Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

I don't really know what I expected when I blurted out my question to Kol Mikaelson. I don't think he expected that either. But the name Silas certainly did things to him. That too, not in a good way. Even though his face looked composed, the hold on my waist tightened...enough to leave a bruise if I was a human. I just tapped my hand that was on his shoulder a couple of times, and Kol loosened his grip a little. We both still swayed to the music, feigning as if I just didn't drop a nuclear bomb.

"I take it you hate him as much as I do," I muttered softly, my tone drowned in the music that played, but it was clear enough for Kol. "Lucky for both of us. I happen to know where he is buried at."

Kol narrowed his eyes a little, trying to figure me. Examining to decide if what I am saying was true or not. So, I continued as soon as he spun me out and reeled me back into his arms. "Let's talk. Tomorrow, early morning seven," I frowned, "Assuming you are a morning person, that is," when he just looked at me with amusement, I proceeded. "Come by the Old Wickery Bridge."

"If I were to know you are bluffing..." Kol began a hint of threat in his eyes.

"...You will kill me," I completed, "Painfully."

Kol grinned at the last part. "It's a date, darling," with that he spun me one last time.

"Did I just hear the word, Date," Stefan said to me in the form of a greeting as he caught my left hand and whirled me into his arms.

"It's more of an information download and exchange thing," I said, following his lead. "What about you?" I inquired, "Got your memories about Rebekah back?"

Stefan made an unexplainable face at that. "Compulsion can't be overridden, not even by an original. So Klaus should be the one to give me back my memories."

I hummed at that, "Hmm. Bet the blondie isn't happy hearing about that?"

"Yeah," Stefan said, "She is one hundred percent Klaus sister, alright."

"Half-sister," I corrected even though he knew. "Anyway, forget about them. This is about you. Do you want them back?"

Stefan seemed a little surprised at the question. "I don't know," he began thoughtfully, "I guess. They are my memories after all, and it's not like I am getting my feelings back just because I remember them now, am I?"

I made a sound of agreement in the back of my throat, "I suppose," I said, my lips puckered a little in concentration. "And it's okay even if you feel, you know. Klaus and Rebekah maybe little cuckoo in their heads, but you guys clicked back then. I guess you liked that they accepted you even at your worst."

Stefan tilted his head, attentive to hear what he no longer remembers. "Anyway," I dragged, "What I am trying to say is, I will love you even if you become a Gollum, or, Rebekah Mikaelson's boyfriend."

Stefan let out a scoffing chuckle at that. "Thanks, Katherine. You have such a huge heart." And we both chuckled at that. Stefan then shook his head with a small smile, a sad look passed in his emerald eyes. His lips parted, and I knew what he was about to say. Elena passed away just about a month ago. You know I can't do that. So, I just mumbled, "I know." I said before he could speak, and he gave me another small smile and spun me into another person's arms.

"You must be Finn," I commented. Aren't they any more males here other than the ones I know?

"And what do I call you?" The guys said, "Katerina Petrova or Katherine Pierce?"

"Katherine's good," I said, assessing the suicidal guy. Is he helping his mother in killing his whole family as he did in the show? "You dance good for someone who has been in the box for 900 years," I said, honestly surprised.

"I am a fast learner," he muttered.

"You are not much of a talker, are you?"

"My mother would like to speak to you before we raise the toast," he said instead.

"Right, for all the things your family put me and my family line through," I muttered back, and I couldn't help but show it on my face how ridiculous it sounded. And Finn must've seen it too, but chose to not comment anything. "Hey! Do you know someone by the name Sage?"

Finn halted in midstep but composed himself in a blink and swayed to the music alongside others. "Excuse me?"

"Sage? Fiery red hair, blue eyes, 5'8-ish," I spoke in a casual tone.

"How do you know her?" he questioned, his grip on my ribs tightened as he stepped forward, and then he stepped right, and I followed his lead.

"She was kind of Damon's teacher back in the 1900s. She was a professional boxer back then. I guess you can say she was the one who made Damon the way he is now," I said. "Which is like not a healthy version of a human Damon. And I kinda kept tabs on her for that, you can say. I heard about her hate to Klaus, and they were a few talks of Finn." I looked up to see Finn was very attentive, "Anyway, I just wanted to know if you are the same one. And now I know the answer."

"Do you have a way to contact her?" He asked, at last, hesitating a lot.

"No. I don't like Sage, nor have I ever met her directly. But Damon might," I said, truthfully.

With that, the song changed, and Finn reluctantly spun me away, holding back a million more questions.

"I hope you are having a good time," Elijah said, once I was in his arms. If I was a human, my feet would've killed me at this point.

