A/N: So this is it. We have finally reached the end, and like many of you I am a little sad. For a project that started as a request, this has turned into something (I think) that was pretty epic. Thank you to all my readers and especially my reviewers. To my guest reviewer that I couldn't respond to directly, I hope this is the fluff you were looking for. I am grateful for everyone's support. Now, go enjoy this last little bit of fluff and I hope the story of Eve and Sephiroth is one you will remember fondly.
Sephiroth was on his way to his wife's office. He wore a slight frown as his thoughts were consumed with the security nightmare they were about to get into. It was the first annual Environmental Summit, and of course, Midgar had to host it. It wasn't that any of the visiting dignitaries hadn't been there before, but not all at the same time. As head of the security forces inside and outside the city, he had been having problems for weeks.
Those problems were not why he was frowning, though. As one of the few known Cetra left alive, Eve was expected to attend. Aerith was as well, but the younger woman wasn't in quite the same position.
He only paused for a moment outside her office door to make sure he didn't hear any other voices. She had cut her hours, but she still saw patients occasionally. That took up the bulk of her work these days. Aerith was the one in the field.
Once he was sure no one else was in the room with her, he opened the door and almost called out, but stopped himself at what he found. He slipped into the room silently and stood there for a moment smiling at the sight of his wife asleep on the couch in her office. She had been getting tired in the afternoons often enough, but he doubted this was a luxury she allowed herself often. Which made it all the sweeter that he had been able to see it. He still felt a rush of caring during moments like this. Life was not perfect, and he doubted it ever would be, but he had learned to find joy in the everyday imperfections.
A bolt of inspiration hit him, and he quietly rummaged around on her desk until he found one of the notepads she always had on hand. He flipped to a blank page and pulled a chair a little closer to her before the pencil in his hand started flying over the paper. Every detail was captured in stunning clarity, from the way her hair tumbled where she had taken it from her clip, and one strand fell in her face, to the way she had positioned the pillows around her. One was between her knees, one under her arm, and the smallest helped to prop up her extended stomach to help alleviate the back pain she sometimes had to deal with.
Sephiroth's breath caught as she stirred, and the light hit her burnished strands as she turned over. She was even more lovely now than she had been on the day they married.
He grinned at her when she peeked an eye open in his direction and frowned. "What are you doing?"
He raised a brow and smirked. "Like any good General, I am taking tactical advantage of an opportunity to discover and annotate new territory."
She frowned, but it didn't last long before she laughed. Her laughter died to breathy chuckles as she pushed herself up with some effort. Once she was seated, she shook her head with a grin. "It's not as though you haven't seen me sleeping before."
He moved to sit beside her and kissed her forehead. "It's not the same. No two times ever are."
Had he not already seen it at least once a day for the last several months, he might have been worried by her tears. But he had been assured by many people that pregnant women cried often, and it didn't mean anything was wrong. Still, he had a handkerchief on hand so she could blot her eyes.
She shook her head at her own wayward emotions before she caught sight of the drawing in his hand. She didn't ask before she reached out for it. She gasped at the lifelike picture and looked at him with tears in her eyes again. "Is this how you see me?"
His eyes softened, and he brushed that one wayward strand off her face. "That is how you look. You are beautiful."
She frowned slightly, and he grasped her chin so she wouldn't look away. He grinned as he put a hand on her belly. "More so now than ever before."
It looked like she wanted to frown at him, but it got lost in a silly smile. She could see the truth in his eyes, and it made her feel gooey inside. He could have that effect on her any time he wanted to. Now was not the time for those thoughts, though, so she changed the subject. "I doubt you came here just to try and catch me napping."
His face sobered a little, and he leaned back with a sigh before he pulled her back to nestle under his arm. "No. The dignitaries are supposed to be here soon, and Rufus plans to hold a state dinner tonight. You and I are expected to attend, and I wanted to see if you were going to be up to it."
Eve actually smiled. She called most of those people friends and had not been able to see any of them since her pregnancy had progressed into the last trimester. Most had been longer than that as Sephiroth was antsy about her traveling far 'in her condition.'
"I suppose it's a good thing I took a nap then, huh?"
He smiled softly at her renewed energy. Instead of answering directly, he turned so he could place a hand back on her stomach. "And what about our daughter?"
