A/N: Well, here we are folks, the epilogue! Thank you all for your patience, I hope the conclusion has been worth the angst and my overall wordiness!

I'd like to give special thanks to everyone who has commented, favorited and followed! I mostly worked on this story over the summer and for some reason I struggled quite a bit with it, so it's incredibly rewarding to know that there's still a vibrant community of writers-readers in the STV-J/C fandom who have enjoyed the journey! And knowing that at least some people enjoyed it definitely makes up for the numerous writer's blocks and rewrites!

So without further delay, I hope you enjoy…

Chapter 22: Epilogue

"What time are you meeting B'Elanna and Tom?" Chakotay asked as he poured freshly brewed coffee into two mugs.

Though he had officially settled in only a few days before, Chakotay was already comfortable around Kathryn's kitchen – probably more so than she was, since he'd been doing most of the cooking since their return from his home planet. On their last day at the cabin, he had mentioned in plans of getting a place of his own in San Francisco, and she had given him a puzzled look, her hands stilling on either side of her suitcase.

"What in the world for?" She had asked, and Chakotay had smiled.

"I didn't want to just assume that I would be staying with you. We're both independent people, I thought you might need your space for a time, while we… you know, adjusted."

She'd raised an eyebrow, her smile turning flirtatious. "Oh I think we've adjusted just fine."

And just like that, the decision that he would stay with her had been made. And if he pretended needing some additional convincing, she hadn't seemed to mind postponing her packing for a bit longer.

In retrospect, it was hard to believe that he'd once held any doubts about somehow not being enough for her without the promise of a career in Starfleet. The confidence that she showed in them, the tenderness reflected in her eyes, the words of love on her breath whispered in his ear in the throes of heat and passion… All of it had proven to him that he had underestimated her, and the depth of her feelings for him. He should have known better than doubt her, or himself. Relief was the only thing that had crossed her face when he had told her of his intention to go back to Earth with her, utterly uncaring about everything he had worried might come between them.

Their bond had only seemed to grown now that they were back in San Francisco, so that it now seemed the most natural thing in the world to be making breakfast in this kitchen with an incredible view on the Golden Gate Bridge (the perks of being a captain, he assumed), while Kathryn was getting dressed in the next room.

"Half an hour," Kathryn replied to his question as she exited the bedroom, snapping the last buttons of her uniform in place. After spending the last few weeks with her away from anything Starfleet, there was something strange and a little bittersweet in watching her return to her Starfleet captain persona – her hair carefully styled, her eyes and lips highlighted with make-up, the professional bearing of her shoulders. But he had long known that he loved this part of her too. How could he not? Starfleet was second nature to her.

A couple of days after their return from his home planet, she had donned her uniform for the first time in a couple of weeks to go greet Seven and Voyager who had just then returned from their mission. Kathryn had come back enthused about the Resistance's success, her future role in it, the Safe Haven Project, and Axum's desire to bring the fight to the Alpha Quadrant once the Borg in the Beta Quadrant were no longer a threat. Chakotay had watched her excitement with mixed feelings; on one hand, he was truly happy for her that she would be restored to her rightful place on Voyager's bridge, but on the other, he could already foresee just how much he would miss her and worry about her when she left on a new mission of her own. But he had always known this was how things would be, so it was best to stop anticipating and just enjoy every moment he did have with her. Besides, Chakotay was more than willing to suffer her absence if it meant that she was happy.

Chakotay handed her the black coffee and she smiled her gratitude before leaning in for a kiss. When she pulled back, Chakotay noticed the part of her collar that bore the pips was folded inside her uniform, so he straightened it. When he was done he met her eyes with a smile, and quickly touched the softness of her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Careful, I might get used to you taking such good care of me," she teased, squeezing his hand briefly.

Chakotay feigned some confusion. "I'm fairly sure that's the plan."

She chuckled briefly. "Are you sure you won't reconsider joining us?" She asked as she made her way to the table, where Chakotay had laid out breakfast, taking a sip of coffee along the way.

