A/N – OMG I can't believe it…. Please see my end notes for details.

Title – New Beginnings

Summary"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings."


Three months later…


Little rant. "My turn!"

"No squirt. It's my turn." Teen Emma made a swipe for the favored yellow mug missing it by an inch as it was held out of reach. In the kitchen on a Saturday morning she was attempting to get some juice and cereal for breakfast while she waited for Mama to finish getting ready upstairs. They were all supposed to go shopping. Morning had been all but perfect save juice in her favorite mug, which was currently stuck in a pair of seven year old hands that would not let go.

Impish, little green eyes glittered. "Nuh-uh! Mommy said it was my turn." Little Emma slipped off her stool with her favorite mug in hand and made a beeline for the dining room door. She squealed when she was caught under her arms and lifted up. Resting on a hip, her knees hugged a red leather jacket and pouted when the mug was plucked from her hands.

"Hey kid, what are you doing with my mug?" Sheriff Emma Swan Mills made a show of giving a squeaky kiss to a cheek as little one made grabby hands for the mug she held up and out. "Hey!" Her head snapped left when her game of keep away was interrupted and the mug was taken from her hand.

"I'll just take that thank you very much!" Teenager darted to the fridge and poured her juice before either pair of watching green eyes could blink.

"No fair!" Two pink mouths moved simultaneously.

"What is not fair?" Mal asked entering the kitchen through the archway. Eying two of her girls pouting and one grinning before pouring herself another cup of coffee. Sure already by the looks of it she would need another cup soon for a triple shot caffeine boost.

Big Emma harrumphed, much as the little one disgruntled in her arms did. "She took my mug."

"Nuh-uh. My mug Mommy." Little one chimed in, reaching for the Dragon. "You said I could use it this morning."

Sheriff easily handed the seven year old off to her Mom's waiting arms and rounded the counter to get her own much needed mug of caffeine. Filling a white cup she took the first sip and sighed. It never tasted quite the same coming from a different color. That had not changed with her growing up and all parts of her separating. Still very much herself with memories and mind intact, but the two extra minds and hearts she had been sharing residence with each got their own home once the potion was consumed. She caught the knowing smirk coming from the teenager and rolled her eyes with a smirk of her own right back.

Mal heard a rehash of the whole story from three very different perspectives and looked about as three fingers pointed in varying directions as answer to her question. With a small laugh Dragon waved her hand and conjured two replicas of the favored mug. "There you are my darlings. Problem solved." She settled little one in her lap. Beginning to sip coffee and doing her crossword puzzle as her girls each enjoyed morning drinks in their very own yellow mug.

Adult Emma looked about taking in the scene all the while smiling into her coffee. It had taken some getting used to, a small learning curve for all parts of her, but they had found a rhythm with each other that was beautiful to watch unfold. That and the addition of two rooms with an extra bathroom added onto the house with the help of Gepetto and a little magic. They each now had their own version of the lavender room, original one going to the littlest one along with Jasper met no arguments. Having her own space again felt wonderful and being able to be a part of her counter parts childhoods was incredibly satisfying. She adored the role of 'big sister' and that term seemed the most natural thing to think of themselves as to each other. Still too of the steady attention and care she got even at this age from her Moms.

That hadn't changed at all.


Mom's question brought Sheriff's attention back to the moment. "Yeah?"

"Will you go see if Mama needs help bringing down the laundry?" Mal shifted a chatty little one to her other knee.

"Sure thing." Draining her coffee mug, Sheriff set it down just as teen feet zoomed past her.

"I got it Mom!" Teenager called from the base of the stairs.

"Hey—Mom asked me!" Taking off in mock chase, big Emma struggled to catch up with her sister as they began to race up the stairs.

"Walk please!" Mal called from the kitchen, shaking her head after them.

At the top of the landing, Regina heard them before she saw the blonde storm coming her way. Pausing with a basket, she set it down and simply waited for the two bodies barreling toward her to stop, but each was so engrossed in racing the other they nearly collided with her on the top step. Regina stepped aside just in time, bracing herself with a protective arm across her middle against the wall so she did not fall as two sets of feet stumbled over the basket and halted in a pile of tangled limbs at her feet. She crossed her arms and regarded both pairs of sheepish green eyes looking up.

Waving. "Hi Mama." Teenager tried.

"We were just…" Sheriff chimed in and then they both got the eyebrow.

"On your feet please, both of you." Regina waited for her girls to stand. "Is that any way to go up the stairs?"

"No Mama." Two mouths moved. And then just a teenage one. "But Mom said to come help you."

"Correction." Big Emma countered. "Mom asked me."

Arms crossed. "I wanted to help too."

Sheriff huffed. "It was my turn."

"Was not." Teen shot back.

"Was too."

"Enough." Regina held up a hand, fighting back an amused grin. She took a breath to school her face. Somehow watching Emma argue with herself was always comical. It took her right back to the spelled reality and watching the rapid shifts that used to occur between little and adult. "You both can help and no more running on the stairs. Understood?"

"Yes Mama." Both again.

"Alright." Regina gestured to the basket at her feet, nodding to her teenager. "Please take this down to the laundry room for me." Adding a gentle pat to a behind for emphasis to walk as feet moved quickly to obey.

"What can I do?" Sheriff asked almost quietly as dark eyes found hers.

"There is another basket in your bathroom that needs to come down."

"On it and sorry Mama." Emma shrugged. "I love her to pieces, but sometimes she just gets to me and I can't help it." Said with an apologetic smile as a hand cupped her cheek. She leaned into that touch.

"You have been patient and wonderfully so with both of them my girl." Regina kissed just above where her thumb stroked a cheek. "This has been quite the adjustment for all of us the last few months, has it not?"

