Day Two

B: How are you today? X

R: Good, how are you? X

B: Good, I miss you. X

R: I miss you too. X

B: Shall I pop by for lunch? X

R: Absolutely. X

Thirty minutes later Ben had Rey pinned against the wall in her apartment begging for mercy, her legs wrapped around his waist, both of them naked and panting hard.

'Ben.' She moaned as he tugged on her bottom lip. He held her easily and she found the feeling of being surrounded by him, both arousing and comforting. She clung to his broad shoulders as he thrust into her. She could feel her excitement start to build within her stomach, threatening to burst out at any moment.

'Oh God Ben, I'm nearly there…..' She whimpered, digging her nails into his skin.

He hissed in a sharp breath and devoured her with his lips once more.

Barely able to breath under his passionate attention, Rey came with a series of soft tremors that broke forth throughout her body and caused her to whisper gentle sighs against his mouth as he kissed her.

A few moments later Ben's muscles tensed, and his movements became more urgent as his own climax rocked his core and he spent himself within her, murmuring sweet sentiments in her ear as he did so.

They looked at each other for a moment and Rey felt her heart squeeze in her chest.

Uh oh. She thought to herself as Ben slowly lowered her to the ground and kissed her forehead gently.

Day Three

'Rey!' Rose put her hands on her hips as she banged on the door to the bar's storage cupboard. 'What are you doing in there? Get out here! I'm slammed!'

Suddenly the door swung open and Ben practically fell out of the door clearing his throat and adjusting his tie.

'Miss Tico.' He said bobbing his head by way of a greeting as he side-stepped her and made his way back to the bar.

Rose watched him go with my mouth gapping wide then turned back as Rey popped her head out of the cupboard, her lip caught guiltily between her teeth.

'Erm, any chance you would believe we were just talking?' She asked hopefully.

Rose's mouth twitched into a smile, 'Get out here and cover your tables, hussy.'

Rey laughed and returned to the main bar. She blew Ben a quick kiss as he left, trying to ignore the way her heart leapt as he gave her a wink in return.

To: Reybeam75

From: Jillybean65

Hi Rey,

I just finished going over your new chapter, oh my god girl! What happened? This chapter is excellent! I could feel every single caress as if it were happening to my own body! By the end I was panting so hard I had to call for my husband! Either you took my advice and you have got yourself a top of the range vibrator or you went out and found yourself one hell of a human equivalent! Whatever it is, keep it the fuck up! This story will win for sure. I'm already looking forward to your next chapter. Seriously I hope you are writing it right now….I need it!


PS: Cassian says thank you for the greatly appreciated impromptu afternoon sex.

Day Four

Rey lay awake next to Ben as he slept. She smiled at him and resisted the urge to reach out and stroke her finger down the ridge of his nose and over his full flushed lips. She sighed gently,

'Ben Solo, I am seriously into you.'

Ben surprised her by replying, 'That's good to hear, but why aren't you asleep? Are you really ready for round two already?' He said with his eyes still closed.

Rey giggled, 'A girl has got to make sure her research is… thorough.'

Rey yelped as Ben suddenly captured her around the waist and hauled her on top of him.

'Your dedication is admirable.' He said as he kissed her softly.

When he released her lips and her senses, Rey responded without thinking,

'I gotta make the most of you, I don't know how long I have you for.'

Stupid Rey, very stupid. She berated herself.

For a moment Ben looked at if he wanted to respond but instead he rolled them over so that he was on top of her, stroking a stray curl behind her ear and letting his fingers continue down her cheek.

'Well then, lets make sure we make the most of the time we have.' He said as he pressed his lips hard against hers. Rey felt a cold uneasy feeling in her chest at the thought of letting Ben go, but she pushed it away, not wanting to waste a second of the time they had left. She gave herself over to the feeling of his body against hers, and soon her anxious thoughts were concealed by her heady need for the idyllic pleasure only he could give her.

Day Five

Rey wiped the table tops in Maz's bar with a dreamy expression.

Rose smirked at her, 'I know who you're thinking about!' She said.

Rey blushed. It had been exactly five days since the first time she and Ben had had sex and now she was five times not a virgin. In fact, she had practically been living with Ben, just dropping home a few times to pick up some clothes.