"I have had a few interesting conversations," I said with a shrug as we both swayed to the beat. It was the third song, I think.

"I must say, you look exquisite in this dress," he complimented as he spun me once.

"Uh...thanks," I said. "Caroline selected it. Damon and Stefan were too busy bitching about each other's choice of colors."

Talking with Elijah was extremely awkward. I would say we are on okay terms right about now, and sure he is handsome. But doesn't mean I am not annoyed with the hypocrisy behavior he exhibits every now and then. And his obsessive love for his family. That was something I would not touch with a ten feet pole.

All in all, I feel like I have to be in a certain way to not alienate him. Like I have to set some boundaries with him and stay in the limit. So unlike how I am with Klaus. I guess bickering with the big bad wolf and cursing him directly to his face made it easy to communicate casually.

"How is Stefan, by the way. He certainly looks better than a month ago?" Elijah asked as he spun me around and pulled me close, breaking me of my thoughts.

"The trip certainly helped him. Both Hayley and he became fast friends. Oh! And we all participated in a house robbery," Elijah lifted his eyebrow at it. "It was the house of a witch, and she had something I wanted and will definitely not give it to me. Hayley had to pick the lock and search the house while we waited outside," Elijah looked like he wanted to ask more, but I just waved it off saying, "Don't ask. But we had a lot of fun, I guess." I looked over to see Stefan dancing with Caroline again. "I am just happy he is alright."

"Well, he does have a good friend," Elijah commented with a smile. "How about your other friend, Hayley. I expected her to tag along with you."

"She wanted to. But tomorrow is a full moon, and she tends to get cranky," I said. "Your mother asked me to meet me before the toast, by the way. Finn mentioned it when we talked. Any idea what she might be planning."

"Honestly, No," Elijah began with a sigh, "My mother's mind is quite intricate. Not easy to decipher. But she does leave breadcrumbs. All we have to do is wait." He paused for a second before saying in a low tone, "Try not to aggravate her. In fact, tell her you are on her side. That you want to destroy this family as much as her."

"Don't tempt me," I said before I got spun away.

"Hello, Love." And I couldn't help but chuckle. Klaus tilted his head in question.

"Four months ago, you compelled me to stab myself in the leg," I started, "And now we are dancing in a ball."

"Universe does seem to work in strange ways," Klaus spoke with a smirk on his face. "Five hundred years of mindless running, and yet here you are now, right in my arms."

"And you still remain a narcissistic bastard," I said with a smile, and he grinned.

"You know," Klaus began as he licked his lips, "You managed to surprise me from the very start. I thought I had you all figured out, but then you say or do something completely different from what I expect. Are you really the same girl that used to live in our manor years ago?"

"You never know," was my short reply, and Klaus nodded his head in agreement.

"I suppose," he said. "I must say you look ravishing today."

"Thanks," I said, "Tux looks good on you too." I paused, remembering, "By the way, what you did for Mason and Tyler..."

"Ah! The Lockwood wolves. I decided I could show you some leeway for what you have been doing for my family, and I, even after everything I put you through all these years."

"Is Klaus Mikaelson, the mighty hybrid, apologizing to me?" I couldn't help but smirk.

Klaus just glared at me, indifferently. The song stopped, and we both decided to step aside from everyone in the room. As he guided me upstairs to Esther's Study, he spoke again.

"I am not good with apologizes. And I never will be," Klaus halted in his steps and turned to me, looking me in my eyes. "And I also know you don't like me and are only doing everything you do because of the sire-line thing. And I did murder your whole family in my rage and tried everything in my power to make your life hell. And an apology may not make up for it..."

"Alright, don't stress," I said, rolling my eyes as he rambled with difficulty. "I know what you are trying to say. And I also know you probably can't say it out loud the same way I can't thank you every time you want to make it up to me." I continued, "And it's alright. It's kind of our default setting. But either way, we both know it even without the exact words."

Klaus looked like he was contemplating, and I just patted his shoulder. "Just wish me luck, alright?" I said, rubbing my palms together, "I feel like I am meeting my boyfriend's mother for the first time to seek approval."

"You did date me officially back in the day," Klaus commented with a smirk. "All the best," he said, pushing me into a room.

I was met with the smell of burning Sage as soon as I stepped inside.

"Katerina Petrova," Esther's voice rang, and the door closed behind me magically. I resisted rolling my eyes at both the name and action.

"Katherine, please," I muttered with a tight lip as I turned around fully to looks at her.

"Of course," Esther said, "Katherine, then. I am sure you know what this is," as she motioned to the burning herb in her hands, and I nodded. "And you must have questions?" She gestured for me to sit on the couch as she made her way towards it herself.