"Mmhhm. I love it though. All of it and them." Grinning, Emma leaned in for a hug and was wrapped up easily. Then she felt movement against her and pulled back to put careful hands on the rounding swell of her Mama's stomach between them. "I feel her."

Regina chuckled, which only had the baby kicking more where Emma's hands were resting. "She is certainly excited to meet you."

"Me too." Leaning down to kiss where her hands were Emma lingered a moment longer and then went down the hall. Returning with the basket propped on her hip. As Emma passed her Keeper and a similar love tap her sister had gotten found her behind on the way down stairs.

She smirked. Some things never changed.


"How do you know?" Little Emma asked and watched as the teenager adjusted a helmet that matched her own. She sat on her bike, slowly rocking back and forth in the driveway. It was a bright Sunday afternoon and she had just joined her sister out front after spying the teenager working on something. Quick feet to the garage and she donned her helmet and rolled her bike out to join in.

"I know 'cause I made it." Teen assured as she studied the ramp ahead. Made out of a piece of plywood and several two by fours she'd found by the shed. It was an easy enough jump.

Little Emma nodded, accepting that. If it came from that mouth she believed it and wanted very much to emulate everything the girl next to her did and seemed to confidently know to be true. "I wanna try it too."

"No can do squirt. You're too little." Blonde curls shook in the soft breeze.

Little eyes narrowed. "Am not." Then grasped for logic that made sense only to her. "If I am too little then you are too."

"Hardly. Just watch me." Teenager began peddling quickly. As her front tire hit the ramp she stood up and jumped the bike over the one foot ledge to land on the ground a ways away from the ramp. Braking hard, she swerved her wheels to a halt and looked back with a huge grin. "See?"

"Whoa!" Little Emma did see and wanted to do the same, but before her small feet could begin moving the brakes on her bike locked. Glaring up, she caught traces of white sparkles leaving a teenage palm. "Hey, you're not supposta do magic without asking Moms." Rule for both of them she knew by heart.

"True squirt, but you were not listening." Teenager hopped off her bike and wheeled it back over to the little girl, now regretting showing off when it had yielded the pout looking up at her. "And they said I could if I was watching you." Sort of anyway. There was more to it, and she had not been in fact asked to babysit today. Moms inside and teen suspected one of them would be checking any minute as was frequent habit whenever one of them was out here.

Teen shouldn't have been jumping period and hadn't planned to in front of anyone. Out sketching in the backyard after lunch Emma had eyed the pile of wood lying there from a recent project her Moms had been doing with raised garden beds. She had gotten the idea from a recent movie she and Maeve had been to see and wondered if she could do something similar. Wanting to show her friend, to be girlfriend—when she was sixteen, sighs—a new trick. Testing out her theory had been a success, albeit a bit of a wobbly one. Boards not anchored to anything, wrong angle or move and the ramp would collapse. Then her little sister had come out to play and wanted to ride bikes too. Now there would be no more jumping and she certainly wouldn't let the squirt pouting at her get hurt.

"I'm gonna tell!" Little one hopped off the bike, magic keeping it upright as she ran for the house.

Teenager groaned and quickly began to take off her helmet and left it on top of her bike. Following up the steps and into the foyer. She heard the end of whine coming from the living room where her Mama sat with a pile of embroidery in a lap. Dark eyes met hers with a quiet question as little ones glared her way.

"She used magic and wouldn't let me play Mama."

"Is this true sweet girl?" Regina asked with a nod to the little one leaning heavily into her side.

Teenager tried not to roll her eyes at that version of events and succeeded. "From her perspective, I guess so."

"And what about your perspective?" Asking Queen held a finger to hush little lips to give her other girl a chance to speak.

"I was messing around in a way she shouldn't be copying and I used magic to lock the brakes on her bike because she wasn't listening when I told her no." Shrugging as her Mama's head tilted to the side. "I didn't want her hurt." Being protective over little one came naturally, even when said little one ratted her out.

"I see." Regina said and she did, more than either of them. Turning back to the child pawing her arm, she cupped a chin. "You and I have spoken quite a bit lately about tattling, have we not baby?" Adjustment of having siblings living in the same house little one was still adapting too.

"But Mama…" A small whine. Then nodding when that gaze did not waver. "Yeah we have."

Regina reached to undo the chin strap of a Wonder Woman helmet and took it off. "And when is tattling okay to do?"

"If someone is gonna get hurt." Tiny grumble.

"Was magic used to keep you safe?" Regina asked setting the helmet aside.

"Yeah, but she wasn't being safe too." Small finger pointed across the room and it was caught to be lowered as the hand on her lower back patted gently in warning.

"And that is between her and me." Regina confirmed. "Besides it is time for your nap. Mom is upstairs in her office and will tuck you in." Explaining as a low tired whine came from a pink mouth. Leaning in, she tapped her cheek. "Give Mama a kiss and go on up." Already sending a mental note to Mal on a physic thread connecting their minds to expect their littlest girl. She gave a hug and kiss in return, waiting until one of her babies was gone before beckoning her other one. "So tell me what you meant by messing around in a way you shouldn't have been." Patting the cushion next to her hip.

Sighing Emma sank onto the couch and explained the movie stunt and how she wanted to see if it was possible. How she had shown off at the challenge made and then stopped little feet from mimicking her actions. As she finished she watched her Mama watching her and wondered if she was in trouble.

"You made some good and not so good choices." Regina began and wrapped her arm around the girl. "Using magic to protect your sister was the right thing to do in the moment if one of us is not close enough to help you when she is not listening. The ramp on the other hand..."

"I know." Slumping, Emma fell back against a shoulder to snuggle in. "I won't do it again."