Eve snorted. "For starters, we have no way of knowing the sex of this baby. It could very well be a boy. Secondly, if I'm fine, then so is baby."
He raised a finely arched brow and sat forward with a smile. "It is a girl, and I hope she turns out like her mother. Full of fire and with stunning eyes."
Eve shook her head, but her heart was full to bursting. "You mean weird eyes. I don't think I've met another person on Gaia with heterochromia."
Sephiroth shook his head with a smile before he moved to kneel in front of her. He placed one ear on her belly before he spoke. "No. Stunning." He paused and looked up to her. "They took my breath away the very first time I saw them."
Eve's eyes widened before she closed them to hold back another bout of silly tears. "You are going to have to quit that if I'm going to be expected to look presentable tonight."
He laughed and stood to whisper in her ear. "You could wear nothing and look gorgeous. Although, if that were the case, I would have to keep you to myself." Eve grinned as he helped her to her feet. Despite the fact that she felt as though she had swallowed several balloons, he still managed to make her feel wanted.
She had barely made it to her feet when a knock sounded. It was quickly followed by a young man in a dark suit that had spikey yellow hair. He stopped at the sight of Sephiroth and nodded before he looked back to Eve. "Dr. Marx, I was sent to tell you everyone is here. The President has received everyone, but the meet and greet before dinner starts in an hour."
She smiled at him. "Thanks, Cloud. I was just on my way to freshen up. I'll be down shortly."
He nodded and held the door open for her before he fell into step beside them. "I managed to confirm the new efforts in Sector five have taken off. They will be trying to replicate the results in Sector seven soon. For now, Sector six is still proving to be problematic."
Eve grimaced but nodded. "That's not shocking. Will we have reports to share tomorrow?'
"Of course."
Their conversation was interrupted by a drawling voice. "Reports, shmeports. Who cares about paperwork."
Eve turned to Reno with rolling eyes. She didn't get to reprimand him before he grinned at her and continued. "What I wanna know is how is the waddle. Ya know, ya look like one of-"
Eve cut him off with a glare. "Gingersnap, if I hear you compare me to a rage bomber one more time, I swear to god I will take that electromag and shove it so that you'll waddle too."
Reno cackled and threw an arm around her shoulder to give her a quick squeeze. "And how do ya plan to catch me?"
He flashed her a grin, but it faded somewhat as she returned it with a slightly manic one of her own. "I'm positive Sephiroth would be willing to hold you down for that."
Reno backed off a little when Sephiroth gave him a look nearly identical to his wife's. "Don't you think that would be a great story to share with your goddaughter when she gets older?"
Reno suddenly grabbed Cloud. "Uh, me 'n Chocobo Boy here need to make sure the other Firsts all know to be there too." He looked over at a frowning Cloud. "You know were Fair is, right?"
Cloud sighed and nodded. The younger Turk looked back to the couple. "Don't worry, Dr. Marx. I'll have everything you need before the first meeting tomorrow."
She smiled and nodded before Sephiroth led her back to their apartment. She hoped that Cloud would be able to bring Tifa for the ball that was planned at the end of this fiasco. She hadn't seen the girl in months.
Once the couple was gone far enough that Reno was sure the General couldn't overhear, he turned to Cloud with a grin. "Those two get scarier every year they're together. Thanks for not throwin' me the wolves back there, yo."
Cloud was still frowning as he straightened his uniform. "I don't understand why they made you one of the Godfathers. You provoke them every time I see you together."
Reno waggled his eyebrows and grinned. "See, ya gotta keep 'em on their toes."
Cloud was trying to maintain his frown, but a smile peeked through. "I don't think it's them that stays on their toes. I mean, it isn't just anybody that has the reflexes of a spider-monkey."
Reno laughed again and clapped Cloud on the back. "Let's go. Gotta make sure Fair doesn't forget, and Commander Cranky isn't throwin' a hissy fit."
Despite her nap that afternoon, Eve was already tired again, and her back was hurting more than usual. She kept it to herself as she and Sephiroth wandered through the ballroom and greeted the people they knew and were introduced to the people they didn't.
She was glad when they ran into Aerith. The younger woman gave her a hug and cooed over how adorable she was. Eve tried not to sound too disgusted as she disagreed. There was nothing like being at the end of your third trimester to make a woman feel fat and awkward.
