The new life and adventures of Shaggy Rogers and Scooby Doo.

Legal: I don't own Scooby Doo, Hell I don't think if I owned it I could do it justice. However like all my stories I feel I want to play in the Scooby world, and I think Shaggy deserves a harem thus this was born. I mean come on the guy's been through more than anyone in the gang except for Scooby. Yes as usual this is M rated because no character is under sixteen at the youngest. Shaggy's in his mid twenties the rest of the gang are too and all the girls are at least eighteen unless stated otherwise. Anyway hope you enjoy. Later.

Chapter 1: The Ghoul School Just before Graduation and a Message from the Hex Girls.

Shaggy Rogers, a young man of twenty five with blonde hair, stubble on his chin, six feet tall, a thin build, and a hearty appetite was sitting in his room in the Mystery Inc, gang's apartments. He yawned and called out to his black and tan Great Dane, "Hey Scoob, we got a letter from the Grimwood Ghouls. We also got an email from the Hex Girls. Man we must be popular." He chuckled self deprecatingly as he continued "The ghouls invited us to their graduation, and the Hex Girls, are planning on going on tour and making a stop here in Coolsville, think we should tell the gang?"

Shaggy's dog, one Scooby Doo, nodded and said "You Retcha Shaggy, I rhink the rang would love to hear rat the Rex Girls are coming to town sooner or later. We roing to the Rimwood Rhouls Raduation?"

Shaggy shrugged and said "If the gang doesn't need us for anything, I just hope we don't run into the girl's parents again." He shivered at that and said "Man, it would not be cool to end up dealing with Drac again, or Frankenstein, or even the Wolf Man just because their daughter's wanted us there for their ceremony."

Scooby asked "By Rac, do you mean Racula?" Shaggy nodded. Scooby said "Roh Right, re first ret rim at rhe Rhoule School. Rhen there was the Rerewolf rurse and rhe race."

Shaggy nodded and said "Yeah we met him when we won the girls their trophy then again when he cursed me and I was dating Googie. Man that was not fun, wonder if Sibella knows about the monster race. Ah well, at least we know longer have to deal with all those different monsters we dealt with in our late teens, eh Scoob?" Scooby nodded and the two walked out of their apartment to find the rest of Mystery Inc. They found them in the lobby talking. Shaggy waved at them as he entered and said "Like, hey gang. I didn't expect everyone to be here. I thought it was Velma's turn to catalog everything. Also I got a message from some girls I was teaching in the two years we split up and they want me to go to their graduation." The gang as Shaggy called them consisted of Fred Jones, a young man an inch taller than Shaggy with broad shoulders, light blonde hair compared to Shaggy's dirty blonde, blue eyes, and an orange ascot around his neck, Daphne Blake, a five foot nine inch tall redhead, and Velma Dinkley an orange sweater and glasses wearing brunette who was the same height as Daphne.

Fred said "You sure you want to go see them Shag? You don't really bring up much about that time other than saying you faced real monsters. I mean we all remember when you and Daphne told us about those ghosts you hunted. By the way, how is the little boy Flim Flam, doing Daphne?"

Daphne chuckled and said "Flim is good. I get the occasional mail from him, he's currently in high school. Back to the boys though, you sure you want to see these girls?" Shaggy and Scooby nodded. She asked "Want us to come with you?"

Shaggy sighed and said "Invite only Daph, if it wasn't I'd gladly invite you guys to come with." She nodded at that and everyone turned to Velma waiting for what she had to say.

She yawned tiredly and said "Jinkies, guys if it's important to you I have no problems with it. Just try not to unlock any monsters or anything, and be on the lookout for Scrappy. I hear he's roaming the south right now. " The slacker and his dog nodded then she said "With that out of the way, any of you guys get emails from the Hex Girls?" Shaggy and Scooby nodded. She laughed and said "Of course you two did, Thorn, Dusk, and Luna are probably planning on scaring you again. What about you and Daphne, Fred?"