"Alright?" Sitting up Emma wasn't sure she heard right. "As in I'm not in trouble alright?"

"No, you are not in any trouble." Assuring as she kissed blonde curls. "You took ready responsibility for yourself and made a good choice to protect your sister and told me what was going on without any attitude or tone. That will always be alright."

"I'll take down the ramp." Warming under the praise. "And put up our bikes too Mama." Intent behind her actions mattered, she remembered, as much as how she explained her feelings. Easier and easier to do and remember as time went on.

"That would be helpful, thank you baby." Regina tucked a loose blonde curl behind an ear and gave another kiss to a dimpled cheek. So much progress had been made with all her girls and teenager especially. "I'm proud of you."

Blushing. "Me? For what?"

"Being so adaptable with the adjustments in the last three months, how protective and helpful you've been with your sister and me. You really are growing up." Explaining as she looked between green.

"Does that mean I can start driving the Bug when I get my learners permit?"

Months away—thanks the gods—Regina chuckled. "Let's start with the first day of 9th grade. That is about as far thinking as I am able to do this moment."

Leaning in with a kiss of her own. "Deal Mama."


On a night that should have been an easy and quiet one in the mansion was anything but. An epic battle was about to commence. Little arms crossed and so did big ones in a lavender room. Height and weight difference mattered not in this fight. An equal standoff of Emma versus Emma and they were both determined. To. Win.

"Kid, I'm telling you." Sheriff arched a brow much as she had seen their Mama do to get compliance. "You won't win." Somehow it never worked quite the same way when she did it, but she had quickly been running out of options.

"Don't hafta listen to you." Seven year old was sure of the fact this moment. "I want Moms."

Sighing, Emma knelt down to be level with fuming green eyes. "You needed to be in bed a half hour ago. They always, always check on you too, but they won't be happy if you are not where you're supposed to be." Offered to watch her sisters while her Moms had a much needed night out, she had. 'I'll be fine' she said. 'Easy' she said. Sighing she shifted in her kneeling position as the girl seemed to be thinking on her words. Teenager was proving far easier than little one when she'd suspected the opposite originally.

"Wanna stay up too." Little Emma backed away from the adult in front of her and tried to side step out of the room when a teenage head popped around the door blocking her path. She readily backed up.

"You still up squirt?" Teen brushing teeth smirked at the stand-off she'd overheard from the bathroom.

Small brows narrowed and a lip stuck out. Yawn fought back, little one said nothing, just crossed her arms tighter.

Looking to the adult and speaking around a toothbrush. "Moms are not gonna be—"

Sheriff stood up and turned to begin shooing teen out of the room. "I got this. Go finish up and get in bed." Rolling eyes much like the teenager leaving.

One down, one to go. Big Emma turned back around to try again, but the room was empty. 'Crap.' Looking under the bed and in the closet yielded no little one. A hand scratched her head and she went down the hall to look. Nothing and no one in master suite or Mom's office. Finally knocking on an open door to another lavender room, though this one a combo of mostly a grayish lavender with yellow accents. In the middle of the room on a twin bed with silver duvet teenager sat with sketch book in lap. "Did the kid come in here by chance?"

Teen jaw dropped. "You lost her? For reals?"

"I didn't lose her… Maybe." Emma ran her hands through her hair, heart beginning to beat faster. "I think she's playing hide and seek or something."

"Or something." Muttered teen as she set the sketchbook aside. "Ten bucks and I'll help you find her?" She'd help anyway, but thought to ask.

"I don't need your help." Stating as Sheriff checked another closet and under a bed. No child, she stood. A glance at her watch. Moms were due home by 9:00. A side eye. "Ten bucks."

"Mmmm, you took too long." Pretending to think it over teen tapped a chin. Mom always said go big or go home. "How about twenty?"

"But that's…" Faltering, but not all the way. Mama always said compromise is key. "Fifteen. Final offer." Hand out.

Shaking, teen grinned. "Deal, but I would have helped you anyway." And she scurried out of the room as the pillow on her bed was thrown at her in jest. Then they both began searching. Twenty minutes later and no little Emma they both began to worry. They had checked everywhere; every cabinet, room—under and in everything, back yard and front and no squirt to be had. Calling, coaxing, promising treats. Teen returned from the Study shaking her head, meeting her big sister in the foyer. "Nothing. It's like she disappeared."

Adult Emma sank on the bottom step of the grand staircase, face in hands. She felt tears pricking. One night she had been left responsible, offered to be so her Moms could have a little time with just them and she had screwed up.

"We need to call Moms." Teen hand rested on a dejected shoulder just as the front door opened. They both stood up and there must have been such a look on their faces that set the ones to worry staring back at them.

"What's happened?" Regina slipped out of her coat easily with Mal's help. Going right to her girls, as big Emma fell into her arms just as easily as teen leaned into Dragon's.

Sheepish and small, Sheriff tried to explain. "I kinda lost the kid."

"What?" Both women asked just a puff of little white smoke cleared.

"Mama! Mommy!" Little arms wrapped around royal legs. "You're home!" Then all eyes were on her and she shrank under them, trying to hide behind those legs when she realized, but she was caught by her shoulder and drawn out by Mama. Then trying for cute; eyes went wide and she waved to the room. "Hi."

"Hi yourself." Regina leaned down a bit, hands braced on her thighs. "You are supposed to be in bed asleep baby." Looking between little green eyes. "And poofing besides—are you allowed to do that without supervision?"

"No Mama." A hand went to a pouting mouth to cover.

Trying to be helpful teen explained. "Moms, she was hiding again and we have been looking and calling for like twenty minutes..." and felt her shoulder squeezed once. Turning to find blue eyes on her she quieted.