"Just a million," I said as I sat on the chair. "I don't know how you are still alive, nor do I want to. And if this really is an attempt for your family to apologize to me, then I don't need it. There is no way I will ever forgive them," I lied. "I mean unless, you have a way to raise my dead mother, sister, and rest of the family, Klaus killed."

"And I am highly ashamed of my children for that," Esther said, pitying me. "Do you know the full story of my family?"

"A few things, from what Elijah shared before he failed in trying to kill Klaus," I said, putting on a thoughtful expression.

"I turned my children to protect them from the local werewolves," Esther began the sob story that I have heard now for 85th time or something. "But in no time at all, they began to feed on human blood. They ravaged the town with no remorse. Eventually, Niklaus turned against me."

"He killed you?" I asked as if I was hearing it for the very first time.

"Indeed," she said with a sad sigh.

"And you want to forgive someone who not killed my family but his own mother?" I spoke with a scoff. "Lady, you are dreaming."

Esther shook his head in a 'no.' "You see, Katherine. When I died, the witch Ayana preserved my body with a spell. She was a close friend of mine, an ancestor of Bonnie Bennett. A reason why only Bonnie and her mother could open up the casket I was in," The original witch explained.

"They complete the Bennett bloodline. I drew power from them and their ancestors, who were with me on the other side. And in this thousand years, I was punished by nature for turning my family into vampires." She paused dramatically before saying, "But there is a way for me to undo the evil I created."

"You can kill Klaus?" I asked, feigning a surprised expression.

"My children believe I'm holding this ball to celebrate our reunion," Esther began instead. "But in truth, I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires blood from the doppelgänger," when I raised my eyebrow, she elaborated. "Only a drop."

"But I am a vampire," I said, confused.

"I will purify it before I use it. It will be effective," That left me stunned for real. I didn't know there was a spell like that. I mean, it was just a bloody drop. So it might be possible to turn it into human blood, given the powers Esther possesses.

"Happy to bleed for the Mikaelsons," I said, taking the dagger from her hands and dropping a few drops into the bowl.

"So, how does this work?" I asked, and Esther raised his eyebrow. "The last time you took the blood of a doppelganger, Tatia, my whole family paid the price 500 years later. So you can understand just how skeptical I am."

"As soon as they drink the toast tonight, all my children will be linked as one," Esther said. "So if one goes, they all go. Your blood in the champagne will act as the binding agent. And when the time comes, my son, Finn, will be ready to perform the necessary sacrifice."

"You are planning to kill all 5 of them?"

"I love my family, Katherine, but they are an abomination," Esther justified her actions and was proud of it. "I betrayed nature when I created them. I have to kill them."

"I know you and Elijah have a history. But you, yourself told me how they betrayed you," Esther said before I can say anything, "The affection he showed years ago, is not for you. He just shifted them from your ancestor Tatia. You might not know the story, but both Niklaus and Elijah loved her. And it became quite toxic that it turned to blows. So when they saw you later, sharing the same face..."

"I don't care what happens to Elijah. They all betrayed me in the end," I spoke, cutting off her manipulative speech, which I already expected if I am being honest.

"However, I still don't understand one thing. If you hate what you created, and want to kill your children, then why are you leaving the other vampires, or abominations, as you call us as alive?" I questioned, feigning, ignorance.

"Your species can be killed by a normal stake. Not my children. I upset natures balance when I turned them indestructible, into true immortals, and now I am rectifying it," Esther lied through her teeth. "Everyone must die in the end. That's how it should always work and will always work."

"Alright," I said, getting up from the couch. "I like this way of apologizing."

Minutes later, I left the room and made my way to the foyer to get some air and let out all the bullshit I heard.

"How was it?" Klaus asked, coming up to me, with Elijah in tow.

"Your mom's a bitch," I commented with a straight face. Taking a vampire's blood and killing the said vampire and every other vampire out there as collateral damage along with her own children. Yeah! Esther's a bitch, alright. "And, she wants to kill all of you," I smirked, knowing it's my moment.

"Don't say it," Klaus began, shaking his head.

"I told you so."

Hello Guys. So, I am done with the chapter. Also, I wanted to inform you that I have exams in September first week. So, updates won't be as regular from now on. Hope you understand. But as soon as sept 10th completes, I will be back in the game. I will probably post like 2 chapters in between that period or so. Audits kinda tough for me.

Anyway. I have updated a new story for supernatural fans if there are any. It's a teen wolf crossover, but there won't be any teen wolf characters other than Allison Argent.

In which, Allison Argent wakes up in the supernatural world instead of dying.

If you are interested check it out. I will start with the updates if I think enough people want to read it.

Thanks. Lots of love.