into the sky, to make sure the people around him were not hurt by the explosions or by debris that may have fallen down if the orbs had hit the building structures.

The power-hungry halfa growled and lunged at his foe, hoping that he would be weak in close-quarters combat! But he was proven wrong as Danny had blocked his attack with his sword, and showing some impressive footwork as he evaded each punch or kick coming from Vlad. Valerie and the others watching the spectacle were amazed on what they were witnessing, cameras of any kind catching the footage the moment Phantom/Fenton made his presence known. Even certain specters, who had come to just witness the attacks instead of getting involved, were very much impressed. And these certain ghosts were Desiree, Princess Dorethea, Kitty and Ember!

After a few minutes of evading and mere countering, the archangel decided to go on the offensive! Danny slashed with his sword and bashed with his shield, now forcing Vlad on the defensive. While not a master swordsman, he was a quick learner and showed potential at least when it came to the blade and shield. Plasmius was getting extremely annoyed and frustrated that he was being forced back like he was, his anger taking him over… and his sight clouded by it. His attacks were gradually getting sloppier, less coordinated even when his attack power had increased due to his rage. Fenton had swatted aside a right hook… and delivered a head-butt with his Helmet of Salvation! The blow knocked Vlad for a loop, causing him to stumble as he clutched his face. Danny did not rush in, but merely stood his ground.

The moment he recovered, the disgraced halfa yelled out in anger and delivered a left straight punch at Danny, hitting his Breastplate of Righteousness… and a loud CLANG sound went off, and Vlad was now clutching his hand in pain! His plan of attack was this; to turn intangible with his hand, go through Danny… and take out his heart! He was getting that desperate now, but it seemed that the armor Fenton had obtained had the ability to negate intangibility.

With a stern look, Danny swept Vlad with a sweeping roundhouse kick, knocking his legs out from under him. When he was on his back, the winged hero put his foot on his chest… and his sword aimed around at Vlad's face! He asked in a loud, clear voice, "Do you yield? Or shall I send you off to Judgement?". The people gasped upon hearing this, seeing a new side to the halfa hero.

Vlad laughed and replied nastily, "Hahahahahaha! You don't have the guts to do it, boy! You don't have the nerve!".

Danny's stern gaze never wavered as he answered, "You're implying that I would end you the mortal way. I would only do that in extremely desperate situations where there is no other alternative. However, while away in San Antonio… I did gain some alliances on the other side. Specifically with the REAL archangels, who will do what I cannot do… yet.". Indeed, Danny had taken the time in Texas to explore more of the Spirit realm in that particular location. It is there he learned that there were indeed Archangels, heavenly warriors who lived in a plane HIGH above even the Ghost Zone. He had managed to gain contact with them, and actually trained under them! And time moved differently in the place the warriors trained him; where an hour passed in the mortal realm, a month passed in that realm.

The ghosts, both the onlookers and defeated, were stunned to hear this. Especially Vlad, who had researched every kind of supernatural force and read that archangels were indeed potent warriors. Made Pariah Dark and Dark Danny look like a complete joke when it came to combat tactics, maneuvers and techniques. Looking back at Danny, he saw the eyes of the lad were firm and ready… showing he had no qualms in summoning the winged fighters so they could take care of him personally. With a growl, the evil halfa yielded by turning into his mortal form.

Seeing this, Danny sighed and transformed back into his Phantom form. He looked to the others, seeing their stunned faces and surprised looks, and a small smile appeared on his face. He looked to his father and asked, "Dad, can you toss me some ecto-cuffs please?". Before he left on his soul-searching journey, Danny had learned that his parents had finished a new device called the Ecto-Handcuffs. They were slightly bulky handcuffs that were meant for spirits, to bind them and also disable their intangility power. Not the invisibility power, but it was still effective. Jack shook his head to get rid of the shock he was in, tossing a pair of white handcuffs to his son, who caught them and applied it to Vlad's wrists like a common criminal.