"Let's get you squared away my darling while your Mama takes care of your sisters. Go say good night." Mal directed and waited for hugs to be given before following teen feet upstairs. Over her shoulder she called. "Regina love, let me know…" No need to finish as Queen nodded and she kept on.

Amber eyes moved from the stairs back to little one sulking at her feet and to her girl who looked more than frazzled. Taking an adult hand Regina squeezed once. "Why don't you go take a shower, get comfy and we will finish that movie we started last night." Grateful eyes meeting hers said everything as did the kiss to her cheek.


"If you'd like." A smile for a smile Regina gave and waited for her girl to head upstairs. Then she gave eyes back to her little one, extending a hand.

Emma sucked her bottom lip in and asked. "I wanna watch too Mama?"

"The only place you are going is right to bed young lady." Shaking her head at the half sorry stubborn gaze looking up. "Perhaps tomorrow you and I may watch a movie. Firstly, before anything, you and I need to have a chat."

Little shoulders dropped, but took that offered hand. "I'm in trouble huh?"

"Should you be?" Asking more for the sake of doing so to gauge where a little mind was as she led them into her Study and closed the door.

A shrug for her question and Regina sat on the sofa, taking a minute to put a stiff pillow behind her back. Moving slower than usual, but just as fluid, she patted her lap and Emma came to perch, less room there with her new addition, but child still fit right there as if it had always been. A little hand went right to her gold birthstone necklace gifted in another life that never seemed like such anymore. Emma fingered the new stone there at the base of her throat; a sapphire for Mal and she suspected she'd be adding another peridot near the one she already had to represent Henry for the new baby due in three months.

Emma's silver bracelet and swan pendent had been shared. Little one shook the bracelet around a wrist now, much as her bigger girl did the pendent around a long pale neck when either was under any kind of a rebuke. Wanting each part of Emma represented and honored; Mal and she had gotten their teenager a ring last birthday. A pair of silver swan wings on a simple rose gold band with diamond chips. Something unique and special from both of them had meant so much to that sensitive heart.

Regina's thoughts returned to the present as little one wiggled on her knee. Covering that small hand over her necklace with her own, she tried again. "Tell Mama why you were poofing when I know we have had more than one discussion on doing so on your own."

"I was just playing around." Swinging legs, Emma tried to duck her chin, but it was lifted with a single finger. "I was though Mama."

"Playing around way past your bed time. One I suspect you were trying to avoid, is that right sweet one?"

Teeth bit a lip. "Kinda, but..."

"And what did Mama tell you before we left for the night?" Thumb stroked a cheek gently coaxing.

"To listen and do what I'm asked to do." Reciting clearly the expectation she'd been told.

"Did you do either of those things?"

A little huff. "Mostly until not. But I didn't wanna go to sleep yet."

"Your bedtime is not negotiable, nor is listening and following directions." Regina explained. Patient even when arms crossed and a chin pulled away. Stubborn, especially when tired her little one was. "When you are asked to do something by someone who is watching you Mama expects you to behave. Hiding, especially with magic without telling anyone, is not a safe thing to do. We have talked about that specifically before haven't we?"

Little brows knit tight and Emma grumbled. "Don't like talking."

Prompting once more. "You need to change your tone when you are speaking to me baby. I asked you a question. Try again please."

"We have talked before 'bout it." Agreeing as much as she was able, little one did try again without the whine.

Regina accepted that and continued coaxing thoughts along. "How would you feel if Mama played hide and seek without telling you and you called and called and I didn't come out?"

A wiggle and wide eyes looked up. "Scared and sad." Then thinking as her actions to two sets of green eyes staring at her when she had poofed back registered. "I didn't mean to make them feel that way Mama." Blinking back warmth behind her lids.

Glad to see the connection, Regina continued. "You are still learning to use your magic and you are only allowed to poof when an adult is present and only if you get permission unless you are in an unsafe situation and need to get away." One caveat to poofing freely for her younger girls. Complicated magic could get messy very quickly without careful observation. She wanted to be clear that it was the act of poofing and not the use of magic on it's own that was the reason for her upset.

Sniffling and tucking in as her cheek was kissed. "I'm sorry."

Regina nodded. "And you may tell them that in the morning baby." Awareness of actions realized she lifted Emma up to stand, taking both hands in her own. "If we have to talk about poofing to hide again or without supervision you will be getting a consequence for that. Do you understand?"

Nodding. "Yes Mama."

"Right now you are going to spend a few minutes in time out thinking about what we just talked about and then Mama will tuck you in. Tomorrow—"

"But I don't wanna time out."

Gently firm to such tired eyes. "That is not your choice little miss swan." Then finishing with the rest. "Tomorrow you will also be going to bed earlier for getting such a late start tonight." Knowing little one would well conk out before 8:00 the next night as late as it was getting on now.

On a cusp of a mini melt down Emma bounced on her feet in upset between a pair of knees. "Noooo."

"Emma." Warning, but little one was not having it as the whining continued.

"No." A foot stomped and then another.

Seeing Emma needed a bit more Regina met little one where child was at. Long time since a reset and she suspected the underlying more to the tantrum than Emma was able to say. Child pushing her for the line to be defined yet again, she was sure with the changes they were all still settling into.

"Last time I will tell you. Go to your corner please." Restating and waiting.

Lip out. "No time out Mama."

Then Emma found herself turned gently by the shoulder. Mama's left arm came across her tummy wrapping around her waist holding her firmly in place against an inner thigh. Emma started to protest again, but stilled when she felt two firm pats against her PJ covered behind and curled her toes as her hands hugged that arm to her heart. She whimpered and stopped her fit entirely.