"I'm sure," Chakotay replied as he added two spoonful of sugar into his own mug. "Maybe I should be there, but I feel it would be petty of me to show up, as if in triumph. But that's not me. The hate was all on Larks' side, and I don't need to attend his hearing to make my peace with what happened."

She threw him a glance as she sat at the table. Chakotay joined her. "Then I'll be petty enough for the both of us. I'm afraid I can't be as forgiving as you are where that man is concerned."

Chakotay gave a small shrug. "It's not so much forgiveness as… practiced indifference."

"But aren't you mad at him, even just a little bit?" She asked curiously as she buttered her piece of toast.

Chakotay smiled at her tone before he sighed. "No. I was, though – when you told me how he had paid off Camilda and the others for their silence, or about his business ties to the Cardassians. I can't forgive him for sympathizing with the Cardassians when they were terrorizing my people and countless others. But, I'm trying to put it all behind me."

Moved, she reached out to touch his hand. "And that's why you're much stronger than I am about all this."

"Besides, even if I wanted to attend," he added when she pulled back her hand, "you know I have a meeting with the chair of anthropology at Cochrane University this afternoon-"

He was interrupted by a beeping sound coming from the computer system alerting them of an incoming message. Kathryn rose to her feet to go investigate, since there was a good chance it would be Starfleet-related. Chakotay focused on his breakfast. A moment later a PADD appeared in his line of sight.

Chakotay's eyes followed the hand holding it all the way to Kathryn's face, and he looked at her curiously.

"I believe this is for you," she said, her expression carefully neutral.

Frowning with curiosity and a touch of dread, Chakotay wiped his fingers on his napkin before he took the PADD from her. It was a letter.

"Dear Mister Chakotay,

we are pleased to inform you that your application for admission to the Archaeology Program at the Cochrane University at San Francisco for the academic year 2378-2379 has been favorably reviewed by our Admission Committee…"

"Congratulations," Kathryn said, smiling widely now, as she moved to stand behind him and leaned forward to circle his neck with her arms, her ear and cheek brushing his as she peeked at the letter over his shoulder. "That was your first choice, wasn't it?"

Chakotay chuckled in stunned surprise and squeezed her arm. "Yes, it was! That was awfully quick!"

"Well, it's obvious they only took one look at your qualifications and decided they wanted you in their program! They'd be fools not to jump on the occasion! But maybe I'm biased," she said before she kissed his cheek, and Chakotay grinned, still staring at the letter. She patted his shoulder, smiling, before she straightened and returned to her seat.

"So what do you think the department chair wants to talk to you about, if you're already admitted into the program?" She asked curiously.

Chakotay tore his eyes away from the letter once again to look up at her. "I have no idea!"

"Well you definitely have to go to that meeting now. And you must join us afterwards and tell me everything! I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you! We could all get dinner together."

Chakotay grinned mischievously. "Oh now you want me to go to that meeting? Just a few minutes ago you had forgotten all about it."

She met his amused look with a chuckle. "Well, you wouldn't want to miss any important information about the program, now would you?" She said, partially hiding her grin behind her mug.

Chakotay chuckled. "Why Kathryn Janeway, such incorrigible curiosity!"

"To be rivaled only by my love for you!" she replied in the same dramatic tone and Chakotay chuckled.

"Oh nice save, Kathryn."

She laughed.


Mea couldn't help bouncing her leg nervously.

Admiral Hayes sat next to her, practically immobile from a remarkable ability to remain calm. The assembly room was just starting to fill up. Mea recognized the Deputy Inquirer General and her deputies as well as many high-profile Starfleet types. However most of the expected people had yet to arrive, including the former Admiral Larks himself, who had been put under house arrest while the investigation was under way. But his absence at this time was to be expected, as he would be escorted through the front side door at the same time as the review panel. Mea had to admit, she was rather glad that this particular escorting duty hadn't fallen on her today.