The villain swore as he was hauled up by the police, who escorted the international criminal and took him away in a police car. Once he was gone, the whole group of onlookers turned their attention back to Danny who changed back to his mortal form. The female specters stayed in the shadows, but close enough to hear everything. The Fenton lad chuckled nervously and said, "I… got a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of explaining to do.".

And indeed, Danny had both explained himself as well as caught up with events that occurred while he was gone for the past five months. First off, he learned that Samantha had actually gotten herself a new beau, a young man going by the name of Murdy Machlock. He was similar to Sam in terms of gothic styles and also believer in the environment and with animals. He was not a vegetarian like her, but he was more flexible when it came to food. And also he was very attentive towards Samantha and did his best for her. Danny was actually glad that his ex had found someone that could take care of her, making everyone stunned to see this since they believed he would be crushed at seeing his ex-girlfriend find another while he was still single.

His friend Tucker Foley had managed to get himself a steady girlfriend, a young lady going by the name of Idona Raylene who liked technology like the African-American but was had more self-restraint in not being too obsessed about it. Also, she was a good teacher to the young lad when it came to socializing with real people.

Jazz had also found a boyfriend for her, a strong-looking lad that went by the name of Eugènio Bermundo. He was on the Varsity football team, but unlike the jocks that followed Dash Baxter he actually had a keen mind & was good with math. He was also able to balance out Jazz's little obsession when it came to getting into other people's personal space.

To the Fenton lad, it was good to see that his friends and family had gained something worthwhile while he was gone. It was Valerie that asked the question on what he why he was in Texas the whole time.

The Fenton family were surprised to hear that Danny had officially became a Christian, Jack and Maddie stunned since they had never been to a church or had taken on a religion. Valerie, Sam and Tucker were also surprised at this but they saw that their friend looked and felt more complete than ever. Danny explained that he had truly managed to make contact with the archangels during his little trip, and his Final-form was similar to their style of combat both in looks and technique. He pulled from his pack his Bible, his music CD's and his comics that he bought from Eagle's Nest. He also explained how he got connected with the community, helping others out both in human and spirit form though ghost sightings in Texas were actually rare.

Shortly after the events surrounding Vlad, he was sentenced to life in a max. security prison that was meant for villains/villainesses of the worst kind. He was equipped with special cuffs on his wrists and ankles that prevented him from turning into his ghost form, and also a special metal collar around the neck that prevented him from utilizing any of his supernatural abilities. Vlad didn't have much to defend himself, as his high-priced lawyers were no longer available.

Danny also put in that he would help ghosts now rather than just catch them, and then release them back into the Ghost Zone. This was something that really stunned those that knew both Fenton and his hero side, Jack and Maddie demanded on why he would do such a thing. The lad explained that he learned much from his time in Texas, that ghosts were spirits of the deceased that had chosen to remain on the mortal plane rather than ascend to escape Judgment due to fear that they would not be worthy. He actually talked about this with Rick & Cindy Godwin, along with other members at the church in San Antonio. Now that he was a budding child of Christ, he wanted to put his abilities to an elevated use rather than what he was doing now. Of course, his parents and friends objected to this since in their view, ghosts were just supernatural beings that needed to be either studied or kept on a short leash.

The more aggressive one to oppose Danny was Valerie, as she stated that ghosts were just spooks to hunt down and eliminate. This had her at odds with Danny, who took the opposition with a grain of salt instead of being explosive like he normally would be. One month after that though, something happened that changed everything…

In December 2008, Valerie was chasing some spirits that had wandered over into the mortal realm. She was all set with her Ghost Hunting gear, ready eliminate the spirits with deadly force. The pack of ghosts that she was chasing separated, hoping to lose the dedicated, hot-blooded beauty. Valerie focused on one of the specters that looked to be a run-of-the-mill ghosts. The African-American woman managed to corner the spirit, soon taking aim at it with her high-powered gun, ready to obliterate it… when Phantom swooped in and stood in between her and the target! She was stunned, but quickly yelled at him to get out of the way. Danny shook his head and turned to the spirit, holding out his hand and telling it that he was here to help.

