So quickly I wanted to say this is one of my first Mature Fanfiction, and I've been working on it for a while.

If all goes well, I have a sequel I am currently working on.

So I hope you like and review (especially review)

P.S I don't Own Fairy Tail or the picture I used. I only own this story.



Lucy is constantly in danger. She's escaped death, but it's left her and her brother in a desperate situation. But life seems to get worse for Lucy. Her brother, Sting, is captured by a rival gang, her boss wants them dead, and Lucy is falling for the man who holds her, and her brother's life in his beautifully chiseled, and blood-soaked hands. Hands that make Lucy burn with emotions she's scared to feel.

But END and his gang of outlaws just may be the savior she and her brother need. Because in this world of gangs, lies, lust, and war, someone will see victory. Others will only see red.