Eternity Chapter 6

Heather opened her eyes ever so slightly, the smart glass was dimmed just the way she liked it. The long days of patrolling the skies, the resuce operation of lost fishers from last night, by now her body was so used to being up at this time. She tried to go back to sleep but she just ended up staring at the ceiling, she did this for a little bit. But eventually she sat up to check her calendar. Today was a pretty important day, she knew it was going to eventually happen, she'd been preparing for it for the last 8 months but it came way to fast for her.

But with the constant distractions around Berk she grew busy and didn't have time to think about the future. Hiccup and Stoick did their best to try and ease the burden, but being the second in command of Berk's Dragon Riders meant mostly everyone depended on her while Astrid was gone. This was the day her beloved friend was returning anyway so at least she had that to look forward too.

She was swept back into reality when she the doorbell sounding off, stretching her arms and yawning loudly she stood up from bed, "Hey Jarvis, buddy are you up?" Opening her top drawer she put on a shirt and walked towards the bathroom.

"For you ma'am, always."

"Can you show me who's at the front door?" Heather opened the bathroom door and turned on the shower head to start her morning routine.

"Certainly." Jarvis bought up a viewing window of the security camera at the front door. She tapped the screen to unmute the sound.

"Are you up Heather? Can you let us in? We have a big day ahead of us." Astrid said tapped the camera with her axe. "Oh yeah I also brought some friends for some company on our little adventure." The camera panned to the right and revealed some of the female avengers.

Her husband got a good stretch before getting dressed. "What's the time Jarvis?" He walked towards the windows to see the beautiful horizon.

"The time 11 A.M. with a weather forecast of minimal clouds and bright sunshine all day."

Her husband got on his slippers then gave her a kiss, he found a nice shirt in his dresser then walked out of the room to greet their guests. "What's the colour of my armour you picked out today." He checked out his closet before anything.

"A suggestion was made by an anonymous individual."

"Show me." Curious to a new look he watched his armour rise from the floor, "It's hideous... The red, the white, just pick a colour."

"A very astute observation sir."

"Do me a favor and change it back to my previous look." Immediately he was met with a cold feeling going down his spine, as he watched the colours change on his armour.

"Yes that should help you keep a low profile."

"No, no, this was just me messing around the other day." Julian swiped away the colour set and changed it back to his old school silver and grey suit.

"Hm... What was I thinking? You're usually so discrete."

"Now that you can remember me for as long as live, which by the way is a very long time." Julian exited the room. Making his way down the stairs he met the guests halfway, they had already made themselves at home in the living room. Walking towards the kitchen he grabbed a quick bowl of cereal and ran over to talk with them.

"It's so good to see you Nat." He walked over and gave her a big hug, he did the same with the other female avengers. "How have you been? I haven't seen you all for a long time." He sat down a eagerly awaited their answers.

"We've been better, but to be truthful." Nat went over to hug him again, "We've all missed you a lot, mostly Steve and Tony."

"Don't worry I'll try and come for a visit soon," He returned the embrace for his friend, "But we'll all have a chance to catch up during the wedding, plus I have the 'bachelor party' Tony is throwing me today." Natasha all of sudden looked very concerned, "I don't know what it is but last time I saw him, he made it very clear."

"Made what clear."

"That this 'Party'would be something to remember, or as he so graciously put it, 'It'll be exotic'. Whatever that means, but for the first time in a 1000 years I get to have a vacation, so I'll be back soon."

Heather was just getting out of the shower when she heard laughter coming from down the hallway, "Hey J, what are they laughing about?" Heather started to dry her hair when Jarvis brought up the video feed from the living room.

Her husband and his old friends were just catching up with each other, she continued to brush her hair and brush her teeth. Opening the glass cabinet she put away her accessories and made her way down the stairs.