The specter was still spooked, but slowly & gradually took his hand… and that is when something happened! A light enveloped the ghost, who gasped and started to shift & change! Phantom and Gray were surprised by this, and when the light died down… standing before them was not a Pac-Man like ghost, but an elderly woman that was dressed up in some clothing that Valerie instantly recognized.

She whispered softly and in disbelief, "G-G-G-Grandma Thyrza…?!". She dropped her gun, the weapon clanking to the ground as she beheld the spirit of her great-grandmother who had passed away when Valerie was just a little girl.

Thyrza looked at herself in surprise, wondering on what just happened. Apparently, when she had passed over those many years ago, she felt that she was not ready to go to Judgement… at least not yet. So she had escaped being found by the angels that would have escorted her up to the higher plane, but her spirit had changed to become that of minor ghosts instead of retaining her real form. But it seemed that by touching Danny's hand, she had changed back to her real form.

It was an awkward reunion for the two family members, Valerie slowly approaching her deceased great-grandmother who stayed still at seeing her. It was natural, considering that she was dressed still in her Ghost Hunter gear & had just tried to vaporize her. However, Valerie had removed her helmet, letting it drop to the ground with a resounding CLANK, tears showing in her eyes. She got closer to her deceased relative, Valerie reaching out to touch the specter. When she really confirmed that it was her, the mortal embraced the spirit in a hug which she returned. It was a good family moment, one Danny just observed from the sidelines with a small smile on his face.

After the tearful reunion, Valerie had asked on why she was here. The elderly ghost answered that she had been wandering Purgatory for years, getting weird looks from the halfa and hunter, she explained that was the Ghost Zone's real name. She continued onward, saying that she wanted to stay behind in the mortal world for a bit longer. That she wanted to stay and see that her great-granddaughter had found a great life for her, and also a man to protect and look after her for her life. Valerie blushed at that, a bit embarrassed that her relation wanted to see her married. However, Thyrza put in that she started to lose her memory, along with her form, as the years passed by.

Danny spoke that it must be how the rules for spirits worked if they remained in the mortal world or in the Ghost Zone for too long; that they gradually lose both form and memory the longer they stay there. And apparently, only those with strong enough wills certain spirits like Johnny 13 and the Fright Knight retained their forms and memories. Valerie looked to Danny and asked if this had ever happened before, when he touched a ghost and they reverted back just like her great-grandma just did. He admitted in a negative, that this is the first time that something like this even occurred. The young teen concluded that it must be due to his newfound ability he gained from training with the Archangels.

Thyrza looked to the two teens, and a smile blossomed on her face when she asked if they were a couple. The African beauty and the white-skinned lad blushed immensely, both looking away with Valerie denying it. Danny however, admitted that they had dated before until something happened. The elderly spirit smile remained on, seeing something that the living mortals could not. She went over to Valerie and brought her into a hug, surprising the teen but she still accepted it.

Grandma Thyrza than declared that she was now settled. She told the two that she has truly seen Valerie become something great, even though she had mixed reservations about her being a Ghost Hunter. Valerie looked to the weapon that still laid down in the ground, and turned away as she felt shame that she almost destroyed her own relative like she did. The spirit smiled and reassured her great-granddaughter that it was okay, making Valerie smile a little at that. And it was then Thyrza looked to Danny, saying that she entrusted her treasure into his care, gently pushing Valerie into him.

Danny automatically embraced her to steady her, the two looking into each other's eyes for a moment before looking away. Thyrza chuckled and told the duo that they made a lovely couple, and that the young lad was an excellent choice for her. Again, Valerie was about to deny it… until something within her told her to stop, and consider the words from someone she trusted very much in life when she was a little girl.

A golden light soon came from above, one only the trio could see. Grandma Thyrza looked up, her smile widening when she saw it was Heaven calling her. It was Home calling to her. She gave the teens another soft smile and look, saying her goodbyes before she started to lift up into the light. Valerie and Danny looked in awe as the spirit changed from a green-blue form… to a more human-looking form before ascending upward! The hunter and halfa caught a glimpse of what was at the end of the light… and it was a kingdom, one more magnificent and brilliant than they ever seen before! It only lasted for a moment, until the light vanished and everything was back to normal.