Instead of lamenting about it, Eve changed the subject. She looked around and gave Aerith a curious look. "Where is Tseng. I thought he would be with you, given you are one of the guests of honor."
Aerith smiled and shook her head. "He's here, but the President asked him to be near him for the night."
Eve grimaced. Rufus should have had more sense. Of course, it would have been nice for Aerith to have her fiancé next to her during such an important event. Still, the girl didn't seem bothered by it.
Eve also noticed that there were two others she expected to be with Aerith that were not. "What about Bugenhagen and Nanaki?"
Aerith did look a little frustrated at that question, but it was not because she didn't understand. "I believe they are both in Sector five overseeing the transfer of the healthiest plants to Sector seven. They both said they would feel uncomfortable in a setting like this, but they'll be there tomorrow."
Eve understood why they felt that way. Nanaki still got odd looks occasionally. She didn't get to ask anything else as Emperor Godo approached them with a pouting Yuffie in tow. He gave them each a small bow that they both at least tried to return. Godo didn't mention how awkward it seemed for Eve and instead greeted them with a smile. "It has been far too long since you have come to Wutai."
Eve chuckled and looked to Sephiroth. "Not that I wouldn't love to visit, but I haven't exactly been able to travel far for a while."
Godo gave Sephiroth a satisfied nod before he answered. "Not that I blame the General for thinking of your safety first."
Eve didn't really hold it against her husband either, so she smiled and agreed. She had also noticed the Princess had been looking at her out of the corner of her eye since they arrived. Eve nodded to her. "Princess Yuffie, it is good to see you here. You look like you are growing into a beautiful young woman."
Yuffie sniffed at her assessment. "I may be beautiful, but my appeal comes from the fact that I am the best ninja in Wutai."
Eve wanted desperately to laugh. No matter how much was different, it seemed some things never changed. She managed to keep it to a big smile, at least. "Well, that is a wonderful skill, as well." She paused as she noticed the girl was looking not just at her, but at her stomach specifically. She gave her a soft smile and gestured toward her belly. "Would you like to feel her move?"
Yuffie's eyes widened, and Eve almost missed her response as Sephiroth whispered in her ear. "Her?"
Eve shot a quick glare at him that he only grinned in response too. She ignored it as Yuffie approached slowly. When the girl was right in front of her, Eve took her hand and gently placed it on the right side where her child seemed to be currently dancing the samba.
Yuffie's eyes widened further, and she jerked her hand back, but not for long. She almost instantly placed it in the same spot and looked up at Eve. "That is sooo weird!"
Eve laughed. "I can see that. It's pretty amazing to feel her move as her mother, though."
Yuffie didn't seem to hear her as she was still fascinated with the movement under her hand. When it seemed as though the princess had no plans to stop, Godo grabbed her and gave their farewells. Eve chuckled under her breath as she heard the girl still complaining from halfway across the room.
After that, the couple started wandering again. They saw Zack across the room. It looked like he had convinced Cissnei to come with him, and she was even wearing a dress. He waved when he saw them, but before he could reach them, Eve nearly doubled over as pain ripped through her abdomen. She managed to not cry out, but Sephiroth hadn't missed her sudden movement. Several of the people around them noticed it too.
Eve tried to straighten up and catch her breath, but before she was fully recovered, another wave of pain hit her. She looked up at Sephiroth with widened eyes. "I think we need to leave."
Panic flew through his eyes, but he didn't hesitate to lift her and immediately head to the exit. His voice was low as he kept looking down at her. "It's too early!"
Eve had to breathe through another pain, but when she could speak, she tried to reassure him. "It's only a couple of weeks. It'll be fine."
He did not look convinced, and his pace quickened as another pain spasmed through her. He didn't stop for any of the concerned people they passed. At least not until the President called to him. Eve could tell he wanted nothing more than to push past the man and get her upstairs, but he politely waited.
"Is everything alright?"
Eve nearly growled at his stupid question and was a little mollified at Sephiroth's answer. "Does she look alright? I believe she has gone into labor. I need to get her upstairs immediately."
Rufus was smart enough to step back. The last thing Eve saw as Sephiroth swept out of the room was a worried looking Reno with a few of the other Turks nearby. Despite the pain, she smiled at the fact that they didn't really care what her uniform looked like on the outside, because on the inside, she was still one of them.