Ducking her chin to chest Emma was pulled in closer for a hug as her back was rubbed and the tears she had been holding back came falling down. On the rare occasion she was given any form of a reminder it never took much to get her tears going anymore. Easier to let go and just be now that she was here with her Moms consistently and not absent in the span of shifts. Emma reached up to hug a neck, cheek against a shoulder as she sniffled. Behind patted gently and Emma calmed under that action as lips came to rest at her temple.

"Sorry Mama." Ready to try again now that the edge was off. Wound up, now wound down she felt better as those kissing lips whispered softly against her skin.

"That's my good girl." Pulling back, Regina summoned a tissue and dabbed little eyes. "Are you ready to do your timeout now?" A nod given she finished wiping a pink nose. "Seven minutes my little love." Watching as Emma went to stand, she set her watch.

Waiting quietly as child completed the think time tasked with Queen sat back against the couch in thoughts of her own. Snow's words about soon having an infant, a seven year old and a fourteen year old with Emma's adult side in house made her smile at how much she had not realized would indeed change if that was the case all at once. Said seemingly so long ago, words came rushing in with a warmth that tucked right around her heart. Now as they were she could not imagine it any other way. Had never once thought so long ago when she had been working on the do over spell for Emma in her vault just how much of a turn her life would take.

One question asked by pink lips under aching green eyes. One answer when she had opened her heart to the idea and here they were. Within another version of the do over they had found home again bursting in the richness of their different loving. So much love and all theirs, together, as a family.

Watch beeping and Regina opened her eyes back to the room and her arms to the child now watching her from the corner. Emma came easily and much calmer to tuck up under her chin just as a knock sounded at the door. Giving a kiss she called out. "Come in."

"Mama?" Big Emma popped her head around the door, smiling softly at the sight of little arms around a neck. "Sorry to interrupt, but Mom was wondering if you wanted any tea and I wanted to know if you wanted me to set up that foot bath thing you got from Snow for your birthday while we watch?"

A ready chuckle Regina nodded. "Yes to both please. That sounds wonderful. I am just going to tuck this sweet one in and I'll be there after a while."

"Sounds good." Then hesitating at the door. "Hey kid?"

Damp green eyes pulled away from dark hair and looked up. "Yeah?"

"I'm glad you didn't disappear for reals. I'd miss ya too much." Her big smile seemed to brighten that little face she adored so much. "Love you. Sleep tight kid." Leaving them then to go set up the foot bath.

Regina stood, taking up a small hand. "Let's get you tucked in baby." A fist rubbed eyes under her words as she led the way to the stairs and up to the lavender room.

Emma waved to Jasper and readily hopped into bed when the covers were pulled back. Swan night light came on and the covers were pulled up under her chin. Given Stitchy to hold she snuggled down as Mama sat on the side of her bed. Loose curls from her braid were tucked behind her ear and Emma leaned into that hand.



"When the baby is born and grows up like me will she get timeouts too?"

Regina laughed softly. "I imagine one day she will be quite the little mischief maker like someone else I know." A sure spitfire combo of both her and Mal she was expecting no less.

"I'll help her stay outta trouble." A yawn. "I'll be a good big sister." Eyes closing she turned over, curling into her Mama."

Leaning down, Regina rested her lips to a forehead, kissing and then rubbing noses gently as Emma began to drift off. Then soft and sure. "You already are Emma." Speaking to more than one of her babies in the room.


Emma tapped her pencil against her spiral notebook and sighed. Teen eyes skimmed the math book full of problems she didn't want to solve. A giggle caught her attention and she looked up from her place snuggled up against the arm of the couch in the Study to see her Mom playing some kind of block game on the floor in front of the hearth with her little sister. Mama was lounging on the chaise wrapped in a knitted blanket with a book watching the scene too. After dinner and they were all relaxing cozy in the room they often found themselves in lately.

Mama seemed to prefer the small comforts of this room and naturally they all gravitated toward wherever Mama wanted to be. She adored this quiet time with her family, even when she was annoyed at having to finish her homework, which she had chosen to put off until after dinner in favor of playing video games at Justina's house after school. Reminded of the fact she still had this task to do twenty minutes ago, she would rather be doing anything else. She dropped her pencil then and sighed as the Study door opened and her big sister walked in.

Sister; she smiled into her shirt sleeve, ducking her chin. When they had all split months ago that was the most natural thing to think of themselves as. Still part of each other, but each their own person. She liked not being the oldest, nor the youngest. There was something incredibly special about being in the middle, the best of both worlds. Old enough to do more and still young enough to get away with a few things for years yet.

Teen watched as drinks were handed around from a tray. Her Mama a steaming mug of tea, Mom coffee and little one a juice box. Then a mug was handed to her. A yellow one with a rich chocolate scent covered with marshmallows and cinnamon just how she liked it. The couch sank nearby and she noticed that the adult sitting next to her had the exact same drink as she. Sameness in yellow too.

"Cheers mini me." Sheriff held up a mug in toast, an arm extending around a smaller set of shoulders.

Teen eyes misted and a ready smile bloomed as their mugs touched. Little things, always the little things meant so much more.


"Are you sure about that?" Little Emma asked as she watched the Sheriff closely for any waver in those eyes on her. They were at Granny's sitting in their family booth after school. Picked up by the Sheriff while her sister went to work on a project with Justina and Dragon finished up in a meeting.

"Positive kid." Grinning big Emma handed a spoon to the little girl. "You are going down. Ready?" Getting a game nod. "Set… Go!" They each dug into a huge banana split with gusto. Eyes rolled into the back of her head at the rush of sugar hitting her tongue Emma sighed with absolute pleasure. "YUM!" Another bite, but now little one was several spoonfuls ahead of her.