Fred smiled and said "Yeah we got emails from them too. Honestly I was surprised since they said they wouldn't be on tour for another month because that's when their new album is released and they want to time the tour date with the album release date. Can't believe they actually plan on visiting Coolsville. Should we do something to commemorate their visit?" Shaggy shrugged and the girls shook their head no. He sighed and said "Alright we'll just hang out with them, not do anything too special." Shaggy and the girls nodded then the four of them turned to Scooby who was eating a box of Scooby Snacks.

His ears twitched and he turned to them going "Rhat? I'm hungry." Everyone laughed at hat and Scooby said "Rhen's the girls' graduation Rhaggy?"

Shaggy looked at the letter, which he brought down with him and said "It's in two weeks. Gives us plenty of time to head down to Louisianan Scoob. We should probably pack and leave today, unless you guys need the Mystery Machine?" The others shook their heads and Shaggy said "Got it, then we'll leave as soon as we're packed." The girls nodded and bid him adieu while Fred told him to be careful with the van.

Shaggy smiled and said "Like gee Fred it's fine. I take care of the mystery machine all the time. Googie and me knew quite a bit about cars you know. I like know the Mystery Machine is yours but it's me who takes care of it." Fred nodded and Shaggy headed upstairs while Scooby finished his box of Scooby Snacks before following him. When they got up to their room Shaggy packed a few shirts, jeans, and an extra pair of sneakers, while Scooby packed a suitcase full of nonperishable food. He didn't want to rely on the cooking at the ghoul school again. They grabbed their bags and took them into the van then started for Louisiana.

Coolsville was in Ohio so it would take them a couple days to get to Louisiana then they'd have to find the ghoul school all over again. As he drove Shaggy and Scooby talked about their last adventure with the girls. Shaggy said "Like I hope we don't have to deal with that witch Revolta again or her creeper. I like also think the girls have probably grown up pretty nicely. I wonder why they wanted us to visit though, right Scoob?" Scooby nodded and Shaggy said "Guess we won't know until we talk to them in person though, glad they said they'd gotten all of my letters in their message. I hope they don't ask us to really start talking about our other adventures that involve real monsters. Daphne still hasn't forgiven us for opening the chest and letting out the thirteen ghosts."

Scooby nodded and said "Reah, I rave to rope she rosen't get to rad at rus rhen we ret back if re tell rer rat the girls are ronsters." Shaggy nodded and they lapsed into silence until Shaggy's phone rang. He pulled over at a gas station and answered it.

Shaggy said "Hello, Oh hey guys. Yeah we're at the state line. No everything's ok. Yeah we have plenty of food. No we don't know when we'll be in Louisiana. No I cant' tell you more about the school cause I signed a confidentiality agreement. Like seriously guys I can't tell you. Like no I am not lying. It's a private school. Like an all girl's private school. No I don't know why the school thinks that it's important to not tell anyone except the rival academy about them. The Calloway Military School. I like don't think they have a website. I gotta go we're about to get back on the road. Later guys." He hangs up and sighs then looks at Scooby and says "Man, they sure are worrying a lot." Scooby nods.

Shaggy sighs and starts driving again, the rest of the day passes and they stop at a hotel and get a room. They share the room and Shaggy pulls out his laptop then gets on a video chat with Scrappy. Scrappy said "Hey Shaggy." Scrappy had grown up from the tiny puppy to be a slightly larger dog. He said "Why'd you ask me to video chat?"

Shaggy grinned and said "You still in Louisiana?" Scrappy nodded and Shaggy said "Me and Scoob will drop by your place then go on to Grimwood." Scrappy raised an eyebrow and he explained "The Grimwood Girls are graduating. They want me and Scoob to be there. I don't think they even knew how to reach you. By the way how's your girlfriend Lana?"

Scrappy blushed and said "Lana is good. She asked me how you and uncle Scooby were doing, I told her you were back with Mystery Inc. She said she'd love to eventually meet them but I don't think we'll be able to visit Coolsville anytime soon. What about you, still looking for a girlfriend? I know uncle Scooby is content being a bachelor but you humans always seem to need companionship, not that I'm complaining."

Shaggy laughed and said "Like it's all good man. I get that you're confused by humans. Anyway it's like hard for me to find a girl with all the magic and stuff that surrounds our lives. Most girls don't want to be with a guy who has my table manners and knack for running away. I mean I haven't even heard from any of my ex's, that I wanted to stay friends with."