Eve spent the next nineteen hours alternating between begging for Sephiroth to hold her hand and cursing the day they met. The poor man had no idea how to handle it, but every time he felt like he was about to lose his mind, he reminded himself that he was a General for crying out loud. He had never once lost his head in battle. There was no reason why he should now because his wife threatened to castrate him.
They had several visitors during that time that came to see how things were going. None of them were allowed back to see Eve except for Sephiroth, Lucrecia, and Aerith. That didn't mean several of the men didn't try to stay with the General for support. When he was kicked out of the delivery room at one point, Angeal and Genesis were both waiting. Vincent had already come in at some point as well, though he looked like he was uncomfortably out of place in the corner of the room.
Genesis looked appalled at the screams coming from the other room, but Angeal took it in stride. He patted Sephiroth's arm when they heard a particularly foul curse following some of the screams and tried to reassure his friend. "I don't think she really means that. I'm sure once this is all over, it'll be fine."
Reno had come in right before that, as well. His take was entirely different. He smirked at Sephiroth. "I don't know. She sounds pretty pissed right now. If she does decide to have at ya, I'll be there to help." His grin widened. "Her that is."
Sephiroth scowled at the Turk, but they were all interrupted when Lucrecia came out and smiled at her son. "Oh, you should see her! She's beautiful!"
Sephiroth froze. His daughter was born. He had been so distracted with the other men that he hadn't realized the screaming had stopped, and a thin wailing had started. He broke from his shock when Aerith called from the other room. "Well, are you going to come meet her or not!"
He barely even noticed his feet moving as he walked into the other room. He blanched at the amount of blood he saw on the sheets, but Eve was smiling, and none of the others looked worried.
His eyes lifted and met his wife's and the rest of the world disappeared. She was holding a tiny bundle wrapped in a pink blanket and was already trying to feed her. Sephiroth was struck completely dumb. He could not find the words to express how incredibly full he felt at that moment.
Eve didn't seem upset at his silence. She reached out a hand to take one of his and gave him a tired smile. "I guess you were right. And she's beautiful."
He nodded and nearly panicked when she shifted so she could hold the bundle up to him. He froze, and Eve frowned slightly. "You'll have to get used to holding your daughter at some point. You may as well start now."
He heard his mother laugh from beside him. "It'll be alright. Just make sure you support her head."
He swallowed and nodded as he reached out to take her. As soon as he had her in his hands, she opened her eyes and blinked up at him with a yawn. He smiled when he saw one blue eye and one green, and for the second time in his life, he fell absolutely head over heels in love. He looked down at his wife in awe and spoke for the first time since he entered the room. "She has your eyes."
Eve chuckled tiredly and nodded. "Yes, and it looks like she's going to have your hair."
He hadn't noticed the tiny wisps of white that were barely peeking out from under the little cap she wore. When he did, he couldn't stop smiling. His mother finally leaned toward him and whispered. "You know, it'll be alright for you to sit on the bed. I'm sure it would do you all some good to use this time for bonding."
He looked up to see a slightly haunted look in her eyes and realized she was correct. There was no time like the present to start ensuring that his daughter never felt alone or unloved by either of her parents. He settled next to Eve and handed her the bundle back.
He watched them both as they drifted into a small catnap. Despite the fact that he had been awake for more than twenty-four hours as well, there was no way he could sleep. He was content to watch the two of them.
It was sometime later that the doctors came and took the baby for weighing and measuring. They didn't go far, but when they asked for her name, Sephiroth suddenly realized they had never decided on one. They had discussed several options, but as he watched his wife sleeping peacefully, he turned to them with a smile. "Her name is Alina."
He had only recently found out Eve's father's name. Richard Allen Marx. Even though they had considered several options, Sephiroth thought it would be fitting for their daughter to bear the name of the one caring parent that couldn't be there.
As the doctors took Alina to the other side of the room for her first examination, Sephiroth smoothed his wife's hair back and kissed her forehead. "Thank you. For finding me, for saving me, for loving me. I will spend the rest of our lives, making sure you never feel alone again." She didn't wake, but a gentle smile graced her lips as she slept on; knowing she was safe.