Both spoons soon hit the bottom of bowls and two little hands shot into the air over a very chocolaty grin. "I win! I win!" Bouncing up on her knees in the booth, little one matched the high five coming from across the table. Then a hand shot out palm up. "Pay up."

"Ah, you got me kid." Emma gave over the promised quarter as little girl took it and began to make a beeline to the candy machine in the corner next to the jukebox. Shaking her head she laughed, going to the counter to pay for their treat. "Alright kid, we gotta get going." Holding out her hand, she accepted the one that slipped easily into her own and readily pulled away looking at it and the matching sticky chocolate now on hers. "But first we'd better get you cleaned up some."

Turning to lead them to the restroom, Sheriff made quick work of wiping a face and washing their hands before they began walking home. Beautiful day and the walk was, too. They made it home just as the Royce was pulling into the drive way from the opposite side of the road. Both waving to the driver and meeting together on the front porch. Little one pulled away and ran for the Dragon.

"Hello my darlings." Mal greeted, scooping up the child and accepting a kiss on her cheek from little lips. "What have you two been up to?" When both girls looked at each other with matching impish grins she raised a brow as she keyed them all into the house.

"What? We've been angels haven't we kid?" Emma shrugged off her red leather jacket, taking her Mom's purse to help as her mini-mini me was set down.

"Un-huh, angels Mommy." A small mouth assured as she was helped off with her coat.

Then little Emma leaned in hugging Mommy's hips as hands came to rest on her head. Suddenly her tummy flipped and she grew quiet as the adults began talking about adult things. She followed them into the kitchen and sat on her stool as Mommy began prepping something. Then a small bowl of applesauce and a cup of milk were put in her place. She grimaced at it. After school snack standard and one she had forgotten about in the ice-cream challenge earlier. Her tummy flipped again.

"What's the matter darling?" The sick look was not missed by the Dragon, who automatically reached a hand out to feel for fever. Then turning to the Sheriff who was also starting to look a little green. Reaching again for another brow, Mal was glad at the lack of a fever present in either of them, still she frowned.

"Mommy I don't feel good." Little one slipped from a stool and went over to take a hand and hung there as her tummy played gymnast.

"Me either." Taking her Mom's other hand, Sheriff rested a forehead on Dragon's shoulder.

"Shall I try to guess or will one of you come right out with it?" Mal asked beginning to lead the way to the stairs.

Slow to answer until they were on the upstairs landing. "Ice-cream." Both pink mouths mumbled and followed their Mom down the hallway.

"And whose idea was that?"

Two fingers pointed and Dragon chuckled, shaking her head.

"Too much ice cream I think." Mal mused. "And much too quickly consumed I'd wager."

"Then you win Mom." Emma groaned and clutched her middle.

"Mommy always wins." A small chime. "Is there such a thing as too much ice-cream?" Little one asked as they were walked right into the master suite and directed both to sit on the bed.

"Sometimes too much of a good thing is not so good for us my little love." Mal explained as both her girls fell backwards down on the bed clutching too full stomachs as she knelt. Starting with tall brown boots, Mal eased them off a pair of wiggling feet. Then she moved to do the same to her little one with a much loved pair of Converse. Shoe free both Emma's scooted to the middle of the bed by the headboard. Both going for the body pillow Regina had taken to sleeping with in this late stage of pregnancy. Each claimed one side of it, nearly hugging each other.

Mal left the room for a moment and returned with two small pink filled cups of Pepto-Bismol. Sitting on the side of the bed, she set one on the nightstand and gently coaxed big Emma to take the medicine. Easier one first was met with only the merest of grumbles as the cup was taken from her, but not consumed. Then she held up a cup to her little one, who covered a mouth with a pillow.

"It will help your tummy relax." Mal coaxed looking between two sets of unsure green eyes and nodded encouragingly. Then pillow was dropped and both cups of pink liquid disappeared. "Good girls."

"Thanks Mommy." Snuggling down again, little one began to yawn.

"Yeah, thanks Mom." Murmured as her back was rubbed by a knowing hand.


Sheriff Emma Swan Mills sighed as she stole a peek over her shoulder in the Study and readily turned right back around when a finger twirling reminded her where her focus should be. The joint corner of the walls met her gaze and she tried to be still as she thought about why she was here.

Rare early evening when it was just the two of them; Mom out with the girls running errands. Emma had been watching TV and scrolling Tumblr on her phone when her Keeper had asked for her help with a chore. In the middle of reading a post and sucked into the mindlessness of it after a long day at the station she had begged a few minutes to finish. Granted time ten minutes later the request came again and again she had asked for more time. Whining as she was prone to doing when she was tired or hyper focused in such a way she was being pulled out of it. Snapping back, she had been redirected to rephrase her remark. Grumbling hadn't gotten her anywhere but a raised brow and further pushing had her sent to the Study with an unyielding pat to her behind for a timeout to rethink her tone.

Dynamic between them still strong and sometimes, sometimes, Emma just needed to know it was still there. Still under the many different layers of what they were to each other. The foundation of whom and what they were exactly, she felt watching her from across the room. Then again in the voice calling her.

"Come here Emma."

Turning to obey, Emma walked the well known path to the sofa and readily her hands were taken. Their eyes met and known as she was in them Emma began tearing up. "I just needed…" Then those arms opened and she fell into her Mama, carefully into those arms as she sank onto the couch and rested her head on an ever waiting lap. Her hair stroked and tears slowed. Sometimes she just needed to be reminded where the line was and who would help her stay on the right side of it.

"I know baby."