Scrappy asked "Is that really a bad thing?" Shaggy laughed and Scrappy said "We're in Baton Rouge in the Blue Heights Apartments. I'll see you in a few days." Shaggy nodded and bid him goodnight then plopped back on his bed.

Scooby asked "Ras that scrappy?" Shaggy nodded and he asked "He roing ok?" Shaggy nodded and Scooby said "Rhats good. I rorry about the pup." Shaggy chuckled thinking Scrappy wasn't much of a pup anymore. Scooby saw that look and said "It's rot runny Raggy." He checked his phone and saw that he had no missed calls or anything then put it away and put up his laptop before bidding Scooby goodnight and going to sleep.

As Shaggy slept he dreamed. In his dreams he met a version of himself with black hair and stubble, red eyes, and pale skin. The figure said "Hello Shaggy." Shaggy nodded shaking like a leaf and the figure said "Don't worry I'm not your enemy. I just wanted to tell you that change is coming. Eventually we'll be forced to do something that no one expects from you except your parents. I guess I should introduce myself, call me Shadow. I'm a friend of yours from the past. I guess you could even say I'm the one hiding memories from you. Memories of a time when, well that would be telling. Anyway I grow stronger the more darkness you're exposed to so try not to let your own anger and hatred consume you or I'll have to take over, got it?" Shaggy nodded and Shadow said "Wonderful Shaggy. I'll let you get back to your regular dreams now, just wanted to introduce myself because of my feelings about the future." As Shaggy started to ask what Shadow meant the dream faded and he found himself back in his regular dreams forgetting all about Shadow for now.

The following morning Shaggy woke up groggily and yawned then said "Man Scoob, I like need to be careful what I eat before bed." Scooby who was already up and waiting for breakfast looked at him curiously and he said "I had a dream about a version of me who called himself Shadow then my usual dreams." Scooby gulped knowing more about Shadow than anyone even Shaggy's parents and waved it off like it was no big deal. Shaggy laughed and said "Yeah you're right, it doesn't matter what I dreamed about Shadow's probably not real." Scooby nodded and the two dug into the breakfast the hotel provided after walking downstairs with their luggage.

Scooby said "Raggy rou ok?" Shaggy nodded still a little tired but ready to hit the road. He called and talked to the gang while Scooby loaded up the van and hopped into the passenger seat. Shaggy hung up about ten minutes later and they set off. They agreed to get snacks along the way not wanting to dip into their food supply for their trip to Grimwood. They traveled throughout the day, and the night because Shaggy received his second wind. They stopped the following morning to get food, relax, and just get out of the van.

Shaggy got a call from an unknown number and he answered it saying "Hello?"

The voice on the other end said "Hello is this Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers?" Shaggy responded in the affirmative and the person said "Wonderful. My name is Blake. Blake Roan, I'm a friend of Vincent Van Ghoul. I think you'll remember him from your incident with the thirteen ghosts?"

Shaggy sighed and said "Like Zoinks, yeah man I remember him. He's still my favorite actor even after that. Why's a friend of Mr. Van Ghoul need to talk to me?"

Blake replied "We need your help to retrieve the chest." Shaggy instantly denied it and he said "Shaggy look, we really need your help. Some dumb ass took the chest and gave it to the monster community. Luckily whatever you did to seal the thirteenth ghost locked the chest so only you and Scooby could open it. However they may try to trick you into opening it again. I know you don't like the supernatural but can you please contact Mr. Van Ghoul and let him know if you're willing to help as time goes on?"

Shaggy sighed and said "Like fine man. I'll talk to Mr. Van Ghoul but I'm not making any promises. I had enough to do with the supernatural. It's like bad enough I'm visiting, well never mind. Anyway man tell Mr. Van Ghoul to call me in three weeks when I'm back at home in Coolsville and we'll arrange a day to meet up. It's not like that stupid chest can be opened as you said. It seems to be magically linked to me and Scooby anymore, heck we may be able to control the ghosts within." He laughed bitterly at that idea not liking it one bit and Blake bid him adieu then he turned to Scooby and said "Sorry Scooby looks like Mr. Van Ghoul needs to talk to us again. Looks like when we're back in Coolsville we'll have to let Daphne know about the chest."

