"Tobio this is beautiful!" I exclaimed as we looked out over the ocean. We are on our honeymoon. Kageyama refused to tell me where our honeymoon was taking place. I didn't mind since he seems to like looking up new places for us to travel. We are in the Virgin Islands and I know he spent a lot of money on this. Our room is on the first floor on the beach. The room has a kitchen and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom along with a standalone shower. The bedroom is separate from the living room and kitchen with a small dining area. This hotel room looks more like a furnished apartment. The colors are gorgeous with dark color furniture with white comforters but the sofa is a cream color. This certainly not a hotel to go to if you have kids. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

"I'm glad you like it," he says softly. I can hear the smile in his voice. "So how does it feel to be a Kageyama?" I laugh because I can't help it. I turn to look at him.

"I'm thrilled to be a Kageyama," I tell as he leans down his forehead to meet mine. "Tanaka thinks it's weird to call me Kageyama." Kageyama chuckles.

"They have known you long enough to call you Shoyo," he says. He leans in kissing me softly. I kiss him back but stop because I know where this is headed.

"Hey, we are suppose to be going to dinner shortly," I tell him. "Don't start anything you can't finish."

"Come on…." begged Kageyama. "We're newlyweds, it's to be expected."

"After dinner," I replied walking out of his arms into the room. I sit down on the bed removing my socks as Kageyama walks over to the suitcase and begins to unpack. We have been living together for a year before we got married, July 7th is our wedding anniversary date. We actually flew out right after the ceremony so I'm pretty tired. I know some people are like why so long before we moved in together. We went through so much I just wanted to make sure we were ready for that step before I moved into the house he bought for us.

"Don't you go to sleep," warned Kageyama. He probably could see that I'm exhausted. "You know I planned a nice dinner."

"Uggghhhh…..thanks," I whine as I lay back on the bed pulling out my phone. I see I have a few text messages. I open Sugawara's first.

Sugawara: How is everything going? I'm sure you guys are super busy ;-)

Noya: Enjoyed the wedding. Thanks for having an open bar!

I chuckle, he would say that. I get to a message I didn't expect to see.

Iwaizumi: Sorry I could not attend, Tsukishima said everything was beautiful. Enjoy your new life together.

"Who was that?" asked Kageyama.

"Huh?" I questioned. Kageyama walks over taking my phone out of my hand. He rolls his eyes before laying on top of me with my phone still in his hand.

"You know I love you right," he says looking at me intensely.

"I love you too," I replied grabbing the side of his face with one hand. "That's why we got married." Kageyama kisses the inside of my palm.

"I always know when you hear from him," he says. "It's very strange, even now I'm still afraid you will leave me for him."

"I would never do that," I sigh. Iwaizumi and I have a past. We were having sex but not dating when Kageyama and I broke up. Kageyama kind of never liked us together but Iwaizumi and I stayed friends. He doesn't talk to me as much as he uses to since him and Miko has a 3-year-old daughter. I pull Kageyama in for a kiss to convey my feelings. I feel him squeeze my waist before sliding his hand under my shirt. "Hah…haaaa…." he knows how I feel about this. I love feeling his skin on mine period.

"Sure you don't want a quickie…" he whispers in my ear.

"No…" I whine. "I want to be able to fully enjoy it."

"I can achieve that in 10 minutes," he smirks. I slap his arm sitting up forcing him off of me. I grab the TV remote so we can relax until dinner time. It comes rather quickly and I'm super glad. On top of being tired it was getting harder and harder to fight Kageyama off of me. I slide on some flip flops not wanting to bother with shoelaces at the moment. We head to the hotel restaurant where Kageyama made reservations.

The restaurant is so nice and looks so fancy, I almost regret wearing flip-flops. They lead us to a table that is actually outside. I notice a bucket with our wedding wine chilled already. My goodness, Kageyama has gone all out for this. He looks at me smiling.

"You look impressed," he states pulling out my chair.

"I am," I admit. It's so weird I have known Kageyama for most of my adult life and he can still surprise me. I have a surprise for him as well, part of the reason I told him to wait until after dinner for us to complete our marriage. Kageyama opens the bottle pouring me a glass as I look over the menu. "Babe, the prices….."