She had almost finished writing her fic and Ben had even offered to proof read it for her before she sent it off for consideration.

Rey smiled and realised it wasn't just the sex that had her grinning from ear to ear, Ben cooked for her, from scratch, and he had already started recording her shows on his tivo, they did the crossword puzzle together, and….hang on….this wasn't just a casual fling, this had the makings of a real relationship didn't it?

Rey stopped what she was doing and considered the realisation. They spent all of their time together, they held hands in public, Ben had even briefly mentioned that they go away together. Yes. This was a relationship without the relationship label. Did she want to be in a relationship with Ben? She was delighted to find that the answer to that question was yes. Did he want to be with her? He had been sending her all the right signals. Maybe he was just waiting for her to make the move?

Suddenly she felt an overwhelming urge to see Ben, to tell him that she wanted to make the arrangement between them permanent, that she wanted to call him her boyfriend not her booty call, and maybe in the future call him something infinitely dearer. She had his work address so she hatched a plan to turn up and ask him to join her for lunch. He would surely be thrilled to see her. Wouldn't he? She shook her worries away and focused on her goal.

'Rose I have to go.' She announced.

Rose took one look at Rey's face and smiled a knowing smile, 'Go on. I'll cover for you.'

'You're the best!' Rey said as she skipped off to collect her coat and bag.

'I know.' Rose said with a sigh.

Rey grinned as the lift brought her to Ben's floor. She smiled down at the basket in her hand. She had had the brilliant idea to turn up with a picnic at the last moment, thinking it would help to show Ben how much she cared about him. A heartfelt personal touch. She wasn't much of a cook but anyone could put together a picnic, couldn't they? Anyway, she was sure Ben would appreciate the effort she had went to.

She located the office that the receptionist had told her belonged to Ben and stopped at the door when she heard two voices inside talking.

'This girl has to be something special thought, I've never seen you like this.' She heard a male voice say.

Rey smiled from ear to ear.

'Like what?' She heard Ben ask.

God, even just hearing his low, deep tone was enough to make her skin tingle.

'Like your thinking about marriage, babies and happy ever afters.' The voice replied.

Rey held her breath. Hope bloomed deep within her chest.

'Ha!' Ben scoffed, 'No, I'm not. She's just a distraction. She helps me relax.'

'Come off it.'

'I mean it, she's just temporary until I got bored. Then I'll kick her to the curb like all the rest.'

Rey's stomach turned and she pulled in a jagged breath. She walked away without knocking feeling an uncomfortable numbness spreading out throughout her body. She was hurt badly by his words, but did she had a right to feel hurt? Wasn't it her who had said that she wouldn't fall in love with him? Was that what this feeling was? love? Yes, it was love, least for her. Not for him though, and that knowledge wounded her like a knife to the heart.

Tears dropped down her cheeks but by the time the lift brought her back to the ground floor her heart had hardened and she was left with nothing but rage. Angrier than she had ever been in her life, she stomped across the hard-tiled floor in the lobby.

'You think I'm just a distraction, do you? Well don't worry, I won't be taking up anymore of your precious time Ben bloody Solo.' She said out loud as she stomped, causing the receptionist to give her an odd look as she passed.

Ben ran a hand through his hair, it was difficult to lie to Poe about Rey when every part of him rejoiced at the sound of her very name, but he didn't want the biggest gossip in the office to sully what they had. Sure their start hadn't been the most romantic story ever written, but now it was more than that. Rey was his forever and he wanted her to be the first one to know that.

Suddenly desiring to hear from her, he took out his phone and fired off a text.

B: Hey you, what you doing? xx

A reply came through right away.

R: Just getting ready for my date. xx

Wait...what? Were they going out that night?

B: Did we have plans to go out tonight? xx

R: No we don't have plans. I have plans, with someone else. xx

Ben took a deep breath, anger swirled inside him like a tornado.

B: What are you talking about?

R: Well you didn't think we were going to go on like this forever did you? I think I have what I need now anyway.

B: What?

R: I have what I need from you, so I'm letting you go.

'Ben?' Poe's voice sounded distant, 'Ben?'

Ben looked up at Poe's concerned expression.

'Are you okay? You look paler than usual.'

'I….' Ben didn't know what to say. For the first time in his life, he was lost for words. He returned to his phone.