Scooby nodded and said "Right Raggy, Rit's ralways rup to rus to rave the ray." He sighed and hoped nothing bad would happen when they arrived at the Ghoul School and that maybe the parents wouldn't want to kill them for leaving the girls in the lurch when they met the new students. Shaggy nodded sighing himself and swallowed a large sandwich whole. Scooby did the same and they got back on the road. They were two days out from Louisiana at the rate they were traveling and that was only if they stopped for the night that night. If not they'd be there in a day and a half. Sadly they'd definitely have to stop for the night because Shaggy was getting exhausted as the sun went down.

They stopped at a hotel and were greeted by a group wearing kimonos who said "Konichiwa, welcome to the lucky kitsune onsen." Shaggy raised an eyebrow and Scooby mumbled about foxes. The owner a middle aged woman said "I'm Shizune, and these are my daughters Kiko and Moka." Kiko was a five and a half foot tall young woman with blue eyes, blonde hair, and a foxy grin. Moka however was a reserved five foot two inch tall woman with bluish black hair, brown eyes, and a demure face. The owner had her daughter Moka's hair, and Kiko's eyes. She said "How long will you be staying?"

Shaggy said "Just the night. Can I ask why you call your hotel the fox hot springs? Like man that is cool but I'm not used to it. I thought most of the hotels in this area were classic Super 8's and Motel 6's."

Shizune giggled nad said "Our hotel is special. We have branches all over America and Japan and they always show up to those who truly need them. Honestly, my daughters are set to start up their own branch soon enough. It will be twenty dollars for the night per room and an additional ten for any extra amenities. The hot springs are divided by gender and there are signs saying which is which. If you like you can head to the hot springs after you pay."

Shaggy shook his head and said "Nah. I'll head to the hot springs after I put my luggage away and set up my dog Scooby Doo. Anyway I'll take the night and pay for breakfast as well as use of the hot spring, how much will that cost me?"

Shizune hummed and tallied it up then said "Thirty dollars even." Shaggy nodded and paid they went to his room after receiving his key and set Scooby up before heading to the hot spring. He relaxed wondering why such a cheap hotel didn't show up on any of the maps or anything. It was almost as if the hotel had appeared because he needed a place to stay but that was just nuts. He yawned as he finished in the springs then went to his room and collapsed on his bed after dressing in a shirt and boxers.

The following morning Shaggy and Scooby ate breakfast then got back on the road. As they drove away Scooby looked out the back and saw that the onsen was vanishing. He blinked and said "Roah. Rat's rierd. "

Shaggy asked "What's wrong Scooby?" Scooby explained and Shaggy said "Maybe it's your imagination Scoob." Scooby nodded and turned back around then the two continued on throughout the night to make up time. The following morning Shaggy got a coffee, Scooby ate some Scooby Snacks, and the two relaxed at a truck stop eating breakfast. After breakfast they hit the road again and arrived in Louisiana, a few hours later they reached Baton Rouge and started looking for Scrappy's apartment complex.

They arrived at Scrappy's at Six in the evening and knocked on the door. Scrappy's owner Keith answered and said "Shaggy, Scooby, awesome. Let me tell Scrap and his girl that you're here." Shaggy nodded and Keith walked in saying to wait a few minutes. A few minutes later Scrappy came barreling out the door and hugged Scooby.

He cried out "Uncle Scooby." His girlfriend followed giggling and Scooby smiled waving to the female dog. Shaggy smirked and Scrappy said "Why didn't you guys call ahead or video chat me the last day or two to tell me when you'd arrive?"

Shaggy chuckled and said "Like relax man. We would have told you but we wanted to surprise you. It was like a good idea in my opinion. Maybe we should have been a little more up to date on when we're coming in though if you're going to be like this." Scrappy blushed and told them it was fine then the four walked inside Keith and Shaggy sitting on a couch while the dogs sat on pillows on the floor. Shaggy yawned and said "Man I'm tired, like mind if I use your guest room Keith?" Keith shook his head and said go ahead telling him he'd wake him for dinner. Shaggy said "Thanks man."