Her eyes caught movement toward the back of the room and she couldn't help but stare as Captain Stedvak entered the room. He made his way to the front warily, looking like all the world like he hadn't slept in weeks. Despite the pale skin and sunken eyes, he was well-groomed, and to Mea's surprise, he wasn't wearing the Starfleet uniform. His expression was grave but calm. As if somehow, he had come to grips with the way his life had been turned upside down recently. As if he'd been freed from the burden of keeping up appearances. Freed from his stepfather's yoke, perhaps? Strangely, Mea had never seen him look so…honest, and young. At that moment he was actually likeable.

Admiral Hayes rose to his feet to shake Stedvak's hand when the captain reached their bench, both men's expressions solemn. Mea nodded at the captain and he returned it with a gravity she had never expected to see in him.

While he spoke quietly with the admiral, Mea returned her attention to the door, waiting to see who else would be attending. Next entered a dark-haired commander that Mea had never met before, and behind him… the Voyager contingent. They made for quite a sight, and there were many elbow nudges among the attendees as Lieutenant Commander Torres, her husband, and several of the former Maquis who had taken part in Mr. Chakotay's trial slowly flowed into the room. Chakotay himself wasn't among the group, though Mea couldn't say she was surprised. He had never struck her as a vengeful or begrudging type, though she was sorry that she wouldn't see him today, if only to see how he was faring. A medical officer whom, Mea realized, was Voyager's EMH walked in last with Captain Janeway. The captain was in quiet conversation with another woman – a civilian – whom Mea recognized as Camilda Loest. She would be testifying today.

Captain Janeway detached herself from the group to come and greet them. She gave a formal nod to Captain Stedvak who returned it quietly. Eventually he left to talk with the dark-haired commander Mea had noticed before.

Captain Janeway turned to Mea and the admiral, and shook their hands in greeting. For the first time since Mea had met her, the captain looked well rested. There was a kind of joyful restlessness about her as well, an eagerness that Mea could only attribute to happiness (though it was subdued given the circumstances of Larks' hearing). She wondered what had brought up the change – besides the obvious of having succeeded in giving Mr. Chakotay back his freedom.

"Captain Janeway, I wasn't sure you would make it. I thought you were still enjoying a well-deserved leave?" Admiral Hayes commented.

She smiled, her eyes twinkling. It was subtle, but Mea could see how it lightened her expression ever so slightly. "I was, Admiral. I thoroughly enjoyed the vacation," she looked like she was biting back a smirk at that, "but I figured it's about time I get back to work. I can practically hear Voyager call my name."

"Of course, of course," the admiral replied good-naturedly. "And how is Mr. Chakotay? Has he heard back from the anthropology departments? I hope my letter wasn't over the top!"

Was it Mea's imagination or did the captain's cheeks flush ever so slightly?

"He's well, though he sends his apologies for not being able to be here today." she added. "He just found outhe is accepted at Cochrane University. He's asked me to thank you for the reference, Admiral."

"Good, good," he replied and Mea smiled to herself. The good admiral did have a habit of saying every word twice.

Captain Janeway turned to Mea. "And he asked me to give you his best regards, Ensign. Which reminds me, a little bird told me that you had applied for an internship with Takayla next fall?"

Mea exchanged a look with the admiral. The whole thing had only been confirmed the day before, clearly Captain Janeway still kept in touch with Takayla to have found that out so quickly. "That's right, Captain. I think there's much I can learn from her."

Captain Janeway smiled approvingly. "I think so too." She looked back toward her crew. "Well, I should go grab a seat. You know, it's actually kind of a relief not to have any part to play in today's hearings, and to just be here as a humble, but concerned citizen."

"I'm sure it is," Mea replied before she could stop herself.

Captain Janeway winked at her before touching her shoulder reassuringly. "Good luck," she added with a raised eyebrow before she turned and walked away.

Mea let out a long sigh as she redirected her attention forward, to where the committee would be sitting. What was happening today, her presence here, she suddenly realized, was going to be one of those defining moments of her life. Somehow, she knew without a doubt that when she was old and grey, she would look back to this day, this moment, as the beginning of her adult life. It wouldn't be her joining Starfleet, or her getting her diploma. It would be this.