B: Rey lets talk about this, let me come over.

R: There's nothing to talk about, its over. Thank you for everything, it was fun… I really should finish getting ready now.

B: Rey?

The last text showed as undelivered and a cold feeling travelled down Ben's spine. The thought of Rey with another man made him feel….. murderous.


'Just go man.' Poe said.

Ben nodded as got up to leave. He had to talk to Rey immediately and straighten out whatever this misunderstanding was. He hurried out of the building, hailing a cab and giving her address to the driver.

Once the car was in motion he relaxed somewhat. They just needed to see each other, then everything would be okay. He tapped his fingers nervously on the seat next to him and willed the car to go faster.

Ben knocked on Rey's door,

'Rey? Its Ben. Let me in.'

'No! Go away!' She shouted back.

Ben huffed out a breath,

'This is ridiculous! Let me in! We need to talk about this!

'No!' She shouted back petulantly.

Ben fished through his pockets for the key Rey had provided his with and unlocked the door, stepped swiftly into the small apartment causing her to jump.

'You have no right coming in here!' She shouted, 'Leave!'

'Not until you hear my out!'

'I don't want to hear anything from you ever again! This whole idea was idiotic from the start!'

'I agree, your premise was crazy but don't you think that….'

'I think that I needed a guinea pig and I think you fulfilled your role admirably, but now its over and I'm ready to move on, so if you don't mind….' Rey gestured towards the door.

Ben felt his anger start to rise, 'So what? You think you can just call me up whenever you want to do some 'research' and then throw me out when you're done with me? Is that all I am to you? Just a piece of meat?' He shouted.

She came towards him poking a finger into his chest, 'And what am I to you? A fuck buddy? A time filler? A fucking hobby?! I heard you describe me as such! So tell me Ben? Aren't we both just using each other?'

She must have heard him, he realised, she must have heard him in the office talking with Poe. She must have come to surprise him and instead she heard those horrible things he had said about her, and almost instantly the anger he had felt seeped away. Everything she was saying, was because of his actions. She was hurt because she cared about him and now she was under the impression that he didn't care for her. This was all his fault.

They stared at each other for a moment. The air heavy around them.

Ben ran a hand through his hair and tried to find the right words to say,

'Rey I…..'

Rey's eyes softened and she took a step towards him.

'Tell me Ben.' She said gently. 'Tell me what I mean to you, Please.'

That was his opening, she was giving him a chance, a chance he didn't deserve, and the words were on the tip of his tongue, all he had to do was tell her, tell her how much he loved her, but then Ben thought about his parents, and about their train wreck of a marriage, he thought about his past, about all the mistakes he had made growing up as a troubled teen, and he reasoned with himself that Rey could do better, that it was better this way. Better to let her go.

'Nothing. You're nothing to me.' He said and he turned around and left, placing her door key on her desk as he did so.

One month later….

Rey stopped typing and stretched her arms over her head as she yawned. Her fan fiction piece had not won the contest but it had been giving an honourable mention and after that she had been inundated with requests for bespoke pieces. Rey had been glad of the distraction, mending a broken heart took a lot of time and writing was proving to be a soothing activity.

Every time her thoughts wandered back to Ben, she just picked up her laptop and started typing. She had to get over him. Those things he had said about her…. They still hurt like fresh wounds, but what was worse was that part of her still hoped he would come back, tell her it was all a big mistake and sweep her off her feet. She wondered if a part of her would always be waiting for him.

'Ha!' She said out loud, 'You've been writing too many fan fictions stories, Rey. Get real.'

She returned to her laptop, closing down her most recent story and moving to her account on . She checked her most recent comments and likes, laughing at some of them and feeling the warmth that always flooded into her heart when her readers showed how much they appreciated her work. Then a message from Jyn popped up and she clicked into it:


Have you seen this new story that's been posted? The discord is blowing up about it! Seems like one of our writers has a secret admirer! He's written a letter for her and posted it to the site! It's….well it's beautiful…You have to help me figure out who it is! Maybe its Jaina? She is so mysterious….or Qi'ra? She has mentioned 'the one who got away' once or twice…. Anyway, go and check it out, he writes under: OneSoloHeart.

Jyn xx

Rey's heart jumped in her chest as she read the last words. It couldn't be…..could it?