Shaggy crashed on the guest bed for a few hours not dreaming about anything in particular and woke up to see Keith standing over him and saying "Dinner's ready Shag." Shaggy nodded in thanks and got up then went to join everyone to eat dinner. Shaggy told them they'd only be staying for two days before setting out for Grimwood. Keith asked "You guys going to be staying at this Grimwood school you keep talking about, because Scrapppy said he'd thought you'd never go back."

Shaggy shrugged and said "The girls all but begged us to come to their graduation in their letter so who am I to deny them?" It h ad been a good six years since Shaggy had taught at the school so it was a surprise to receive a message from the girls. He thought they'd have forgotten about him. Then again the same could be said for Dracula and so many other monsters and villains the duo of Shaggy and Scooby had dealt with but it always seemed like they came back to bite them in the ass. Shaggy sighed and said "I guess we'll have to see I mean all the girls are at least eighteen so there's that." Scrappy and Scooby chuckled while Shaggy said "Like not in a perverted sense guys. I mean that they probably matured a bit over the last six years."

The dogs nodded and Scrappy said "True Shaggy. So I got a call from Vincent Van Ghoul, how'd he even get my number?" Shaggy shrugged and Scrappy said "Well he said he was looking for you and uncle Scooby. I told him we hadn't talked in a while but I'd let you know, so I'm letting you know that Vincent Van Ghoul wants your help again." They nodded sighing. Scrappy patted his uncle's back and said "Ah it's alright uncle Scooby, I don't think he'll need you for to much this time, it's not like you reopened the thirteen ghosts chest." Everyone but Keith and Scrappy's girl shivered at that and he said "I'll tell you and Lana about it after they leave Keith." Keith nodded and the five started talking about happier things. Shaggy told them about how the gang was doing, and Scrappy told Shaggy and Scooby about his life on his own.

Shaggy yawned after they ate and said "Like guys I'm having fun and everything but it's getting a little late." The others nodded and the five of them went to bed Keith telling Shaggy he could shower first. Shaggy thanked him and showered then walked into the guest room and laid on the bed yawning. Scooby climbed in next to him and Shaggy said "Fine Scoob you can sleep with me. I guess it's alright man. Like no harm done, right?" Scooby nodded and Shaggy turned off the bed side light then went to sleep. He dreamed about his past adventures, like the witches ghost, his time as a werewolf, and the last time he was in Louisiana when the gang were nearly drained of their youth by cat monsters.

The following morning Shaggy and Scooby woke at dawn then started breakfast for everyone figuring it was only fair since they would be staying two more nights. Scrappy was the next to wake up smelling food and padded into the kitchen then said "Looks great uncle Scooby, Shaggy." They said thanks and continued cooking. After about twenty minutes breakfast was done and Keith and Lana walked and padded in. Lana was a great day like Scooby and Scrappy but she was slightly smaller than Scrappy. She had gray fur and blue eyes. Scrappy ad Lana sat next to each other at one end of the table while Scooby and Shaggy sat in the middle with Keith at the other end.

Everyone dug in and complimented our two foodies on their excellent cooking skills. Shaggy said "Like thanks guys. When you appreciate food as much as me and Scoob you learn a thing or two about cooking." Everyone laughed at that and Shaggy said "How about you show us around the city Scrappy? I'll drive you just direct me." Scrappy agreed and the trio of Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy went out into the town.

After driving around for a few hours they got food, then headed back to Scrappy's place where Lana pounced on the young Dane. The two rolled around like puppies playing and Shaggy and Scooby laughed watching their former charge enjoying life like he never had with Mystery Inc. After that the gang played some board and video games where Scooby and Shaggy found out Scrappy had quite the potty mouth when he was playing COD. They sighed and suggested something less violent and switched over to a different system where they played other games.

That night Keith made dinner and the five of them dug in to lasagna that had been cooked to perfection. Scooby said "Row this is rate. Rit's ralmost as good as Raphnes. Right Raggy?" Shaggy nodded and hummed as he ate enjoying life for now. Knowing that they'd be eating a lot less in a few days at Grimwood's Ghoul School. Shaggy sighed softly at the thought and Scooby nodded knowing what his buddy was thinking.

