A/N: I do not own My Hero Academia.
Young Midoriya had never wondered what it would be like to wear handcuffs. He determined they weren't very comfortable.
Officers starred at him, whispering between one another as he walked through the station. Midoriya must have been a sight, coated in dried blood, littered with bruises, and sporting his ever-present freckles. He knew police officers did not see villains like himself very often.
He was tired as he walked through the station. One officer led his cuffed hands while the other was talking about something, asking questions that Midoriya couldn't really answer with a mask over his face. He didn't understand why they even bothered putting this mask on him. It's not like he had a quirk.
Finally, Midoriya was all but shoved into a white room. It was cold. So cold. A loan metal table stood in the center. Three chairs on either side of the table called out to him. Midoriya was led to a seat and chained to the chairs and table. How unnecessary. Midoriya had willingly gone with the police at the time of his arrest. What was the point in chaining his feet to the chair and his cuffed hands to the table?
"It'll just be a minute," said the officer who was talking earlier. He seemed a bit mousy. Midoriya wasn't sure if he liked this man too much. Midoriya motioned for the mask on his face. The stronger officer removed it.
"Excuse me," he said as he was freed from the mask. "Why did I have to wear the mask?"
"Your file says your father has a fire-breathing quirk," explained the mousy officer idly.
"Yes," replied Midoriya. "My father does. I do not."
"Just in case," replied the officer without missing a beat. He didn't believe Midoriya.
Without another word, the two left the room. Midoriya was left alone in the cold room. The only thing that was notably interesting was the two-way mirror across the room. Midoriya saw his reflection in it. He did not like what he saw.
His green eyes looked up to the black-haired police officer entering the room. The officer seemed wary of the young boy. Midoriya didn't like the way the fluorescent light washed out all the features of the police officer. He knew the same lighting probably did not look good on the green-haired boy. Then again, wearing tattered clothing and sporting a black eye, Midoriya probably didn't look very good either way.
"Izuku Midoriya," said the officer. He did not introduce himself. Midoriya smiled.
"That would be me," he said politely. "How do you do?"
The officer did not say anything. He simply sat across Midoriya who was tied to a metal table and placed a small recording device in front of the teen. A small microphone now faced the teen, and Midoirya watched as the Police officer pressed the red button on the machine and began to read out the date and time.
Even with another person, the room still felt cold. Metal table, Metal Chair, Metal hand cuffs. Nothing was comfortable about this room. Then again, Midoriya had not been comfortable in a long time. Perhaps he should be used to this by now. He bit his lip softly and watched as the door opened again. In walked a blond, thin man. Midoriya chuckled.
"Hello, Mr. All Might, Sir."
"Izuku Midoriya, was it?" asked the small man. He took the other seat next to the police officer. All Might placed some manila files in front of the officer. The officer idly examined the papers as Midoriya continued in the conversation.
"You don't remember me?" he asked.
"You're Bakugou's friend," All Might replied simply. "Or at least… you were before becoming a villain."
"Ah, I see," replied Midoriya. He let a small laugh form on his lips. "You don't know who I am."
"What do you mean?" asked the police officer, looking up from the files with confusion.
Midoriya looked off to the side of the room. There stood a two-way Mirror. Midoriya looked at his own reflection and his face fell. The red blood caked to his face and hair contrasted with his green features. His freckles were covered. A testament to his life before all this. The freckles he was so sure the police officers noticed as he was led through the station had been covered this whole time. His freckles… they were the one thing that made Midoriya feel innocent.
Now that everything was over, he missed his freckles. He missed how he looked before he became involved in all this. He didn't like the look of villainy on him. It didn't suite the boy.
"We met once before, All Might," said Midoriya with a solemn voice. His eyes glazed over. "I asked you… if a kid like me, someone with no quirk, could become a Hero. You told me no."
All Might and the Police Officer said nothing. Midoriya thought he heard a small gasp, and when his eyes went to look at the two sitting in front of him, he noted how wide their eyes had gotten. Midoriya gave them a comforting smile. Always giving everyone a smile.
"I had been pushed aside all my life," Midoirya explained. He added small laugh to help cut the tension. "And All Might… I was your biggest fan. The way you were able to save so many people with a smile on your face… but I had been let down. So many times."
He looked down at his hand-cuffed hands. They were bandaged up and sore.
"Everyone pushed me aside. No one believed in me. No one believed I was capable of anything. The want to save people means nothing in the hero world anymore. But that's all I wanted. To help people." Midoriya paused and bit his lip. "All I wanted was to save people. To help people like me. The weak. Those bullied and taken advantage of for not being part of this super powered society."
His eyes cut into All Might's. The small blond man in front of him had a knowing looking in his eyes. He looked hurt. Midoriya didn't want him to look hurt.
"I asked you if I could be a Hero. You of course told me no. So, I decided, if I couldn't save the world as a quirk-less Hero, I'd save everyone as quirk-less villain."