~End flashback~

And the rest, as many would say, is history. After the incident, Valerie was quick to make a career change. She would still go after ghosts, but never to seriously harm or obliterate them. Almost eliminating one's own relative like that immensely changed her perspective on things. Now, she had teamed up with Danny to find and actually help the spirits that come forth from the Ghost Zone. It was a challenge to be sure, but both hunter and halfa rose to it as best they could… together!

And like their regular civilian lives, Danny and Valerie actually started to date one another. It was slow and gradual, as the two still had some flashbacks on how their last time together ended. But they stuck to it, and eventually broke through the memory wall that prevented them from truly hitting it off. After a lot of dates with one another, the wall was broken down between the both of them, and they started to get serious as they went steady. During that time, Valerie was also converted into a Christian by Danny as she saw that it was not a mere religion as she was led to believe… but a strong Truth that again surprised her.

This continued on throughout the school year, even after graduation from Amity Park High School. The duo had gotten closer together, much to the ire of certain people like Paulina Sanchez who wanted the Ghost Boy all to herself. In 2010, Danny actually proposed to her… which Valerie accepted with a heated kiss and hug that was captured on camera! Many would proclaim it was the supernatural match; Ghost Hunter with Ghost Halfa.

The duo became closer than ever, though they still had problems and obstacles before them. Both in their duties as hero/heroines and also in their civilian life. No relationship was perfect, and they had their arguments & fights now and again. But no matter what, they always resolved the matter together, becoming more forged and tempered with one another in a way that was truly amazing. Miss Valerie Gray soon became Mrs. Valerie Gray-Fenton in 2011, a wedding that was held actually in San Antonio, Texas! Danny wanted his fiancée to meet with the people that had helped him out immensely, and also wanted Rick and Cindy to be the ones to bring them together officially. And it was good timing for both parties, as Eagle's Nest was on the verge of closing…

Due to having to open their new establishment, an evolved form of Eagle's Nest which was called Summit Christian Center at San Antonio! So the new couple came together at the last days of the fellowship of the church.

The honeymoon lasted for two weeks, the couple on a world tour of Europe. Valerie and Danny had the time of their lives, showing their love to one another in amazing ways on a whole new level that they would be showing to one another for the rest of their lives. Once the memorable trip was over and they returned to Amity Park where they would settle down, the two started to learn more valuable lessons when it came to marriage. They managed to buy a moderate-sized home in the suburb area of the city, the price affordable due to the massive amount of money that they made as Spirit Resolvers. The governments in every part of the world often called on them to settle spirits so they could pass on, not merely send them back to the Ghost Zone.

The duo learned more about one another, but it also had its share of obstacles and pitfalls that most normal newlyweds encountered. However, their faith and trust in each other was strong, as was their commitment to each other & to Christ which was their Chief Cornerstone. The Fenton and Gray family members also aided them, in their own unique way of course, but it was Danny and Valerie that managed to overcome any kind of challenges that came their way.

Than in February 2012… Valerie announced that she was pregnant! Needless to say, Danny was floored that he was going to be a father soon. However, his shock was replaced by joy that was so strong, it could match the sun itself on a noon day! The Fentons and Gray family members were ecstatic to hear about the blessing that was soon to going to be coming into the world.

Mr. Daniel Fenton was soon introduced into a world that would really test his mettle.

As the months passed by, Valerie's moods shifted quickly and with little warning, akin almost to nature itself. She could be happy one moment, than blazing angry the next, and very depressed soon after that. Her cravings also increased as well, eating not just food and drinks… but combinations that would have even geniuses scratch their heads at this. It was not a complete nightmare to the young Fenton man, as Valerie showed that it wasn't just her food cravings that had increased… but her sexual cravings as well. Danny could now honestly say that when it came to passion and wild action, Valerie was a top contender. Of course, they did try to contain it somewhat so they did not harm the blessing that was still growing in Valerie.

