My dear followers following this story and fellow readers who are going to read this fiction I am sorry to say that I won't be able to update for a few months because I am going to be very busy from now on.

I have to prepare for my college entrance exam and boards (national level 12th grade final exam) so I have a lot on my hands and I am sad to say I wasted my last two years enjoying fanfictions, animes, comics and other shit while studying just enough to get passing marks on my school tests (which I think are pretty good because only 5-6 students pass the tests out of 40).

Our school likes to torture us by making hard tests weekly so that we don't have trouble with boards (according to them at least, personally this is making us apathetic to failing and we are starting to say fuck you to these tests and now we don't even study for it, ptm can go to hell for all I care).

And the bane of our morale 'the mock tests' was coming to school on monday and giving weekly written tests not enough that we have to give them too. Seriously those JEE mock tests are brutal and being in scholar section makes it more stressful because we have the fear of losing our seats to other sections.

To top it all my parents are surely gonna kill me if I fail or score lower in my entrance exam and boards (failing isn't a option in boards I will be ruined I need a minimum of 75% in that) and fail to get in a good college by my next birthday (18th) I will be booted out for sure. Man life Sucks so bad.

Well I think I ranted enough hope you guys have an idea of my situation so that's why I will be going on... What is the word... Hiatus or something like that basically I will be not writing this fiction for few months to come. Hope you guys can understand, wish me luck too (God knows I need it now in buckets).

Anyway if you guys have ideas for other fanfiction between different anime series or in different anime series do review them here maybe this break can give me different ideas for different projects too.

I won't be gone long, hopefully I will be back in April if everything goes well.