She returned to the site and typed in the username. The profile came up and there was one piece of work attributed to the writer. Rey took a deep breath as she clicked on the link. The piece was entitled: 'My one and only.'

I'm not much of a writer, but there is a girl who has cut me out of my life, and rightly so, but I've found selfishly, that I can't live without her, so if she happens to see this message then maybe she will give me one last chance even though I don't deserve it.

Once upon a time there was a foolish man. This man thought that money mattered and the past would always repeat itself. This man walked through a world of stoic grey, until he met a girl who brought sunshine into his life.

Even from the first day they met, he knew he was in love with her, but he didn't know what he had to offer this goddess who had suddenly consumed his every thought. Then she threw him a lifeline, there was something he could offer her, something she needed from him, and he jumped at the chance to be a part of her world, even if it was only for a short time and for a while, things were perfect and he came to wonder how he had ever existed without her.

But the man made a grave mistake. He hurt his angel. He told a lie to protect his private life but it inadvertently broke his darling girl's heart. The man was distraught and ran to beg for her forgiveness, but instead ended up giving in to his own pathetic fears of inadequacy and pushed her away forever.

Everyday since then the man had wanted to take back those words. Wanted to take her in his arms and tell her how much she means to him, how she brightens up his world, how her smile can change his mood in an instant, to tell her how wrong his words had been…. For you are not nothing to me, Rey. You are everything. You are my whole world and then some, and I love you with my whole heart.

Can you forgive me…..please?

Rey pulled in a shaky breath and put a hand over her heart as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Another message popped up from Jyn:

Did you read it yet? I'm sorry for lying to you Rey but I'm a sucker for a romantic tale. He tracked me down and asked me to help. I hope you aren't too mad at me?

Rey laughed through her tears at the little sad face at the end of Jyn's message. She typed a reply:

I'm not mad. Thank You.

Jyn replied instantly:

Go get him sweetie. Xxx

Rey laughed again as she stood up and grabbed her jacket and her keys. She made for the door and as she opened it she pulled in a sharp breath at the sight of Ben standing in her doorway with his hand poised in the air, ready to knock. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a mess of slick curls.

'Rey….' He said, his words pleading.

Rey smiled and took his hands in hers gently guiding him into the apartment and closing the door behind them. Once they were inside she opened her arms and Ben came towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

'You saw my letter.' He said, 'I was sceptical, but Jyn told me it was a good idea.'

'She's a smart girl.' Rey said as she snuggled her head into Ben's warm chest.

'Rey, I've held you in my arms so many times, and I want to hold you for a thousand more because I love you, I love you more than anything. You are my everything Rey.'

Rey sobbed, 'Do you mean that?'

'I do. I was stupid and foolish. I thought you were better off without me and that might still be true, but I've found that I can't live without you, so I want to try. I want to try to make you happy. If you will let me. Please.'

'How do I know you mean that? How can I trust you now?'

Ben's eyes shone, 'Because I'm not asking you to sleep with me Rey, I'm not asking you to go out with me, be my girlfriend, or even move in with me. I'm asking you to marry me. I'm asking you to be my wife. Can you trust that?' It's taken me a long time to realise that I'm not destined to repeat the same mistakes my parents made, that I am not the destructive little boy I once was, I know that because I know with you, I will be a better man. I know you won't accept anything less.'

'What if….'

'There are a thousand 'what if's' Rey, can I promise you a happy ending? No, no-one can make that promise. But what I can offer you is my love and there is only one question I want you to consider right now.' He took her hand.

Rey looked down at his thumb running back and forth over the back of her hand as she spoke,

'This all started because I had a crazy idea to improve my writing, that was all I wanted. I never expected all this. I never expected you.' She said looking up into his eyes.

Deflated, Ben let go of her hand and looked at the ground, Rey reached for his hand again and his eyes met hers once more.

'I embarked on this journey to learn about sex but you taught me so much more. You taught me that sex can be mind-blowing, but sex with the person you love? Can make you feel like you can touch the stars.'

Ben's eyes lit up, 'Does this mean?'

'This means that even though you're an idiot Ben Solo, I love you. So, my answer is yes. I will marry you. Heaven help me.'

