By the way this takes place in Stargate SG1 season 6.
Being back at Hogwarts is great, even if my friends are annoying.
After the feast it is my job to lend the first years to the dorm, but with the crutches and 7 flights of stairs I was going to slow for most people, so Oliver's solution was to cast a Leviton charm on me and fly me up.
"Oliver put me down right now!" Bast calls to my so called best friend as to float upside down, "I've been in zero gravity and it wasn't this nauseating! Percy tell this Quidditch obsessed freak to put us down before I shove a broomstick so far up his-"
I block out her creative swearing and ideas of what to do with Oliver's broom, "Ollie put me down."
The other students following us laugh and the new Muggle-raised kids stare in wonder.
He grins and turns us sideways.
"Bast calm down," I sooth when she stops swearing, "It really isn't that bad."
"I-yeah it's not that bad I guess," she admits with a sigh "but I don't like being upside-down."
A memory flashes through my head of Bast in her previous host being attached upside-down to a wall and being tortured until the host died. "Alright, I'll talk to Oliver. No more upside-down" I promise softly.
"Thank you, Percy."
"Oliver, no more upside-down" I tell him with a look.
He sees my look and pauses before nodding and putting us right way up but keeps levitating us.
Once we get to the portrait of the fat lady he finally puts me down, I send him a light glare before turning to the first years, "The password is Fortuna Major."
The portrait swings open and people grumble about how hard that is the remember, "Boys dorms on the left, girls on the right, I warn you now not to try and go to the other dorms, there are spells in place to stop that."
Everyone starts heading upstairs and Oliver moves to stand next to me with a smile, "Don't do that again Oliver."
"Why not?" he pouts, "If it wasn't for me you would still be climbing the third level. I'm only helping."
"No more upside-down" Bast tells him with a glare, "He is right, it's going to take forever to climb those stairs without help."
"You're okay with it?" I ask making sure.
She sends a mental nod, "As long as there's no upside-down."
Oliver helps me downstairs again the next morning, then I get my class schedule and time turner.
"I don't know how your brain hasn't imploded with this many classes since third year" Bast comments looking at my schedule.
"I find it all interesting" I reply, "It was difficult the first two years. But I've adjusted."
"I know, I can see your memories. You love learning absolutely everything and couldn't pick between the classes, still we have TEN classes today and I make no promises not to fall asleep or to actually pay attention."
I send her a mental amused smile.
Oliver looks over my shoulder and shakes his head, "I still don't know how you can even take that many classes, let alone be at the top of all of them."
I look to his schedule and raise an eyebrow, "I don't know how you cannot be bored to tears when you're only taking three classes or how you plan to pass the year."
"I dropped a few to make more time for Quidditch practice" he explains with a shrug.
Bast snorts, "You my friend are going to be so screwed if professional Quidditch doesn't work out for you, or when you get to old to play and have nothing to fall back on."
He ignores the criticism like always.
Bast rolls our eyes, "Come on, we should get to defence."
Oliver helps us with the stairs again and soon its time for class.
"Hello" Lupin smiles at the class walking to the desk at the front, "I'm Remus Lupin I'll be your defence teacher this year."
The class is unenthusiastic, some people even trade bets about the awful fate that awaits him.
"Now I understand that your education in this class has been… bit patchy" he begins gathering some papers after roll call. "Today we'll just be seeing what level you are at, a written and a practical test."
Everyone groans as he hands s out the test, but I smile.
The test is full of questions from 1st year up to 7th year lessons, it's a good test and I finish quickly, while everyone else seems to struggle.
"Done already?" Lupin asks me, taking my test.
"Yes sir" I nod.
He reads the top and smiles, "Ah Percy Weasley. You took my owl classes, one of my best students."
I smile, "Thank you sir."
He glances at my crutches and frowns, "I was hoping you would join the practical…. though maybe you still can. Come with me."
He lends me out of the class room.
"Where are we going sir?" I ask following him into a room down the hall from his class.
He smiles at me, "I put this together to test the level of the students in 5th year and above, tell me have you heard of a Muggle game called laser tag?"
I look past him and see a mostly dark room with walls and a second flour, "No sir, what is this exactly."
He grins, "A maze of sorts; the students will be send in and taught a spell that they will fire at other people, they will have half an hour in that time they must try and hit the others as many times as they can. It will be recorded automatically on this board the individual who gets hit the least will win a voucher to Honeydukes."
"Oh, that sounds wicked" Bast grins in my head.
"If you are willing I'll teach you the spell then show you to a spot above where you can fire on anyone, you won't be playing exactly, but you will add another level of difficulty to the gam-test" he continues.
"What sort of defence spells can they use?" I ask.
"Whatever shielding spells they know" he nods, "I was thinking of doing this again in the middle of the year, then once more at the end, if people like it."
Bast grins at him, "Trust me they'll love it."
He shows me the spell and then to my perch before going to get the class.
"I wish I could use your wand" Bast groans, "I love sniper duty! Your gonna have so much fun."
"He said it's based off a Muggle game, we can play that over the next holidays" I promise.
Eventually the class wonders in and the game begins.
Only three people actually know any shield charms, the rest are doing their best to dodge, most of them failing miserably. From above I fire at my classmates, with Bast giving me advice and laughing at my classmates when they fail badly.
In the end Oliver wins, despite not actually knowing any shield charms he does very well, likely all that experience dodging bludgers.
"That was brilliant!" Oliver grins walking out of the room with me, "Sort of like dodging bludgers. I should put the team through a few rounds of this, might help with their dodging."
"It was fun" I agree, "I should go or I'll be late to class."
Oliver nods, "Yeah I need to start practising. Do you need a hand getting to class?"
"I'm fine" I reassure, before heading the opposite direction to him, activating my time turner (going back far enough to give me time to get to class) and heading to Arithmancy.
5 classes later I head to lunch where the twins wave me over.
"Hello, my bad luck charms, caused any mischief yet today?" Bast greets sitting down next to Fred.
They just grin.
I roll my eyes with a smile.
"Oh, Perce this came to us at breakfast by mistake" Fred tells me, handing me a package.
"Whose it from?" George asks curiously.
"You didn't open it and check?" I ask surprised.
They shrug as one, "Alex said going through your mail was on the don't do list" Fred explains.
I smile, progress. "I've been taking Muggle classes through the mail, this should be my latest one."
"Course you have" George snorts.
I read over what I got and smile, it's the beginning of the course I sighed up for and something else, "Brilliant!"
"What's brilliant?" Fred asks.
"Percy's teachers recommended him for a classified project" Bast tells the twins, "The US Air Force has some kind of secret project and they're recruiting the next generation of scientists, if Percy writes a good enough paper he'll get to spend a week over the Christmas holidays getting to know the project under a Doctor Bill Lee, with 4 other top to-be-scientists from around the world…. Provided he passes a background check, psych evaluation and sign 1000 nondisclosure agreements."
"I'm going to write the best paper on wormhole theory they've ever seen!" I vow.