Right here.

At that moment the Committee entered, followed by Andrew Larks, and Mea drew in a long, steadying breath. Though she was nervous, she was ready for it.


Fog hung in the air and not even the first sunrays of morning could penetrate the mist, giving San Francisco and the high-rises of Starfleet Command the look of fantastical and slightly eerie towns of novels and folktales. As she walked, Kathryn realized she was shivering a little from the bone-penetrating dampness in the air. The stillness around her didn't help with her nerves, and without realizing, she upped the pace.

She was nervous.

She had woken up this morning feeling like she was back on the day she had boarded Voyager for the first time, almost eight years ago, with butterflies in her stomach and uncontrollable eagerness to prove herself. She was a different person now, a different captain, and she no longer felt the need to prove to herself and everyone else what she was capable of. But despite all this, the nervousness remained. She had listened to Chakotay's soft and deep breathing for a while as he slept next to her, and found that matching her breathing to his helped a little.

Chakotay now walked alongside her in silence, matching her pace without comment, the strap of her bag slung over his shoulder. She stepped closer to draw from his warmth and legendary grace under pressure.

He smiled at her and started to say something as he threw her a glance, but he stopped and did a double take when he noticed her expression. He stopped walking and halted her own steps with a gentle hand on her arm and a hint of incredulity in his smile. "Kathryn, you're not nervous, are you?"

She let out a wry chuckle as she scratched her forehead. "It's silly, I know. But I am."

The incredulity mingled with confusion – and a hint of amusement. "Why? You've been through much worse without so much as a flinch. Why has your first day back on Voyager got you so worried?"

She shook her head as she looked around herself. They were only a few steps away from the entrance to the terminal, from where she would transport to the orbital docking station, and then to Voyager. Starfleet uniforms were starting to pop up from the fog around them as they went to work, paying no attention to them, or Chakotay's civilian attire. "I don't know. I can't seem to shake it. What if…" She stopped herself.

Chakotay sighed empathetically as he reached out to squeeze her shoulder. He bent forward a little so to catch her eyes. "It's not going to happen again, Kathryn," he said quietly, and she let out a breath, more amazed than she should be that he had seen right through her.

"Of course I know that." She shook her head as she let out a tired chuckle. "I don't usually scare so easily." She met his eyes, and his expression softened even more at the fear that must have shown through. The fear of being separated from him in the same way she had been separated from Mark. Stranded at the other end of the galaxy with no way of getting back home except ride on the back of her own will and resourcefulness. She couldn't bear it if it ever happened again. She had learned to let go of Mark, but Chakotay… It would just break her.

He stepped a little closer until all she could see were his features, his dark eyes and warm expression. His hands on her upper arms were warm and she realized that she had stopped shivering. "Okay, then think about this," he argued matter-of-factly, "if, somehow, Voyager got stranded again – which it won't – this time you wouldn't be alone out there. You'd have your transwarp coils, and Uang would be there with Aspire, and Axum's fleet. And not forgetting Species 8472. They'd have you back here within a day. And if that didn't work, then I'd jump on a ship without so much as a glance behind – Starfleet rules be damned – and I'd meet you halfway, no matter if it takes years."

He was right, of course. Seeing it in this light, suddenly she realized how truly ridiculous her fears were, and she felt lighter. The tense knot in her stomach loosened, to be replaced with excitement. Through her emotions and gratefulness, Kathryn felt a chuckle bubble up in her chest and she let it out at last, shaking her head. She reached out to touch his cheek. "So, no getting rid of you no matter where I go, huh? Good."

Realizing he had succeeded at reassuring her, he straightened and took a step back. "Now, let's see Captain Janeway," he commanded as he gave her an assessing lookover. Kathryn blushed under his attentive gaze, but playing the game, she cleared her throat, tried to school her amusement into a more neutral expression, squared her shoulders, and placed one hand on her hip.