Emma closed her eyes nuzzling her cheek into a knee. Mama did know and always would exactly what she needed.


Three months later…


August was a beautiful month in Storybrooke. End of it warm, but season getting ready to turn in favor of the golds and reds of autumn. Fresh starts like a new school year filled the seaside town with busy life. Fourteen year old Emma Swan Mills loved the fall. Sitting next to her very pregnant Mama, Snow and baby Ruthie on a bench in the park, her adept hands sketched Neal and David playing soccer in the distance.

Her fingers shaded grass on the page and moved across it to add a few more details. Green eyes shining as she studied the field and laughed at her Mom missing an easy pass of the ball kicked by the Sheriff. Big sis was a badass at soccer, teen had come to learn. Sometimes they would play in the back yard after dinner when the Sheriff got home from work and little one would join in too.

Teen was looking forward to her birthday in a few months and then after, of the learning permit she would get. Already promised she could drive the yellow bug, much to her Moms' displeasure by the sheriff. They were secretly in cahoots plotting a way around the 'no' told to them both that would surely end them both in some kind of trouble.

Potion taken nearly six months ago had changed their lives and now Emma was exactly how she wanted to be; all three of her separated, present, and living the life each of them wanted. Fingers stalled in her work as seven year old ran over.

"Mama!" Teary eyed little Emma pointed to her scrapped knee.

"I saw you fall sweet one, come here." Regina patted the bench for little one to sit as the teen version beside her rolled eyes and kept on drawing. Hand began digging through her purse for a wet wipe and band-aid. Snow handed her both with a grin. "Thank you dear." As Regina cleaned a knee she welcomed her grown girl who jogged over with a smile.

Sheriff took in the bloody knee and the way little Emma was clinging to her Keeper's arm. "Hey kid, that is quite the scrap you got there." Kneeling down and helping by un-wrapping the band aid as their Mama finished cleaning it.

"Yeah, it hurts. I don't like soccer no more." Little one said with a pout, bottom lip out like a shelf.

"It's not so bad." Adult Emma explained. "But you can't let one fall get you down. You have to get up and get right back out there and try again."

Little one considered those words as her Mama kissed her cheek. Band-aid in place, she felt better already. "Maybe."

"Besides." The Sheriff explained. "I need my best kicker back on my team. Mom and David are going down and it's our kick from the sideline. What'd ya say little swan?"

"Okay!" Game face on under that encouragement little one ran back to the field.

Regina chuckled, catching her grown girl's hand with a squeeze. "I seem to remember telling you the exact same thing a few years ago. Do you remember?"

Big Emma grinned down at her Keeper. "I do. I had fallen off the swings at the park and you insisted I get right back on them when I didn't want to." Giving a squeeze right back. "I never forget anything you tell me or teach me."

"I…" Regina grimaced, losing her words, sharp pain in her lower back stole her breath.

Sheriff knitted brows and knelt in front of her Keeper as Snow and teen echoed her question. "You okay?"

Dragon appeared in a puff of blue smoke, sensing a change in her love from across the field. Wide smile as she caught her Queen's more than ready grin of return. "It's time."


Adult Emma paced the small waiting room set aside for their family at the hospital. Left to watch the two younger ones as David went to get coffee and Snow a snack for Neal and Ruthie. She eyed the clock ticking and nearly jumped out of her skin as the door opened and Dragon entered.

"Is she…" Sheriff trailed off in a near sulk as her Mom's head shook.

Teen laughed, but held concern in eyes. "Mama kicked you out again, huh Mom?"

Mal, amused at how clearly her teenager read the situation, offered a smile. "She did darling. But I have a feeling I will be called back in again here soon." Pattern having happened a few times in the last several hours as the Queen's mood rolled up and down like a coaster contraction by contraction. Little one, carrying Stitchy sided up to her and she lifted the child up onto her lap and gave a kiss. "And how are you holding up my little darling?"

"Good Mommy." Seven year old snuggled in. "How much longer? Mama is taking for—ever."

Adult Emma laughed. "She sure is kid. Maybe something got stuck."

Little brows furrowed. "Stuck where? Mommy what's she mean?"

"She's joking. Aren't you Emma." Mal rubbed a small back, brow raised in warning, though she smiled.

Catching Mom's chiding eye the Sheriff blushed. "Yeah kid I'm just teasing. I think I'm going to help David find the coffee machine. Either of you wanna go?" In sudden need of caffeine herself. Teen shook a head, but little one jumped up running to take her hand.

"I do! Can I get hot coco?"

Sheriff looked to Dragon and getting a nod of permission smiled down. "Looks like that's a yes kid. And we'll even bring some back for Miss Grumpy Pants over there too." Smirking that she'd finally got the teenager's attention as a pointed tongue stuck out in response to her jest. She stuck hers right back out with a wink and left with little Emma, who did the same, in tow.

Room empty save for the two of them, Mal gave eyes to the quiet teenager in the next chair. "And how are you, sweetheart? You've been quiet since we've gotten here." Reaching an arm around and pulling close.

"Is Mama really okay?" Searching blue for truth. "She's gotta be in like a lot of pain."

Mal kissed Emma's forehead, lingering as she answered. "She is the strongest woman I know my sweet. She will be just fine. Now back to you. How are you doing?"

"I've been thinking a lot about the past. A lot has changed and it will again when the baby is here." Dropping her drawing pencil in favor of rubbing her hands on her skinny jeans.

"It has quite a bit and yes we will all need to learn to adjust some once we bring your sister home." Validating as she rubbed up and down Emma's arm in assurance. "Change though is really just one of the constants in life. And it always comes with a choice; you can embrace it or you can fight it."