"This is our honeymoon," he replied. "Don't worry about finances, we're here to enjoy ourselves." I'm mostly worried because we're on the list to adopt a child. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do. Your finances have to be on point, you must have a stable job, and good background. I went the extra step to put us down to take a foster kid if need be. Having a foster kid is almost like them testing you. Our rep said it doesn't happen often so we're currently playing the waiting game on the list we are currently on. I decide to go with lemon pepper crusted chicken and veggies. Kageyama looks like he is trying hard to decide what he wants. "So much to choose from,"

"That is a good thing," I replied. "What do you have a taste for?"

"You," he replied licking his lips. I drop my head blushing.

"Focus Tobio," I say with a slight chuckle looking back at him. "Why don't you go with the beef stir-fry?" Kageyama looks at it.

"Not in a mood for stir-fry," he says causing me to sigh. "I will have however go with this beef, onions, in some sort of secret sauce it says. The fact that the beef is marinated is enough to win me over."

"Sounds like something Yamaguchi would make," I stated smiling. Yamaguchi business is booming. After he did Iwaizumi's wedding Ushijima had him do a catering for the Olympic volleyball team. Since then he has mostly A-list clients. He still has his catering business but he had to expand to hire and train chefs how to cook his way so he would have help. Tsukishima is glad because now he is a manager and doesn't have to face customers that often.

"It sure is," said Kageyama. "Think he inspired their menu."

"Possibly," I reply. "Yamaguchi does have a great buzz." I sip some of our wine and every time I do I remember our ceremony. Considering how our relationship started I honestly never thought we would get to this point. I can feel my husband staring at me, I chuckle causing my husband to chuckle as well. Damn, that sounds good. "You okay?"

"You're so beautiful," he says. I grab his hand from across the table. We end talking about some of the things we're going to do when we get back home. We're off for another week once we return. Kageyama wants to clean the house from top to bottom and I want to do nothing but relax before I have to see my students again. I can tell towards the end of dinner Kageyama is more than excited to get back to the room. We at least got to watch the sunset from our table in the restaurant. I can't wait to walk the beach at night with the person I love the most.

No sooner than we get in the room Kageyama is trying to rip my clothes off.

"Honey, wait….." I whine as he presses his lips against my neck arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "This is so suppose to be special and exciting." He pulls back looking at me.

"You have something planned?" he asked.

"Of course I do," I smiled. It was hard keeping this a secret. Noya was the one who actually gave me the idea. He promised to keep it a secret and he did. If there was anyone I could ask, he was the best choice. "I have to go get ready." I look down seeing Kageyama getting hard and I haven't even done anything yet. I chuckle as I walk and grab the small bag I carried onto the plane with us. I knew Kageyama was going to put up our carry on belongings so I had to take this with me to keep it hidden. I watch as Kageyama begins to remove his clothes. I turn my back heading towards the bathroom wanting to jump him myself.

I set the bag down before pulling out my phone. I walk over making sure the bathroom door is locked in case Kageyama can't wait and tries to open the door.

Hinata: Noya, should I put on makeup or no?

Noya: You are about to do it now?

Hinata: Yes but I wasn't sure if I should put on makeup. I bought some just in case.

Noya: Ah you are a total freak! Yes put on the makeup, it will add more to the look. Is it wrong that I want a picture

Hinata: Yes! I'm a married man

Noya: Alright, you can't blame a man for trying. Put the makeup on first and then the clothes

Hinata: Gotcha

I pull out the make up palette I purchased earlier last week. I'm not going to do anything crazy with it. I just put on this peach tone colored that appears to make my eyes pop. I pull out a similar color in lip gloss. I look at myself and I have to admit I'm pretty cute. I have grown my hair back out to the length I had most of my life. It helps me to look young now that I am 27 years old. I pull out the two bows putting my hair up in pick tails in the front. I leave some out to cover my forehead as if I have bangs. The rest of my hair is left out. I put on the outfit feeling a little embarrassed but at the same time, I feel sexy. God, I hope Noya knows what he is talking about.

"I'm coming out," I tell Kageyama. I peek into the room before walking out. I see Kageyama sitting on the bed in his old volleyball uniform he can barely fit. Kageyama has gained weight but good weight, he works out weekly and it really shows. I'm sure he is super busy staring at me as I'm staring at him.