After dinner the five watched a few movies until eleven o' clock where Shaggy called the gang back in Ohio and let them know what was up. He told them he'd be staying at Scrappy's one more day then he'd head to Grimwood's school for young girls. The gang wished him luck and said he'd gotten a few letters from people they'd met over the years and that they'd left them in his apartment. He thanked them and hung up then took a shower and plopped down in his bed which Scooby was laying at the food of.

That night Shaggy dreamed. His dream went like this, Shaggy was walking along a dark dimly lit hallway. In the hallway were all sorts of pictures of people that looked like they could be his relatives, though they were all younger than him. A few even looked like they had different girls he'd met throughout his misadventures with the gang in them. One caught his eye that said "To the greatest dad in the world, We love you papa Shaggy." It was a drawing of Shaggy with a bunch of kids surrounding him. He blinked and muttered "Like what the heck is all this man?"

He walked away from the picture and a feminine voice said "Shaggy dear what are you doing up so late?" He turned around to see a figure covered in a cloak walking toward him. He started to ask who she was and she said "Oh my, I didn't realize you were the younger version of my husband. Sorry dear can't tell you too much. I can say that this is one of your possible futures Shaggy. I am one of your lovely life mates. I can't tell you who I am, but I can say it's good to see you haven't let Shadow take you over yet. Anyway call me dear."

He blinked and said "Dear?" She nodded and he said " So Dear, what do you mean by life mates? If I remember correctly Mr. Van Ghoul said life mate was a monster term for husband and wife." She nodded and he said "Wait your my wife in the future?"

She giggled and said "In one possible future. If the road you're taking doesn't lead you to give up on all those who love you and let Shadow take full control, though Shadow's only goal is to …."

Shaggy asked "His goal is to what?"

The figure said "His goal is to ….. Oh I see you can't hear it. How sad he must be preventing you from learning about him. I will say he's helped you before though. Hmm he didn't sensor that, he must only not want you to know his goal. Ah well. Anyway I just want you to know that these pictures are of possible children you could have though that's why they're so blurry. If it was set in stone then you would be able to see them completely. Yes the boys all look like you, but the girls are the ones you can't see. Honestly my husband tends to wander these halls remembering our children who've all grown up and moved away. I thought you were he, but obviously you're a past incarnation of his who has yet to make the same life choices. Why you're here I can't say, maybe something wanted you to prepare or it wanted you to meet me.

"Honestly love I don't know. I just know I'm the only one of your lovers able to be interacted with through dreams besides ghosts. Honestly that's ok. I'm not a ghost if you're wondering just a powerful figure, well I can't tell you what I mean by figure or you may figure out who I am. Anyway Shaggy baby What time period are you from, before Dracula's race, or after?"

Shaggy said "After. I'm like from the time when the ghouls are graduating man. Why?"

She seemed to laugh at that and say "Oh so you've already gotten the call from Blake. Good. I wish you luck with those ghouls, Shaggy, you're going to need it. Also be sure to pay attention to what they do, not just what they say." Shaggy nodded and Dear continued "Anyway Shaggy love, I I can give you a little tip about your graduating class, don't let the parents push you around. They're just looking out for their daughters but they will walk all over you if you let them and prevent you from even being friends with the girls. Also hate to say it but Mystery Inc isn't going to be a big part of your future adventures, and remember to tell the Hex Girls about the ghouls before they find out on their own. Otherwise from what you told me it doesn't go so well."

Shaggy felt himself waking up and Dear finished "Hopefully we have more conversations my love, but I don't know. Just don't be surprised if the girls are different than you remember. Good bye and Good Morning." Shaggy nodded as the dream faded. Shaggy woke up and stretched thinking about his dream and who Dear could possibly be.

Shaggy turned to Scooby who was wide awake and said "Scoob, do you know anyone I call dear?" Scooby shook his head and he said "Was I talking in my sleep again?" Scooby nodded and he said "Like man, I hate when I do that. It's like totally not cool. Ah well man, at least I wasn't sleep walking in someone else's house and sleep eating. It would have probably gotten Scrappy to kick us out." Scooby nodded chuckling and the two got up then Shaggy took a shower while Scooby went to the kitchen where he smelled eggs cooking.