Ben grinned and scooped her up in his arms, twirling her around until she squealed to be released. He did so, letting her slide slowly down his body until her feet touched the ground. He wrapped his hands around her waist and put his forehead against hers.

'Thank you.' He said, his voice barely a whisper.

Rey pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

'Just don't fuck this up again.'

'I won't.' He said pulling her in for another kiss, 'You know, there's another lesson I can teach you now.' He murmured against her lips.

'Oh yes?' She said.

'That make up sex is fucking awesome.'

Rey laughed as Ben swept her off her feet and carried her towards the bed.

One years later…..

'More.' Rey breathed as she arched off the bed, her eyes fluttering closed as she licked her lips, gripping her fingers tightly in her husband's hair as his tongue moved between her thighs pushing her closer to what she suspected would be a blissful climax.

'Insatiable, aren't you?' He said looking up at her.

'Only when it comes to you.' She replied breathlessly.

Ben ducked down once more and Rey called out as she came, her body jolting as waves of pleasure flowed throughout her.

Ben moved up the bed to lie beside her, kissing her nose and looking down at her with an expression of pride and lust.

'That was amazing, as always.' Rey said.

Ben looked smug, 'I aim to please.' Then he narrowed his eyes, 'How much of this is going in your new story?'

'I haven't decided yet….I'll let you read it first!' She added quickly as she saw his face turn dark, 'Honestly you're such a prude sometimes considering you jumped at the chance to bed me for this very reason!'

Ben snorted, 'Bed you? The middle ages called, they want their lingo back.'

'Funny.' Rey replied, 'but they definitely didn't have phones in the middle ages so your quip is factually incorrect.'

'Remind me why I married you again?'

'Because I'm your everything, darling.' Rey replied smiling sweetly and batting her eyelashes.

'Oh yes, I remember now.' He said looking down at her with warm, open eyes before kissing her lightly.

'Can I put that middle ages joke in my next chapter?' Rey asked.

Ben groaned and tickled her until she cried with laughter.


Five Years later…..

Ben and Rey lay tangled together in bed.

'Are you sure we are ready for baby number three?' Ben asked.

'Of course, we can handle anything. Do you remember that first night we were together?' Rey asked.

'As if I could ever forget.'

'You thought you were so smooth!' Rey said with a smirk.

'I was smooth!' Ben said indignantly.

'Whatever you say darling.' Rey said.

'Well you must have seen something you liked, wife.' He retorted, lifting his eyebrow at her.

'I liked everything I saw, husband.' She replied.

Rey looked at Ben, he leaned in to kiss her but just before their lips touched, two small invaders ran into the room and launched themselves onto the bed.

'Mommy! Daddy!' They shouted in unison.

'Oof!' Ben called out as one of the tiny terrorists connected with his ribs.

Rey laughed as she pulled her little girl into her arms and kissed her forehead.

'Did you have sweet dreams Rosie?' She asked.

'I dreamt that Santa was my best friend but he wouldn't give me any presents so I made him live in a cupboard.' The little girl replied with a frown.

'Okay…..' The mind of a four-year-old was a very dangerous place….

'What about you PJ?' Ben asked his son.

'I dreamt that you and mommy let me eat ice cream for breakfast!' He said with a hopeful smile.

Ben laughed, 'Nice try son.' He said tousling the little boy's black hair. PJ scrunched up his face and tried to flatten his hair back into place.

'Come on, let's get you two fed.' He said as PJ scrambled up onto his dads back and starting making horse noises.

Rosie climbed down off the bed and dusted off her nightgown. Her little brown curls bobbed as she ran to take her father's hand.

'I'll be down in a minute.' Rey called as she watched them leave the room.

She picked up her phone and checked her Emails.

She had a message from her publisher:


I love the new outline! Finding a man to have sex with to help her write her smutty fanfiction? It's hilarious! And the way you write it…. I swear it's almost as if you went through this yourself, it's so believable! I don't know where you get your ideas from! I'm looking forward to more!

Kind Regards,

Amilyn Holdo

Holdo Publishing Inc.

Rey smiled.

'If only you knew.' She said out loud as she put on her dressing gown and followed the sound of her children's giggles and the mouth-watering smell of sizzling bacon to the kitchen.

'If only you knew.'

And they lived happily ever after, because this is my fan fiction and I wouldn't accept anything less. 😊