Than on December 25th 2012… it happened! Valerie's water broke, and she was rushed to the Amity Park Hospital where it was still open on Christmas Day. The entire families went there, and Danny was with his wife in the Maternity section of the facility that specialized in births. At 3:30 p.m… little Ariel Karon Fenton was born! Danny and Valerie had decided to name their child, some months ago after finding about the gender, after one of the Disney Princesses. As it turns out, both adults were secret huge Disney fans. While she had most of her mother's features… she had her father's blue eyes.

It was the greatest day in the lives of both parents, as a priceless treasure was now part of their lives.

Danny and Valerie were once again taken to the next level of both marriage, and now family. Ariel was a handful, that much was quite certain. With a child now in the mix, the duo started to learn more about one another… and the challenges that came with raising a daughter. Again, they were met with various and challenging obstacles that tested their mental, physical and spiritual strength. They were tried, tested and challenged in ways like most parents would when dealing with a child. It was no picnic, that was for sure. But it was not all negative. In fact… it was the positives that vastly outweighed the negatives, both in the short and long run.

The Fenton family gave love, care and attention little Ariel. In return, the bouncing bundle of joy gave a light to them that really made whatever they went through worth it. And it was also thanks to the Lord, who guided and helped them through the good and difficult times. Whenever times got rough or when things were really good, Danny and Valerie looked to Jesus Christ for being there for them and their blessing. In fact, when they told the news to Rick and Cindy Godwin, keeping in touch with the couple from San Antonio for all the years they had been together, the pastor and his better half sent them a picture.

It was a photo-copy of a picture of a small baby, hand-drawn from pencil on a white field that showed said infant was drawn to extreme care and detail. Underneath the picture were these words:

Before- we talked of love.

Now- Words are nothing.

Thank you, Lord for giving our love, life.

The picture was now in a frame, near the doorway that led to Ariel's room. The little blessing also was a fan of the Disney movies and cartoons, though Danny was more into the classics with Valerie being more with the modern day ones. In fact, the father bought DVD's of the 1980s and 1990s Disney TV shows for Ariel to watch, while the mother showed her shows of the 2000 Disney era. However, they also taught their child all about Jesus and the heroes/heroines from the Bible. Danny had managed to get some old-school VHS tapes, and a working VHS-DVD combo set. The videos were vintage Superbook and The Greatest Adventures: Stories from the Bible series! They were the originals ones that were released in 1981 and 1985 respectively!

Jack and Maddie were not so keen on the idea of their granddaughter learning about Christ, as they wanted her to follow in the Fenton footsteps of ghost catching and scientific experimentation. However, Danny and Valerie were firm in their decision on what to expose to their child. In fact, Ariel was shortly baptized at the new Summit Christian Center in San Antonio when it first opened up.

Now back to the present, where Danny and Valerie were sitting in the front row of the church. Both were dressed in their best and also… Valerie was showing a rather decent bulge in her tummy! Yes, she was pregnant again… this time with twins on the way! They didn't know the gender of the little ones yet, but it did show that the love between the parents was as strong as ever!

Danny whispered to his wife with a smile on his face, "I can't wait to see Ariel! You got the cell phone all charged up, right?".

Valerie replied, "Yes, all charged up. And I trust the video camera is also ready, with a blank memory disk in it?". Danny nodded, showing to her the small video camera that was similar to the ones that were manufactured long ago. However, the video camera took films and photos with a memory flash disk inside of it instead of with CD or bulky cassettes.

You see, the Summit Extension was having a service that was special and different from the regular service. The children of the church were going to be putting on a special dance show for the parents and patrons of the house of God, each group going by age from 5-9. Ariel had been very energetic to volunteer to be part of the program, and thus she and five other girls had joined in once their teacher/watcher of their class at Summit showed them what they would be dancing to. Valerie and Danny had taken their precious child to dance practice at the church for almost a month, and now the fruits of their labors was going to show today.