"Hey, there she is." Julian walked over and gave his wife a kiss. "Alright, I hate to cut our little reunion short, but I have to be in another universe right now so I'll let you all catch up." Julian walked over said his goodbyes and summoned his axe then took flight towards the second Avengers facility on Berk.

Heather greeted Natasha and Wanda, she then introduced herself to Stark's wife Pepper. But there were a couple new faces she didn't recognize, "We've never met, my names Heather." Heather looked at the mysterious green lady and the her blue person sitting beside her.

Astrid stood up and sat beside the person Heather was pointing at, "This is Gamora and her sister Nebula."

"It's great to finally meet you. I like your house by the way, it's very nice." Gamora shook Heather's hand, Nebula followed suite but didn't say anything, she simply nodded.

The doorbell rang again, "He probably forgot something again," Nebula moved to answer the door, "No worries I got it." Heather opened the door, she was right. But it wasn't the reason she thought.

"Apparently you have more guests joining you on your 'girls night out'," He moved aside to let them in. Ruffnut walked in chatting with a person who had what looked like antennas, Sigrunn wasn't to far behind, she walked in with a crowd of four strangers. Julian reconnected with Valkyrie while the rest walked in.

Once they all settled in the living room Heather walked over to talk with her husband, "I don't know if this is going to go well." Heather held his hand.

"I know all of them," He looked Mantis when he said that, "Well most of them.' He brushed the hair over her ear.

"Don't worry you'll be fine Heather, these are good people. I think you'll find you can relate to them more than you think." He looked at the horizon, "I need to go now, but do you trust me?"

"I do." She looked up and couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

He leaned and they kissed, her husband walked down their steps and he waved goodbye, then took off in the sky. Heather closed her door and took a deep breath, ambling her way over she sat in the middle of her sofa, "Alright let's get this over with..." Heather slouched on the couch, "I don't know who most of you are, but tonight were going to have the night of our lives. So let's start of with me, my name is Heather and this is my house, I'm also the queen of New Asgard." She looked at the next person next to her.

"I am Mantis, I can feel people's feelings and I'm apart of the Guardians of the Galaxy." The weird bug lady gave a nice smile.

"My name is Charol," She waved at everyone and sat down, "I barely know anyone of you, but I would really like to get know all of you... Oh and I can shoot photon beams out of my hands."

One by one they introduced themselves and Heather didn't fell so nervous now, the women she was surrounded by were all like her. Her husband was right, these were good people, she especially liked that lady who called herself 'The Wasp'. She connected more with Shuri, considering they were almost the same age, and they all generally had the same sense of humor.

"What's the first thing on your little list." Heather along side Astrid grabbed drinks for everyone.

"Our first stop is a city on our earth called 'Las Vegas', I think you'll like it." Wanda responded. "I know I certainly will." Wanda used her powers and made her cup float through the air, then onto the table in front of her.

"What do we do there?" Heather sat up and leaned over on the side.

"Without giving to much away," Shuri pulled up a hologram and showed a small portion of the activities list planned for the night.

"Your going to love it." Pepper smiled and led her over to the kitchen, "Hey Jarvis? Can you set it up? The quantum tunnel."

"Perhaps if you tend to visit other universes frequently, may I suggest going through Mr. Stark's tutorial on the quantum tunnel." Jarvis opened the front doors, "But to answer your question, yes I'll gladly 'set it up' ." The ladies sat up and ventured outside the house towards the Avengers facility on Berk.

The city Las Vegas was the first place to visit on their list. Emerging from the quantum tunnel Pepper quickly directed the girl squad to the quin jet, one after another they boarded the plane and they we're off. While on the plane, Pepper introduced Heather to makeup.

"Why are we doing this?" Heather held Pepper's wrist.

"It's to freshen up a little, you're always training all the time so your kinda dirty." Pepper lifted a mirror and showed her, "You're really pretty Heather, it actually makes me a bit jealous, but I'm way past that way of thinking." Heather smiled and let Pepper do her makeup.