"Yep, there she is," he said as the amusement returned to his eyes and he grinned. "Bravest, fiercest woman I know."

Her smile broke through and she reached out to put her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "I'll miss you."

She felt him sigh against her. "I'll miss you too. Stay in touch as long as you can."

"I will."

"Give my best to everyone."

"Of course."

He pulled back and dislodged the strap of her bag around his shoulder to hand it to her, and she swung it over her own shoulder.

"Anything you'd like me to bring you back from the Beta Quadrant? Seven says they have dark matter to die for."

He chuckled, but shook his head. "Just you, back safely."

"Got it. See you in four weeks."

"Four weeks," he agreed. "I'll be in this very spot, waiting for you."

"Try not to have too much fun while I'm away," she added with a grin. While Kathryn would be heading out to the Beta Quadrant, Chakotay had had an offer from the Chair of the department to participate in an archaeological survey, which would allow him to start accumulating credits and ultimately help him complete the program sooner. Chakotay of course had jumped on the occasion, especially as the timing of his travels coincided perfectly with Kathryn's deployment.

With one last smile and tug on his hand, Kathryn nodded to herself. It was time. And now that he had eradicated her fears, she felt the thrill of a new mission build up inside her. She was born to do this, and she was infinitely grateful that Chakotay loved her for it.

Making sure that the pocket watch he had given her for her birthday back in May was in her pocket, she made her way up the steps.


"Captain on the bridge!"

Seven smiled as she stood to attention with the rest of the bridge officers. Captain Janeway came to an abrupt halt as she stepped out of the turbolift. She met every one of the officers' eyes, her eyes betraying a sudden rush of emotion.

"At ease," she said when she had recovered, a smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. She touched Seven's arm as she made her way to her chair, then nodded at Commander Tuvok and Tom Paris as she stepped down the stairs. She stopped when she reached Commander Peres, who still stood at attention, despite her command.

"Commander," she greeted with a nod and gestured to the chair next to hers. The one that had belonged to Chakotay before it had been his. Peres replied with a rather nervous nod of his own before he sat down.

Seven had been present when Captain Janeway had asked Peres to retain his position as First Officer, on the day Voyager had returned from its first journey to the Beta Quadrant. Captain Janeway had come to greet the crew, though Seven suspected she had also wanted to see for herself that her vessel was undamaged.

"Commander," Janeway had asked, "what would you say if I asked you to keep your position as First Officer on Voyager?"

The commander had blinked rather humorously. "I'd say it's an honor I could not refuse, Captain."

The captain had smiled. "Good. I expect you to be ready to report on the bridge on the 24th."

His face had broken into an amazed smile. "Aye, Captain."

And as simply as this, Commander Peres had been integrated into the Voyager crew. Though Chakotay could never truly be replaced, Seven was confident that Peres would blend in well with the crew.

Standing now before her captain's chair, Janeway pulled out a small object from her pocket, an old-fashioned watch, and looked at it for a moment, her fingers delicately tracing the engravings. Seven wondered whether Chakotay had given it to her. An hour earlier, as Seven had made her way across Starfleet Headquarters to report to the transporter room, she had witnessed what had looked like a tender moment between Chakotay and the captain. The two of them had been standing a short distance of the steps of the building, very close together, whispering, oblivious to the bustle of activity around them as people walked in and out of the building. There had been nothing unusual about their postures per se, as the two of them had always seemed to stand close together. However, what had stopped Seven from walking forward to greet them was the way Janeway had laughed at something Chakotay had said, and shaking her head, she had touched his face. It hadn't been the touch of a friend, but that of a lover.

Seven had stopped and retreated. Knowing them both as well as she knew anyone on Voyager, this development had not surprised her. In fact she was glad of it. Her own recent experiences with Axum made her understand all too well how difficult it was to part in such a way, however, so she had opted not to interrupt their farewells.