While Shaggy was showering Scooby was talking to Scrappy. Scooby said "Scrappy, I rotta rask you, row rid you ret ruch a rice apartment?"

Scrappy replied "Keith bought it uncle Scooby. I just moved in when Keith said he had room for a dog or two and Lana said she wouldn't mind living with me. I know it's nice and all but don't you guys have your own apartment building?" Scooby nodded and he said "Well there you go. So what were you and Shaggy talking about this morning?"

Scooby replied "Reams."

Scrappy said "Dreams? What kind of dreams?"

Scooby shrugged and said "Normal reams. Ronestlly I don't think rat Raggy pays much attention to his reams unless rey involve the unusual. At reast he didn't have a rightmare."

Scrappy nodded and said "Thank god for that. So, think Vincent Van Ghoul is going to have you guys looking for that stupid chest, or is Shaggy going to have to face Dracula again?"

Scooby shivered and said "Racula is going to be a roblem because re are roing to see his raughter. Rou remember Ribella?"

Scrappy blinked and said "Sibella? The vampire girl?" Scooby nodded and he said "Oh right Drac was her dad. I forgot all about that while we were in Transylvania when Shag was turned into a werewolf. I wonder why she didn't say hi?"

Scooby replied "Raybe she was rat school?"

Scrappy nodded and said "Seems right. If she was at school she probably knew nothing about the fact we were at her dad's place or that he turned Shaggy into a werewolf for his ridiculous races." Scooby nodded and they both chuckled at the memory of the disgusted look on Dracula's face when they beat him at his own game.

Shaggy walked into the kitchen a few minutes later nice and clean and said "Hey guys, how about we just stay in and relax today?" Everyone except Keith who had work was fine with that and promised to not make a mess Keith would have to clean when he got home.

They played a few games, watched some TV, listened to a Hex Girl's album, and talked. By the time Keith got home Scooby and Shaggy were finally ready to look for the ghoul school. They'd gotten their confidence up over the last few days and were ready for just about anything, as long as they had their Scooby Snacks that is.

That night Shaggy didn't dream of anything important just the usual dreams of a foodie who constantly had the munchies. The following morning Shaggy and Scooby hugged Scrappy, shook paws with Lana, shook hands with Keith and wished them a good life saying they probably wouldn't stop by on their way back to Coolsville. They set off into the bayou looking for Calloway Military School, which was across from Grimwood's finishing school for ghouls.

It took three days of searching but eventually they found the ghoul school. Shaggy stopped by the drawbridge and honked the horn then got out and called out "Like Hey Mrs. Grimwood, it's Shaggy Rodgers your old coach for one year. It's been a few years but I got the girls' letter about graduation, mind lowering the bridge?" The bridge slowly lowered and Shaggy said "Thanks," then drove into the courtyard.

Shaggy and Scooby got out of the van as an older woman who was about four and a half feet tall, had black hair with a gray stripe, a flattened nose, grey eyes, and was wearing a pink dress said "Ah Shaggy, Scooby it's good to see you." They responded in kind and she said "You know Graduation's not for another couple of days, right?" They nodded and she said "Well this gives you time to see how the girls have grown up. I should probably call them down, and maybe it's better you're here before their fathers since they probably would want to question why you're here." Shaggy nodded and Scooby hid in the back of the van. Matches, Mrs. Grimwood's pet dragon who was now the size of a horse trotted out looking for Scrappy.

Shaggy sighed and said "Sorry Matches, Scrappy stayed with his new family. He sent his best though." Matches nodded and let out a stream of smoke then trotted back inside. Suddenly a sound like a shriek came from upstairs and Shaggy asked "Who was that?"

Mrs. Grimwood smirked and said "Why Shaggy dear that was Phantasma. I think she'll be extremely happy to see you. How about I call the girls down." Shaggy nodded and Scooby agreed. As Mrs. Grimwood went inside Shaggy and Scooby knew this was just the start of their adventures and for some odd reason Shaggy thought about Dear again, whoever she was.