Once they arrived at their destination Pepper had ordered these unusual lengthy transportation vehicles, not wanting to question it Heather went along with it. After a long car ride it pulled up to a large building, water was sprouting from the ground, lights of all colours highlighted the building. The streets we're absolutely packed, the people we're taking tons of pictures, the people asked for autographs, the people even asked for hugs. The car stopped and doors opened, Pepper sat up and was the first to step out. Next it was Heather's turn, she never really do good with big crowds, but then again these people weren't exactly coming at her with malicious intent.

Heather and her friends walked down a long red carpet, the sides we're completely filled with reporters, bloggers, photographers. This was a little bit too much for her, the hearing in her ears started to fade to silence, now all she could hear was her heartbeat. Astrid suddenly touched her shoulder.

"Hey, are you alright?" The flashes from the camera barely her friend visible.

"...I can fight in huge, dangerous battles, sneak around we're no one else would. But this is actually making me nervous, the only other time I was nervous was when Julian took me for a joyride on his dragon."

"These are just people who adore you." Astrid took the lead and they continued walking, "Your pretty popular."

"I didn't think I'd be popular anywhere in the universe but Berk."

"These people aspire to be like you, to be like us. We saved the universe." Astrid showed her the posters people wanted Heather to sign. "We're also part of the Avengers, so that's another reason our popularity is so big. You're also the Queen of Asgard."

"Yeah, Queen of Asgard." Heather started to loosen up a little from the death grip on her Astrid's arm. "Do queens get nervous?" Heather asked.

"Everyone gets nervous, even Julian gets nervous." They walked up stairs together, Astrid held the door open for her friend. "It's just a natural feeling."

Heather thanked her friend for calming her down, then the pair entered an elevator with the rest of their group. Everyone was a bit too close for comfort but they make it work, the doors open and the party began. The night she had was an amazing experience, everyone let loose for the first time, some took longer than other's but eventually they all ended up dancing to the music. Heather for the first time in her life drank alcohol, it tasted foul and didn't look very pleasing. But it grew on her, just like the music.

The group eventually left the party after what seemed like an eternity. The exited out into the lobby and took the elevator to the penthouse, the doors opened and her mind was blown. The view they had was beyond words, the buildings and cars below looked like tiny ants, the balcony also had access to a private pool. Not a second was wasted, one by one they got into their swimsuits and jumped in. Heather watched them enjoy themselves from a distance.

"Hey!" Pepper called Heather's name out loud, she turned and looked for who called her name. "You're part of the god damn team, get your viking butt in there." Heather smiled and hastily got into her swimming outfit, she walked around the pool and climbed the diving board. Heather's back flip of the board started the after party.

This was as far as she remembered about that night...

"Hey, Jarvis are you there?" Heather walked slowly, breathing in and out calmly. "I need help, can you notify Julian that it's a code blue." She rested her hand on her dresser for balance.

"Certainly." Jarvis sent the message out to Julian who was currently on a exploration mssion.

Heather heard the roar of thunder and lightning in the distance, she looked over her shoulder and out the window, dark clouds and a very bright light we're visible in the distance. The biforst touched down just outside the house, being the clumsy person he is, Julian knocked countless items over trying to make it upstairs.


Her husband came rushing through the door and into the room, "Are you alright? Jarvis sent me the message." He rushed to her side to help her. "Are you sure it's a code blue?" He sat her down.

Trying not to get mad, she spoke through her teeth, "Yes, I think I would know if it's a code blue, please we need to hurry." He helped her up and made haste to Avengers facility on Berk. He greeted most of the people working but clearly he was in a hurry, he busted through the emergency doors and set her down in a chair. He rushed to the front desk.

"Hello? Ma'am my wife is pregnant."

"Um... Congratulations." The woman put her pencil down and nervously smiled.

"No, I mean she's in labour. The baby is on the way." He raised his voice.

"Oh my gosh! Please forgive me my king." The woman reached and picked the phone. "Please follow nurse Valentine."