Emma thought hard on those words, sensing a significance there needing to be understood. When she thought she did, she leaned her head against a shoulder she had come to count on always being there. "I think I'm done fighting it Mom."

Resting her head against Emma's, Mal took up the girl's hand, bringing knuckles up to her lips to kiss. "So you are my sweet darling, so you are."


"Remind me why I let you talk me into this?" Regina huffed and then grunted as another ripping twinge tore through her hips. Sweating and soaked she threw her head back with a small whimper on the pillow as Mal hovered over her. She squeezed Dragon's hand hard, knuckles white, as another contraction stole her breath.

"Because you wanted our baby and you my Queen always get what you—"

"Me—? This is all your fau—!" Snapping in pain Regina bore down hard, teeth near tearing her bottom lip. She insisted on no drugs, nothing to dim the experience she had always wanted to have; now here, she wondered over her choice. Red and raw clouded her vision as another wave of heat passed through her body. Then crying for how she had snapped at her love. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Doctor in mask and nurses buzzed about. One adjusted the IV and another diligently was watching stats. Another readying a station for the new baby. All of them faded away as Mal focused solely on the mother of her child to be. Dragon well use to her Queen's shifts in moods only smiled, kissing a damp temple. "One more push, one more and our daughter will be here ready for your arms."

Wilting at the prospect of more pushing after seven hours of labor Queen shook her head. "I can't, I don't think I can…" Tears slipped and her lungs burned. Tired, so damn tired.

Sitting behind Regina in the hospital birthing room as they had practiced Mal poured her strength into the small woman between her legs. "You have conquered realms, come back from the darkness, saved Emma from hers, are a fantastic mother and you, my precious Queen, have carried our child safely for fourteen months under your beautiful heart." She held firm the hand clutching hers. "You can do anything you set your mind to. Come on Regina, sit up, bear down and push." Mal coached and helped Queen adjust for the final round. From her angle she could see the head crowning. Threading their fingers as one, together with one long agonizing push they welcomed their little girl into the world.


"She's perfect." Adult Emma cooed at the lovely sweet bundle of joy cradled in her arms. "Yes you, kid." Beaming up at Queen and Dragon. "She smiled at me!" The little purple and yellow bootie covered feet with blue bows kicked in her arms.

"Lemme see." The fourteen year old sided up next to her big sister and stood on tip toe to better see. "Awwww, she smiled at me too!"

"My turn, my turn!" Little Emma bounced as the adult holding the baby knelt down so she could see. Grinning as a pair of sky blue eyes under a mop of chocolate wispy curls looked back with a gummy mouth. "Me too! She likes me best I can tell!"

Mal smiled at all three of them and gestured to Regina on the bed as the baby began whimpering. "I think she might be ready to go back to Mama."

Sheriff handed off the baby to her Keeper's arms and shoved her hands in her pockets with a mischief filled grin. "Sooooo, her name…"

Regina caught Mal's eyes as their daughter settled in her arms and Dragon nodded in agreement. "You tell us my girl. I thought she told you long ago."

"She did." Confirming Adult Emma swung little one up to her hip and took up the teenagers willing hand. "Ready guys, just like we practiced okay?" Getting two eager nods they all began to speak.

"Sorry we're late!" Henry's rich voice rang in the room flanked by his wife and son along with his Grandparents and Neal. He beamed in his Mom's direction and went right over to the bed to look down at the newest member of the family. After a few quick hellos and hugs all around he gave his eyes to the tapping feet in the middle of the room and then right back to his Mom in question.

"We were just getting ready to learn the baby's name." Regina patiently explained, as Henry kissed her cheek. She nodded to her girls. "Go ahead my loves."

"Once upon a time…" All beginning as each of their stories did long ago. "A little girl was born to a Queen and a Dragon. Two Mothers and their Knights kept careful watch as she grew up. Their family was special, different, but always and forever their own way of loving. Where family means no one is left behind or forgotten. Sometimes there will be hardships to overcome because that is just how life is, but with hope backed by love anything is possible. And her name is Hope Amor Mills."

Big Emma finished a bit off from her little sisters and stood looking about the room, taking in the many hearts, smiles, and capacity for love filling this space. Then over to the fresh bundle cooing in her Mama's arms. Another once upon a time to their story gave a gummy smile there. She is a bright light and a happy second chance for all of them.

::::::::::::::: The End…. Or is it truly their beginning? ::::::::::::::::

A/N – Thank you for seeing their journey through with me. This has been nearly a year of my life sharing this trilogy with you. I hope you come away with my original intent behind this story; that we are all deserving of love, second chances, and to live our own beautiful truth however and with whomever we call family.

Please consider a review / comment and let me know how you are feeling! I so enjoy reading them. Many of you have asked if this is "truly the end?" I can't say when, but I don't think I will let go of them entirely. There may, down the road, be more adventures at some point. Subscribe to this part and you will be the first to know of any updates that may come as I will let you know by posting to the end of this story.

Much love and for now I hope you will join me on a completely new and separate adventure from this one here soon.

Look for my new story called – Of Daughters & Mothers – debuting next Saturday 12/8.

Synopsis - Regina and Snow White, both at their most vulnerable, must learn to work together to heal the broken past between them in a most unconventional way. Set mid season 2, right at the death of Cora. Regina's mother's last words of, "You would have been enough," begins a journey back in time to a cursed Storybrooke, long before Henry, when Regina awakens to find the woman responsible for the death of her Mother, now a child she is responsible for.

Both have all their memories intact. Will they survive each other and learn how to forgive or remain trapped in their worst nightmare? Flashbacks to a very different Enchanted Forest where their story began begins a tale of misunderstandings, love and heartache between Snow White and a perhaps a not so Evil Queen.

Much love,