Mr. Fenton looked around for his parents, sisters or friends… but none were around. Only the Gray family members and relatives were there. He sighed and said, "I was hoping my family would come to at least see Ariel perform… but I guess my hope was a little bit high…".

Valerie put her hand on his shoulder, a gesture of comfort and love. She stated, "Hey, its okay Danny. We're going to record it for them, and they can see it later on. You know how busy they are.". It was true; Jack and Maddie's business of spirit protection had skyrocketed ever since Vlad's exile years ago. Many companies and businesses around the world hired them to install various protections against ghosts and other spirits, especially after finding out their competitor Mr. Masters had used his spirit powers to always steal or be one step ahead of them in the past.

Jazz was now a full-time psychologist, and also married to Eugènio Bermundo. The duo had a son they named Tybalt, who was a year and a half older than Ariel, and another little one on the way.

Tucker was a full-time technical consultant to a potent electronics company, married to Idona Raylene-Foley with twin children! Twin girls Mona & Moyra, both six months younger than Ariel.

Samantha was going all over the world with her husband Murdy Machlock, doing active protests to save wilderness from developers & spreading their gothic clothing styles all over the fashion arena. Samantha had a son named Wyatt, and was soon expecting a daughter. Wyatt was about three months younger than Ariel.

All of them were busy at the moment, so they were not able to come to see Ariel's performance. However, they did ask Danny to record it so they could see it later on. And while he was keeping his promise, it still hurt a bit that his family and friends would not show. It was one thing to see an event through a screen and such, another to actually be there in the flesh.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by someone walking onto the stage, and sure it enough it was the pastor of the church, Miss Marie Dreams. The people of the house clapped loudly upon seeing the young woman, who had the tenacity and spirit similar to that of Rock Godwin himself. She had her own unique brand when it came to speaking and preaching the Word, but was passionate and strong in the faith like him. She smiled, waving to everyone and said, "Hello everyone! Welcome to Summit Extension! Thank you for being with us on this wintery day! And also, we got a special treat for all of you who have joined us!".

She continued, "Today, our little ones are going to be performing their dances. They, and their teachers, have worked hard and long into doing this. But… always remember this. It's not just for their parents, friends and the people that are here they are doing this for. But doing it to show their love, appreciation and faith in God. In Jesus Christ! Just like all of us here do, and not just on Sundays but every day!". This got another rousing cheer from the audience, especially from the parents.

The lights dimmed down slightly, as lights came on the edge of the stage. Marie spoke once more, "And now, here are the volunteers from the 5-year old Lion Room run by their watcher Mr. Jeff Masters, who will be dancing to My Father's Eyes sung by Amy Grant!". The audience clapped, as did Miss Dreams as she walked down the small number of steps to go to her seat in the front. Coming out from the backstage was Mr. Masters, with six little beautiful girls following behind him. Each was different in skin, facial features, hair styles and body shape. But they wore identical white dresses that made they all look cute and adorable.

Ariel looked to be excited as she appeared, seeing her parents and waving to them with a large, toothed smile for all to see. Danny and Valerie waved back to her, strong love flooding into each of the Fenton family members. Many members of the church cheered and clapped, but the most enthusiastic were the parents of the children that had just come into view.

Jeff waved to the patrons, picking up a microphone and saying, "Thank you everyone! Thank you for coming today! I present to you my five brave and beautiful dancers; Ariel Fenton, Ashling Rodriguez, Chasity Fidelma, Hanna Harumi, Awinita Wachiwi and Ercilia Lopez!". The little blessings waved to the audience, some shyly but all with smiles on their faces.

After a few moments of letting the adults and young teens cheer for his little ones, Jeff held out a hand for everyone to settle down. Once all were now calm and collected, he spoke, "Thank you very much! And now, here is a classic from Amy Grant… My Father's Eyes!".

The music started up, and that is when the daughters started to dance near the base of the stage. They move with grace and poise, showing to the world that they had indeed trained and practiced very much to get to this level of dance.