He nodded and lowered Heather onto the wheelchair, the nurse grabbed the handles and they we're off. Rushing past people in the hallway they finally reached their destination, the nurse and doctor helped Heather onto the bed.

"So what now?" Julian asked, he wiped the sweat from his forehead."How long is this whole... Endeavor going to take?"

"You got here pretty quickly." The doctor pointed at the clock. "She's in early labour, it takes about 6-12 hours, once her cervix has dilated to about 10cm then that's when she'll have to start pushing."

"Okay, well how long once her cervix is fully dilated."

"Active labour often lasts up to 8 hours on average. But for some pregnancies it might be longer or shorter, we simply don't know at this point."

Julian looked over at Heather and nervously scratched his chin, "Thank you, I'm eternally grateful for you and the staff that work here."

"It's what we do." The doctor rested his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry your wife is in safe hands, Nurse Walker will be here shortly to assistance you and your wife."

Julian took a deep breath and looked at the clock, he then walked over beside his wife at the bed, "Good news, the doc says it'll be a while before our kid arrives." He sat down beside the chair next to her, this overwhelming feeling was taking him over. "Heather, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, anything." She ran her hand down his back.

"...Do you think I can be a worthy father?" He sighed and looked at her. "I don't think.."

"Think what?"

"I'm afraid I'll screw it up," Julian looked her at Heather. "Like when my father kept the secret of my sister buried. Or when he lied to my brother about his true nature."

"Hey, I want you to look at me." Heather rested her hand his shoulder. "Your father made some mistakes, everyone does. But those mistakes shouldn't define who you are, you're here now and your doing a better job. At being a father, a king, and a husband." Julian leaned in to kiss Heather when Loki busted through the door.

He startled them both, "Can you knock?" Heather said while agitated.

"My apologies." Loki put his hands up, "When I heard the news I came as fast as I could. I already told Hiccup and the other's, they're on their way."

"I'm glad your here brother." The two brother's meet each other halfway in the room, they shared a great big hug. "I need you to stay here with Heather, I need to notify our friends of our current situation."

"Certainly, don't strain yourself." Loki smiled and sat beside Heather.

Julian walked out of the room and started walking down the hallway, on his walk he heard a great deal of what sounded like a screaming mother. On his left he noticed a slightly opened door, knowing it wasn't allowed for anyone but one family to be present while birth he quickly glanced in.

The nurses and doctors we're all by the mother's side, this whole situation looked very painful. The nurses urged the mother to push, with every scream the mother pushed with greater force than the previous one, her cries echoed throughout the room. This was all making him nervous for Heather, what if she couldn't do it? He'd heard of human mother's passing away during child birth, due to blood loss or other unforeseen circumstances. He turned and began to walk away when he heard a different cry, he didn't recognize it so peeked back in.

The nurse stood up and was holding what looked like a small doll, but this wasn't any doll. This was a human being, this was an actual person with a heart. This was amazing, he only caught a quick glimpse of the baby, but it was enough for him, he grabbed the door knob and shut it quietly. He eventually made his way to the quantum tunnel, he set the coordinates in and stood in position. This part always made him a bit sick but it was necessary.

"Here we go." Julian's quantum realm suit materialized around him, he raised his hand and doubled tapped his MTS.

The floor beneath him opened up and he pulled in, he shrunk smaller and smaller by the second. The vibrant colours, flashes of light, the chaos, everything was beautiful. The computer system on board managed everything for him, he was just in for the ride. His vision went black, his hearing went quiet.


He arrived at his destination, he grew to his normal size and the quantum realm suit dissolved. He stepped off the platform and ventured into the hallway. It was completely full of the people he recognized, they all greeted him but they we're mostly to busy to talk.

"Hello." He waved the random stranger over. "Do you know where I can find Mr. Roger's or Mr. Stark?"

"Oh no problem, they're in the conference room for a meeting."

"Thank you."