She and Axum had only been separated for a few weeks, yet she had dearly missed him during that time. They had communicated using the alcoves, and though it had been better than no communication at all, it had hardly compared to having him physically by her side. Despite all this, however, their arrangement suited her. For now.

During their virtual conversations they had furthered their plans for Safe Haven, and thanks to Captain Janeway's lobbying to her superiors, Starfleet had agreed to sponsor the project. They would be sending resources and people to assist in the early stages of the project. In fact, the first contingent was probably on their way to the designated planet now, to meet with some of Axum's people and get the first phase of the project started.

With newfound resolve, Captain Janeway suddenly straightened and put the watch back into her pocket before she took her seat, her expression returning to her typical commanding presence. It was good to see her in this position again.

Seven couldn't help thinking back to her last conversation with Stedvak, the day of Voyager's return, when he had told her of his intention to resign from Starfleet. It had come as a surprise to her, given all the trouble he had gone to get Voyager in the first place (though, really, it had mostly been his stepfather's doing). However, the recent events had made him realize he didn't even like being at the head of a tin box traveling through the vacuum of space, or so he'd told her when they had found themselves in the turbolift together. She had refrained from telling him that the materials composing Voyager's hull did not include tin.

"For what it's worth," Stedvak had continued, not quite meeting her eyes, "I apologize for my behavior toward you. You saved my life. I could have handled things better, I think."

"Apology accepted," Seven had replied simply, understanding from his expression how much it had cost him to say those words.

They had parted – not quite as allies, but not as enemies either. She had learned afterwards from Commander Peres that Simon Stedvak had gotten a contract as a holophotographer for one of San Francisco's large news outlet. Seven had been unable to stop her eyebrows from rising in surprise at this turn of events. Who would have known the man had such interests or aptitudes? Hopefully doing something he truly enjoyed would make him happier and less of a burden on those around him.

"Lieutenant Commander Torres, how are we in Engineering?" Captain Janeway asked with a smile directed at B'Elanna Torres who stood at her console in the back. Her hands rubbed the armrests on each side of her even as she spoke, as if she was getting reacquainted with the feel of it. Or caressing a pet.

Commander Torres smiled in kind. "The transwarp coils are in working order, and the warp core is ready to be powered up, Captain."

Janeway nodded. "Good. And our youngest recruit?"

"Sleeping soundly in the nursery, I've been told. Something – I should warn you all – you probably shouldn't get used to," B'Elanna added with a smirk.

Janeway chuckled. "Duly noted. Well, let's take advantage of her sleeping for now."

"Sound decision, Captain," Tom Paris agreed from his seat at the helm.

Though bringing a baby on board for this mission was far from logical from Seven's point of view, the captain had agreed to take Miral Paris with them. It was a compromise they were willing to make to have B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris back with them, the captain had argued – and accordingly the crew had taken every precaution to increase the security and tighten emergency protocols.

"Lieutenant Kim, Commander Tuvok?"

"Ready, Captain," the two officers replied after checking their consoles.

"Seven," the captain continued, "do we have our rendezvous coordinates with Mr. Axum?"

"We have a course, Captain."

"Alright, then! Lieutenant Paris, fire her up."

Tom grinned. "Aye Captain."

Seven took in a deep breath as she watched the displays on her console, and beneath her feet, Voyager hummed to life.


A/N: Whew! Thank you for sticking through with this monster of a story and reading to the end! I hope you've enjoyed the journey! I've certainly enjoyed sharing it with you all! I would often find myself grinning stupidly to myself when I worked on the final chapters, and I sincerely hope the affliction has spread to at least some of you ;-)

And if you're wondering what happened to Larks, I will let you be the jury and decide.

Now I'm afraid this story has sucked my muse dry for now (there's a Halloween-esque mental image for ya!), but I'm always open to prompts and suggestions! If you have an episode tag or a J/C moment that hasn't been done or that you'd like to read my take on, feel free to message me! I can't guarantee I'll write it (or if I do write it, that it'll be done quickly), but I'll definitely give any serious suggestion my sincerest consideration!

Thank you, and until next time!