I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl,

And my face my not grace the mind of everyone in the world.

But that's all right as long as I can have one wish I pray,

When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say…

The lyrics were soft yet having a strength, a serenity to it that one rarely finds now in today's day and age. The little girls were showing graceful moves, twirls and spins as they danced with the music and lyrics. But what the audience didn't know was that the little blessings were really dancing for the Lord, not just for their parents and the others witnessing them. In their hearts and minds, they were showing their stuff to the King of Kings. Danny and Valerie had started to film the event the moment Marie came on stage, and they made sure to focus on the entire group & not just Ariel.

{She's got her Father's eyes, her Father's eyes…

Eyes that find the good in things, when good is not around.

Eyes that find the source of help, when help just can't be found.}

The little angels really started to show their stuff like ballerinas, dancing and really getting into the music. The audience was focused on them, many feeling the lyrics touch into their bones, hearts and souls. Each member of the church all had dealt with stuff such as peer pressure, temptation, random acts of foolishness, and many other things that many were not proud of doing in the past. But when they had come to seek the answers & for help to turn their lives around, they found Jesus Christ and thus was the first step into changing for the better. To change for Him, not just for themselves. It took a lot of hard work, mentally and spiritually, but they were able to get their lives and themselves around. And all because of the Father.

{Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain…

Knowin' what you're going through, and feeling it the same.

Just like my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes…

Just like my Father's eyes!}

In the back and above the house of God floated three particular spirits. It was Kitty, Ember andDorethea. While a majority of ghosts kept far from an establishment that worshipped Christ, these three spirits had come to see Danny and Valerie's child. The Lord did not refuse any, even if they were not of the living. The lovely female spirits had been a big part of Danny and Valerie's lives, even if they two didn't know it. Since their intentions were not evil and such, Fenton's sixth sense didn't go off like it usually would. Kitty would be like a guardian angel to Ariel, floating invisibly to make sure she was okay from any kind of harm. And when school started, she made sure that no bullies or the like troubled her for too long. Ember played various music for her during the night, though she found out that the little girl liked Disney music, so the rock ghost had to change it up a bit. But since it was for her, she didn't mind much. And Dorethea looked after Danny and Valerie, diverting any ghost that would try to trouble them with her dragon form.

The reason why they stuck with the couple was all due to one person: Danny Fenton. The three had a crush on the young halfa, but they saw that his heart belonged to Valerie. Plus, they knew that a half-spirit and full-spirit just wouldn't out well in the long run. So they had opted to watch over him from a distance, and only appear if absolutely necessary. The trio had come to be part of the family, if in an unusual way.

And on that day when we will pay for all the deeds we have done,

Good and bad they'll all be had to see by everyone.

And when you're called to stand and tell just what you saw in me,

More than anything I know, I want your words to be…

While they were recording everything, Danny and Valerie's minds wandered to the past. They had settled many a spirit, either in a good way or bad, and let them ascend to await Judgement. Many ghosts they had helped either had to settle something they wanted to complete, or stopping one from taking unjustly revenge against the living. In some case, they had to battle actual demons & devils though it was few and far in-between. And they learned that those class of beings were on a whole other level when it came to fighting ghosts! Though they always managed to come out on top, but barely by the skin of their teeth.

In any case, the duo had seen the spirits they settled rise up… and often wondered what it would be like when the time came for them to go up and meet the Creator. To meet His Son as well. However, both were confident and at peace in where they would go when the time came for them to leave the mortal coil. They just hoped it wouldn't be for a LONG time, and would see their children grow & hopefully have families of their own. To be surrounded by family and love… that is the way they hoped to go when the time came.

{She had her Father's eyes, her Father's eyes…

Eyes that found the good in things, when good was not around.

Eyes that find the source of help, when help would not be found.}

Ariel and the little ladies continued to dance, flowing with the music and letting their hearts flow free and true. The audience was really entranced by the dancing, and also by the music as it continued to flow. They realized that even though something was considered old, that didn't mean it was out of date or anything negative like that. Old could be considered timeless, cliché could be considered classic, and worn-down could be seen as tried-and-true. It all depended on one's outlook, viewpoints. And for this night, the song and the dance before them was truly timeless, classic and true.

{Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain…

Knowin' what you're going through, and feeling it the same.

Just like my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes…

Just like my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes, my Father's eyes…

Just like my Father's eyes.}

During the final parts of the song, the daughters went to their father's to give them a strong hug. Danny embraced his daughter, hugging her close with a strong kind of parental love that was pure and good. After a moment of hugging, he let her go… and saw the eyes of his child, shining with joy, love and a strength that was unexplainable. It was the same with the other girls as they looked to their fathers, the men's eyes shining with love, pride and joy for their blessings. Danny embraced her again, happy tears coming from his eyes as well as from the eyes of Valerie and the others who witnessed this.

When the song and music ended, the lights came back on and everyone clapped & cheered loudly for the little ladies! The girls giggled and went back to the base of the stage, Jeff coming to be behind them and the little ones & their teacher bowed to the audience, the cheering increasing. Miss Dreams rose up from her seat and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the little lionesses from the Lion Room! Give it up for them, one more time!". The adults and young adults cheered once more, the little dancers smiling brightly as they took another bow before Mr. Masters led them back to the backroom where they could get some rest and have some snacks.

Danny looked to Valerie and said, "That was amazing! I'm really glad that Ariel did this!".

The African-American beauty nodded and added, "Me too! I can't wait for the other kids to show us what they are going to dance to! I just know it will be a treat to see!".

Mr. Fenton hugged his wife and whispered, "You and I… we're truly blessed by God, sweetheart. We've endured so many trials and tests, but we've come through forged and tempered together. I wouldn't change anything at all if someone gave me the chance, because I wouldn't have you or Ariel in my life. I love you two very much, and I love God for making this all possible.". Valerie smiled warmly, truly as she returned the hug and whispered back that she too would not change a thing either.

Their love for one another, for their family… and for Christ was strong, and they believed it would get better & deeper as the years went by.

(Author's Notes: And… cut! That is it for this one-shot special! I hope you all enjoyed it, because I sure did!

Before I do or say anything else, I want to give praise and thanks to God. Lord, thank you so much for being with me! Thank you for my family, my friends and for your Son Jesus. Thank you for protecting us, guarding & guiding us to where we need to be, and also correcting & disciplining us when we really need it. So that we can become better and right with you. I pray to you Lord that we come back to you, all on the path of the straight and narrow. Back towards you.

I put certain OC characters here as honorary tributes to reviews who have stuck with me for very long. Miss Marie Dreams is Author Dreams Come True 996 and Jeff Masters is Author Dragon and Sword Master! The other OC characters I made up, using names from the site 20000-Names. It's how I make up names for any OC in my other stories such as my Monsters and Magic series. Each name has a meaning to it, and I always like to use names that mean something.

Again, I hope you all like this. And I really hope and pray the best for the planet and for the people as well. Look to my profile to see who I am, what I believe in, and what I mean. Also, the picture they got as a gift here… I really do have one in my home, vintage and real where it hangs up in our house. And that is something that is very special and real to me.

Also, a last personal request from me. I really want to get my Monsters and Magic series recognized by Disney and Toho, but so far... all attempts had been met with failure. So any kind of help from anyone to get my Disney/Toho novels and specials advertised in any kind of way would be most appreciated.

Now, here are the questions! Ahem…

If Danny Phantom/Fenton showed up in your hometown to stay for a bit, what would you show him?

What would your reaction at seeing Danny transform to fight Vlad?

What kind of present would you like to give to Danny and Valerie when Ariel was born?

What Disney names would you suggest for Valerie and Danny to name the twins? Both boy and girl names.

What do you think of Ember, Kitty and Dorethea being guardians of Ariel?

And finally… after the service, what would you like to do with the Fenton family?

R&R, no flames, enjoy and leave LONG reviews.