"Oh no sir, your not allo-"

He bursted through the doors and surprised his friends. "Heather's in labour!" He threw his arms up in joy, the room went quiet.

"As I was saying we'd like to offer our condolences for Mr. Secretary Ross, if there's anything we can do, please contact us." Tony swiped away the holograms and looked at his friend.

"Whoops... Guess I should've knocked."

Suddenly everyone screamed and clapped in excitement, Steve and Tony both greeted their bestfriend. Natasha smiled at the great news and hugged him, Clint clapped and shook his hand. The rest of the Avengers congratulated him.

"How is Heather doing?" Nat asked.

"She's doing great, thank you for asking." Julian hugged Natasha once more. "Heather's in the hospital on Berk, I came to tell you the news and hope that if you weren't busy, you'd all come to support Heather."

"Of course." Scott said. "Besides we all need something to do since nothing's happened for the past couple of weeks."

Her memory faded into another one...

"Are you ready?" Astrid asked. "The ceremony is just about to begin."

"I guess... it's just I'm nervous, my parents wanted a viking wedding, my fiance couldn't really decide. We couldn't come to an agreement so we decided to have a different wedding, the one they use on this earth."

"It's a strange I know, but the one they do here isn't so bad. I've seen some videos Parker showed me, it's not that complicated." Astrid walked over and looked at Heather in the mirror. "It actually looks a bit more fun if I'm being honest."

"Thanks Astrid." Heather stood up and hugged her friend.

Heather walked out the door and seen her father, her father held his arm out and they walked out in the aisle. Everyone she'd had known was there, her friends from Berk, her friends whom she met from her fiance's side. This wasn't the day she dreamed of but it was close.

Maybe this isn't what I wanted but what I need...

Heather's father let go of her arm and she stepped onto the platform, she took tiny steps to align herself with her lover. Her hearing went silent, she heard her own heartbeat as continued to stare at the floor. Her breathing was starting to get out of control, then she all of sudden stopped. Her fiance had taken her hands into his, Heather looked up and seen her smiling fiance, his smile calmed her down.

"Heather..." Julian rubbed her hand a bit more, he smiled and looked up into her eyes. "This is the happiest day of my life, but I shouldn't be surprised, because we've had a lot of happy days. There was our first date, the day we first kissed, the day you told me you loved me, and the day you said you'd marry me. I just wish I knew this day turn out so amazing, because then I wouldn't have worried about anything, because this day could've have been more perfect... They're many things about you that bring me joy. I love how smart you are, I love how beautiful you are, I love how you laugh at all my bad jokes, even if you don't like them. You're the most kindest and funniest person I know, and I love it. Words cannot express the love I have you, they don't do it justice, they just don't cut it. I will fight for you, I will cherish you, I will prove it to you everyday... for the rest of our lives. I only hope one day that I could give you the happiness you gave me."

Heather cried, she knew it was all from his heart, she seen it in his eyes. She laughed and cried tears of happiness, but she had to keep it together. A memory appeared in her head, she remembered the personal talk she had with him a long time ago, where he described how much he lost in life, about how didn't want to go on, about how he was ready to give up on life. That's all she had once seen in his eyes, but now his eyes we're full of happiness.

"Thor..." Heather cleared her throat and wiped her tears away. "Ever since you came into my life, I've been forever grateful. I don't know where I would be without you, you've made my life brighter and happier. Whenever you kiss me I forget the world around me, I'm speechless when you stare at me, I'm so in love with you. I love when you sing to me, I love it when your so persistent to keep me happy, I love how strong you are, I love every little aspect about you... Well the truth is, all I ever need is you to keep me happy, don't ever leave me."

Thor nearly dropped to his knees, the tears coming from his eyes we're pouring out, he didn't care one bit, he was with the woman he loved. Thor got the signal to kiss his bride, neither of them fought the smile on each other's faces, she tippy toed, he leaned in, then they both kissed.